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----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:58 PM

Subject: Re: Help!

Yes, I got the same response. is not on the ball. They would not let me on the site either.LM

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The main purpose of Liver flush (Gallbladder/Liver cleanse) is to

flush all stones that stuck inside the intrahepatic bile ducts (bile

ducts inside liver), which are all connected to the bile duct that

leads to common bile ducts, which leads both, bile and pancreatic

digestive juices into duodenum

True, Suzanne. I've talked to several people on here who've had their GBs

removed and still had painful problems. They started doing the cleanses and

passed stones and it relieved their pain. One such person was a lady named

Jane from England. I haven't heard from her in a long time, but she was

pain-free for about 12 years, then started having problems and doing


I think this is in Dr. ' book entitled " Are You Stoned, " about the

cleanses, I think that he makes a reference to one lady who passed a stone

the size of a hen's egg. But yes, I wish that I had known about these

cleanses before I ever had a problem. Perhaps it would benefit everyone to

do a cleanse, although my husband doesn't want to do one. He has no problems

and is afraid that it'll stir something up. I don't know about that, but I

surely do wish that I had started doing them years ago.


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This one you mean? hmm ?

----- Original Message -----

From: perlesetlacet@...

Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 2:54 PM

Subject: Re: Help!

I'm having a hard time trying to get on to the site on .LM

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Yes, you may try the same cleanse with or without a gallbladder. We

all have stones inside our livers. Stones are usually first formed

inside the liver, then they " roll down " to gallbladder, where they

continue growing and causing painful problems.

The main purpose of Liver flush (Gallbladder/Liver cleanse) is to

flush all stones that stuck inside the intrahepatic bile ducts (bile

ducts inside liver), which are all connected to the bile duct that

leads to common bile ducts, which leads both, bile and pancreatic

digestive juices into duodenum. So even though the gallbladder may

ne removed, you may still get problems (which may beaided by flush)

in the ducts.

Read the following link - postings of others with same condition.

http://www.curezone.org/forums/m.asp?f=73 & i=107


> " s.l. gall " <ladyofthe80s_2000@y...> wrote:

Help! Is there anything I can do to dislodge

> any that still might be in my system. I've read about

> cleanses while you still have your gallbladder (boy I

> wish I'd have known that years ago). But, is there

> something I can do post surgery?

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Absolutely! You can flush the same as you would if you had a gallbladder.

There are still stones formed in the liver even when you don't have a

gallbladder. Check the links at the bottom of every post including this one

and see what I mean :)


>From: " s.l. gall " <ladyofthe80s_2000@...>



>Subject: Help!

>Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 14:23:14 -0700 (PDT)


>I am one of those unfortunate souls who didn't really

>have much of a choice when I finally discovered I had

>a large gallstone. It was so big by the time drs

>figured out my problem - size of a 50 cent piece (and

>by the time I actually saw someone for the painful

>attacks I was experiencing), that surgery was

>literally the only answer. Thus, a year ago, I had

>the surgery. Felt wonderful afterward. Until

>recently. I think I'm still harboring stones because

>I've been experiencing a few small attacks - nothing

>like before, but I recognize the pain just the same,

>and it scares me. I thought this would be the end of

>my pain! Help! Is there anything I can do to dislodge

>any that still might be in my system. I've read about

>cleanses while you still have your gallbladder (boy I

>wish I'd have known that years ago). But, is there

>something I can do post surgery?


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I have a question, before your gallbladder/liver cleanses did you do

the kidney cleanses that Dr. Hulda recommends ? The reason I ask is that I

have been having kidney problems for some time, mentioned it to the docs they

found nothing from my samples but gave me antibiotics anyway (which did not

help). I really want to do a gall bladder cleanse but I don't want to mess

the kidneys up anymore than they are. Between the gall bladder attacks and

the kidney pain life is even more interesting. Thanks for any information you

could bless me with.



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> ,

> I have a question, before your gallbladder/liver cleanses did you


> the kidney cleanses that Dr. Hulda recommends ? The reason I ask is that I

> have been having kidney problems for some time, mentioned it to the docs


> found nothing from my samples but gave me antibiotics anyway (which did


> help). I really want to do a gall bladder cleanse but I don't want to mess

> the kidneys up anymore than they are. Between the gall bladder attacks and

> the kidney pain life is even more interesting. Thanks for any information


> could bless me with.

> Sincerely,

> Jeanne



No, when I first learned about the flushes years ago, here

was no Hulda :-) But I too did have trouble with my

kidneys. I used Nature's Sunshine's JP-X to cleanse them.

