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Re: Nutriveda Before/After Video

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Sharon you have a beautiful family! Glad things are going so well with .

Keep up the good work---he's a wonderful little boy very lucky to have such a

proactive mom who's looking after his developmental needs. We look forward to

the updates.

BTW--are you or your husband Romanian?--the last name sounds like it might be...

All the best,



From: vraciup <svraciu@...>

Sent: Tue, February 23, 2010 12:52:22 PM

Subject: [ ] Nutriveda Before/After Video


About 1 week ago I posted the following note about my son's 2 wk experience with

Nutriveda and promised to post before/after footage. I can't figure out how to

get the footage onto BigTent or apraxianet, so I've added it to my personal

family blog and wanted to let you all know in case you'd like to check it out.

http://vraciufamily.blogspot.com - video was posted Feb 23, 2010 in case you

need to go to archives (eventually).

The first post was taken Jan 25, the day before we started Nutriveda. The 2nd

post was taken about 2.5 wks later. I'm not sure you can see drastic results in

his articulation, but per my prior post, we've seen wonderful results all around

- mostly in verbal complexity and temperament. We think at the least the NV has

allowed to feel better. Considering he's sleeping through the night

better, not constipated any more (1st time in a year!), able to convey more

complex thoughts and itching less (no more eczema!) I'd be in a better mood too!



Original post sent on 2/17/2010

Hello all.

Just finishing up wk 2 of Nutriveda and have good things to report. Here are the

details on my son and our experience thus far.


34 mos old; diagnosed w/CAS at 24 mos. He's on 2 tsp/day of NN 3,6,9 since

diagnosis and we've seen very positive effects from using it. Most recently, we

had an OT eval and were told there may be mild issues with decreased oral motor

awareness & tactile discrimination, vestibular & proprioceptive processing as

well as praxis w/unfamiliar motor tasks - whatever all that means (we're still

learning about the Sensory Processing components of this - he seems just old

enough now to pick up on these things...ugh!).


Dpsage for is 1 scoop (8-9 level teaspoons). The first 4 days he took 3-4

tsp/day. During that time, he was nothing short of AWFUL. He was whiney, crying

and just plain defiant no matter what the situation. Anything would set him off

and we saw no improvements whatsoever. If anything we thought his speech sounded

a tad worse.

Then came day 5... woke up in the BEST mood and had the sweetest

temperament all day - no roller coaster fluctuations. Was he still a 2 yr old

little boy who can be snotty and doesn't always pay attention, certainly, but it

was different. The only way to describe it is that there was a level of

resistance that was gone. is an easy going kid, but more and more lately

we've been met with resistance to any and everything. It finally seemed as if he

was...dare I say it...a normal 2 yr old? Day 6 - same thing. Again, there was a

different kind of peace/calmness in him. My husband was upstairs w/

looking down at me and said " isn't mommy pretty, ? " and said

" Mommy, you are pretty. " And...he used the T!!!! He's never been able to say

that letter before. Also, we noticed he was singing all day, humming, and

chatting more than normal. Finally, we started having hope that maybe it was the

NV? I increased his dosage to a full scoop

and he went downhill again for another 3-4 days before he leveled out again. We

believe his body was purging/detoxing something.


1. Demeaner: This is where we've seen the most significant improvement. The

sweet part of is so very sweet, but always seems to be overpowered by this

massive defiant side. It seemed consequences (time-out, taking something away

even a spanking every now and then) were no deterrant. He simply was going to do

what he wanted to do regardless. Since he's my first child, I didn't know if it

was terrible 2s or what. However, after seeing him have such wonderful days

lately, I see it was something more. Again, only way to say it is that the

resistance is gone. He seems so much happier, compliant and go-with-the-flow.

2. Verbal Complexity: Seeing positive things here too. For instance, instead of

saying he wants to go to the bike shop with his daddy by saying " me go " or " me

go with daddy. " He says " I want to go to the bike store with daddy. Daddy, don't

go yet, wait on me. " - WHAT? This is happening in all aspects of his speech -

even pretend play. He's also mimicking me more and more.

