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Myriam Alizo

Parent Group Specialist, START Project

Northeast Regional Parent Associate, PtP

Statewide Parent Advocacy Network


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MSU Conference for Parents: Becomin Your Child's Primary Interventionist


Fri, 09 Apr 2010 09:16:51 -0400

Montclair State University

College of Education and Human Services

Early Childhood Autism Institute

Conference for Parents:

" Becoming Your Child's Primary Interventionist "

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


University Hall Conference Center

Young children spend more hours with their parents and caregivers than they

spend in intervention or school. Therefore, parents take on the role as

their child's primary interventionist. This conference is focused on

supporting parents in this role by providing first hand information from

parents who have developed strategies to help their own children both at

home and in the community.

Featured Presenters:

Terri Mauro is the Editor of the About.com guide to Parenting Special Needs

Children ( <http://specialchildren.about.com>

http://specialchildren.about.com) and the author of The EverythingR Parent's

Guide to Sensory Integration Disorder and 50 Ways To Support Your Child's

Special Education. Her humorous website; Mothers with Attitude at

www.motherswithattitude.com/home.html, on which she has shared many of her

special-education strategies and struggles, was named a USA Today Hot Site

and a Good Housekeeping Site of the Day. Terri serves on her school

district's special-education parent advisory committee, and has been trained

to help other parents through the IEP process. She also has more than a

dozen years experience shepherding her own two children through the

special-education system.

Francesca Ciotoli is the mother of two children, one of whom has autism.

She is also an educator and specializes in curriculum development. Mrs.

Ciotoli believes that parents are a child's primary and lifelong therapists

and is currently working on a book of therapeutic, relationship-building

activities for parents of children with autism. Mrs. Ciotoli will be

focusing on the family as the most basic form of inclusion and ways in which

to incorporate the semi-structured activities and routines of school life

within the home.

To participate, please complete the Registration Form attached. For more

information, please contact Ms. Corinne Catalano, Director of the Early

Childhood Autism Institute, at catalanoc@...

Montclair State University

College of Education and Human Services

Early Childhood Autism Institute is

Conference for Parents:

" Becoming Your Child's Primary Interventionist "

Tuesday May 11, 9:30-12:30


First Name Last Name




How did you hear about the Early Childhood Autism Institute Parents'


Please mail registration form with check or money order for $20,

postmarked no later than May 3, 2010, to:

College of Education and Human Services

Montclair State University

1 Normal Avenue

Montclair, NJ 07043

Please make check or money order payable to Montclair State University.

Registration fee includes all conference materials, continental breakfast,

and parking. Upon receipt of registration materials, participants will be

sent an email with instructions regarding directions and parking for the


This conference is made possible by a generous gift

from Dr. Santillo, Montclair State University alumnus.


Program Assistant

Dean's Office

College of Education and Human Services

Montclair State University

Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

(973) 655-7128

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