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Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D. of Autism Speaks appointed to NIH Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee

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Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D. of Autism Speaks appointed to NIH Interagency Autism

Coordinating Committee

April 30th, 2010

Autism Speaks, the nation's leading autism science and advocacy organization, is

pleased to announce the appointment of Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D., its chief

science officer, as a public member of the NIH Interagency Autism Coordinating

Committee (IACC). Dr. Dawson was appointed to the IACC by Secretary of Health

and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius. The IACC was established in accordance

with the Combating Autism Act of 2006 to provide advice to the Secretary of

Health and Human Services regarding federal research activities related to

autism spectrum disorder (ASD), to facilitate the exchange of information on and

coordination of autism spectrum disorder activities among federal agencies and

organizations, and to increase public understanding of the federal government's'

activities, programs, policies, and research by providing a public forum for

discussions related to ASD research and services. It is chaired by Insel,

M.D., director, National Institute of Mental Health.

" I am delighted that Secretary Sebelius has expanded the IACC to include more

public members, " said Dr. Insel. " As a coordinating committee, the IACC should

be even more effective by including the perspectives of additional foundations

and individuals supporting autism research and services. "

" We are honored that Dr. Dawson has been given this well-earned opportunity to

represent Autism Speaks and the entire autism community on the IACC, and to

contribute her remarkable breadth of experience and knowledge to guiding federal

activities related to autism, " said Bob . " The recent CDC prevalence study

demonstrated that autism continues to grow as a public health crisis, and more

than ever, the work of the IACC is critical to focus expanded resources and

attention for the greatest impact. "

" Working with the IACC is an extraordinary collaborative opportunity, " said Dr.

Dawson. " My hope is for the IACC to facilitate accelerated research so that

causes will be discovered and effective treatments will be available to families

that will make a real difference for persons with autism and their families. "

Dr. Dawson, who has served as the scientific leader of Autism Speaks since

January 2007, will support the work of the IACC as it explores critical concerns

for those affected by ASD including, diagnosis, biology, risk factors,

treatment, services and outcomes for the future. As Chief Science Officer at

Autism Speaks, Dr. Dawson works with its Scientific Affairs Committee,

Scientific Advisory Board, and the science staff to expand and communicate the

organization's scientific vision and strategy, as well as oversees the work of

the Autism Genome Resource Exchange, the world's largest database of autism

genetic data, and the Autism Tissue Program which provides brain tissue to

researchers around the world. Dr. Dawson oversees Autism Speaks annual research

portfolio which funds more than $30 million in research on causes and treatment

of autism annually.

Dr. Dawson is Research Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Professor Emeritus, Department of

Psychology, University of Washington, and Adjunct Professor, Department of

Psychiatry, Columbia University. Dr. Dawson served on the Scientific Advisory

Board for Cure Autism Now from 1996-2007. She is a former Director of the UW

Autism Center of Excellence, National Institutes of Health Autism Centers of

Excellence program (2007-2008), Founding Director, UW Autism Center, University

of Washington (2000-2007), and from 2003 -2008, served as Director, UW Center of

Excellence in Autism Research, National Institutes of Health STAART (Studies to

Advance Autism Research and Treatment) Network. She holds a B.S. in Psychology

and a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology/Child Clinical Psychology, both from the

University of Washington.

Dr. Dawson has been widely published in academic journals, including her most

recent study, " Randomized, Controlled Trial of an Intervention or Toddlers With

Autism: The Early Start Denver Model " which appeared in Pediatrics, November 30,

2009. Two of Dr. Dawson's articles in Archives of General Psychiatry presented

evidence for autistic regression in about 25 percent of autism cases in the

United States. Dr. Dawson has edited or authored several books about autism

spectrum disorder which have been translated into multiple languages, including

Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism, Promoting Language,

Learning, and Engagement, co-authored with Sally J. , PhD., as well as

Autism: Nature, Diagnosis, and Treatment; Human Behavior, Learning, and the

Developing Brain; and A Parent's Guide to Asperger's Syndrome and

High-Functioning Autism. Dr. Dawson has testified twice on behalf of families of

individuals with ASD at the US Senate and played a key role in the Washington

State Autism Task Force.

Provided by Autism Speaks

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