3. Articulation: This hasn't surged a ton, but has definitely improved. He is

able to say more sounds more frequently. " T " for the first time, " Ns " are 80%

there. I even hear him focusing on ending words correctly instead of leaving off

the last consenant. My in-laws heard him talking on the phone and were blown

away by the clarity (let's be clear, there is still not optimal clarity, but

much improved).

4. Focus: Stronger! This morning he played alone for 1 hour. That is not common.

He did a few puzzles and I noticed it wasn't the usual trial and error to find

the right location for each piece. He was actually looking at the image on each

puzzle piece and trying to match it. Haven't seen that before. I never thought

of him as unfocused, but I see a difference.

5. Fine/Gross Motor: Not sure I see anything different here. This is hard b/c

he's only 2, but we'll see. He did learn how to cut with scissors, but not sure

if it was naturally learned or due to NV.

6. Social: is very social and likes to be the center of attention, but

mostly w/adults. He attends preschool 2x/wk (2.5hr classes) w/100% typical kids

and LOVES it but when it comes to classroom setting, his teachers say he still

parallel plays and doesn't initiate w/the other kids. I know Ry well enough to

know it's not b/c he doesn't want to play and talk with the other kids, it's

because he can't...he can't talk to them and knows he doesn't have anything to

say. So...he'll walk up, hand them something and walk away. (it's quite

heartbreaking actually). However, we're seeing a big difference here. At church

daycare this weekend, instead of running straight to the teacher for attention,

he walked over to a kid building a block tower and said " WOW! That is really

big! " Also, there was a little girl fussing and he walked up to her and said " it

be okay " and patted her on the shoulder. He is walking up to people and saying

hi and asking their names.

He's talking about the DETAILS of his day more than just answering questions

with yes/no. Maybe it's a confidence? Who knows.

7. Sensory: We are seeing no change in his suspected sensory issues. But I'm

hoping with time this changes.


Overall very impressed. She also mentioned less resistance in demeaner and in

his jaw. He's making sounds easier and things seem to be flowing

differently/better. She said his focus was significantly better and she's not

having to PROMPT as much as she was a week ago. She's thrilled.


We mix the vanilla w/Bolthouse Farms juice smoothies. If you don't have time to

make your own smoothies, I'd reco purchasing these. They come in a TON of

flavors & 's able to take a half scoop in one drink (2x/day). You can find

them next to the milk cases at Wal-Mart, or at Kroger's in the produce section

next to the bagged lettuce/specialty dressings - same for Whole Foods.

Overall, my skeptical husband and I are convinced that most of these surges are

due to the NV. Sometimes we can't pinpoint what's different about , but

something is...something there. We had him tested with a DAN doc the week before

we started NV to better understand what is/is not working in his gut/system, but

won't get the results back until April. We're hoping when we meet with DAN in

April we'll get some insight into what exactly the Nutriveda is helping regulate

in .

Hopeful and excited! I have video of him talking from the week before we started

NV and will take more this week. As soon as I get it posted I'll let you all




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Sharon this is so incredible that you were able to put up the before and after

like this! Here are the things I noticed because as you said some of the speech

change is subtle so don't know if the average person on the street would know

what to look for -but I saw some difference in other areas -tell me what you


1. Way quicker motor planning for putting up 2 fingers- very obvious in the

before he opened his whole hand and had to look and plan -the after he just put

up 2 fingers straight away.

2. Answers questions with more confidence without prompting in the after


3. More spontaneous talk In the before he has some spontaneous speech but much

less -much is prompted by you.

