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Re: Re: Your position on the flu shot or vaccines in ge...

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I'll try to choose my words carefully, lest I offend anyone......bear with

me as I do this as gently as I can.......

It always surprises me when a pregnant mom says something to the effect of

" I'm wondering if I should get the flu vaccine to protect me and my unborn

child " .

The reason this surprises me is that ACOG tells women to limit the amount

of tuna that is eaten during a pregnancy. Why? Due to the mercury content

found in the tuna, and the dangerous metal that will harm the baby. There are

several other things that ACOG warns pregnant women to stay away from---

but the tuna is one.

Now, take the flu vaccine as a perfect example -- ACOG PUSHES this down the

throats of pregnant women as something that supposedly " protects "

themselves, and their unborn child, but if you look at the contents of the flu


of mercury that is in the vaccines exceed that of which ANY person should

stay away from, but ESPECIALLY a pregnant woman!!!!

so why is it that they push it at the pregnant moms?? If they tell us to

stay away from TUNA, which has minimal mercury amounts in comparison to the

vaccine, why would they INSIST that you get a flu vax??

Let that question sit and haunt you (general you) for a bit, and you can

see why my passion against the flu vaccine is so great. I have more than 10

friends who have vaccine injured children from the flu vaccinated-- whether

it be receiving it in utero, or post birth-- they all have unwanted

damages that they live with on a daily basis.

Do you research, find out the INGREDIENTS first--- forget everything else

at this point, and ask yourself if you're willing to directly inject those

ingredients into the body of your unborn child.

Then research the MORE EFFECTIVE WAYS of keeping you and your children

healthy. Try looking " outside the box " of " modern day medicine " , and see what

other ways you can do that will EFFECTIVELY keep your child healthy and

keep them safe from things like the flu or pertussis, etc.

Here are things that are proven without a shadow of a doubt, to help boost

your immune system and to keep your child either disease-free, or able to

FIGHT that disease.

~Chiropractic care

~Vitamin D -- a simple supplement given in higher doses during the winter

months, will stir your immune system in ways you can't imagine!

(there is one study that says the efficacy rate of the flu vaccine was

somewhere around 25-30% and just taking Vitamin D was somewhere around 70-75%

effective in comparison!!!! Which % would you rather have??)

~Eating foods low in white sugars and process foods- you'd be amazed at how

strong your immune system can be if you don't clog your body with white

sugars and processed crap.

~SLEEP-- people underestimate the need for consistent good sleep and what

it does to help your body fight off infections/diseases/viruses

~HAND WASHING--- again, something that seems so extremely simple and easy,

but how many times do people not realize that if you're in a store and

touch things like money, grocery carts, toys on the shelf, etc, and then NOT

wash their hands before touching their own mouths or noses????

~Staying home when they're sick and actually resting!!! This seems to be

the hardest for most people to do these days. They go everywhere sick!! Why?

Use common sense and stay home and rest while sick.

I could go on and on-- but there are SO MANY ways to keep healthy, and to

fight off the flu, and other viruses and diseases, and frankly, I wonder why

people don't do this more often, rather than taking the vaccines. It just

makes good common sense to me when you compare the risks and the outcomes,

and most of all the EFFICACY RATE!

I dont' say this in a snotty tone, but in a very matter-of-fact way.

Just take the emotions out of this topic and simply take the percentages and

the facts and see for yourselves how easy the answer REALLY is.

(after 12 yrs of research believe it or not, it becomes hard NOT to see the


PS-- for what it's worth, I have a vaccine-injured child. Now, before he

was born, we decided to go completely vaccine-free, and to take homeopathic

measures to take care of our family. unfortunately, in the hospital, they

gave him the Hep B vax WITHOUT PERMISSION. I didn't know any better back

then, and I didn't know my rights, and I especially thought it was an " all

or nothing " thing. I was duped into thinking that if ONE was ok, then ALL

was ok. That's a grave mistake to make. He ended up receiving a few

vaxxes, and each one of them participated in his demise neurologically. I


go back and change that-- but those who are in the process of vaxxing today

CAN make sure they don't make the same mistake.

MANY MANY children have a pre-disposition to being affected negatively by

the vaxxes, and children with Apraxia, which is a NEUROLOGICALLY-BASED MOTOR

PLANNING DISORDER, are more at risk to have complications from ANY

vaccine, because they already have that known risk factor. People don't always

recognize that fact early enough to make the difference---


In a message dated 10/8/2010 10:06:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

liralendoncov@... writes:

I'm not getting the flu shot for my son. He has a very healthy immune

system with no complicators like asthma. My whole family has never gotten flu

shots and neither has my husband's family.

As for vaccines, I look at each one and balance the risks vrs the

benefits. For example, my son is not in day care or preschool and he never had

problems with ear infections, so we did not do the one that prevents ear

infections (I think it is hib?) He got d-tap cause we live in an area with

pertussis and tetanus. I also go with the low and slow method, meaning less

vaccines when he gets then and later than the CDC calls for.

> >

> > Hi There,

> >

> > I was wondering how folks on this list feel feel about flu shots for


> > kiddos (and/or vaccines in general)?

> >

> > My 22 month old son has been vaccinated regularly to date, and has had


> > flu shot in the past, but given his recent apraxia diagnosis, I'm


> > to do the flu shot this year. The problem is that he also has an immune

> > issue called selective IgA deficiency (which means he can pick

illnesses up

> > more easily and his body can't fight them off so well). My son's

> > immunologist says to absolutely get the flu shot, whereas his pediatric

> > naturopath says to not get it (she has him on numerous supplements to


> > boost his immune issue and perhaps help w/ the apraxia -- plus we're


> > fish oils and NV). I should note that my son is in daycare 2 full days


> > week and definitely gets exposed to lots of germs. The Naturopath says


> > can use homeopathic remedies to fight any flu symptoms off though.

> >

> > I'm also worried b/c I'm pregnant (due in Jan.) and wondering about


> > I should have the flu shot to protect me and the baby? Part of me


> > about getting sick and the other part is hesitant to get the shot

since I

> > don't want to take any chances with baby #2 getting exposed to

anything in

> > the shot itself even if we do the preservative free version (esp.

since I

> > don't know what caused my son's apraxia/immune issues in the first


> >

> > I'm guessing this might be a heated topic, but I'd love to hear what


> > parents of kids with apraxia think about the flu shot and vaccines in

> > general. None of my local friends have kids with apraxia or IgA and


> > all either completely pro-vaccine and flu shots or completely opposed.


> > I'm just not clear on what my vaccine/flu shot position will be now

for baby

> > #2 after his birth...

> >

> > I'd love any feedback from others.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I could not agree with you more. I still have sleepless nights upset that I

allowed all the vaccines. My kids had more than 40 shots before they began

school. I can watch video and see two of them (the identicals within the

set of triplets) basically go downhill between one and two years, losing

their language skills, and motor planning just getting worse on all fronts.

They were so sick for so long -- they looked awful.

The vitamin D is really important -- we had very few colds and although H1N1

hit us, it was mild. All I can say is that if you have preemies and/or

multiples, and they are showing ANY GI problems or signs of any delays --

IMHO -- I would stop the vaccines!!

Anyway, hope I didn't offend anyone, but I lived it all too.

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