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Dr. Barry Sears, Founder of Zone Labs, Calls EPA the Key to Fish Oil Benefits

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Dr. Barry Sears, Founder of Zone Labs, Calls EPA the Key to Fish Oil Benefits

Marblehead, MA (Vocus) October 30, 2010

Dr. Barry Sears, Founder and Chairman of Zone Labs, announced that the key to

fish oil benefits from consumption of fish or from fish oil supplementation are

due to the EPA, not the DHA.

Dr. Sears said, " Expectant mothers have always been told that fish is brain food

not only for the developing child, but for the mother as well. New research data

questions that ancient wisdom, or does it? "

According to Dr. Sears, one of the leading experts in omega-3 fatty acids, " To

understand this seeming paradox requires a detailed knowledge of fish oils and

omega-3 fatty acid metabolism that is not available to most medical

journalists. "

Dr. Sears explained that there has been a growing body of knowledge that women

who consume fish or fish oil supplements have less post-partum depression, and

their children have improved cognitive development. However, fish and fish oil

supplements always contain a mixture of two omega-3 fatty acids:

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

" Because the brain contains relatively low amounts of EPA compared to DHA, it

has always been assumed that it was the DHA that gave rise to these benefits. In

fact, an entire industry was built on the concept of supplementing infant

formulas with DHA would improve the neurological health of both the mother and

child. Of course, no one ever tested this hypothesis until now, " said Dr. Sears.

He noted, " The October issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association

published an article looking at the dietary supplementation with a fish oil

supplement exceptionally high in DHA and very low in EPA. Unfortunately, the

results were the opposite of the prevailing thoughts. In fact, the researchers

found no cognitive benefits for either the mother or child. This calls into

question why we are supplementing infant formulas with DHA. "

Dr. Sears said, " The answer is that benefits of fish consumption or fish oil

supplementation are due to the EPA, not the DHA. "

He added that both EPA and DHA get into the brain, but the EPA is rapidly

oxidized, whereas the DHA is shunted into long-term storage. " This explains why

there is little EPA found in the brain, leading to the misconception that it

isn't important in the brain. However, while the EPA is present in the brain, it

can act as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. "

Dr. Sears hypothesized, " It is this anti-inflammatory action that is responsible

for the neurological benefits. This is confirmed by numerous studies in which

DHA has little, if any benefits, in treating depression or attention deficit

hyperactivity disorder, whereas fish oils rich in EPA do have remarkable


In his advice to expectant mothers, Dr. Sears said, " Eating fatty fish rich in

EPA may not be the answer since those fish contain relatively high levels of

pollutants, such as PCBs. On the other hand, fish oil supplements rich in EPA

and with exceptional purity with regard to PCBs may be the answer. "

Dr. Sears added, " Fortunately, such a fish oil supplement already exists. Zone

Labs manufactures OmegaRx, an EPA-rich omega-3 supplement with the highest

purity with or without prescription. " For more information online, visit


Dr. Barry Sears, a scientist and expert on obesity, is a leading authority in

anti-inflammatory nutrition. He is the creator of the anti-inflammatory Zone

Diet as well as the author of 12 books, including the New York Times #1

best-seller, " The Zone. " His books have sold more than 5 million copies and have

been translated into 22 languages.

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