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Re: NutriiVeda - want testimonials from members

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I too was skeptical about the product when I first read about it. I

became a distibutor a few months ago largely so that I could save money


what I ordered, but it doesn't work that way. Oh well, I was only out

50.00 to do that, and will probably never use it (no time as a mother of


I have not sold this to anyone, although I have given it to friends with

special needs children. One did not react well on it, one refused

to drink it, and then there is my daughter. She seems to

be helped in some areas on it, and others are made worse. Her moods and

sensory problems are already pretty large, and you add

the NV and those areas seemed to be worse. However it did help her

speech. We now only do " shake " every once in a while, largely

due to the cost. She is also on the Complete 3-6-9 and EPA from Nordic

Naturals, and I did recently double her dose, and we saw a big

difference from that.

Hope that helps. I do think from the parents that I am in touch with on

here that it has dramatically improved several kids lives. I am

yet to see this as the life changer for mine at this time.

[ ] NutriiVeda - want testimonials

from members

Hi everyone,

Okay, I've done the research, and I'm feeling a bit skeptical.

When I asked

" what is NV? " I hoped to get a response describing WHAT it is

and pointing

me to the official website for the company and product. I did

finally find

those, but I had to discover them totally on my own.

Testimonials are

great, but they are not the WHAT about the product, they are

some people's

opinions as to WHY.

The two people who have shared with me thus far about NV both

have a

personal, vested interest in this product (one as a distributor

and one

whose name is all over the website I was linked to and who is

listed as a

contact by one of the founding physicians). I would really like

to hear

from families who have used NV with their apraxic children, and

who are NOT

trying to sell it to me. I am astonished at the cost. It would

eat up more

than 1/3 of my family's monthly food budget, and all that for

just one child

(we're a family of 5). I love her and absolutely want what is

best for her,

but I am not convinced this product is as safe or effective as

the claims

when considering the cost. Here is an obvious question that

comes to my

mind: if it is made up of 100% food and not supplements or


additives, then how can it have a 2 year shelf life? Foods that


nutritious and beneficial don't last that long on a shelf in my


I do hope there are answers to these questions. I do know there

are good

products out there, but since NV is part of an MLM structure, I

know that

means that it is not worth what you pay. Too many people have to

earn their

" net profits " (their piece of the pie) before the actual cost of

the product

is paid to the manufacturer.

I don't think I would be so skeptical if I could hear

testimonies from

people who are not already invested in the MLM part of this. And

there was

negative language about SPEAK shared, which has worked well for

my daughter.

We noticed a difference right away, and we ran out about two

weeks ago

(she's been on it for more than a year), and the week after we

ran out, she

started throwing the worst tantrums she's ever had and then

some! I

actually made the connection to the reduction in fish oil

supplements as the

possible cause because of how out of character her behavior was.

She lost

all ability to manage her emotions and behavior.

I am brand new to this forum and don't want to start off on the

wrong side

of things, but I hope it is an open forum where everyone is here

to help

everyone else and not just promote your products. Thanks for

taking time to

read this and offer your feedback.

Jodi in AZ - mom to 3 special needs kiddos:

Addy (9) deaf, adopted from Ukraine 2005 - speaks beautifully

though her

grammar is still developing

and Sophie (5.5) deaf, adopted from Russia 2007 (also dx with

apraxia) - can

barely speak intelligibly at all

and (7) being adopted from Arizona - ADHD, Bi-Polar -


incessantly! ;-)

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Three steps of truth: " First, it is ridiculed; " Second, it is vigorously

opposed; " Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. " ~ German philosopher

Arthur Schopenhauer

Well at least it seems we are up to step two.

Jodi the company that makes Zrii can't talk about what we are seeing in the kids

and teens with autism, seizures, apraxia, TBI etc and even seniors with

Alzheimer's Disease until there is research due to the FDA. I and other parents

and professionals who have used or who have patients or clients that used NV can

send anecdotal information -but right now that's all we have. The FDA or anyone

can fully check into any testimony they feel was only written for a " vested

interest " I fully understand that we live in a world that if it seems too good

to be true it must be a scam- but this is the real deal and the parents and

professionals you are reading testimonies from are members of this group and

there are only a handful that are distributors as it's a direct sales company

but most here are customers.

The company and the world renowned doctors behind NV

http://pursuitofresearch.org/advisors.html are fully aware of what we are doing,

there is research planned -we have to see what exactly it will be -but probably

those results and the awareness won't be out for about two years. We have close

to a thousand members from this group now using NV for one year now and no side

effects. It's a food. It comes with a money back guarantee. We have parents

seek approval from their child's pediatrician and of course bottom like is you

like all of us do what you believe is best for your child as we all do. Be

skeptical but please don't say nobody has tried to answer you to the best of

what we can offer you right now. And in addition I've run this group for a

decade and do personally know many of the members here. You may be new but this

isn't a commercial website it's a support source for Cherab and we are sharing

what we found with NV -just as we have for a decade with fish oils -and yes some

are still waiting for the research to back that up. There is a full list of

ingredients here http://pursuitofresearch.org/ingredients.html and information

to share with your doctor here http://pursuitofresearch.org/professionals.html

and theories as to why this may be working across the board and so quickly in

all these areas http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html here


The company launched NV for weight management and that information doesn't

really apply to most here as some parents who don't understand how this food

helps the body are nervous that it will make their child lose weight. It is not

a weight loss product -it won't make you lose weight if you need to gain. NV is

a whole food product that supports the metabolic system so if one needs to lose

or gain weight they will -but of course the average person today is not looking

to gain- and they say diabetes will double by 2020.

As far as expensive we have children going off seizure meds and yes reports from

professionals of children going from severe to mild apraxia in about 3 months.

I don't know what that's worth therapy wise -but in NV prices that is 40 bucks a

month for a child 3 and under -80 for a child 4 to 8 and 160 a month for a child

over 9.

I highly encourage all to try NV today -try it and blog all over if it doesn't

work -I'm asking you to do that because I know the success rate is pretty much

across the board and quick too. Hard to believe but easy to find out what I'm

saying is true and nothing to lose if what I'm saying isn't as we are getting it

out to our group at OUR distributor cost and again it comes with a money back

guarantee. If you buy the same product from the Chopra Center it's 107 dollars

for 2 canisters. So -yes dig and dig and dig and be skeptical -but be

intelligent about it too. Check it out with someone or many people you know

with backgrounds in medicine and nutrition. I checked it out with 9

professionals prior to starting -and at this point I've probably lost count how

many I've spoken to who are blown away impressed with NV. It's probably for a

reason that most of the parents currently using it as I've said many times are

higher educated from medical and educational backgrounds.

Expensive to me is Starbucks- something that you can make at home cheap and that

isn't good for you either. And in regards to cost as I sent out yesterday until

Sunday at midnight there is a short term special to try all three Chopra Center

formulated and endorsed products for 79 dollars which you can find at

http://www.wholefoodtherapy.com So you want to know about NV and our kids -call

the company -you right now are reading it from the source. I am the one that

discovered it and I am the one working with getting this validated. Hope that

helps but if not the good news is that even if you wait for a few years until

this is validated we know it's working for all ages- including teens and even

seniors -so no harm in not starting it sooner if you are willing to wait. (I'm

not and just want to say thank GOD again for NV for what it has done for my son

Tanner. PS I'm the co author of The Late Talker book and run Cherab -I'm

putting my entire reputation behind this product and knew I'd be attacked for

many reasons...but just like with the fish oils I don't care -laugh, attack,

whatever. I believe in NV and stand behind it with my heart and soul.

Oh and PS -just noticed you had your child on Speak and didn't say a word about

my son having regressions or about the link to all the other side effects

reported in this group including seizures. I took the time to answer you about

the SSS and was going to answer you more on that -but will include my last

message to you again as I will wait for you to acknowledge the rest of my

message to you as perhaps you didn't read it.


Jodi I am so sorry it took so long for them to diagnose your baby. My son

Tanner went to the Summit Speech School for the Hearing Impaired in Summit NJ

which is one of the top if not the top oral based schools for the hearing

impaired in the world. Tanner has normal hearing but I had a theory that if the

deaf world can teach someone like Helen Keller to speak -for goodness sake they

have to be able to teach my son Tanner who could see and hear! And that theory

as many now know is very sound. The same multisensory approaches used for the

hearing impaired population worked wonders for my son Tanner and many other

hearing as well as hearing impaired children with apraxia. Tanner went to SSS

for his preschool Early Intervention years -so I know quite a few children who

are deaf or hearing impaired with cochlear implants who were diagnosed with

apraxia- getting motor planning therapy. As Dr. Judy Flax once said on a TV

show we were on together 6 months is a lifetime for a child in regards to Early

Intervention so if they are not making progress we need to know why -examine

therapy, therapist, placement -even diagnosis. So again I am so sorry that it

took a year and a half to find out. I checked and both with that and the fact

you had your child on speak- I figured you were a new member as you are and

thank goodness you found us now!!

Please know that this group had what I would consider to be overwhelming

catastrophic side effects reported within days on the product you (in my opinion

thank GOD) ran out of. My son Tanner had massive regressions which to this day

I get emotional talking about. Not only in speech but in academics -just

everything. It's almost like the product not only regressed him but as if he

developed a sort of aphasia where he just kept forgetting very simple

things...like how to say the letter B (that one was like ice water to me after

he had been talking like this http://www.debtsmart.net/talk/tanner.html ) I had

to go to his school and present in front of the entire school -all the students

and teachers and head of school to explain why my son could no longer talk. A

bunch of teachers thought I had put Tanner on some exploratory drug!!! But

guess that isn't so crazy -the side effects he had were probably worse than most

drugs. We also had reports of seizures and many other issues headaches which my

son had too etc. You may want to look up this exact word " hypervitaminosis e "

and also look up the meta analysis for vitamin e toxicity and for sure look up

the upper tolerable level for vitamin e (I know vitamin k was off the roof high

too but it's just too much for me to even go there yet to think of what I gave

my child!) Make sure you are sitting down because some here were giving their

child two to three times upper tolerable levels of the fat soluble vitamins

through that product you were using that we no longer like to speak of here (get

it :)

You also can look up a Chicago Tribune article on it that was just published as

there was or were complaints about the product -and here's a link from this page

as to side effects




Here is a link from our http://www.apraxia.org site

http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=115029735601 & topic=10637

As far as cost effective -I have never seen surges like we have seen with NV

with anything else- and can't imagine what it would cost or what any of us would

pay to see what we are seeing in days, weeks, months. We have a few reports now

of children no longer qualifying for services or going from a diagnosis of

profound to mild apraxia in months...so do I think you should run not walk to

check out NV....uh YES!!! For sure you should and in my opinion not just due to

the surges. The only reason I put my son Tanner on NV to begin with was due to

after that product you used that made him regress -it appeared to have messed up

his metabolic system where no matter how healthy I fed him, how much he worked

out and played he couldn't lose weight and kept gaining. I only put him on NV

as it supports the metabolic system and was all natural and approved by not one

or two -but nine different professionals including his pediatrician I checked it

out with...the fact that his same head of school called me about a week after he

was on it -about a year ago today -to say " What is going on with Tanner?! " and

to report all the surges they were seeing in school was nothing shy of a

blessing. It seems that if there was damage from that other product's mega

vitamin E and K- NV seemed to make it not just all better- but help my son

become better than anyone ever dreamed and in just about all areas you can

imagine. Some here http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html

As far as cost effective for fish oils -the most important aspect of fish oil is

formula, quality of oils and dosage. Peroxide level measures the rancidity and

most OTC fish oils are rancid. So yes you can find less expensive fish oils but

I'd believe it better to use less of a high quality fish oil IMO. You kind of

get what you pay for in regards to fish oils I found over the years. You buy

one of the huge mega tubs of fish oils at a Sams Club or something - I know some

PhDs in the area of the PUFAs (fish oils EFAs) that wouldn't even feed that

stuff " to their dogs " Really direct quote.

But as I just wrote earlier today NV created what appears to be a paradigm shift

in all we know. So yes maybe you can use less oils- but again I'd still stick

with high quality oils. I spent time working on " why " NV may be working and

have this page here http://pursuitofresearch.org/science.html

I know I just gave you so much to read and look into and think about- but just

know I am so thrilled that you found us! And I can't wait to hear great updates

from you too!!


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Hi Jodi,

My son has been on NV for about a month and I did notice small changes. He has

mild to mod apraxia. On NV he seems " chattier " he's always been a happy kid with

not too many tantrums, but seems to be even more playful. He also takes two

Speak caps per day and I also saw great improvement.

