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Reshaping the Pyramid: Federal Dietary Guidelines to Change

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Reshaping the Pyramid: Federal Dietary Guidelines to Change

By Meredith Melnick Monday, October 4, 2010

Federal dietary guidelines are due for their five-year update this December and

the inter-agency committee of officials — from the United States Department of

Agriculture (USDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along

with nutrition experts from outside the government — are currently debating

exactly what will change.

One major tension centers around satisfying the nutritional advice of the

scientific panel while navigating the political affiliations of agricultural

industries. Recommending that Americans eat less or more of any particular type

of food is bound to draw ire from various food lobbies. Whole states — those

with large dairy industries, for example — may object to the wording of advice

pertaining to saturated fat, cholesterol, vitamin D or calcium. (More on

Time.com: The 'Other' Salt: 5 Foods Rich in Potassium)

The Washington Post reports that certain industries are already on the


In public comments, the meat lobby has opposed strict warnings on sodium

that could cast a negative light on lunch meats. The milk lobby has expressed

concerns about warnings to cut back on added sugars, lest chocolate- and

strawberry-flavored milks fall from favor. Several members of the Massachusetts

congressional delegation also weighed in against added-sugar restrictions in

defense of the cranberry.

" This is the real test of whether this administration is serious about

helping people to change their diets, " said Margo Wootan, director of nutrition

at the Washington-based public health watchdog Center for Science in the Public


But with obesity and related conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure at

epidemic levels in the United States, many nutrition experts are hoping that the

new guidelines will differ substantially from the current food pyramid. One

criticism of the 2005 pyramid is that it lacks clarity, which do not expressly

warn against eating certain foods. Instead, the pyramid is permissive of

everything so as not to alienate any industries. But without explicit

restrictions, guidelines have been unclear for consumers.

One possible solution suggested by the CDC: instead of a triangle, why not

represent food groups on an actual plate? This way, viewers can visualize their

steak portion more easily. After all, few people eat off a three-dimensional


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