4. Increase in sense of humor with how he says " cheese " to the camera (you said

he said keys -am I wrong as I thought he was saying cheese in a fun way -I also

thought he said both camera and grandma -like saying cheese for grandma in the

camera -but of course the two words sound the same and you'd know better than

anyone) and how he puts the cookie cutters on his arms and plays with them

yelling in a mock way " hey hey hey bear! come off bear " with a smile and then

doing the same thing with the cut out house- very cool!

5. Prior no eye contact " while " talking -only when not talking (this is

something we see that is very common in apraxia and it's been described as

something that happens due to so much focus on speech and motor planning) -after

nutriivedfa just starting to have eye contact " while " talking. (WOW!!!)

6. May be reading into it but seems like more imaginative play after but I'd

have to have seen him with the same cookie cutters before...then again he was

with them with the heart and all -and it was more basic- he held a heart and

said " heart " no playing with it -looking at if from different angles and

pretending it's stuck on his arm the way he was after with the bear and house

cut out.

7. If you sang to him prior would he just continue singing on his own prior?

I wish I could see him holding the crayon again now -maybe you can do a video of

him writing on the window again. Oh and PS...the " it's about love " part when he

hugs himself to nonverbal show you what he meant -OMG is that the cutest thing

ever- he is so adorable!!! (in both before and after :)

Some of my quick reflections. Just one question- it says 23 days which is after

3 weeks -is this after 3 weeks then or 2 weeks (or for the first week you didn't

use a full dosage as we know it's dosage dependent??)

Thanks for sharing Sharon!!


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Wow Sharon!  I loved the videos!  He's a doll!

We are seeing a lot of the same results too.  Better temperament, better fine

motor.  More complex sentences.  even seems to have a silly side that I'm

getting a total kick out of!  He's really improving.  We are now up to two

scoops a day (most days).  Somedays, I battle with him to get enough water in

him too, so I have to back off the second scoop a bit.  But so far, so good.  I

have all good things to say about nutriiveda and it just seems to be making

feel better as a whole. 

This weekend, we are going to see my mom.  She hasn't seen since

Christmas and she doesn't know about Nutriiveda.  I'm hoping she'll be as blown

away as everyone else has been!

Thanks for sharing the videos!  



From: vraciup <svraciu@...>

Sent: Tue, February 23, 2010 3:52:22 PM

Subject: [ ] Nutriveda Before/After Video


About 1 week ago I posted the following note about my son's 2 wk experience with

Nutriveda and promised to post before/after footage.  I can't figure out how to

get the footage onto BigTent or apraxianet, so I've added it to my personal

family blog and wanted to let you all know in case you'd like to check it out. 

http://vraciufamily.blogspot.com - video was posted Feb 23, 2010 in case you

need to go to archives (eventually).

The first post was taken Jan 25, the day before we started Nutriveda.  The 2nd

post was taken about 2.5 wks later.  I'm not sure you can see drastic results in

his articulation, but per my prior post, we've seen wonderful results all around

- mostly in verbal complexity and temperament.  We think at the least the NV has

allowed to feel better.  Considering he's sleeping through the night

better, not constipated any more (1st time in a year!), able to convey more

complex thoughts and itching less (no more eczema!) I'd be in a better mood too!



Original post sent on 2/17/2010

Hello all.

Just finishing up wk 2 of Nutriveda and have good things to report. Here are the

details on my son and our experience thus far.


34 mos old; diagnosed w/CAS at 24 mos. He's on 2 tsp/day of NN 3,6,9 since

diagnosis and we've seen very positive effects from using it. Most recently, we

had an OT eval and were told there may be mild issues with decreased oral motor

awareness & tactile discrimination, vestibular & proprioceptive processing as

well as praxis w/unfamiliar motor tasks - whatever all that means (we're still

learning about the Sensory Processing components of this - he seems just old

enough now to pick up on these things...ugh!).


Dpsage for is 1 scoop (8-9 level teaspoons). The first 4 days he took 3-4

tsp/day. During that time, he was nothing short of AWFUL. He was whiney, crying

and just plain defiant no matter what the situation. Anything would set him off

and we saw no improvements whatsoever. If anything we thought his speech sounded

a tad worse.