I completely understand where your coming from, you've read my mind.



> Jodi-

> I too was skeptical about the product when I first read about it. I

> became a distibutor a few months ago largely so that I could save money

> on

> what I ordered, but it doesn't work that way. Oh well, I was only out

> 50.00 to do that, and will probably never use it (no time as a mother of

> two!).

> I have not sold this to anyone, although I have given it to friends with

> special needs children. One did not react well on it, one refused

> to drink it, and then there is my daughter. She seems to

> be helped in some areas on it, and others are made worse. Her moods and

> sensory problems are already pretty large, and you add

> the NV and those areas seemed to be worse. However it did help her

> speech. We now only do " shake " every once in a while, largely

> due to the cost. She is also on the Complete 3-6-9 and EPA from Nordic

> Naturals, and I did recently double her dose, and we saw a big

> difference from that.

> Hope that helps. I do think from the parents that I am in touch with on

> here that it has dramatically improved several kids lives. I am

> yet to see this as the life changer for mine at this time.


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Hi Jodi, My name is Dawn Falley, I have 2 children with autism and

seizure disorders, You can look back at my past updates on my children

from when they first started on NV back in Feb. 2010. I became a distributor in

June ( after my kids were on it ) because I was blown away by what I was seeing

with my OWN children. I am sharing my stories because the results we've seen in

my children are NOT at all typical without NV.

My son age 14 has been on seizure meds. for 9 yrs and has never had a

normal EEG, due to NV he has been off of his meds. for 2 months and has a normal

EEG for the first time ever in his life!! My daughter is age 10, also is on

seizure meds and her doctor just wants her on meds until January of 2011 but

then she too is planned to be taken off her meds. She has been on meds for 5

yrs. Not to mention in addition to no seizures and coming off seizure medication

for the first time in their lives in years, all the progress that they have made

in focus, communication, cognition etc. since being on NV which is noted by the

professionals that work with them. One of them actually got tears in her eyes

with the changes she saw in my daughter.

My daughter had a sleep disorder for 7 months prior to NV, was put on a med.

that did not work, we took her off and after being on NV for 2 days, guess

what..... she sleeps through the night! NO MEDS.! I know she's not the only one

taken off sleep medication due to NV either in this group.

Also,as for the cost, The product you had your daughter on costs $69.95 for 60

capsules, that's over $1 for each capsule and I know that product dosage went up

to 6 capsules a day! Thats expensive even at one a day not to mention that in

this group there were kids that never had seizures before that had seizures on

that product and regressions and other side effects!

I'm trying to do better for my family as a working mom. I'm a bartender and I

put up with ALOT to make my money, so selling a

product at my cost that can be LIFE CHANGING for children with special needs is

very REWARDING to me as a parent of 2 special needs kids!

It is dear to my heart and I WANT to help people and this product DOES!

Dawn Falley ( Mom to 2 children with much success on NV)631-447-0615




> Hi everyone,


> Okay, I've done the research, and I'm feeling a bit skeptical. When I


> " what is NV? " I hoped to get a response describing WHAT it is and


> me to the official website for the company and product. I did finally


> those, but I had to discover them totally on my own. Testimonials are

> great, but they are not the WHAT about the product, they are some


> opinions as to WHY.


> The two people who have shared with me thus far about NV both have a

> personal, vested interest in this product (one as a distributor and


> whose name is all over the website I was linked to and who is listed

as a

> contact by one of the founding physicians). I would really like to


> from families who have used NV with their apraxic children, and who

are NOT

> trying to sell it to me. I am astonished at the cost. It would eat

up more

> than 1/3 of my family's monthly food budget, and all that for just one


> (we're a family of 5). I love her and absolutely want what is best

for her,

> but I am not convinced this product is as safe or effective as the


> when considering the cost. Here is an obvious question that comes to


> mind: if it is made up of 100% food and not supplements or nutrient

> additives, then how can it have a 2 year shelf life? Foods that are

> nutritious and beneficial don't last that long on a shelf in my



> I do hope there are answers to these questions. I do know there are


> products out there, but since NV is part of an MLM structure, I know


> means that it is not worth what you pay. Too many people have to earn


> " net profits " (their piece of the pie) before the actual cost of the


> is paid to the manufacturer.


> I don't think I would be so skeptical if I could hear testimonies from

> people who are not already invested in the MLM part of this. And

there was

> negative language about SPEAK shared, which has worked well for my


> We noticed a difference right away, and we ran out about two weeks


> (she's been on it for more than a year), and the week after we ran

out, she

> started throwing the worst tantrums she's ever had and then some! I

> actually made the connection to the reduction in fish oil supplements

as the

> possible cause because of how out of character her behavior was. She


> all ability to manage her emotions and behavior.


> I am brand new to this forum and don't want to start off on the wrong


> of things, but I hope it is an open forum where everyone is here to


> everyone else and not just promote your products. Thanks for taking

time to

> read this and offer your feedback.


> Jodi in AZ - mom to 3 special needs kiddos:

> Addy (9) deaf, adopted from Ukraine 2005 - speaks beautifully though


> grammar is still developing

> and Sophie (5.5) deaf, adopted from Russia 2007 (also dx with apraxia)

- can

> barely speak intelligibly at all

> and (7) being adopted from Arizona - ADHD, Bi-Polar - speaks

> incessantly! ;-)




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Hi Jodi:

I'm a skeptic too. If I could just get the stuff into my child, I might have

some feedback to give you about how it works. But he doesn't like the taste and

I feel like he is drinking a WHOLE lot of chocolate milk for just a bit of NV

because I have to dilute it so much to get him to drink it. And he is only on

one scoop now at age 3 1/2, I can't imagine getter higher does into him. Right

now I am MAYBE getting half a scoop into him. That said, I have noticed a few

changes, but it is hard to say if this is because of him recently starting

developmental preschool 4 days a week, the NV or the better fish oil ratio I

have him on. Or it could be wishful thinking, LOL!

My son is verbal but can be hard to understand and repeats himself a lot. We're

not sure if this is a " perseverative " type of behavior or more of a " processing "

issue, or even that he is so used to having to repeat himself in order to get

himself understood that it has become a habit. My son is not " cnversational " yet

and doesn't really answer questions very well. He is very affectionate but his

social and play skills are delayed, probably due to the apraxia rather than

something like ASD. I have read interesting information on delayed play skills

and apraxia-because of the motor planning issues, kids are more likely to get

caught in " loops " and unable to get to more sophisticated play and


But I digress. I share your skepticism about the NV being an MLM product. If it

is so great, why do we have to buy it through an MLM? But for now, I am going to

keep trying to get it in my son and see how it goes for a month or so. I would

definitely be inetrested in touching base with you again to discuss it further.


Barbara, mom to Spencer 3 1/2, speech delay, suspected verbal apraxia

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I just wanted to jump in with a few points about being a skeptic which to me is

a good thing -for sure a sign of intelligence. But I want to jump in about some

of the issues raised that perhaps some of you skeptics haven't thought

of...because quite honestly- I believe all of us are skeptics here -come on!

But...we choose what we are skeptical about don't we?! I mean put the reading

glasses and pull up Google searches for every ingredient in NV which is

formulated by world renowned medical doctors but will buy our kid a slushy at a

carnival or popcorn at the movies or a hot dog at the zoo without a thought of

" hmmm what's in this? "

As far as why if the product is so good does it " have " to be sold as an MLM?

You probably didn't research well enough as to who is behind Zrii and NV...look

at this site http://www.meetbillfarley.com and this one http://www.chopra.com

and search behind the multi-billionaire names " Bill Farely " and " Dr. Deepak

Chopra " and it would be clear to anyone no matter how skeptical that if they

wanted this product to be sold at Bloomingdales, Walmart or as a pharmaceutical

product available only through medical doctors they could distribute it HOWEVER

they want. Both happen to be good friends with Oprah (Bill is Oprah's neighbor

in Chicago as well and I was fortunate enough to have dinner at Bill Farley's

home...no words to describe that!!! Amazing? Beyond that) Anyway before

launching Zrii Bill Farley bought a few companies for millions or hundreds of

millions of dollars and brought them up to billion dollar brands. I'm sure you

may not have heard of Bill Farley but you may be more intimate with him than you

know. One of his brands was Fruit of the Loom where he took underwear from

tighty whities to the entire line that is the underwear industry today.

Christian Dior was another company that he OWNED and brought to a billion dollar

brand. You want to know why he doesn't sell NV in a store -I want to know why I

can't buy Dior products that I LOVE!!!!! at Walmart!!

OK so why direct sales instead? Because Bill Farley is one of the few SOLID

multi billionaires in the world. He is not living in a bubble however. He

knows that the middle class is being crunched -people are losing homes, we have

parents here that lost jobs and can't pay their mortgage no less for therapy-

and in some cases can't pay for health insurance. He was introduced to direct

sales I think through Pampered Chef (owned by another billionaire) and was blown

away by the " powerful " everyday individuals who built that company to what it

was. Direct sales is the new American Dream -you don't have to do anything but

you don't get paid for that. You only get paid if you share. And we are

sharing something for the same amount of money we get it for. There is no

reason to become a distributor unless you are going to share it because we are

selling the products for our distributor cost. But if you want to make

money...uh YEAH there is anything from paying for your product a month money to

over 6 figures (a MONTH) money that I can for sure tell you people are making in


I never shared about the business opportunity side of Zrii here before because

we sell at the same price we get it for and you don't get a discount on the

products as a distributor -don't get paid unless you share. The special I just

told everyone about however that they have till Sunday night is the 3 Chopra

formulated and endorsed products they carry including the new Accell and you

become a distributor for basically free as well as it all together costs only 79

dollars (with the same money back guarantee) - and I tried to put all the

reasons to go for it and try the three products and join the team HERE

http://wholefoodtherapy.com/limited-time-offer You don't ever want to buy a

product again -they don't enforce anything. You don't want to do anything with

it -nobody is going to care. You choose how much or little or anything you want

to do. But you want to share with the world - you WILL be rewarded for that

-and by a multi billionaire who is one of the nicest most generous people I've

ever met.

And...I just was on the phone with someone from this group who also has had

amazing results in his family (hope we hear from them soon here as very few of

you know this amazing story yet but will) and you know what I told him? I could

for SURE if all I cared about was making money make WAY more money if I focused

on weight loss -even in kids -than on apraxia and autism and seizures etc. I

have a before and after photo of a child that I love dearly but he is so

embarrassed by his " before " NV photos I would never do that to him. There are a

few things I keep secret but can share that NOBODY can change my opinion of NV

or direct sales. NV has made my son beyond normal and for that I am eternally

grateful and just hope everyone digs and digs and digs about NV because you will

hit gold. Dig that deep with all the other stuff you embrace in life in your

food cabinets and tell me what you find.

Also I'm really getting very tired of hearing how expensive NV is. Sure if it

was chocolate milk and that's it -it would be. But in addition to the amazing

surges in so many areas http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html as we have

here http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html NV replaces vitamins and it

can be full meal replacement for adults -but as I just wrote to someone else

" even for my boys 14 and 16 who still eat with it -they no way eat us out of

house and home like before. My food bills are WAY down. I mean food and drinks

are expensive -so are vitamins. NV comes out to less than 3 bucks a meal and we

use it when we go to Disney for example too to have as one of our meals at the

car (we bring a cooler with water and a shaker and sometimes a bit of chocolate

almond milk) and my boys will drink it now with just water even! Then when we

go into the parks we'll still eat- but you can walk past all the junk food and

not feel tempted like without it. That's what I find -also no late night

scrounging around the kitchen searching for something to eat...you're satisfied

-to me that is a very good thing -and for sure has saved our family money too! "

As far as research monies because we sell the product at cost and are only paid

a bit back on volume we are moving along but not like we would if others became

distributors and also helped share it too. We do not have to raise any monies

for NV research but for the PUFA research I am not allowed to share that in

email or online but would be happy to share details of the amazing research

planned with anyone that would like to know Just call me 772 335 5135 or email

me lisa@... with your number and I'll call you.

If you want to help- forget marches, forget sending in donations- help your

child with NV and share it with others. And now you can do that and save money

too with a money back guarantee!!!


