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Perfect timing. Just wanted to point out that yes we can look at nutriiveda as

medicine -but then if you study nutrition -what food ISN'T a medicine???

Nutrition is an integrated science like pharmacy but the difference is that

while man made drugs force the body to react a certain way -foods help regulate

and balance the body to do what is needed when it's needed. This clearly is

demonstrated with fish oils which have blood thinning properties when needed

-but for those who are on large dosages even when put under emergency open heart

surgery -no known cases of hemorrhaging. Aspirin on the other hand which is man

made can lead to hemorrhaging.

Harvard doctor Stoll MD in the book The Omega 3 Connection that Omega 3's

are a natural blood thinner and unlike aspirin will work with what the body

needs or doesn't, and at websites such as the following -that " There is a

long-standing myth that omega-3s cause bleeding. We have used data from 18,000

or 20,000 patients who were in clinical trials over the years-mostly in heart

disease, and there is not one case of bleeding from omega-3s " " Q: Is the omega-3

therapy safe for people on blood thinners or high doses of aspirin? A: There is

a long-standing myth that omega-3s cause bleeding. We have used data from 18,000

or 20,000 patients who were in clinical trials over the years-mostly in heart

disease, and there is not one case of bleeding from omega-3s.

So to put this on a separate line to make this point clear -if one wants to

compare apples to apples then we need to stick with two fruits -and not compare

a fruit to a drug - an apple to Paxil even if they sound somewhat the same! We

should not compare foods to drugs as an apple doesn't come with a list of side

effects- Paxil does http://www.drugs.com/sfx/paxil-side-effects.html The body

doesn't treat drugs and foods the same. Both help create chemical reactions in

the body but one is based on nutrition and health and one is based on creating a

specific reaction whether it's needed or not and clearly Mel's toxic level of

Depakote is a perfect example of this. Nutriiveda didn't prevent Depakote from

working!!!! If it did Mel's brain wouldn't be viewed as " healing " and her

doctor wouldn't be saying " she'll be off all seizure meds by the end of this

year " http://littlemermaidmelanie.wordpress.com/category/ayurveda-journal And

just as a PS -if that's a sign of food drug interaction -then who wouldn't want

that to happen??? Who wouldn't want to be off seizure meds??? Seizure free???

(is there any way of saying this that I'm missing???)

Anyway it's clear that many consumers as well as health care professionals

don't understand enough about nutrition and it leads to fear of bananas which

makes monkeys laugh at us. Thought I'd share this since from what I've heard

there are only weeks out of all the years of medicine taught about the

importance of food and nutrition for health.

Oh and PS to another question just brought up: Amalaki has been know to help

protect liver and kidney function :)

amalaki is in nutriiveda


Anyway off my soap box and back to the regularly scheduled message about a

course that may help explain this all better than me!

Food As Medicine

Professional Nutrition Training Program

June 10 - 13, 2010

Capital Hilton

Washington, DC

Space still available! Register now

This will be our only Food As Medicine Training in 2010!

Integrating Nutrition into Clinical Practice,

Medical Education & Community Health

* The nation's leading clinical nutrition training program for healthcare


* Comprehensive curriculum & clinical practice pearls

* Outstanding faculty

* Gourmet healthy lunches & whole foods demonstrations

CME & Partial Scholarships Available

This program provides the latest in science-based nutrition education and is

designed to give graduates the knowledge, confidence, compassion and skills

required to integrate food as medicine in their clinical practice.

This is the nutrition class that health care professionals tell us they've been

looking for.

Topics include:

* Sustainable Nutrition: Origins, Evolution & Agriculture

* Nutrition in Practice: Tools & Techniques of Care

* Understanding Core Imbalances

* Macronutrients & Micronutrients: the Building Blocks

* Digestive Healing: A Holistic Approach

* Mindful Eating

* Kids, Parents & Food

* Longevity & the Aging Brain

* Keeping it Real: Community & Public Health

* Condition Specific Nutrition Therapy

* The Science of Supplementation

* Cutting Edge Laboratory Assessment

* Rx in the Kitchen: Cooking for Health

Who should attend?

* MDs, DOs, & NDs

* RD's & CHHC's

* Medical School Faculty

* Nurses & Nurse Practitioners

* Clinical Faculty in Residency Programs

* Physician Assistants

* Community Health Practitioners

* Psychologists

* Medical, Health & Public Health Students

* Acupuncturists

* Other Health Professionals

If you are a health professional and want to learn the latest, most

comprehensive, science-based information on nutrition, this is the course for


Questions? Send an email to fam@..., or call (202) 966-7338.




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