Then came day 5... woke up in the BEST mood and had the sweetest

temperament all day - no roller coaster fluctuations. Was he still a 2 yr old

little boy who can be snotty and doesn't always pay attention, certainly, but it

was different. The only way to describe it is that there was a level of

resistance that was gone. is an easy going kid, but more and more lately

we've been met with resistance to any and everything. It finally seemed as if he

was...dare I say it...a normal 2 yr old? Day 6 - same thing. Again, there was a

different kind of peace/calmness in him. My husband was upstairs w/

looking down at me and said " isn't mommy pretty, ? " and said

" Mommy, you are pretty. " And...he used the T!!!! He's never been able to say

that letter before. Also, we noticed he was singing all day, humming, and

chatting more than normal. Finally, we started having hope that maybe it was the

NV? I increased his dosage to a full scoop

and he went downhill again for another 3-4 days before he leveled out again. We

believe his body was purging/detoxing something.


1. Demeaner: This is where we've seen the most significant improvement. The

sweet part of is so very sweet, but always seems to be overpowered by this

massive defiant side. It seemed consequences (time-out, taking something away

even a spanking every now and then) were no deterrant. He simply was going to do

what he wanted to do regardless. Since he's my first child, I didn't know if it

was terrible 2s or what. However, after seeing him have such wonderful days

lately, I see it was something more. Again, only way to say it is that the

resistance is gone. He seems so much happier, compliant and go-with-the-flow.

2. Verbal Complexity: Seeing positive things here too. For instance, instead of

saying he wants to go to the bike shop with his daddy by saying " me go " or " me

go with daddy. " He says " I want to go to the bike store with daddy. Daddy, don't

go yet, wait on me. " - WHAT? This is happening in all aspects of his speech -

even pretend play. He's also mimicking me more and more.

3. Articulation: This hasn't surged a ton, but has definitely improved. He is

able to say more sounds more frequently. " T " for the first time, " Ns " are 80%

there. I even hear him focusing on ending words correctly instead of leaving off

the last consenant. My in-laws heard him talking on the phone and were blown

away by the clarity (let's be clear, there is still not optimal clarity, but

much improved).

4. Focus: Stronger! This morning he played alone for 1 hour. That is not common.

He did a few puzzles and I noticed it wasn't the usual trial and error to find

the right location for each piece. He was actually looking at the image on each

puzzle piece and trying to match it. Haven't seen that before. I never thought

of him as unfocused, but I see a difference.

5. Fine/Gross Motor: Not sure I see anything different here. This is hard b/c

he's only 2, but we'll see. He did learn how to cut with scissors, but not sure

if it was naturally learned or due to NV.

6. Social: is very social and likes to be the center of attention, but

mostly w/adults. He attends preschool 2x/wk (2.5hr classes) w/100% typical kids

and LOVES it but when it comes to classroom setting, his teachers say he still

parallel plays and doesn't initiate w/the other kids. I know Ry well enough to

know it's not b/c he doesn't want to play and talk with the other kids, it's

because he can't...he can't talk to them and knows he doesn't have anything to

say. So...he'll walk up, hand them something and walk away. (it's quite

heartbreaking actually). However, we're seeing a big difference here. At church

daycare this weekend, instead of running straight to the teacher for attention,

he walked over to a kid building a block tower and said " WOW! That is really

big! " Also, there was a little girl fussing and he walked up to her and said " it

be okay " and patted her on the shoulder. He is walking up to people and saying

hi and asking their names.

He's talking about the DETAILS of his day more than just answering questions

with yes/no. Maybe it's a confidence? Who knows.

7. Sensory: We are seeing no change in his suspected sensory issues. But I'm

hoping with time this changes.


Overall very impressed. She also mentioned less resistance in demeaner and in

his jaw. He's making sounds easier and things seem to be flowing

differently/better. She said his focus was significantly better and she's not

having to PROMPT as much as she was a week ago. She's thrilled.