The worst thing about NV is that the testimonies are too good to be true to

most; and we are a world of skeptics :)


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I feel the need to comment on this.  NV may not be that expensive for a product

that contains all that it does but it is expensive!  $3 a meal? per person?  I

can't afford that and there are a lot of other people who can't afford that

either.  I HAVE to cook dinner everyday for LESS than $5 total for a family of

5.  Lunch budget is $3 for all of us.  I spend no more than $375 a month on

groceries and that includes drinks, diapers, wipes, shampoo and all other

hygiene products, everything that I buy for us has to come to less than $375 a

month.  I am getting tired of people saying that it's not expensive.  It is a

great product and it doesn't contain cheap ingredients but there are a lot of

people out there that are on the same buget I am and if I had to buy NV every

month the rest of the time we would be eating nothing but ramen noodle and you

can't raise children on that crap.


> I just wanted to jump in with a few points about being a skeptic which to me

is a good thing -for sure a sign of intelligence. But I want to jump in about

some of the issues raised that perhaps some of you skeptics haven't thought

of...because quite honestly- I believe all of us are skeptics here -come on!

But...we choose what we are skeptical about don't we?! I mean put the reading

glasses and pull up Google searches for every ingredient in NV which is

formulated by world renowned medical doctors but will buy our kid a slushy at a

carnival or popcorn at the movies or a hot dog at the zoo without a thought of

" hmmm what's in this? "


> As far as why if the product is so good does it " have " to be sold as an MLM?

You probably didn't research well enough as to who is behind Zrii and NV...look

at this site http://www.meetbillfarley.com and this one http://www.chopra.com

and search behind the multi-billionaire names " Bill Farely " and " Dr. Deepak

Chopra " and it would be clear to anyone no matter how skeptical that if they

wanted this product to be sold at Bloomingdales, Walmart or as a pharmaceutical

product available only through medical doctors they could distribute it HOWEVER

they want. Both happen to be good friends with Oprah (Bill is Oprah's neighbor

in Chicago as well and I was fortunate enough to have dinner at Bill Farley's

home...no words to describe that!!! Amazing? Beyond that) Anyway before

launching Zrii Bill Farley bought a few companies for millions or hundreds of

millions of dollars and brought them up to billion dollar brands. I'm sure you

may not have heard of Bill Farley but you may be more intimate with him than you

know. One of his brands was Fruit of the Loom where he took underwear from

tighty whities to the entire line that is the underwear industry today.

Christian Dior was another company that he OWNED and brought to a billion dollar

brand. You want to know why he doesn't sell NV in a store -I want to know why I

can't buy Dior products that I LOVE!!!!! at Walmart!!


> OK so why direct sales instead? Because Bill Farley is one of the few SOLID

multi billionaires in the world. He is not living in a bubble however. He

knows that the middle class is being crunched -people are losing homes, we have

parents here that lost jobs and can't pay their mortgage no less for therapy-

and in some cases can't pay for health insurance. He was introduced to direct

sales I think through Pampered Chef (owned by another billionaire) and was blown

away by the " powerful " everyday individuals who built that company to what it

was. Direct sales is the new American Dream -you don't have to do anything but

you don't get paid for that. You only get paid if you share. And we are

sharing something for the same amount of money we get it for. There is no

reason to become a distributor unless you are going to share it because we are

selling the products for our distributor cost. But if you want to make

money...uh YEAH there is anything from paying for your product a month money to

over 6 figures (a MONTH) money that I can for sure tell you people are making in



> I never shared about the business opportunity side of Zrii here before because

we sell at the same price we get it for and you don't get a discount on the

products as a distributor -don't get paid unless you share. The special I just

told everyone about however that they have till Sunday night is the 3 Chopra

formulated and endorsed products they carry including the new Accell and you

become a distributor for basically free as well as it all together costs only 79

dollars (with the same money back guarantee) - and I tried to put all the

reasons to go for it and try the three products and join the team HERE

http://wholefoodtherapy.com/limited-time-offer You don't ever want to buy a

product again -they don't enforce anything. You don't want to do anything with

it -nobody is going to care. You choose how much or little or anything you want

to do. But you want to share with the world - you WILL be rewarded for that

-and by a multi billionaire who is one of the nicest most generous people I've

ever met.


> And...I just was on the phone with someone from this group who also has had

amazing results in his family (hope we hear from them soon here as very few of

you know this amazing story yet but will) and you know what I told him? I could

for SURE if all I cared about was making money make WAY more money if I focused

on weight loss -even in kids -than on apraxia and autism and seizures etc. I

have a before and after photo of a child that I love dearly but he is so

embarrassed by his " before " NV photos I would never do that to him. There are a

few things I keep secret but can share that NOBODY can change my opinion of NV

or direct sales. NV has made my son beyond normal and for that I am eternally

grateful and just hope everyone digs and digs and digs about NV because you will

hit gold. Dig that deep with all the other stuff you embrace in life in your

food cabinets and tell me what you find.



> Also I'm really getting very tired of hearing how expensive NV is. Sure if it

was chocolate milk and that's it -it would be. But in addition to the amazing

surges in so many areas http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html as we have

here http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html NV replaces vitamins and it

can be full meal replacement for adults -but as I just wrote to someone else

" even for my boys 14 and 16 who still eat with it -they no way eat us out of

house and home like before. My food bills are WAY down. I mean food and drinks

are expensive -so are vitamins. NV comes out to less than 3 bucks a meal and we

use it when we go to Disney for example too to have as one of our meals at the

car (we bring a cooler with water and a shaker and sometimes a bit of chocolate

almond milk) and my boys will drink it now with just water even! Then when we

go into the parks we'll still eat- but you can walk past all the junk food and

not feel tempted like without it. That's what I find -also no late night

scrounging around the kitchen searching for something to eat...you're satisfied

-to me that is a very good thing -and for sure has saved our family money too! "


> As far as research monies because we sell the product at cost and are only

paid a bit back on volume we are moving along but not like we would if others

became distributors and also helped share it too. We do not have to raise any

monies for NV research but for the PUFA research I am not allowed to share that

in email or online but would be happy to share details of the amazing research

planned with anyone that would like to know Just call me 772 335 5135 or email

me lisa@... with your number and I'll call you.


> If you want to help- forget marches, forget sending in donations- help your

child with NV and share it with others. And now you can do that and save money

too with a money back guarantee!!!



> The worst thing about NV is that the testimonies are too good to be true to

most; and we are a world of skeptics :)


> =====


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Everything for our kids is expensive though. We haven't had a decent vacation

in as long as I can remember. We struggle and work hard to pay for therapy and

fish oils and my son's pediatrician approved NV months ago and like you I am

trying to find a way to afford it. I agree as well with what said about

the middle class being crushed. I have friends who don't have special needs

kids but still can't even afford health insurance. I don't think that NV is as

expensive as much as we are struggling. But I pass Starbucks as someone just

brought up here every day and there's always someone in there buying coffee

-lucky for them they can afford that. At least NV is expensive but worth it if

you can afford it. Kate

> >

> > I just wanted to jump in with a few points about being a skeptic which to me

is a good thing -for sure a sign of intelligence. But I want to jump in about

some of the issues raised that perhaps some of you skeptics haven't thought

of...because quite honestly- I believe all of us are skeptics here -come on!

But...we choose what we are skeptical about don't we?! I mean put the reading

glasses and pull up Google searches for every ingredient in NV which is

formulated by world renowned medical doctors but will buy our kid a slushy at a

carnival or popcorn at the movies or a hot dog at the zoo without a thought of

" hmmm what's in this? "

> >

> > As far as why if the product is so good does it " have " to be sold as an MLM?

You probably didn't research well enough as to who is behind Zrii and NV...look

at this site http://www.meetbillfarley.com and this one http://www.chopra.com

and search behind the multi-billionaire names " Bill Farely " and " Dr. Deepak

Chopra " and it would be clear to anyone no matter how skeptical that if they

wanted this product to be sold at Bloomingdales, Walmart or as a pharmaceutical

product available only through medical doctors they could distribute it HOWEVER

they want. Both happen to be good friends with Oprah (Bill is Oprah's neighbor

in Chicago as well and I was fortunate enough to have dinner at Bill Farley's

home...no words to describe that!!! Amazing? Beyond that) Anyway before

launching Zrii Bill Farley bought a few companies for millions or hundreds of

millions of dollars and brought them up to billion dollar brands. I'm sure you

may not have heard of Bill Farley but you may be more intimate with him than you

know. One of his brands was Fruit of the Loom where he took underwear from

tighty whities to the entire line that is the underwear industry today.

Christian Dior was another company that he OWNED and brought to a billion dollar

brand. You want to know why he doesn't sell NV in a store -I want to know why I

can't buy Dior products that I LOVE!!!!! at Walmart!!

> >

> > OK so why direct sales instead? Because Bill Farley is one of the few SOLID

multi billionaires in the world. He is not living in a bubble however. He

knows that the middle class is being crunched -people are losing homes, we have

parents here that lost jobs and can't pay their mortgage no less for therapy-

and in some cases can't pay for health insurance. He was introduced to direct

sales I think through Pampered Chef (owned by another billionaire) and was blown

away by the " powerful " everyday individuals who built that company to what it

was. Direct sales is the new American Dream -you don't have to do anything but

you don't get paid for that. You only get paid if you share. And we are

sharing something for the same amount of money we get it for. There is no

reason to become a distributor unless you are going to share it because we are

selling the products for our distributor cost. But if you want to make

money...uh YEAH there is anything from paying for your product a month money to

over 6 figures (a MONTH) money that I can for sure tell you people are making in


> >

> > I never shared about the business opportunity side of Zrii here before

because we sell at the same price we get it for and you don't get a discount on

the products as a distributor -don't get paid unless you share. The special I

just told everyone about however that they have till Sunday night is the 3

Chopra formulated and endorsed products they carry including the new Accell and

you become a distributor for basically free as well as it all together costs

only 79 dollars (with the same money back guarantee) - and I tried to put all

the reasons to go for it and try the three products and join the team HERE

http://wholefoodtherapy.com/limited-time-offer You don't ever want to buy a

product again -they don't enforce anything. You don't want to do anything with

it -nobody is going to care. You choose how much or little or anything you want

to do. But you want to share with the world - you WILL be rewarded for that

-and by a multi billionaire who is one of the nicest most generous people I've

ever met.

> >

> > And...I just was on the phone with someone from this group who also has had

amazing results in his family (hope we hear from them soon here as very few of

you know this amazing story yet but will) and you know what I told him? I could

for SURE if all I cared about was making money make WAY more money if I focused

on weight loss -even in kids -than on apraxia and autism and seizures etc. I

have a before and after photo of a child that I love dearly but he is so

embarrassed by his " before " NV photos I would never do that to him. There are a

few things I keep secret but can share that NOBODY can change my opinion of NV

or direct sales. NV has made my son beyond normal and for that I am eternally

grateful and just hope everyone digs and digs and digs about NV because you will

hit gold. Dig that deep with all the other stuff you embrace in life in your

food cabinets and tell me what you find.

> >

> >

> > Also I'm really getting very tired of hearing how expensive NV is. Sure if

it was chocolate milk and that's it -it would be. But in addition to the

amazing surges in so many areas http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html as we

have here http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html NV replaces vitamins

and it can be full meal replacement for adults -but as I just wrote to someone

else " even for my boys 14 and 16 who still eat with it -they no way eat us out

of house and home like before. My food bills are WAY down. I mean food and

drinks are expensive -so are vitamins. NV comes out to less than 3 bucks a meal

and we use it when we go to Disney for example too to have as one of our meals

at the car (we bring a cooler with water and a shaker and sometimes a bit of

chocolate almond milk) and my boys will drink it now with just water even! Then

when we go into the parks we'll still eat- but you can walk past all the junk

food and not feel tempted like without it. That's what I find -also no late

night scrounging around the kitchen searching for something to eat...you're

satisfied -to me that is a very good thing -and for sure has saved our family

money too! "

> >

> > As far as research monies because we sell the product at cost and are only

paid a bit back on volume we are moving along but not like we would if others

became distributors and also helped share it too. We do not have to raise any

monies for NV research but for the PUFA research I am not allowed to share that

in email or online but would be happy to share details of the amazing research

planned with anyone that would like to know Just call me 772 335 5135 or email

me lisa@ with your number and I'll call you.

> >

> > If you want to help- forget marches, forget sending in donations- help your

child with NV and share it with others. And now you can do that and save money

too with a money back guarantee!!!


> >

> > The worst thing about NV is that the testimonies are too good to be true to

most; and we are a world of skeptics :)

> >

> > =====

> >

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Hi Jodi. I'm sorry your first experience w/ this group have been negative. I've

been a part of this group going on a year and have found nothing but postitive

things. First of all, I have 2 sons that are both apraxic, and my oldest having

some sensory issues...they are 4 & 2. After much research and talking to many

people on the internet, I started both of my sons on NV in May of this year. My

youngest didn't have any surges after a month or so, so I quit giving it to

them. My oldest improved so quickly. We had been trying to potty train him,

going on a year, and within a week he was trained, and no accidents since. At

the time he was saying MAYBE 3 word phrases but they weren't very intelligible.

