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Tanner update -first of 2011!

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Happy New Year 2011 everyone! I wanted to share this earlier this week -but

like most of you after holidays can be just as busy as pre and during holidays.

(and the rest of the year -ha!)

I finally solved the issue of how to get the NV Accell into Tanner daily. For

those that don't know what NV Accell is -please read the most recent update

below from November 2010

It doesn't taste bad -but Tanner has 2 NV shakes a day- and he's busy with

sports, friends, and school and to get the Accell into him even though I can mix

it in any drinks -he doesn't always finish it. And I don't want to waste it!!

So this was my plan. I said to Tanner, " What is we put a half a package of

Accell into your NV twice a day so you get the one package a day? You may not

like the taste to start but you know it's helping and I'm sure you'll get used

to it " So he reluctantly agreed -moaning and groaning. I told him I'd add

extra almond chocolate milk which I did. He drank it and each sip said with a

lemon face " this is disgusting " And I said " just hold your nose then and drink

it " And by the way -he didn't mind it mixed with water and Gatoraide which I

gave him before- but he loves his NV chocolate and this changed the flavor as it

has a berry flavor -Tanner doesn't like chocolate covered berries.

Tanner left the bottom part of his cup for me " if you want to drink it " because

he said that it was " the most disgusting " because all the stuff settled there.

OK may sound gross but to prove a point I'd pick up the glass and drink it and

say " it's not disgusting Tanner you just don't like chocolate covered berries "

This was 2 weeks ago -as the time has gone on the complaining stopped- the

amount left at the bottom of the glass has gone from an inch to half an inch to

a quarter of an inch to sometimes he drinks the whole thing now -no complaints

at all.

So the update? Well in addition to our family that saw Tanner up North probably

would have believed he was abducted by aliens who put a new brain in his head

and made him grow in maturity, academics, language, speech, motor skills, height

as easily as anything else...probably more believable than " well he started

drinking this stuff... " I mean -the interest in our skeptical family members

shot through the roof seeing the unbelievable change in Tanner. Dakota our

older son had growth surges too -but his changes were not as extreme as

Tanner's. My update is a back to school one.

This is the new Tanner 2011. Tanner sets his alarm on his own. Gets up and

gets in the shower and picks out his clothes and throws his dirty clothing in

the hamper. He goes into the kitchen and pulls out his NV and since he has

trouble opening the NV Accell package he pulls out a scissor and snips the top.

He pours a half a package in to his 2 scoops of NV and mixes in water and a bit

of almond chocolate milk and shakes it up and drinks it. He doesn't take his

fish oils but continues to get ready for school -brush teeth, hair, gets books

ready. No help for reminders or anything.

And MOST amazing? He always has tons of homework -but his one assignment for

yesterday was an oral dissertation on the an era of his choice -which

he chose health and medicine. He covered everything from the barbaric medical

beliefs of that time to the 25 million people who died in 5 years from the

bubonic plague -and what caused it etc. He had photos and everything.

Typically he doesn't do his work with me anymore but he read it to me...having a

few issues with saying a few of the words such as grotesque and I gave him some

pointers. For an which he said incorrectly a few times I said " Just

think of it as saying a girl's name , and her middle name is Ann " and

that worked for that word.

He came home and he told me he did about a 15 minute oral presentation and the

only word he had to ask the teacher to say for him was grotesque -but all the

other words -including those he doesn't say everyday like Aristotle and

Hippocrates he said fine!

The one thing I want to point out is that if I don't remind Tanner to take his 2

ProEFA and 1 ProEPA he doesn't take it -and there have now been days where I

forget to remind him (and my husband doesn't check because he knows I typically

do) and over the break I would say he perhaps went even up to 3 or 4 days with

no fish oils...and no regression at all. As I said before I don't want my boys

to ever stop fish oils as I know they are essential fatty acids and researched

for their importance in so many including cardiovascular -and both my dad and my

husband's passed away of heart attacks. But it is clear to me that somehow NV

has changed Tanner's metabolic system. I not only cut his dosage in half with

no regression -but no regression when missing days???

There are a number of parents who within a few months to a year of NV have found

they can also stop the NV and keep all the surges -no regression either. I'm

not ready for Tanner to stop NV either- my feeling is especially while he's in

school, growing etc. It's been a VERY good year and I'm so thankful for NV and

all it's done. I'm looking forward to hearing from more of you who try adding

the NV Accell at some point too -but in the meantime -I am excited to know that

if there is a " cure " for whatever it was that caused the apraxia and other

issues in Tanner...that fish oils helped


autism-and-other-communication-impairments/ -but NV has appeared to help his

body help itself much further -and perhaps to the point where he no longer

requires supplements daily???? Not again that essential nutrients including

fatty and amino acids won't be needed daily regardless - but clearly at this

point I feel I'm giving my children an edge over other children in their school

-and in life. And not just his body -but Tanner's become a self sufficient

young man in all regards. To no longer in any way fear for his future -I can't

tell you what a relief that is -some of you know.

