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newly diagnosed neice

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to whom it may concern,

my niece has been having alot of trouble verbalizing her thoughts, and just

recently her speech therapist said she believes it's verbal apraxia. i love

my niece and nephew like they were my own. any help or advice you can give

me is greatly appreciated. i feel a heavy burden on my shoulders because

Lily responds more to me than anyone else. we understand each other and

have a connection. i don't know how to explain it, but i just " get her " . i

can understand what she's trying to say, therefore i've been working with

her pretty extensively over last two months and i've noticed a drastic

improvement! i just don't want her to grow up thinking she's " disabled " or

" stupid " . she's so intelligent. this is only a disability if you allow it to

be...and i refuse to! i have faith in my Pretty Girl.... any

advice...thoughts? i'll take anything... i'll be in Pennsville NJ next week


Sincerely ,

Sara Little

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