Now he is talking up a storm! Also, about a month ago I tried giving my youngest

NV again, and he surged also. Before NV he was only saying momma, dada, & bubba.

He's now trying to say words, and he's more sociable. There is only a few

negatives I can see w/ NV. 1) My oldest is more hyper. Everyone says kids go

through a 'detox' the first week to 3 wks on NV. Well my son has been more hyper

ever since taking it. But he's had so much improvement in all other areas that

we are finding a way to deal w/ his hyperness. 2) The cost. I agree that it is

pricey. But the pursuit of research site is the cheapest you can find it. I

searched the internet looking for something cheaper and they sell it at cost,

nothing more. It is definetly worth your money. By no means is my family

wealthy, but we find a way whenever we need NV to buy it. I wouldn't go w/o it.

NO I don't sell it. NO I'm not interested in selling it. NO no one put me up to

writing this. This is my own opinion, based on what I've seen, and what my boys

have gone through. The ingredients in NV are all natural. All vitamins...why

wouldn't you give it to your child? Plus is backed by a world renown dr...Deepak

Chopra...there is no reason not to trust it. Yes everything that is on your

local store shelves will probably one day be recalled...there is a risk to

EVERYTHING in life. But this is so worth it. Trust me...you'll be happy you

tried NV. We love it. The boys have 2 'chocolate milks' a day, and they like it.

Try it and post on here what you think, whether its negative or positive, minor

or major. All info posted on this forum is useful to SOMEONE whether you think

so or not!

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I found a chart that pretty much breaks down what most would pay for food for a

family or individual from the USDA. Clearly we are in difficult times today

where people are losing their homes. But 375 for a family of 5 a month for

everything food and all is very thrifty probably by most (if I'm honest all) I

know- so yes of course in that case NV would be expensive. But even on this

chart for a " moderate " food plan just for two boys my son's ages 14 and 16 they

have 260 plus a month in costs for each son just for food - that was about right

before NV -way lower for us now. My food bills used to be higher for the entire

family than they are now -just saying for us NV has saved us money. But I

probably live in a different economic area because I know college students who

spent 3 to 10 bucks a day on coffee and energy drinks...a day!!! that's not

including food of course! (and yes some of my friend's kids who are now

drinking NV at college instead and eating healthier -YAY...but also cheaper)

Just wanted to point out that when I say less than 3 dollars a serving for full

meal and vitamin replacement that would be for 2 scoops. For those kids on just

1 scoop a day that are 3 and under it's less than a dollar fifty- and from what

I can tell from the chart still way under what the average person spends on food

even for that age.

Here's the one chart for just food alone from the USDA


The chart above doesn't include things like diapers and shampoos etc so here's

another chart and as you'll notice they separate out food at home with food from

outside the home in addition to all the other expenditures. So here is another

chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics


So probably none of us should say what is expensive or what is cheap because

clearly we are from different economic backgrounds and depends on if you are

upper middle low or poverty level income -and some have switched due to lost

jobs etc. I will never forget that poor family who's home trailer burned to the

ground because they didn't pay the yearly fee of 75 bucks for the other town's

fire department. But that family said they just couldn't afford that.



So while there were some that understand that there are people living in poverty

and if you let their house burn down because they couldn't afford the 75 dollars

you now have poor people that are also homeless with no belongings/clothing

etc...there are others who have zero sympathy for this family and say that 75

dollars a year was cheap and they got what was coming to them- cold cold world

cruel but true if you check the news on this. So always two ways of looking at

things. And if more really read what is on this page

http://wholefoodtherapy.com/limited-time-offer perhaps it's not JUST the

product/s that can help some of your children!

The bottom line is at 40, 80 or 160 a month which is what NV is depending upon

age -if you look at that as a monthly therapy cost not to even mention the

nutrition aspect -that's " typically " very reasonable for therapeutic costs

-especially since we are seeing surges in areas that are even outside the realm

of what we typically seek therapy for and in many cases dramatic and rapid

surges. The areas of surge are quite vast


There is no right or wrong -it's where you are. We all do what we can.


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Where can I get NV for cost?  Do you have the website?

Missie W. Carman


From: volybal_2 <volybal_2@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: NutriiVeda - want testimonials from members

Date: Friday, October 29, 2010, 7:34 PM


Hi Jodi. I'm sorry your first experience w/ this group have been negative. I've

been a part of this group going on a year and have found nothing but postitive

things. First of all, I have 2 sons that are both apraxic, and my oldest having

some sensory issues...they are 4 & 2. After much research and talking to many

people on the internet, I started both of my sons on NV in May of this year. My

youngest didn't have any surges after a month or so, so I quit giving it to

them. My oldest improved so quickly. We had been trying to potty train him,

going on a year, and within a week he was trained, and no accidents since. At

the time he was saying MAYBE 3 word phrases but they weren't very intelligible.

Now he is talking up a storm! Also, about a month ago I tried giving my youngest

NV again, and he surged also. Before NV he was only saying momma, dada, & bubba.

He's now trying to say words, and he's more sociable. There is only a few

negatives I can see w/

NV. 1) My oldest is more hyper. Everyone says kids go through a 'detox' the

first week to 3 wks on NV. Well my son has been more hyper ever since taking it.

But he's had so much improvement in all other areas that we are finding a way to

deal w/ his hyperness. 2) The cost. I agree that it is pricey. But the pursuit

of research site is the cheapest you can find it. I searched the internet

looking for something cheaper and they sell it at cost, nothing more. It is

definetly worth your money. By no means is my family wealthy, but we find a way

whenever we need NV to buy it. I wouldn't go w/o it. NO I don't sell it. NO I'm

not interested in selling it. NO no one put me up to writing this. This is my

own opinion, based on what I've seen, and what my boys have gone through. The

ingredients in NV are all natural. All vitamins...why wouldn't you give it to

your child? Plus is backed by a world renown dr...Deepak Chopra...there is no

reason not to trust it. Yes

everything that is on your local store shelves will probably one day be

recalled...there is a risk to EVERYTHING in life. But this is so worth it. Trust

me...you'll be happy you tried NV. We love it. The boys have 2 'chocolate milks'

a day, and they like it. Try it and post on here what you think, whether its

negative or positive, minor or major. All info posted on this forum is useful to

SOMEONE whether you think so or not!

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Hi Missie!

Just left you a message too because I know you are interested in the 79 dollar

special which is even below cost- but the following info is up at our

http://www.apraxia.org site for where to buy NV for cost and still support the

Cherab Foundation

NutriiVeda is widely available online and through individual distributors. The

Cherab Foundation is dedicated to providing help, advice, and professional

referrals to member parents. As the original source to discover and collect

anecdotal reports of surges for those with autism, apraxia and other speech

impairments, ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, seizure disorders, and global delays

we appreciate your continued support through the purchase of NutriiVeda here:

http://pursuitofresearch.org/ or http://speech411.com/ There are also several

parents and professionals within the Cherab Foundation who distribute NutriiVeda

and support Cherab. If you are not sure if a distributor is part of our team and

would like to verify, please contact us info@... We have

worked diligently to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date testimonials,

and theories to parents and professionals and have recently noticed that our

proprietary information and parent testimonies are being presented on various

outside websites. Many of these are using this information without permission

and authorization. While we are thrilled to be reaching thousands of parents

through the power of the internet, we are also extremely protective of our

organization, mission and member families we ask that you please consider using

discretion and diligence when purchasing NutriiVeda through outside websites. We

are only able to guarantee your order when it is ordered through our website, or

through member parents and professionals. Additionally, we have unmatched access

to the doctors and scientists behind the formulation of NutriiVeda and as

always, the Cherab Foundation is dedicated to provide advice and support to

families with special needs.

You can purchase NutriiVeda at 25% off retail (2-Pack $80 + $7.95 SH)

http://pursuitofresearch.org/order.html with a 100% money back guarantee and

support the Cherab Foundation.

Again I know you already sent me an email about this special for three Chopra

formulated and endorsed products for 79 dollars that is only good till tomorrow

night at midnight: http://wholefoodtherapy.com/limited-time-offer Let me know

if you have any other questions!


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Thanks, .  I would like to take as much information to our pediatrician as

possible.  I have a son with autism, apraxia, seizure disorder, ADHD, and motor

delays.  We have spent several summers at the Kaufman Center in Michigan and

have utilized countless natural/vitamins therapies.

I have read your book and enjoyed it very much.  It was one of the first books

I read when my son was first diagnosis.  Thank you for your input and research.


From: kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: NutriiVeda - want testimonials from members

Cc: mysonboys@...

Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 12:41 PM

Hi Missie!

Just left you a message too because I know you are interested in the 79 dollar

special which is even below cost- but the following info is up at our

http://www.apraxia.org site for where to buy NV for cost and still support the

Cherab Foundation

NutriiVeda is widely available online and through individual distributors. The

Cherab Foundation is dedicated to providing help, advice, and professional

referrals to member parents. As the original source to discover and collect

anecdotal reports of surges for those with autism, apraxia and other speech

impairments, ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, seizure disorders, and global delays

we appreciate your continued support through the purchase of NutriiVeda here:

http://pursuitofresearch.org/ or http://speech411.com/ There are also several

parents and professionals within the Cherab Foundation who distribute NutriiVeda

and support Cherab. If you are not sure if a distributor is part of our team and

would like to verify, please contact us info@... We have

worked diligently to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date testimonials,

and theories to parents and professionals and have recently noticed that our

proprietary information and

parent testimonies are being presented on various outside websites. Many of

these are using this information without permission and authorization. While we

are thrilled to be reaching thousands of parents through the power of the

internet, we are also extremely protective of our organization, mission and

member families we ask that you please consider using discretion and diligence

when purchasing NutriiVeda through outside websites. We are only able to

guarantee your order when it is ordered through our website, or through member

parents and professionals. Additionally, we have unmatched access to the doctors

and scientists behind the formulation of NutriiVeda and as always, the Cherab

Foundation is dedicated to provide advice and support to families with special


You can purchase NutriiVeda at 25% off retail (2-Pack $80 + $7.95 SH)

http://pursuitofresearch.org/order.html with a 100% money back guarantee and

support the Cherab Foundation.

Again I know you already sent me an email about this special for three Chopra

formulated and endorsed products for 79 dollars that is only good till tomorrow

night at midnight: http://wholefoodtherapy.com/limited-time-offer Let me know if

you have any other questions!


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Hi Jodi.

I've been a member of this group for a couple years now. I started following

it when my daughter was diagnosed with a variety of things (apraxia, motor

planning problems, low tone, sensory processing, silent reflux, etc.) at a

little over a year and a half- well we probably didn't have it all sorted until

she was 2. The diagnosis didn't come that quickly, but she was 'failure to

thrive' at 15 months and then the tests began. She's now 4 1/2 so we've been

at this a while. We started the fish oil protocal fairly early on and saw great

improvement and she was doing well with therapy so while I read and following

the NV discussion, I felt like if it looks too good to be true, it usually is.

Plus it seemed like all these surges were going to happen anyway, but I chalked

the anecdotes up to coincidence, not causation with NV. We moved overseas and

were going fine, but then this summer we came back to North America for an

extended visit and couldn't get the powdered supplements my daughter was taking

so I thought, well, why not try the NV stuff since I need to find something for

a few months anyway. Well, almost immediately (like in the first couple days

of starting it) Syd was more coordinated, speaking more words and more clearly

(noticed by many others, not just me) and suddenly interested in potty training.

She wasn't interested in the least before and showed none of the readiness

signs. She had a few accidents but it was like everything came together at

once. Her sleep improved and she gained almost 2 kg in that first month- for a

child who has been off the chart or 0-3% for the past 3 years after being 50

percentile for the first year- this gain was huge. She grew in height as well

but I can't recall how much it was now. Anyway, it may have been coincidence,

but it was a hell of a coincidence. As well, when we ran out, we saw

regressions in speech, motor planning, toileting and behavior immediately.

Anyway, I do not care for the way it is sold, or the price point as it is high.

I would like to try my older daughter on it as well as try it myself (I have MS)

but as a single income family with lots of medical and therapeutic expenses

already, we have to make choices. I think the company would find their sales

would increase significantly if the price were a bit lower. I've recommended it

to many people but no one I know has actually tried it which is unfortunate.