I went through a bottle in a month taking as suggested on

the bottle, and then continued to take a capsule or

two a day for some time.

Also made sure I was drinking enough water,

so VERY important. Natural Cranberry Juice is good

too. After a couple weeks of taking the

JP-X I noticed that I began to pass white bits that I can

only describe as tissue looking stuff with my urine. This

would happen on and off. I also did some work on my

diet, getting way from sweets and sugars, refined foods,

white bread, etc. Took the possibility of Candida overgrowth

seriously and worked from that angle a bit, too. As for

the flush, I just do them whenever I feel up to it and have

the time, and my body tells me I need it, but I do

the week preparation by drinking apple juice with some

RediBeet powder in it...you can just drink apple juice alone,

but I like the RediBeet addition as it is so good for the

liver. You may be able to find people that sell these things

if you want them, or can get in touch with me off list.

I hope this helps some, if my answer has lead to any more

questions, let me know :-)

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes

http://nutritionist.tripod.com ~ Journey to Health

http://www.mynsp.com/web/meydrech ~ Store

" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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> Where can you get this Nature's Sunshine JP-X?

Here is a link to information about JP-X that I will

admit is at my web-store:


Not sure if I'm breaking any rules posting it.

Have a great day!

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes

http://nutritionist.tripod.com ~ Journey to Health & Auctions

" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

I've been on ldn for about a week now. I started at 4.5mg and after 3 days of stiffness and weird sensations, went down to just the large part of the capsule which I think is 3 mg. Now I am still having major stiffness. Also, I've been in physical therapy to strengthen my right leg for two weeks now and I feel like I'm making little to no progress. I'm still walking with a limp, whereas last time the physical therapy helped immediately. I'm confused and scared, especially because I am leaving for a cruise to Mexico on Wednesday and don't feel ready. What should I do?

Thank you,


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Hi Stella,

I don't think that the large part of the capsule is 3 mg, I think that it is about 3.75mg. I think that you need to go down to 1/3 of the capsule. So go down a little more. Just a little lower than the large part of the capsule. I think that will be 3mg. Hey if you are still stiff, go down even further. Then later after your cruise, just start to go up. I hope that this helps. Have a nice vacation. Don't worry, LDN will work for you but you need to find the proper dosage. When I was on it for a week, I was having problems too. Now after 5 weeks I am great.


----- Original Message -----

From: szaffa1@...

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 6:34 AM

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Help!

I've been on ldn for about a week now. I started at 4.5mg and after 3 days of stiffness and weird sensations, went down to just the large part of the capsule which I think is 3 mg. Now I am still having major stiffness. Also, I've been in physical therapy to strengthen my right leg for two weeks now and I feel like I'm making little to no progress. I'm still walking with a limp, whereas last time the physical therapy helped immediately. I'm confused and scared, especially because I am leaving for a cruise to Mexico on Wednesday and don't feel ready. What should I do?Thank you,Stella

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Hi Stella,

I love your name...

I have never heard of any immediate therapy for MS before…rush back to your physical therapy immediately to have it done again and catch your cruise!

I though MS was miraculously fast to show some improvements. Sorry to disappoint you but, if you have MS, with LDN you will have to wait much longer than a week!

A couple of things,

Pouring some contain off the capsule is not recommended because is not precise and even with LDN some method and patient are required.

Leg stiffness is a common symptom that is not necessarily a bad thing. Your email is so common…I can predict your developments with extreme accuracy:

Perhaps you need to get used to your legs again and that’s the way you feel them initially. The leg stiffness sensation can take a very long time to completely disappear (perhaps few months), will influence your equilibrium for sure and your walking capability (expecially doing stairs), it is more intense in the morning but it is easing up during the day. In the end, you will feel your legs more solid and stronger than before. Don’t be scared, the leg stiffness that you feel after 1 or 2 days of LDN is as bad as it gets. No increase of stiffness after then. Just a very slow and progressive improvement to come in the following days (still taking LDN at the same dosage).

The dosage: From my point of view, the best approach with LDN is to start from the lower 3 mg and work up towards 4.5. You need at least a couple of weeks at a certain dosage before taking the decision if it is the right amount for you.

However, you've already started with 4.5 mg and you have 4.5 mg capsules done. If is a proplem for you to get hold of new 3 mg capsules and If these weird sensations you are describing where not too bad, if I where you, I would stick with 4.5 for a bit longer before deciding.