I just read another update from from this page she sent to me on facebook

and have asked her if I can share here -perhaps she will =I believe you all

will want to know.


in-treatment-of-speech-impairments/ Super exciting as well

~~~~~~~~~~~~former update from November 2010

As many of you know Tanner who is now 14 and apraxic has had life changing

surges on NV over the past year. We could not be more thrilled nor have in our

wildest dreams ever thought the across the board surges he has had were even

possible. Much of what you see here was first seen first hand by me and

professionals that work with my son Tanner -and now is being reported by

hundreds of you that have tried NV


The doctors http://pursuitofresearch.org/endorsed-by-the-chopra-center/ behind

NV created a

product to compliment the NV which is quite impressive in ingredients

-especially the wild crafted 10:1 ratio of brahmi if you look here

http://pursuitofresearch.org/products/accell/ or at Pubmed as to what

this herb has been validated for. There are also natural fruit enzymes and b

vitamins in NV Accell.

Well here is the quick scoop on Tanner.

As many of you know the school that Tanner has attended for years where the head

of school who is highly respected in my area of South Florida witnessed the

regression of my son after taking pharmaomega speak which lasted for a horrid 7

months, and then called me in shock after about a week of Tanner being on NV in

shock with the dramatic surges in speech and academics -well her school had to

merge with a school in Jupiter closer to Palm Beach in an area that even without

traffic would take 45 minutes one way to go. So sadly we made a family decision

(including Tanner) that for Tanner's 8th grade - his last year of middle school,

we would put him in a local middle school. It's a great school that Tanner is

in but keep in mind the children there have all known each other since

kindergarten, and Tanner went from a school of knowing and being friends with

everyone to being the " new " student that knew nobody. While Tanner had never

before had trouble making new friends -in this school he appears to have clamed

up a bit -shy to talk and perhaps " mess up " in speech.

I know from all his teachers that Tanner is well liked, and all are " nice " to

him -but he has not been embraced like before to hang with the group and again

part of that is due to Tanner being a bit more quiet now -which is not like him.

But as I drove on a class trip I can tell the kids were broken off into groups

of friends (typical middle school) and those were the kids that walked and

talked together. Tanner walked near them -but he wasn't part of any group- not

like at his last schools. The other thing I want to point out is that Tanner is

now around 6 foot and not to brag but a real cutie pie.

Tanner's been on the NV Accell for about a week or so and the first thing he

pointed out to me is that it gave him more energy for basketball. Tanner has

hypotonia in his body and typically he pushes himself hard but it's harder for

him than others as he feels that muscle burn faster. He said with the NV Accell

he didn't feel so worn out- so I had thought that was the only update.

Then the other day Tanner said to me " Today I went up to kids that were in

groups and just started talking to them because I'm getting to feel more

comfortable now that I'm getting to know them " So I said " Well that's good

Tanner. Did anyone of them come up to you first or you just went up to them

while they were in a group? " And he said " No they didn't come up to me, I just

went up to them and then they all started talking to me "

So I said " Well maybe this is from the NV Accell Tanner! Maybe this is another

surge from that? " And Tanner said " No Mom! This is normal for kids to get to

know each other and then just start talking " So I said " Well you have been in

this school since August and you just started to feel comfortable with them in

the past few days -and as you said none of them came up to you. Don't you think

that's a coincidence? " And Tanner said " No Mom it has nothing to do with the NV

Accell! " So I just smiled and filed this under " another possible surge " and

said " OK OK "

Well this past Friday I had a parent teacher meeting with 3 of Tanner's teachers

and while prior to this school his grades were mainly As with perhaps a B- his

grades were As, Bs and Cs -like 77s which is way lower than before!! I wasn't

really concerned because I as well as his teachers see his grades as a

reflection of being uncomfortable in the new school. Things that brought his

grade down were silly things -not turning in homework, getting the answers right

but not writing down how he came to the answer and not asking for clarification

of the new ways this school does things -things like that. The three teachers

were in three separate rooms and I heard the same thing from all- he's a great

kid and well liked but " quiet " " very quiet " but each one said in a different way

" But I'm so excited because just the other day " or " But I do want to say that

within the past few days " and " I was so thrilled to see him just yesterday " and

all three talked about how Tanner was opening up in class and to the other


OK...so now not only Tanner told me he's now feeling comfortable -but it's

enough that it's noticed by all three of his teachers.

How do I know how much he cares about what others thought of him before? The

child that would leave the house without brushing his hair and me having to say

" Tanner go brush your hair! " now in my car if I open the car window he complains

" My hair is wet still close the window or my hair will mess up! "

Now the one thing you also may have noticed in the above in addition to the

sudden change of heart in what would probably be a nerve wracking situation for

any 8th grader -being thrown into a new school with kids that are all great

friends with each other and none that know you...not sure if you noticed the

quotes I have from Tanner -but his conversational skills are no different than

what I'd have with any adult at this point. Well thought out in every way. Of

course much of that is from NV -but I am noticing he's even more verbal if

that's possible -or perhaps more wanting to talk about personal feelings. Like

when I said " Who cares if your speech messes up when you talk? " And Tanner said

" I care. I don't want anyone to hear me mess up on my speech " And we spoke

about that.

The thing about the NV Accell is that it's a " triple metabolic boost " which

helps improve digestion, metabolic support....AND reduce cognitive stress. Do

some research on brahmi again -or read what is written about it here


Of course just as I wrote when I first started Tanner on the NV I have no idea

if what I just wrote will duplicate in others like him -but as the Black Eyed

Peas say -I have a feeling. Tanner's still pretty typical of the average child

represented in this group as far as what works for him or doesn't work for him

in general will duplicate for the majority.

The NV Accell if your child is on 1 scoop of NV you could use 1/4 a packet a

day. 2 scoops of NV -1/2 a packet -and 4 or more like Tanner you could use 1/2

to a packet a day. I have Tanner who is the size of a grown man (6 foot 148

pounds) on one packet a day.


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