Hope this helps,

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Please try to remember to keep my in mind if you ever try NV on yourself. I

have a very close friend who was diagnosed with MS a few years ago. She is in

her mid 30's... and has 2 children-- ages 3 and 5. I would love to know if NV

has helped you if you decide to try it! From all I have read, I am wondering if

it MIGHT help! My friend has recently started Tycaberine (spelling)?.... this

is supposed to slow down the progression.... but it can also cause her to have

severe consequences.. She is scared, depressed, etc. She continues to develop

new lesions.... and deals with chronic fatigue, plus strange " burning

sensations " at times. She can no longer work due to the fatigue. I have an

extra container of Chocolate flavored NV.... (my son prefers Vanilla).... You

just gave me a GREAT idea..... I will give this to my friend.... and see if it

helps her.... (if she agrees to take it). I will let you know!

[ ] Re: NutriiVeda - want testimonials from members

Hi Jodi.

I've been a member of this group for a couple years now. I started following it

when my daughter was diagnosed with a variety of things (apraxia, motor planning

problems, low tone, sensory processing, silent reflux, etc.) at a little over a

year and a half- well we probably didn't have it all sorted until she was 2. The

diagnosis didn't come that quickly, but she was 'failure to thrive' at 15 months

and then the tests began. She's now 4 1/2 so we've been at this a while. We

started the fish oil protocal fairly early on and saw great improvement and she

was doing well with therapy so while I read and following the NV discussion, I

felt like if it looks too good to be true, it usually is. Plus it seemed like

all these surges were going to happen anyway, but I chalked the anecdotes up to

coincidence, not causation with NV. We moved overseas and were going fine, but

then this summer we came back to North America for an extended visit and

couldn't get the powdered supplemen ts my daughter was taking so I thought,

well, why not try the NV stuff since I need to find something for a few months

anyway. Well, almost immediately (like in the first couple days of starting it)

Syd was more coordinated, speaking more words and more clearly (noticed by many

others, not just me) and suddenly interested in potty training. She wasn't

interested in the least before and showed none of the readiness signs. She had a

few accidents but it was like everything came together at once. Her sleep

improved and she gained almost 2 kg in that first month- for a child who has

been off the chart or 0-3% for the past 3 years after being 50 percentile for

the first year- this gain was huge. She grew in height as well but I can't

recall how much it was now. Anyway, it may have been coincidence, but it was a

hell of a coincidence. As well, when we ran out, we saw regressions in speech,

motor planning, toileting and behavior immediately.

Anyway, I do not care for the way it is sold, or the price point as it is high.

I would like to try my older daughter on it as well as try it myself (I have MS)

but as a single income family with lots of medical and therapeutic expenses

already, we have to make choices. I think the company would find their sales

would increase significantly if the price were a bit lower. I've recommended it

to many people but no one I know has actually tried it which is unfortunate.

Hope this helps,

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, I completely understand where you are coming from. It is a good product

that you feel strongly about and you and others have decided to sell through

MLM. I just question if it is the best way to get NV to the people if it is

TRULY a miracle. People are VERY skeptical of MLM's. Sure, Pampered Chef and

some others have built excellent reputations, but there are many out there that

are scams that have turned people off to the whole concept.

So my point is, why not make the product more " legit " in consumers eyes ( not

that it isn't legit, just that people are skeptical of products sold by MLM in

general, let alone those that make health claims) and market it through

traditional wholesale and retail businesses? If this stuff is truly doing what

people believe it is doing for kids, market it " old school " to find a wider

audience. Also, why no newspaper or magazine articles on the stuff? PR is

important-you have to get the word out there. I had never heard of NV before I

joined this website, and I was immediately intrigued but also thought: if this

stuff is so great why doesn't the whole world know about it?! I have been

dealing with my sons delays for 3 years now, and I am CONSTANTLY on the

Internet, so I want to hear about ANY potential products that might help. (And I

know it is a fairly new product, I understand that.)

I really need to reiterate, my son has gotten less than half a scoop a day since

we started, and I have certainly noticed improvements. He said a wonderful

sentence today at the zoo: " The penguin is having fun in the water! " I love

that! It is just not clear what is causing the surge or if there is a

combination of factors such as better fish oil, new developmental preschool,

private ST increased to 1 hour session.

AND, if this is good stuff, which it may very well be, lets get some studies

going that show that scientifically rather than relying on anecdotal evidence.

It will be much better for the product to have solid research behind it.

Just my 2 cents,

Barbara mom to Spencer almost 3/12 with speech delay, mild senory issues,

possible mild apraxia, social skills delay, play delay


> I just wanted to jump in with a few points about being a skeptic which to me

is a good thing -for sure a sign of intelligence. But I want to jump in about

some of the issues raised that perhaps some of you skeptics haven't thought

of...because quite honestly- I believe all of us are skeptics here -come on!

But...we choose what we are skeptical about don't we?! I mean put the reading

glasses and pull up Google searches for every ingredient in NV which is

formulated by world renowned medical doctors but will buy our kid a slushy at a

carnival or popcorn at the movies or a hot dog at the zoo without a thought of

" hmmm what's in this? "


> As far as why if the product is so good does it " have " to be sold as an MLM?

You probably didn't research well enough as to who is behind Zrii and NV...look

at this site http://www.meetbillfarley.com and this one http://www.chopra.com

and search behind the multi-billionaire names " Bill Farely " and " Dr. Deepak

Chopra " and it would be clear to anyone no matter how skeptical that if they

wanted this product to be sold at Bloomingdales, Walmart or as a pharmaceutical

product available only through medical doctors they could distribute it HOWEVER

they want. Both happen to be good friends with Oprah (Bill is Oprah's neighbor

in Chicago as well and I was fortunate enough to have dinner at Bill Farley's

home...no words to describe that!!! Amazing? Beyond that) Anyway before

launching Zrii Bill Farley bought a few companies for millions or hundreds of

millions of dollars and brought them up to billion dollar brands. I'm sure you

may not have heard of Bill Farley but you may be more intimate with him than you

know. One of his brands was Fruit of the Loom where he took underwear from

tighty whities to the entire line that is the underwear industry today.

Christian Dior was another company that he OWNED and brought to a billion dollar

brand. You want to know why he doesn't sell NV in a store -I want to know why I

can't buy Dior products that I LOVE!!!!! at Walmart!!


> OK so why direct sales instead? Because Bill Farley is one of the few SOLID

multi billionaires in the world. He is not living in a bubble however. He

knows that the middle class is being crunched -people are losing homes, we have

parents here that lost jobs and can't pay their mortgage no less for therapy-

and in some cases can't pay for health insurance. He was introduced to direct

sales I think through Pampered Chef (owned by another billionaire) and was blown

away by the " powerful " everyday individuals who built that company to what it

was. Direct sales is the new American Dream -you don't have to do anything but

you don't get paid for that. You only get paid if you share. And we are

sharing something for the same amount of money we get it for. There is no

reason to become a distributor unless you are going to share it because we are

selling the products for our distributor cost. But if you want to make

money...uh YEAH there is anything from paying for your product a month money to

over 6 figures (a MONTH) money that I can for sure tell you people are making in



> I never shared about the business opportunity side of Zrii here before because

we sell at the same price we get it for and you don't get a discount on the

products as a distributor -don't get paid unless you share. The special I just

told everyone about however that they have till Sunday night is the 3 Chopra

formulated and endorsed products they carry including the new Accell and you

become a distributor for basically free as well as it all together costs only 79

dollars (with the same money back guarantee) - and I tried to put all the

reasons to go for it and try the three products and join the team HERE

http://wholefoodtherapy.com/limited-time-offer You don't ever want to buy a

product again -they don't enforce anything. You don't want to do anything with

it -nobody is going to care. You choose how much or little or anything you want

to do. But you want to share with the world - you WILL be rewarded for that

-and by a multi billionaire who is one of the nicest most generous people I've

ever met.


> And...I just was on the phone with someone from this group who also has had

amazing results in his family (hope we hear from them soon here as very few of

you know this amazing story yet but will) and you know what I told him? I could

for SURE if all I cared about was making money make WAY more money if I focused

on weight loss -even in kids -than on apraxia and autism and seizures etc. I

have a before and after photo of a child that I love dearly but he is so

embarrassed by his " before " NV photos I would never do that to him. There are a

few things I keep secret but can share that NOBODY can change my opinion of NV

or direct sales. NV has made my son beyond normal and for that I am eternally

grateful and just hope everyone digs and digs and digs about NV because you will

hit gold. Dig that deep with all the other stuff you embrace in life in your

food cabinets and tell me what you find.



> Also I'm really getting very tired of hearing how expensive NV is. Sure if it

was chocolate milk and that's it -it would be. But in addition to the amazing

surges in so many areas http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html as we have

here http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html NV replaces vitamins and it

can be full meal replacement for adults -but as I just wrote to someone else

" even for my boys 14 and 16 who still eat with it -they no way eat us out of

house and home like before. My food bills are WAY down. I mean food and drinks

are expensive -so are vitamins. NV comes out to less than 3 bucks a meal and we

use it when we go to Disney for example too to have as one of our meals at the

car (we bring a cooler with water and a shaker and sometimes a bit of chocolate

almond milk) and my boys will drink it now with just water even! Then when we

go into the parks we'll still eat- but you can walk past all the junk food and

not feel tempted like without it. That's what I find -also no late night

scrounging around the kitchen searching for something to eat...you're satisfied

-to me that is a very good thing -and for sure has saved our family money too! "


> As far as research monies because we sell the product at cost and are only

paid a bit back on volume we are moving along but not like we would if others

became distributors and also helped share it too. We do not have to raise any

monies for NV research but for the PUFA research I am not allowed to share that

in email or online but would be happy to share details of the amazing research

planned with anyone that would like to know Just call me 772 335 5135 or email

me lisa@... with your number and I'll call you.


> If you want to help- forget marches, forget sending in donations- help your

child with NV and share it with others. And now you can do that and save money

too with a money back guarantee!!!



> The worst thing about NV is that the testimonies are too good to be true to

most; and we are a world of skeptics :)


> =====


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You know how many still don't know about apraxia? Try my neighbors to start! I

feel like I need to walk around with a business card that explains apraxia! LOL

I learned more from the talker book and this group than anywhere else. Kate

I had never heard of NV before I joined this website, and I was immediately

intrigued but also thought: if this stuff is so great why doesn't the whole

world know about it?!

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OK. I just have to comment. I am an SLP expert in apraxia & eating challenges.

Several of my clients are on NV-all with positive changes; a one hundred percent

success rate for my practice is amazing as I would be sharing information about

NV with parents and colleagues even with a lower success rate to try as it's

sold with a money back guarantee. NV is a food being approved by the medical

doctors and nutritionists of my clients and members here. The foods in it have

no known side effects. I have your comments below with my responses to them.

> People are VERY skeptical of MLM's.


I don't find that to be true at all with educated individuals. There are many,

many successful & honest direst sales companies: Tastefully Simple, Stampin'

Up!, Creative Memories, Silpada, Lia Sophia, Juice Plus, Tupperware, Pampered

Chef, Discovery Toys, Cookie Lee, Kay, Avon, Zrii (who makes NV) etc. which

are all part of the Direct Sellers Association

http://www.dsa.org/about/member-listing I know lots of people who buy gifts &

personal items from these companies. I have. I also know medical doctors,

lawyers, and successful business owners that become distributors to make extra

money for their family or replace their income to be able to stay at home with

their children. Yes the distributor will benefit from my purchase and I have no

problem with that, but I shop at Macy's, Sears, JC Penney and don't have a

problem with the CEO & large stockholders I am supporting with my purchase

either. In fact I would rather support a friend, or a mom or dad trying to earn

extra money to help keep their home than a larger company when given the choice.

In the case of NV while we are all supporting research to help the children by

purchasing through this group, some here both parents and professionals have

become distributors as part of the PursuitofResearch team which helps support

the fundraiser and also helps those that are distributors as well. Members here

use NV because it's working for the children they care for, and share it to help

others. As has written several times if you are not sure who is part of

the PursuitofResearch team please read

http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=115029735601 & topic=14809

> why not market it through traditional wholesale and retail businesses?