We mix the vanilla w/Bolthouse Farms juice smoothies. If you don't have time to

make your own smoothies, I'd reco purchasing these. They come in a TON of

flavors & 's able to take a half scoop in one drink (2x/day). You can find

them next to the milk cases at Wal-Mart, or at Kroger's in the produce section

next to the bagged lettuce/specialty dressings - same for Whole Foods.

Overall, my skeptical husband and I are convinced that most of these surges are

due to the NV. Sometimes we can't pinpoint what's different about , but

something is...something there. We had him tested with a DAN doc the week before

we started NV to better understand what is/is not working in his gut/system, but

won't get the results back until April. We're hoping when we meet with DAN in

April we'll get some insight into what exactly the Nutriveda is helping regulate

in .

Hopeful and excited! I have video of him talking from the week before we started

NV and will take more this week. As soon as I get it posted I'll let you all




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Thanks for taking a look, . Here are my responses to your observations.

Also, I wanted to note a few more things we're seeing that I hadn't commented on



1. Eczema: When we started him on probiotics a few months ago, his eczema

improved, but still flared up now and again. Since we've been on NV, his skin

is completely clear w/no flare-ups.

2. Poop: He's been constipated for at least a year now. He was still able to

have 1 bowel movement a day, but it took a lot of work and if that stuff hit the

ground (when changing diapers or trainers) it sounded like a marble hitting the

floor. Gross but true. Since we've been on NV, his poop is WAY softer, but

still formed. Softer than I've ever noticed before, and he doesn't have trouble

going. AND, he's going more than 1x a day, but not in a bad way.

3. Sleep: He's sleeping through the night more soundly and waking up in better


4. School: Teacher commented that he seemed calmer this week


1. Quicker motor planning: I noticed this too. And a few weeks ago he learned

how to use scissors, but still needed help getting his fingers hooked in

correctly. Today at OT she handed him scissors and he did it 100% by himself,

and rather quickly. Improvement for sure.

2. Answers Questions w/More Confidence: Yep - with more words/detail than

before too.

3. More Spontaneous Talk: Not sure about this. I normally see this in

general, but in these videos he was pretty focused on his drawing and wouldn't

typically conversate as much as he would when we're playing with shapes.

However, I am seeing this in other scenarios.

4. Increase in Sense of Humor: He is ALWAYS like this. I wish this was

something I could say has turned around or increased, but this is the usual him.

The " Cheese " scenario: He was trying to communicate that he wanted me to take a

picture of him w/our other camera. I wasn't understanding the word " camera " so

he was repeating and trying to articulate better. The " grandma " you thought you

heard was him trying to say " camera " again. Me saying " key " was really me saying

" Cheese " - I was just being a slob and talking with my mouth full. :) The

shapes on the arm is also a usual thing. He's a ham.

5. More Eye Contact: Thinking this might be skewed b/c of the footage I took.

" Before " NV footage was him drawing, " after " footage was him playing directly

with me. He usually makes decent eye contact, except when he's being asked to

do something he doesn't want to do, or is getting in trouble. I'll pay

attention to this, though, and see if I notice an increase. I'll also ask his

Speech Therapist.

6. More Imaginative Play: Before NV he did similar things while playing with

the cookie cutters. If anything, we've noticed longer sessions of imaginative

play...with a little more detail. For instance, instead of just pretending his

horse and cow are walking into their barn, he'll go on and on about " oh cow, you

hit your head. Are you okay " And then I'll hear the cow say " I okay, thank

you. " and then will kiss his head and say " you better now. " There's just

more depth to his play.

7. Singing: Before NV would still finish my songs, however not as often

and not by using all the words. He loves to sing, but many times it's just the

tune. We've definitely noticed a big increase in the amount he's humming and

singing. And, he'll hear a song one time and 4 days later he'll be singing all

the words. All great except it's something like Lady Gaga's " Bad Romance " ,

which has now become his favorite. ha! and ugh!

