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In this issue

+ Artists Wanted

+ Ask Dr. Silver

+ The Short Bus

+ In the News

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Launching Young Readers

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here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented

automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

LD OnLine receives a generous grant from mood-Bell Learning Processes

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here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented

automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Some students learn differently. We adapt to fit them. American Education

Group. Learn about our schools.

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here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented

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Yellow Pages

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here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented

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AdLit.org - sister site

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here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented

automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Brainline.org - sister site

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April 2010

3 Great Reading Anxiety Reducers

3 Great Reading Anxiety Reducers

What's something you are not good at? Basketball? Singing? Giving

directions? How often do you do this? Adults tend to avoid tasks that are

difficult for them.

Similarly, struggling readers are reluctant to hit the books because they

fear failure. Here are some ways to help kids with reading disabilities

overcome their anxiety and start to enjoy reading:


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=oU0LvB7y6dHKPRiXC6I50Q..> Captioned Media:

Literacy Support for Diverse Learners

Subtitled movies and TV shows, though intended for people who are deaf or

hard of hearing, can motivate and engage all readers. The next time you're

watching, <http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=60xaUgqoY5fqyDFHfSdKoA..> put

the captions on to build decoding skills, word recognition, and




<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=FLuZ_YZxHxsrz8VnC-uU0w..> Reading

Software: Finding the Right Program

Reading software allows students to work independently yet also receive

on-the-spot support. These applications have the ability to

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=UWbUrwux73CsJU1RKJtt6g..> read text aloud

while highlighting individual words or entire sentences.



<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=D7WVtIjhYgVAN96Q5JpIHg..> Helping Children

with Learning Disabilities Understand What They Read

Reading isn't much fun if you don't understand the words. Strategies such as

chunking, multisensory activities, and visual organization can

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=bVgSa7KDulHMj4gm-YVXeg..> boost

comprehension and make reading more pleasurable.


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=EApfMBpEmfNDAg6ElmN9fQ..> Wanted: Artists

with LD

The <http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=uSwtp6RnqpjK9Mu8wCYJAA..> Ayers

Memorial Art Exhibition in Boone, N.C., is looking for talented 7 to

21-year-old artists with learning disabilities and dyslexia to showcase

their work. The deadline for entry is July 1, 2010. There's no fee to enter,

and the top twenty artists will receive $50 awards.


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=xYSKLq5DnCtMcFwZBiWKAg..> Ask Dr. Silver

How can I get a <http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=NPdC6mifII8aJww6IQwFxw..>

4-year-old who can only say three words tested?

Child and adolescent psychiatrist

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=TUf1kkrIx2a6oJKUMr-nLw..> Dr. Larry Silver

has the details on the

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=Dp7SFYjLPyVOEjHMq_U3-A..> Child Find

program, which falls under federal law.


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=ELpT8AVop18OqQxZESvNWw..> Recommended


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=Nxd-ZQ5ApG_PAgW0RN1kkA..> The Short Bus:

A Journey Beyond Normal

Mooney was a short bus rider - a derogatory term used for kids in

special education - who eventually graduated from Brown University with

honors. This is the story of how he

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=fo_yYZlcH4CASB1eKduC3w..> bought an old

short bus and set out on a journey to find other people who were also not

considered " normal. "


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=hhkWc6MIM61ZB1pFW5wA4w..> Teacher Grant:


Do you have a <http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=7ml9NPZKVT0bhTr2f8zLrA..>

project idea for your classroom but no way to fund it? Submit a one-page

essay explaining what you need, and

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=ihKxRes0tw4szFwO_34UdQ..> DonorsChoose

will find people to contribute.


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=Np8vxlufgMBfd5SFOKwGIQ..> Upcoming Events

on LD and ADHD

Go to our <http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=8sTvpAyk_WExEPJfaBzk8Q..>

calendar to see the many conferences and webinars on the schedule this



<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=sNz1wdMxSg9DhpVPpMvx-Q..> A Must-Have DVD

from LearningStore

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=lTZ3b3YrN_MQncMeojIlVg..> Beyond F.A.T.

City - A Look Back, A Look Ahead

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=EKkR8-TnVFxYAWbX0AyPnQ..> Right-click

here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented

automatic download of this picture from the Internet.

Beyond F.A.T. City - A Look Back, A Look Ahea

A follow-up to the original 1989 best-selling Rick Lavoie video, How

Difficult Can This Be? The F.A.T. City Workshop, this program underscores

the frustration, anxiety, and tension children with learning disabilities


See this and other useful products in LD OnLine's

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=bri0K_sPugsw7T_iTdtYyw..> LearningStore.

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=UrIuQcSV2OuBirjEOZCTAw..> Need a Tutor or

a Psychologist?

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=grbyzJMxP89NAV98UUvQ3w..> LD OnLine

Yellow Pages gathers in one place the services and products parents and

professionals need. It's a fast and easy way to find what you are looking

for - simply search by location, specialty, or service.

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=Odf9j3tZ9_dfZzxpzea6bQ..> go now >>

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=e8SYbNgOvAZ1ZzvnJu8VqA..> In the News


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=-2bKCQYWd2nBuVXAupPaeA..> CPS Vows

Overhaul of Special Education Program


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=IWE_r_JYnd5NMDygjK05iA..> Flying with ADHD

Children: Is Good Behavior Possible?


<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=1y2MOM56pp9AfOHNjyjjlw..> Dyslexic Teen

Uses Art to Express Self

View more headlines in

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=N2dmu8-lmcGqtvvhajSH9w..> LD News >>

All the Best from LD OnLine!

* Noel Gunther, Executive Director

* Shalini Anand, Technical Web Manager

* Deckert, Associate Manager, Online


* Laurie Fry, Publicist

* Christian Lindstrom, Director, Learning


* Joanne Meier, Ph.D., Research Consultant

* , Outreach Consultant

Newsletter Editor: Liana HeitinRight-click here to download pictures. To

help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this

picture from the Internet.

The LD OnLine Newsletter offers news about learning disabilities and about

the latest events on our website. LD OnLine and the LD OnLine Newsletter are

made possible in part by generous support from

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=lCkFbb3Iie4AoYrRzAAf_Q..> mood-Bell

Learning Processes.

LD OnLine is an educational service of public television station

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=PcG4KAE4CfFbU0_v0uUepw..> WETA, a PBS

affiliate. WETA is located in Washington, D.C.

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=0FwwMt5gLrT_exbbFuBBaA..> Tell a friend

about the LD OnLine Newsletter.

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=g2NnnET4fHRq0_PkAItfmw..> Support us.

Help us produce the LD OnLine Newsletter.

If you received this message from a friend, you can

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=8THw8IGlZqYylTPKVB0CZw..> sign up for the

LD OnLine Newsletter.

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<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=MrA_kN73OCqZxGS8ETHozg..> your User Login

page to modify your email communication preferences or update your personal

profile. To stop receiving the LD OnLine Newsletter,

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Newsletter " in the subject line).

If you have any questions, please

<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=kBEnc-0iKbaTKkcpDAG_4g..> contact us.

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