The owner (Bill Farley http://www.meetbillfarley.com ) has bought and taken six

companies including Fruit of the Loom and Christian Dior from multimillion to

multibillion dollar brands and plans on Zrii being his 7th billion dollar family

brand. As a respected, awarded winning proven marketing business icon that is

an adviser to presidents and friends with like minded individuals as Oprah

Winfrey and Dr. Deepak Chopra I believe he knows a bit more than most of us the

best way to distribute NV. As said Bill Farley could sell NV any way he

wanted to and it's his decision to sell Zrii through direct sales. Bill Farley

who again is a multibillionaire is impressed with direct sales over traditional

wholesale and retail which he certainly is an expert in. Bill Farley wants to

help others to help themselves and to me it's clear many need help today. Hence

the direct sales type of company. If it was sold in retail stores, again only

the owner & large stockholders (as it is w/Macy's) would profit, none of the

parents or professionals nor the fundraiser for the nonprofit as in the case of

this group. With direct sales it is up to the person HOW each benefits--you can

buy NV at distributor wholesale cost as a customer and never share it with any

others it could help as well, you can share NV as a distributor and even getting

NV out at cost you will be compensated for sharing and helping others.

> Also, why no newspaper or magazine articles on the stuff? PR is important


NV was originally formulated by Dr. Deepak Chopra and the other doctors behind

NV and launched a year ago as a weight management product as that is a huge

health issue facing our nation and others. The research for NV the doctors

behind NV are currently involved in is focused on weight loss and I believe

diabetes or that is planned as well as that is an area of great need. The

Centers for Disease Control says by 2020 the amount of people with diabetes is

predicted to double or triple. The newest study by Wood found a

third of children today are either overweight or obese. The marketing by the

company that makes NV is to address this serious health epidemic. NV contains

no drugs, synthetics, stimulants and is just food. It is not a weight loss

product,NV supports the metabolic system which more and more diseases are being

linked to. NV helps rid the body of excess fat and toxins as needed, however NV

also as we even have seen reported here numerous times in children or seniors

will help the body support and build muscle and weight, and in children dramatic

growth surges are reported and recorded by the child's pediatrician even in

those children who were low percentile previous to being on NV.

As has mentioned, she has met and spoken to the CEO and Founder Bill

Farley several times and she has even been flown out to his home in Chicago for

a dinner party. Bill Farley told he is proud of what she is doing in

sharing her discovery and there are many today thankful that she has; but he

told her that while she can continue to share the way she is the anecdotal

testimonies, the company can not recognize publicly her discovery until there is

research due to the FDA. While any of us like are allowed to share

personal anecdotal findings about NV (or anything) without research, if the

company recognizes in any way what is sharing here without research the FDA

could pull NV off the market until the research is complete which will take

years. That would be horrible as NV as has said has been life changing and

I can vouch for that.

Just for one example I have a client that was scheduled to have part of his

front temporal lobe removed to try to reduce medication resistant seizures.

This 9 year old was on two medications and due to consistent seizures was

scheduled for brain surgery when put on NV. Since being on NV this child has

been seizure free for over ten months now. He was taken fully off the one

seizure medication and soon will be off the small amount of the second

medication, and even better thanks to NV never had to have radical brain

surgery to try to stop his seizures. In addition to elimination of seizures and

being taken off medication, this child has made progress in many areas since

being on NV. Just as I share that story of one of my clients, and any of

the parents or professionals as I wrote above are allowed to share personal or

professional anecdotal findings until there is research to validate such

findings. It is up to you if you wish to wait to use NV before or after

research. Bill Farley told that research could take about three years

which from what I know about research is about right. I recommend to my parents

to have their child's doctor look it over and leave it up to them to decide.

was the one who discovered via her son Tanner the positive effects of NV

for those with various conditions including apraxia and autism as well as

seizures about a year ago which is why this group and not the world doesn't know

about it yet. also discovered the use of NV being effective on her 89 year

old Aunt who was working with hospice and due to that anecdotal testimony NV is

helping another family who in addition to helping their ten year old apraxic

daughter NV is helping a father who's had Alzheimer's for 9 years. Prior to NV

this 89 year old man was not able to communicate or do things on his own and the

family had been considering putting him into a nursing home prior to NV but now

he is getting stronger and communicating and doing things on his own; since

taking NV. has run this group for over ten years and she is also the

coauthor of The Late Talker book and has been a huge force in raising awareness

about fish oils since 1999 as well. So to be clear, there will be research to

validate the findings from this group but it will take several years to

complete. The research is raising monies for is to validate the fish oils

which still hasn't been done validated specifically for accelerating speech and

motor planning progress in over a decade. Research doesn't just happen and

takes money and time. There can be full marketing and media awareness for fish

oils or NV for what is being reported once the specific research is complete.

> you have to get the word out there. I had never heard of NV before I joined

this website, and I was immediately intrigued but also thought: if this stuff is

so great why doesn't the whole world know about it?!


I probably explained above why more don't know about it yet. You can help get

the word out and share this with others as a distributor and help the fundraiser

and your own family too. There was a special to try all three Chopra products

including NV for 79 and become a distributor for free which ended Sunday night

but it was so successful they have expanded a similar special with an four

products until the 20th of this month http://www.wholefoodtherapy.com Feel free

to contact me with any questions about this.

> I really need to reiterate, my son has gotten less than half a scoop a day

since we started, and I have certainly noticed improvements. It is just not

clear what is causing the surge or if there is a combination of factors such as

better fish oil, new developmental preschool, private ST increased to 1 hour



You said it best. There sound like a combo of factors since you started him with

several things at once-all of which he needs but now it's hard to tell which was

doing what. In order to tell u need to take a brief break from something.

Obviously not school or therapy so either fish oils or NV. Not long. A few days

to a week. Then resume & notice differences.

> lets get some studies going that show that scientifically rather than relying

on anecdotal evidence.


See above, this will be done. Most discoveries start with anecdotal evidence.

You mentioned in a previous email some difficult getting him to drink the NV. My

suggestion is this: reduce the volume of milk to equal she number of scoops....

For ex. If he is taking one scoop, then use only 4oz of liquid.

Also, have you tried all the ideas that has listed? No bake cookies,

sprinkling on food throughout day, adding into a favorite dip (just not too much

b/c he has to eat all of it), in yogurt, juice, pudding, etc.

http://pursuitofresearch.org/serving_suggestions.html If you haven't tried

these, I recommend them! It takes about 3-4 weeks of drinking/taking " altered "

(w/stuff added) NV before he may truly like it. I work with picky eaters at

home (my dtr) & professionally.

Good Luck & keep us posted!

Warmest wishes,

Barbara A , M.S.,CCC-SLP


Help Me Speak, LLC


2500 Wallington Way

Suite 103

Marriottsville, MD 21104


Ask me about NutriiVeda!

On Nov 1, 2010, at 2:50 AM, baba_blacksheep@... wrote:


> AND, if this is good stuff, which it may very well be, It will be much better

for the product to have solid research behind it.


> Just my 2 cents,

> Barbara mom to Spencer almost 3/12 with speech delay, mild senory issues,

possible mild apraxia, social skills delay, play delay



> >

> > I just wanted to jump in with a few points about being a skeptic which to me

is a good thing -for sure a sign of intelligence. But I want to jump in about

some of the issues raised that perhaps some of you skeptics haven't thought

of...because quite honestly- I believe all of us are skeptics here -come on!

But...we choose what we are skeptical about don't we?! I mean put the reading

glasses and pull up Google searches for every ingredient in NV which is

formulated by world renowned medical doctors but will buy our kid a slushy at a

carnival or popcorn at the movies or a hot dog at the zoo without a thought of

" hmmm what's in this? "

> >

> > As far as why if the product is so good does it " have " to be sold as an MLM?

You probably didn't research well enough as to who is behind Zrii and NV...look

at this site http://www.meetbillfarley.com and this one http://www.chopra.com

and search behind the multi-billionaire names " Bill Farely " and " Dr. Deepak

Chopra " and it would be clear to anyone no matter how skeptical that if they

wanted this product to be sold at Bloomingdales, Walmart or as a pharmaceutical

product available only through medical doctors they could distribute it HOWEVER

they want. Both happen to be good friends with Oprah (Bill is Oprah's neighbor

in Chicago as well and I was fortunate enough to have dinner at Bill Farley's

home...no words to describe that!!! Amazing? Beyond that) Anyway before

launching Zrii Bill Farley bought a few companies for millions or hundreds of

millions of dollars and brought them up to billion dollar brands. I'm sure you

may not have heard of Bill Farley but you may be more intimate with him than you

know. One of his brands was Fruit of the Loom where he took underwear from

tighty whities to the entire line that is the underwear industry today.

Christian Dior was another company that he OWNED and brought to a billion dollar

brand. You want to know why he doesn't sell NV in a store -I want to know why I

can't buy Dior products that I LOVE!!!!! at Walmart!!

> >

> > OK so why direct sales instead? Because Bill Farley is one of the few SOLID

multi billionaires in the world. He is not living in a bubble however. He knows

that the middle class is being crunched -people are losing homes, we have

parents here that lost jobs and can't pay their mortgage no less for therapy-

and in some cases can't pay for health insurance. He was introduced to direct

sales I think through Pampered Chef (owned by another billionaire) and was blown

away by the " powerful " everyday individuals who built that company to what it

was. Direct sales is the new American Dream -you don't have to do anything but

you don't get paid for that. You only get paid if you share. And we are sharing

something for the same amount of money we get it for. There is no reason to

become a distributor unless you are going to share it because we are selling the

products for our distributor cost. But if you want to make money...uh YEAH there

is anything from paying for your product a month money to over 6 figures (a

MONTH) money that I can for sure tell you people are making in Zrii.

> >

> > I never shared about the business opportunity side of Zrii here before

because we sell at the same price we get it for and you don't get a discount on

the products as a distributor -don't get paid unless you share. The special I

just told everyone about however that they have till Sunday night is the 3

Chopra formulated and endorsed products they carry including the new Accell and

you become a distributor for basically free as well as it all together costs

only 79 dollars (with the same money back guarantee) - and I tried to put all

the reasons to go for it and try the three products and join the team HERE

http://wholefoodtherapy.com/limited-time-offer You don't ever want to buy a

product again -they don't enforce anything. You don't want to do anything with

it -nobody is going to care. You choose how much or little or anything you want

to do. But you want to share with the world - you WILL be rewarded for that -and

by a multi billionaire who is one of the nicest most generous people I've ever


> >

> > And...I just was on the phone with someone from this group who also has had

amazing results in his family (hope we hear from them soon here as very few of

you know this amazing story yet but will) and you know what I told him? I could

for SURE if all I cared about was making money make WAY more money if I focused

on weight loss -even in kids -than on apraxia and autism and seizures etc. I

have a before and after photo of a child that I love dearly but he is so

embarrassed by his " before " NV photos I would never do that to him. There are a

few things I keep secret but can share that NOBODY can change my opinion of NV

or direct sales. NV has made my son beyond normal and for that I am eternally

grateful and just hope everyone digs and digs and digs about NV because you will

hit gold. Dig that deep with all the other stuff you embrace in life in your

food cabinets and tell me what you find.

> >

> >

> > Also I'm really getting very tired of hearing how expensive NV is. Sure if

it was chocolate milk and that's it -it would be. But in addition to the amazing

surges in so many areas http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html as we have

here http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html NV replaces vitamins and it

can be full meal replacement for adults -but as I just wrote to someone else

" even for my boys 14 and 16 who still eat with it -they no way eat us out of

house and home like before. My food bills are WAY down. I mean food and drinks

are expensive -so are vitamins. NV comes out to less than 3 bucks a meal and we

use it when we go to Disney for example too to have as one of our meals at the

car (we bring a cooler with water and a shaker and sometimes a bit of chocolate

almond milk) and my boys will drink it now with just water even! Then when we go

into the parks we'll still eat- but you can walk past all the junk food and not

feel tempted like without it. That's what I find -also no late night scrounging

around the kitchen searching for something to eat...you're satisfied -to me that

is a very good thing -and for sure has saved our family money too! "

> >

> > As far as research monies because we sell the product at cost and are only

paid a bit back on volume we are moving along but not like we would if others

became distributors and also helped share it too. We do not have to raise any

monies for NV research but for the PUFA research I am not allowed to share that

in email or online but would be happy to share details of the amazing research

planned with anyone that would like to know Just call me 772 335 5135 or email

me lisa@... with your number and I'll call you.

> >

> > If you want to help- forget marches, forget sending in donations- help your

child with NV and share it with others. And now you can do that and save money

too with a money back guarantee!!!


> >

> > The worst thing about NV is that the testimonies are too good to be true to

most; and we are a world of skeptics :)

> >

> > =====

> >

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Thanks for your comments. I think you have some very good points. Just to

clarify, I am not saying I personally am skeptical about all MLM's. Although my

younger brother was " sucked into " one called Equinox a few years back which

turned out to be crooked! I think there are some good ones out there that sell

decent products, for example Usborne Books and Pampered Chef. I do think there

is a general skepticism out there about MLM's, probably because the crooked ones

and the ones that sold bad products made it difficult for the legitimate ones.