To clarify on recording timing:

" Before " Footage: Filmed 1/25 (day before we started NV)

1st " After " video-discussing Valentine's Day: 2/12 (18 days after starting NV)

2nd " After " video-playing w/cookie cutters: 2/22 (28 days after starting NV)

I'm including the 1st week we had him on NV in my math here - even though we

were working our way up to a full scoop. We had him on a full scoop by 2/1 or


I'll give Ry another week or so and take more footage. I'll make sure he's

drawing on the windows so we can compare more appropriately.



From: kiddietalk@...

Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 00:27:15 +0000

Subject: [ ] Re: Nutriveda Before/After Video

Sharon this is so incredible that you were able to put up the before and after

like this! Here are the things I noticed because as you said some of the speech

change is subtle so don't know if the average person on the street would know

what to look for -but I saw some difference in other areas -tell me what you


1. Way quicker motor planning for putting up 2 fingers- very obvious in the

before he opened his whole hand and had to look and plan -the after he just put

up 2 fingers straight away.

2. Answers questions with more confidence without prompting in the after videos.

3. More spontaneous talk In the before he has some spontaneous speech but much

less -much is prompted by you.

4. Increase in sense of humor with how he says " cheese " to the camera (you said

he said keys -am I wrong as I thought he was saying cheese in a fun way -I also

thought he said both camera and grandma -like saying cheese for grandma in the

camera -but of course the two words sound the same and you'd know better than

anyone) and how he puts the cookie cutters on his arms and plays with them

yelling in a mock way " hey hey hey bear! come off bear " with a smile and then

doing the same thing with the cut out house- very cool!

5. Prior no eye contact " while " talking -only when not talking (this is

something we see that is very common in apraxia and it's been described as

something that happens due to so much focus on speech and motor planning) -after

nutriivedfa just starting to have eye contact " while " talking. (WOW!!!)

6. May be reading into it but seems like more imaginative play after but I'd

have to have seen him with the same cookie cutters before...then again he was

with them with the heart and all -and it was more basic- he held a heart and

said " heart " no playing with it -looking at if from different angles and

pretending it's stuck on his arm the way he was after with the bear and house

cut out.

7. If you sang to him prior would he just continue singing on his own prior?

I wish I could see him holding the crayon again now -maybe you can do a video of

him writing on the window again. Oh and PS...the " it's about love " part when he

hugs himself to nonverbal show you what he meant -OMG is that the cutest thing

ever- he is so adorable!!! (in both before and after :)

Some of my quick reflections. Just one question- it says 23 days which is after

3 weeks -is this after 3 weeks then or 2 weeks (or for the first week you didn't

use a full dosage as we know it's dosage dependent??)

Thanks for sharing Sharon!!


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Sharon you are awesome in how you are filling in the blanks -which is what we

should all be doing. I know some have called me or emailed me in private and

think it's best if we all share anything and everything so we get a better idea

what to look for...and hope to have that survey up very very soon thanks to

and Barbara!! (and Jolie too!) We plan to put it up with more data on

http://www.pursuitofresearch.org once it's done

Apparently it's the sign of a normal healthy system to " move " after each meal-

and it should be easy as it is =so that's great!

You had him on the fish oils prior- and that didn't clear up the exzema?

Interesting...wow! Again I suspect nutriiveda which supports the metabolic

system is having some sort of affect on helping utilize the fish oils. I mean I

cut Tanner's dosage in half and no regression at all -and know at least one

other that has done the same. Prior Tanner would have regressed but he

continues to surge.

So you would report that his sense of humor has not changed from before? Then

again you are reporting his sense of humor prior as well as imaginative play was

normal prior which isn't always typical in this group so that's good for him!