Thanks for the tips too. I do plan to keep trying to give Spencer the NV

although it is a pain to get any into him.



> OK. I just have to comment. I am an SLP expert in apraxia & eating challenges.

Several of my clients are on NV-all with positive changes; a one hundred percent

success rate for my practice is amazing as I would be sharing information about

NV with parents and colleagues even with a lower success rate to try as it's

sold with a money back guarantee. NV is a food being approved by the medical

doctors and nutritionists of my clients and members here. The foods in it have

no known side effects. I have your comments below with my responses to them.


> > People are VERY skeptical of MLM's.

> >


> I don't find that to be true at all with educated individuals. There are

many, many successful & honest direst sales companies: Tastefully Simple,

Stampin' Up!, Creative Memories, Silpada, Lia Sophia, Juice Plus, Tupperware,

Pampered Chef, Discovery Toys, Cookie Lee, Kay, Avon, Zrii (who makes NV)

etc. which are all part of the Direct Sellers Association

http://www.dsa.org/about/member-listing I know lots of people who buy gifts &

personal items from these companies. I have. I also know medical doctors,

lawyers, and successful business owners that become distributors to make extra

money for their family or replace their income to be able to stay at home with

their children. Yes the distributor will benefit from my purchase and I have no

problem with that, but I shop at Macy's, Sears, JC Penney and don't have a

problem with the CEO & large stockholders I am supporting with my purchase

either. In fact I would rather support a friend, or a mom or dad trying to earn

extra money to help keep their home than a larger company when given the choice.

In the case of NV while we are all supporting research to help the children by

purchasing through this group, some here both parents and professionals have

become distributors as part of the PursuitofResearch team which helps support

the fundraiser and also helps those that are distributors as well. Members here

use NV because it's working for the children they care for, and share it to help

others. As has written several times if you are not sure who is part of

the PursuitofResearch team please read

http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=115029735601 & topic=14809




> > why not market it through traditional wholesale and retail businesses?

> >



> The owner (Bill Farley http://www.meetbillfarley.com ) has bought and taken

six companies including Fruit of the Loom and Christian Dior from multimillion

to multibillion dollar brands and plans on Zrii being his 7th billion dollar

family brand. As a respected, awarded winning proven marketing business icon

that is an adviser to presidents and friends with like minded individuals as

Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Deepak Chopra I believe he knows a bit more than most of

us the best way to distribute NV. As said Bill Farley could sell NV any

way he wanted to and it's his decision to sell Zrii through direct sales. Bill

Farley who again is a multibillionaire is impressed with direct sales over

traditional wholesale and retail which he certainly is an expert in. Bill

Farley wants to help others to help themselves and to me it's clear many need

help today. Hence the direct sales type of company. If it was sold in retail

stores, again only the owner & large stockholders (as it is w/Macy's) would

profit, none of the parents or professionals nor the fundraiser for the

nonprofit as in the case of this group. With direct sales it is up to the

person HOW each benefits--you can buy NV at distributor wholesale cost as a

customer and never share it with any others it could help as well, you can share

NV as a distributor and even getting NV out at cost you will be compensated for

sharing and helping others.



> > Also, why no newspaper or magazine articles on the stuff? PR is important

> >



> NV was originally formulated by Dr. Deepak Chopra and the other doctors behind

NV and launched a year ago as a weight management product as that is a huge

health issue facing our nation and others. The research for NV the doctors

behind NV are currently involved in is focused on weight loss and I believe

diabetes or that is planned as well as that is an area of great need. The

Centers for Disease Control says by 2020 the amount of people with diabetes is

predicted to double or triple. The newest study by Wood found a

third of children today are either overweight or obese. The marketing by the

company that makes NV is to address this serious health epidemic. NV contains

no drugs, synthetics, stimulants and is just food. It is not a weight loss

product,NV supports the metabolic system which more and more diseases are being

linked to. NV helps rid the body of excess fat and toxins as needed, however NV

also as we even have seen reported here numerous times in children or seniors

will help the body support and build muscle and weight, and in children dramatic

growth surges are reported and recorded by the child's pediatrician even in

those children who were low percentile previous to being on NV.


> As has mentioned, she has met and spoken to the CEO and Founder Bill

Farley several times and she has even been flown out to his home in Chicago for

a dinner party. Bill Farley told he is proud of what she is doing in

sharing her discovery and there are many today thankful that she has; but he

told her that while she can continue to share the way she is the anecdotal

testimonies, the company can not recognize publicly her discovery until there is

research due to the FDA. While any of us like are allowed to share

personal anecdotal findings about NV (or anything) without research, if the

company recognizes in any way what is sharing here without research the FDA

could pull NV off the market until the research is complete which will take

years. That would be horrible as NV as has said has been life changing and

I can vouch for that.


> Just for one example I have a client that was scheduled to have part of his

front temporal lobe removed to try to reduce medication resistant seizures.

This 9 year old was on two medications and due to consistent seizures was

scheduled for brain surgery when put on NV. Since being on NV this child has

been seizure free for over ten months now. He was taken fully off the one

seizure medication and soon will be off the small amount of the second

medication, and even better thanks to NV never had to have radical brain

surgery to try to stop his seizures. In addition to elimination of seizures and

being taken off medication, this child has made progress in many areas since

being on NV. Just as I share that story of one of my clients, and any of

the parents or professionals as I wrote above are allowed to share personal or

professional anecdotal findings until there is research to validate such

findings. It is up to you if you wish to wait to use NV before or after

research. Bill Farley told that research could take about three years

which from what I know about research is about right. I recommend to my parents

to have their child's doctor look it over and leave it up to them to decide.


> was the one who discovered via her son Tanner the positive effects of NV

for those with various conditions including apraxia and autism as well as

seizures about a year ago which is why this group and not the world doesn't know

about it yet. also discovered the use of NV being effective on her 89 year

old Aunt who was working with hospice and due to that anecdotal testimony NV is

helping another family who in addition to helping their ten year old apraxic

daughter NV is helping a father who's had Alzheimer's for 9 years. Prior to NV

this 89 year old man was not able to communicate or do things on his own and the

family had been considering putting him into a nursing home prior to NV but now

he is getting stronger and communicating and doing things on his own; since

taking NV. has run this group for over ten years and she is also the

coauthor of The Late Talker book and has been a huge force in raising awareness

about fish oils since 1999 as well. So to be clear, there will be research to

validate the findings from this group but it will take several years to

complete. The research is raising monies for is to validate the fish oils

which still hasn't been done validated specifically for accelerating speech and

motor planning progress in over a decade. Research doesn't just happen and

takes money and time. There can be full marketing and media awareness for fish

oils or NV for what is being reported once the specific research is complete.



> > you have to get the word out there. I had never heard of NV before I joined

this website, and I was immediately intrigued but also thought: if this stuff is

so great why doesn't the whole world know about it?!

> >


> I probably explained above why more don't know about it yet. You can help get

the word out and share this with others as a distributor and help the fundraiser

and your own family too. There was a special to try all three Chopra products

including NV for 79 and become a distributor for free which ended Sunday night

but it was so successful they have expanded a similar special with an four

products until the 20th of this month http://www.wholefoodtherapy.com Feel free

to contact me with any questions about this.




> > I really need to reiterate, my son has gotten less than half a scoop a day

since we started, and I have certainly noticed improvements. It is just not

clear what is causing the surge or if there is a combination of factors such as

better fish oil, new developmental preschool, private ST increased to 1 hour


> >



> You said it best. There sound like a combo of factors since you started him

with several things at once-all of which he needs but now it's hard to tell

which was doing what. In order to tell u need to take a brief break from

something. Obviously not school or therapy so either fish oils or NV. Not long.

A few days to a week. Then resume & notice differences.



> > lets get some studies going that show that scientifically rather than

relying on anecdotal evidence.

> >



> See above, this will be done. Most discoveries start with anecdotal evidence.


> You mentioned in a previous email some difficult getting him to drink the NV.

My suggestion is this: reduce the volume of milk to equal she number of

scoops.... For ex. If he is taking one scoop, then use only 4oz of liquid.


> Also, have you tried all the ideas that has listed? No bake cookies,

sprinkling on food throughout day, adding into a favorite dip (just not too much

b/c he has to eat all of it), in yogurt, juice, pudding, etc.

http://pursuitofresearch.org/serving_suggestions.html If you haven't tried

these, I recommend them! It takes about 3-4 weeks of drinking/taking " altered "

(w/stuff added) NV before he may truly like it. I work with picky eaters at

home (my dtr) & professionally.


> Good Luck & keep us posted!


> Warmest wishes,

> Barbara A , M.S.,CCC-SLP

> CEO,

> Help Me Speak, LLC

> www.helpmespeak.com

> 2500 Wallington Way

> Suite 103

> Marriottsville, MD 21104

> 410-442-9791


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Hello all--

We started our son Drew on NV 12 days ago - the changes are just incredible

already! I actually started to see improvement within the first 24 hours but was

hesitant to credit that to NV so soon. Drew was diagnosed about a year ago with

apraxia when he was 2 and a half and back then he only had one sound - " ma " .

After he started his therapies he progressed slow and steady. I found Cherab

through a friend at facebook about two months ago and had to try the NV. I

called our pediatrician, he looked into it and said it couldn't hurt him, so we

started it as soon as we received it. I'm so glad we did!!

Some more detailed explanation of the improvements we have noticed in Drew: he

can get more consonant sounds into longer phrases - he used to only get the

beginning and ending consonants and slurred all the sounds in between. His eye

contact is much better. He is definitely more focused. He also seems to be more

confident of his speech. He has more spontaneous speech. He can express his

feelings and thoughts, and he's even getting a sense of humor. Just the other

day, I asked him if he thought my new haircut was pretty... he said " pretty

funny! " ;-)

I also started taking NV and have noticed that I am much more even-tempered and

I haven't had a headache since I started taking it. I am reading the late

talker book and learned about the fish oil but heard to wait month before we try

that since we just started NV.

Thanks for all the insight that all of you give on this board...it helps me SO

much in knowing I have others to turn to even if I don't always post.

le Mom to Drew, 3 1/2, a smart little kid with apraxia :-D


> Hi Jodi.


> I've been a member of this group for a couple years now. I started following

it when my daughter was diagnosed with a variety of things (apraxia, motor

planning problems, low tone, sensory processing, silent reflux, etc.) at a

little over a year and a half- well we probably didn't have it all sorted until

she was 2. The diagnosis didn't come that quickly, but she was 'failure to

thrive' at 15 months and then the tests began. She's now 4 1/2 so we've been

at this a while. We started the fish oil protocal fairly early on and saw great

improvement and she was doing well with therapy so while I read and following

the NV discussion, I felt like if it looks too good to be true, it usually is.

Plus it seemed like all these surges were going to happen anyway, but I chalked

the anecdotes up to coincidence, not causation with NV. We moved overseas and

were going fine, but then this summer we came back to North America for an

extended visit and couldn't get the powdered supplements my daughter was taking

so I thought, well, why not try the NV stuff since I need to find something for

a few months anyway. Well, almost immediately (like in the first couple days

of starting it) Syd was more coordinated, speaking more words and more clearly

(noticed by many others, not just me) and suddenly interested in potty training.

She wasn't interested in the least before and showed none of the readiness

signs. She had a few accidents but it was like everything came together at

once. Her sleep improved and she gained almost 2 kg in that first month- for a

child who has been off the chart or 0-3% for the past 3 years after being 50

percentile for the first year- this gain was huge. She grew in height as well

but I can't recall how much it was now. Anyway, it may have been coincidence,

but it was a hell of a coincidence. As well, when we ran out, we saw

regressions in speech, motor planning, toileting and behavior immediately.

> Anyway, I do not care for the way it is sold, or the price point as it is

high. I would like to try my older daughter on it as well as try it myself (I

have MS) but as a single income family with lots of medical and therapeutic

expenses already, we have to make choices. I think the company would find

their sales would increase significantly if the price were a bit lower. I've

recommended it to many people but no one I know has actually tried it which is



> Hope this helps,





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le...Congratulations! I pray we see the same results as you. It appears

from what I'm reading from others we will, but I just hope we aren't one of

those few it doesn't work for. Please continue to update us. Lots of parents

share the improvements when their child is first on NV but after a few months

then you don't hear from them. Is it because they no longer need this group I

wonder?!!!! Kate

> >

> > Hi Jodi.