There are quite a few children -including my son Tanner back then -that was

delayed in imaginative play and humor. I'd say even before the nutriiveda he

was more a slip on the banana basic kind of humor kid -didn't always like the

subtle humor that he does now since nutriiveda started and that's noticeable to

professionals too not just us -and Tanner's 13!!! he JUST picked that up a few

months ago on NV. I mean his imaginative ability increased over the years -but

it's over the top now in writing and thoughts -it's clear to all that know him.

When we do the survey it will be good to see if this is an area of improvement

for others as Tanner's typically par for the course.

About the eye contact -you may have misunderstood -but maybe not that this has

nothing to do with eye contact when not speaking. It's only eye contact

'during' while they are speaking. Most with apraxia look away in some way while

they are actually talking -it's very common and below is an archive on it as it

was picked up by a number of professionals at a conference we had years back

when one of the SLPs there was showing a video of her clients. The SLP (

Kaufman) didn't notice this as I recall -it was a few of the neuromedical

doctors like Dr. Zimmerman who found this fascinating. It was decided this type

of lack of eye contact during speech has nothing to do with autistic like

symptoms -it has to do with focus on motor planning. Please see if you can

remember while he was talking before if he ever had eye contact or check other

videos. In the 'after' videos I noticed more than once he glanced up during

speech which is incredible. Sharon it's all good -it's all incredible!!

And yes would be good if you can get him to do the same things again for next

week if possible? (like that's easy huh?)

Here's the archive on the eye contact thing for apraxia:

" The lack of eye contact in apraxic children is not something new to

come up. In fact at the First Apraxia Conference in some of the

videos that were presented by Kaufman, a number of

professionals pointed out that while the children with apraxia were

attempting to speak -they had no eye contact at all. For example

pediatric neurologist Dr. Zimmerman was there, and he's

extremely knowledgeable about autism.


There was a difference however. These same children did make eye

contact while they were being spoken to, or while they were

playing. Due to this, the one theory is that the lack of eye

contact can be due to the amount of concentration these children are

putting into their speech attempts and/or frustrations "

But again -amazing incredible update Sharon!!! Thanks for sharing!


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Thanks, .

With the fish oils, we didn't see any change in his eczema - not until

probiotics and now Nutriveda.

You were right about the eye contact. I wasn't thinking of his ability in that

light and was unaware that it was a " side effect " of apraxia - so it wasn't

something I was looking for in regards to surges. In that case, I would agree

that it has improved. I will start observing eye contact more and more now that

I'm aware.

I'll video more next week and send a note to the group once I've got it up.

We'll be sure to do the window coloring again too.



> Sharon you are awesome in how you are filling in the blanks -which is what we

should all be doing. I know some have called me or emailed me in private and

think it's best if we all share anything and everything so we get a better idea

what to look for...and hope to have that survey up very very soon thanks to

and Barbara!! (and Jolie too!) We plan to put it up with more data on

http://www.pursuitofresearch.org once it's done


> Apparently it's the sign of a normal healthy system to " move " after each meal-

and it should be easy as it is =so that's great!


> You had him on the fish oils prior- and that didn't clear up the exzema?

Interesting...wow! Again I suspect nutriiveda which supports the metabolic

system is having some sort of affect on helping utilize the fish oils. I mean I

cut Tanner's dosage in half and no regression at all -and know at least one

other that has done the same. Prior Tanner would have regressed but he

continues to surge.


> So you would report that his sense of humor has not changed from before? Then

again you are reporting his sense of humor prior as well as imaginative play was

normal prior which isn't always typical in this group so that's good for him!

There are quite a few children -including my son Tanner back then -that was

delayed in imaginative play and humor. I'd say even before the nutriiveda he

was more a slip on the banana basic kind of humor kid -didn't always like the

subtle humor that he does now since nutriiveda started and that's noticeable to

professionals too not just us -and Tanner's 13!!! he JUST picked that up a few

months ago on NV. I mean his imaginative ability increased over the years -but

it's over the top now in writing and thoughts -it's clear to all that know him.

When we do the survey it will be good to see if this is an area of improvement

for others as Tanner's typically par for the course.


> About the eye contact -you may have misunderstood -but maybe not that this has

nothing to do with eye contact when not speaking. It's only eye contact

'during' while they are speaking. Most with apraxia look away in some way while

they are actually talking -it's very common and below is an archive on it as it

was picked up by a number of professionals at a conference we had years back

when one of the SLPs there was showing a video of her clients. The SLP (

Kaufman) didn't notice this as I recall -it was a few of the neuromedical

doctors like Dr. Zimmerman who found this fascinating. It was decided this type

of lack of eye contact during speech has nothing to do with autistic like

symptoms -it has to do with focus on motor planning. Please see if you can

remember while he was talking before if he ever had eye contact or check other

videos. In the 'after' videos I noticed more than once he glanced up during

speech which is incredible. Sharon it's all good -it's all incredible!!


> And yes would be good if you can get him to do the same things again for next

week if possible? (like that's easy huh?)


> Here's the archive on the eye contact thing for apraxia:


> " The lack of eye contact in apraxic children is not something new to

> come up. In fact at the First Apraxia Conference in some of the

> videos that were presented by Kaufman, a number of

> professionals pointed out that while the children with apraxia were

> attempting to speak -they had no eye contact at all. For example

> pediatric neurologist Dr. Zimmerman was there, and he's

> extremely knowledgeable about autism.

> http://www.cherab.org/news/scientific.html


> There was a difference however. These same children did make eye

> contact while they were being spoken to, or while they were

> playing. Due to this, the one theory is that the lack of eye

> contact can be due to the amount of concentration these children are

> putting into their speech attempts and/or frustrations "


> But again -amazing incredible update Sharon!!! Thanks for sharing!


> =====


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Sharon we have to take note of the eczema aspect -I find that fascinating from a

PUFA standpoint and may again point to how the Nutriiveda appears to help the

body utilize the essential fatty acids.

The way I see it with eye contact is think about it -If someone asked you " Hey

Sharon name the capitals of all 50 states " What would you be looking at when

you said the capital for your home state? Most likely to the person that you

are talking to because you know the answer -don't even have to stop and think of

it. What would you be looking at if you are trying to think of a state capital

you aren't sure of? While thinking your eyes would most likely not look at the

person that asked you the question unless you gave up at that moment. Think

about it. I believe it has to do with the way we think =the way the brain works

and areas we need to utilize. I look at it this way -you will have eye contact

for the states you are sure of. Your son is looking at you now because those

words are more in his motor memory now. Just my theory. The whole lack of eye

contact while talking -that was again a neuroMD observation and theory from our

apraxia conference around 10 years ago. But you probably heard it here first,

and probably many of you for the first time -the official out of the box group


What I would like to see in the next video is how holds the crayon if there

is any difference because Gretchen reported this (and my son is a bit old to

know if there are changes in this area...but I keep forgetting to ask him to tie

his shoelaces to see if that has improved!)

I also am curious to see if there is any multi tasking without you encouraging

it in any way. I can tell you for Tanner even if I DID encourage it he would be

pretty " leave me alone " as prior to Nutriiveda he was only into doing one thing

at a time. For example if he was eating breakfast and had a test that day and I

put the paper he needed to study in front of him and said " just look at this

while you are eating " He would get annoyed at me and say " Mom I am eating! "

Now...13 years old and only for the past few months since being on Nutriiveda

-on his own he is reading and eating -without me asking. So it will be

interesting to note if others see the same increase in not just motor skills

-but multi tasking.

Thanks again Sharon!!! You get the gold star for the day doing the video

documentary!!! PS -would you mind putting a link for Cherab or the

pursuitofresearch.org site on the page just in case someone wants more info? We

are today as we speak putting together more information and the new survey

-that's going to be awesome and again special thanks to , Barbara and Jolie

from our group for their help!!


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