> >

> > I've been a member of this group for a couple years now. I started

following it when my daughter was diagnosed with a variety of things (apraxia,

motor planning problems, low tone, sensory processing, silent reflux, etc.) at a

little over a year and a half- well we probably didn't have it all sorted until

she was 2. The diagnosis didn't come that quickly, but she was 'failure to

thrive' at 15 months and then the tests began. She's now 4 1/2 so we've been

at this a while. We started the fish oil protocal fairly early on and saw great

improvement and she was doing well with therapy so while I read and following

the NV discussion, I felt like if it looks too good to be true, it usually is.

Plus it seemed like all these surges were going to happen anyway, but I chalked

the anecdotes up to coincidence, not causation with NV. We moved overseas and

were going fine, but then this summer we came back to North America for an

extended visit and couldn't get the powdered supplements my daughter was taking

so I thought, well, why not try the NV stuff since I need to find something for

a few months anyway. Well, almost immediately (like in the first couple days

of starting it) Syd was more coordinated, speaking more words and more clearly

(noticed by many others, not just me) and suddenly interested in potty training.

She wasn't interested in the least before and showed none of the readiness

signs. She had a few accidents but it was like everything came together at

once. Her sleep improved and she gained almost 2 kg in that first month- for a

child who has been off the chart or 0-3% for the past 3 years after being 50

percentile for the first year- this gain was huge. She grew in height as well

but I can't recall how much it was now. Anyway, it may have been coincidence,

but it was a hell of a coincidence. As well, when we ran out, we saw

regressions in speech, motor planning, toileting and behavior immediately.

> > Anyway, I do not care for the way it is sold, or the price point as it is

high. I would like to try my older daughter on it as well as try it myself (I

have MS) but as a single income family with lots of medical and therapeutic

expenses already, we have to make choices. I think the company would find

their sales would increase significantly if the price were a bit lower. I've

recommended it to many people but no one I know has actually tried it which is


> >

> > Hope this helps,

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Amazing. Congrats

Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

[ ] Re: NutriiVeda - want testimonials from members

le...Congratulations! I pray we see the same results as you. It appears

from what I'm reading from others we will, but I just hope we aren't one of

those few it doesn't work for. Please continue to update us. Lots of parents

share the improvements when their child is first on NV but after a few months

then you don't hear from them. Is it because they no longer need this group I

wonder?!!!! Kate

> >

> > Hi Jodi.

> >

> > I've been a member of this group for a couple years now. I started

following it when my daughter was diagnosed with a variety of things (apraxia,

motor planning problems, low tone, sensory processing, silent reflux, etc.) at a

little over a year and a half- well we probably didn't have it all sorted until

she was 2. The diagnosis didn't come that quickly, but she was 'failure to

thrive' at 15 months and then the tests began. She's now 4 1/2 so we've been

at this a while. We started the fish oil protocal fairly early on and saw great

improvement and she was doing well with therapy so while I read and following

the NV discussion, I felt like if it looks too good to be true, it usually is.

Plus it seemed like all these surges were going to happen anyway, but I chalked

the anecdotes up to coincidence, not causation with NV. We moved overseas and

were going fine, but then this summer we came back to North America for an

extended visit and couldn't get the powdered supplements my daughter was taking

so I thought, well, why not try the NV stuff since I need to find something for

a few months anyway. Well, almost immediately (like in the first couple days

of starting it) Syd was more coordinated, speaking more words and more clearly

(noticed by many others, not just me) and suddenly interested in potty training.

She wasn't interested in the least before and showed none of the readiness

signs. She had a few accidents but it was like everything came together at

once. Her sleep improved and she gained almost 2 kg in that first month- for a

child who has been off the chart or 0-3% for the past 3 years after being 50

percentile for the first year- this gain was huge. She grew in height as well

but I can't recall how much it was now. Anyway, it may have been coincidence,

but it was a hell of a coincidence. As well, when we ran out, we saw

regressions in speech, motor planning, toileting and behavior immediately.

> > Anyway, I do not care for the way it is sold, or the price point as it is

high. I would like to try my older daughter on it as well as try it myself (I

have MS) but as a single income family with lots of medical and therapeutic

expenses already, we have to make choices. I think the company would find

their sales would increase significantly if the price were a bit lower. I've

recommended it to many people but no one I know has actually tried it which is


> >

> > Hope this helps,

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Kate if you look at what is written over the years with fish oils it's the same

thing. People typically write here if they need support or want to share. It's

very few that reach out to help others long after they need this group -so most

do move on once their child is better -which is one of the reasons we've had

such a difficult time over the years in getting monies for PUFA research. NV I

see the same thing -just a bit faster. But we do have something we can do this

time we didn't have before -new types of websites!

If you look at http://www.wholefoodtherapy.com that is one site I'm still not

done with but it's set up more in a blog format -and we are working on a new

http://www.pursuitofresearch.com website the same way (still pointed to the

..org) so that people will be able to update, comment on testimonies, or ask

questions. We have a ton of information that is not up on the

http://www.pursuitofresearch.org site but once it's interactive -I believe the

word will travel much quicker (honestly pardon the pun!) People need to know

about this.

And to le- very interesting about the headaches -do you get regular

headaches or migraines? Since you are new not sure if you know there are a

number of individuals now either soon to be off or off seizure medications and

no longer having headaches either once on NV- here's just three case studies

http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=15306 & post=93938 & uid=115029735601

Congratulations! Stay tuned for more and more great things to come!!


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Hello, I wanted to let everyone know that I am still here even though I have

only been a lurker.. I have been very busy and knee deep in a lot of stuff for

at this moment. So please understand that I do care about this issues

very much, I am just absorbed in much bigger issues at this time.   I am still


fan of Nutriiveda.  is only drinking two scoops daily at this time

because I just cant seem to find the time to get more into him at this point. 

However,  Matt still remains seizure FREE!!  We are now at ten months free!! 


feel that NV has provided him some sort of nourishment that his brain/body was

lacking and that is why he is seizure free.  He still remains on Carbartrol

400mg daily, which his levels in his blood stream are at a sub therapeutic

level.  However, will remain on this low dose of anti seizure


for another year.  I am working with his neurologist and agree with him to

follow Hopkins protocol to remain seizure free for two year before removing all

meds completely.  I do agree that we should not jump to quickly in this

regard.   On a daily basis we are not dealing with the treat of seizures which

is huge!!

As far as other changes in , it is hard to clearly define.  He seems to

have matured in many ways, this may or may not be due to NV.  is such a

bad eater that if for another reason I feel that I am getting him all the vital

nutrients that his body is not getting from food.


I just started drinking NV about four days ago.  I have noticed more energy at

this point.  I am drinking it as a nutritional supplement and to help my body


more well balanced.  I will keep you posted if I see any other



If you are thinking of starting NV and have any questions you can also contact



*below I attached my original testimony for you to read.


Happy Autumn,



NV what a surprise!!!

I was told about it back in January and of course I was thinking it was like a

million other products out there that parents with special needs children try. 

However, being skeptical I did order it and started (9yrs) on it once a

day (2 scoops).  Shortly after he started it I noticed very slight


He seemed to have a healthy look or glow to him; his temper seemed to have

leveled off instead of extreme highs and lows.   seemed to be grasping

or understanding language a bit more too.  The most drastic of all the changes

is that as of today remains seizure free!!  has been having

uncontrolled seizures for three years now despite whatever medications we have

tried.  He has gone through many types of testing procedures and we were on the

road to have a surgery consult to remove the portion of his right temporal lobe

where his seizures were occurring.  Today is drinking NV twice a day (4

scoops) and is seizure free going on 15 weeks!  We have dropped his seizure

medications twice now and still remain seizure free.  I remain optimistic that

when we hit the six months marker Matt’s neurologist will help us to slowly

remove all seizure medications.  I am in awe of Nutriiveda and what it has done

for our family. 



From: kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...>

Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 4:36:48 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: NutriiVeda - want testimonials from members


Kate if you look at what is written over the years with fish oils it's the same

thing. People typically write here if they need support or want to share. It's

very few that reach out to help others long after they need this group -so most

do move on once their child is better -which is one of the reasons we've had

such a difficult time over the years in getting monies for PUFA research. NV I

see the same thing -just a bit faster. But we do have something we can do this

time we didn't have before -new types of websites!

If you look at http://www.wholefoodtherapy.com that is one site I'm still not

done with but it's set up more in a blog format -and we are working on a new

http://www.pursuitofresearch.com website the same way (still pointed to the

..org) so that people will be able to update, comment on testimonies, or ask

questions. We have a ton of information that is not up on the

http://www.pursuitofresearch.org site but once it's interactive -I believe the

word will travel much quicker (honestly pardon the pun!) People need to know

about this.

And to le- very interesting about the headaches -do you get regular

headaches or migraines? Since you are new not sure if you know there are a

number of individuals now either soon to be off or off seizure medications and

no longer having headaches either once on NV- here's just three case studies

http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=15306 & post=93938 & uid=115029735601

Congratulations! Stay tuned for more and more great things to come!!


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Congratulations great update.

Re: [ ] Re: NutriiVeda - want testimonials from members

Hello, I wanted to let everyone know that I am still here even though I have

only been a lurker.. I have been very busy and knee deep in a lot of stuff for

at this moment. So please understand that I do care about this issues

very much, I am just absorbed in much bigger issues at this time.  I am still


fan of Nutriiveda. is only drinking two scoops daily at this time

because I just cant seem to find the time to get more into him at this point.Â

However, Matt still remains seizure FREE!! We are now at ten months free!!Â


feel that NV has provided him some sort of nourishment that his brain/body was

lacking and that is why he is seizure free. He still remains on Carbartrol

400mg daily, which his levels in his blood stream are at a sub therapeutic

level. However, will remain on this low dose of anti seizure


for another year. I am working with his neurologist and agree with him to

follow Hopkins protocol to remain seizure free for two year before removing all

meds completely. I do agree that we should not jump to quickly in this

regard.  On a daily basis we are not dealing with the treat of seizures which

is huge!!

As far as other changes in , it is hard to clearly define. He seems to

have matured in many ways, this may or may not be due to NV. is such a

bad eater that if for another reason I feel that I am getting him all the vital

nutrients that his body is not getting from food.


I just started drinking NV about four days ago. I have noticed more energy at

this point. I am drinking it as a nutritional supplement and to help my body


more well balanced. I will keep you posted if I see any other

improvements.  Â


If you are thinking of starting NV and have any questions you can also contact



*below I attached my original testimony for you to read.


Happy Autumn,



NV what a surprise!!!

I was told about it back in January and of course I was thinking it was like a

million other products out there that parents with special needs children try.Â

However, being skeptical I did order it and started (9yrs) on it once a

day (2 scoops). Shortly after he started it I noticed very slight


He seemed to have a healthy look or glow to him; his temper seemed to have

leveled off instead of extreme highs and lows.  seemed to be grasping

or understanding language a bit more too. The most drastic of all the changes

is that as of today remains seizure free!! has been having

uncontrolled seizures for three years now despite whatever medications we have

tried. He has gone through many types of testing procedures and we were on the

road to have a surgery consult to remove the portion of his right temporal lobe

where his seizures were occurring. Today is drinking NV twice a day (4

scoops) and is seizure free going on 15 weeks! We have dropped his seizure

medications twice now and still remain seizure free. I remain optimistic that

when we hit the six months marker Matt’s neurologist will help us to slowly

remove all seizure medications. I am in awe of Nutriiveda and what it has done

for our family.Â



From: kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...>

Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 4:36:48 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: NutriiVeda - want testimonials from members


Kate if you look at what is written over the years with fish oils it's the same

thing. People typically write here if they need support or want to share. It's

very few that reach out to help others long after they need this group -so most

do move on once their child is better -which is one of the reasons we've had

such a difficult time over the years in getting monies for PUFA research. NV I

see the same thing -just a bit faster. But we do have something we can do this

time we didn't have before -new types of websites!

If you look at http://www.wholefoodtherapy.com that is one site I'm still not

done with but it's set up more in a blog format -and we are working on a new

http://www.pursuitofresearch.com website the same way (still pointed to the

..org) so that people will be able to update, comment on testimonies, or ask

questions. We have a ton of information that is not up on the

http://www.pursuitofresearch.org site but once it's interactive -I believe the

word will travel much quicker (honestly pardon the pun!) People need to know

about this.

And to le- very interesting about the headaches -do you get regular

headaches or migraines? Since you are new not sure if you know there are a

number of individuals now either soon to be off or off seizure medications and

no longer having headaches either once on NV- here's just three case studies

http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=15306 & post=93938 & uid=115029735601

Congratulations! Stay tuned for more and more great things to come!!


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