Good Luck,

Massimo szaffa1@... wrote:

I've been on ldn for about a week now. I started at 4.5mg and after 3 days of stiffness and weird sensations, went down to just the large part of the capsule which I think is 3 mg. Now I am still having major stiffness. Also, I've been in physical therapy to strengthen my right leg for two weeks now and I feel like I'm making little to no progress. I'm still walking with a limp, whereas last time the physical therapy helped immediately. I'm confused and scared, especially because I am leaving for a cruise to Mexico on Wednesday and don't feel ready. What should I do?Thank you,Stella

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Cassandra, Welcome to the group. I havent been here long but so far I love this group. I also was diagnosed after I had my son. My doctor said that the pregnancy didnt have anything to do with RA though. Since then I gave birth to a baby girl in 2000. My pregnancy was great, probably the best I had felt in years. I guess while your pregnant your body produces and natural cortisone that cant be reproduced. I was horrible after I gave birth but that was my fault. I think that if I would have seen my rheumatologist during and immeditatly after giving birth I would have been alot better. What kind of medications did the doctor perscribe to you? I dont live in NY but I

do live in Michigan and the cold weather can be pretty rough. This year is alot worse than last year was for me and it seems to be warmer this year and not as much snow. Who knows I guess everybody is different. Hope to talk to you again soon and again welcome to the group. There seem to be some great people in here and a few are recently pregnant too so you should get some great support. toddandcassandra <toddandcassandra@...> wrote: Hello,I have been searching for a group that would be able to provide some support for people with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). I hope I have found the place. I was diagnosed with RA only 10 months ago at the age of

27. I have so many questions and yet I do not know anyone with the disease to ask advice to. Anyone that takes the time to read my message and respond...thank you!Dilema 1: My husband and I currently reside in Kansas but we had planned on relocating to New York before we found out about the RA. When I ask my doctor if I should still make the move, he really only tells me that I should not let the disease control my life. I agree with this perspective to a point but I do not want to move to a climate where I would truly suffer more. Any advice? Anyone live in NY with RA?Dilema 2: My husband and I have one child together. We had this beautiful boy before the onset of this disease. We would love to have more children but I worry what it will do to me. Will the disease get worse? My doctor again says if I want to have more children I should. I

have been told my RA was brought out by having my son. Will I be putting myself at risk by having another child?I am sorry my message is so long. These questions are worrying me as the pressure is mounting (husband would like to have another child asap and we are scheduled to move in less than 6 months). Enough worrying anyway that I am having trouble sleeping. Besides these few things...I need to remember I do have a truly blessed life. Thank you for listening and any support/advice you could provide would be appreciated.Sincerely,Cassandra

Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP.

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Hi Cassandra, Welcome to the group. I havent been here long but so far I love this group. I also was diagnosed after I had my son. My doctor said that the pregnancy didnt have anything to do with RA though. Since then I gave birth to a baby girl in 2000. My pregnancy was great, probably the best I had felt in years. I guess while your pregnant your body produces and natural cortisone that cant be reproduced. I was horrible after I gave birth but that was my fault. I think that if I would have seen my rheumatologist during and immeditatly after giving birth I would have been alot better. What kind of medications did the doctor perscribe to you? I dont live in NY but I

do live in Michigan and the cold weather can be pretty rough. This year is alot worse than last year was for me and it seems to be warmer this year and not as much snow. Who knows I guess everybody is different. Hope to talk to you again soon and again welcome to the group. There seem to be some great people in here and a few are recently pregnant too so you should get some great support. toddandcassandra <toddandcassandra@...> wrote: Hello,I have been searching for a group that would be able to provide some support for people with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). I hope I have found the place. I was diagnosed with RA only 10 months ago at the age of

27. I have so many questions and yet I do not know anyone with the disease to ask advice to. Anyone that takes the time to read my message and respond...thank you!Dilema 1: My husband and I currently reside in Kansas but we had planned on relocating to New York before we found out about the RA. When I ask my doctor if I should still make the move, he really only tells me that I should not let the disease control my life. I agree with this perspective to a point but I do not want to move to a climate where I would truly suffer more. Any advice? Anyone live in NY with RA?Dilema 2: My husband and I have one child together. We had this beautiful boy before the onset of this disease. We would love to have more children but I worry what it will do to me. Will the disease get worse? My doctor again says if I want to have more children I should. I

have been told my RA was brought out by having my son. Will I be putting myself at risk by having another child?I am sorry my message is so long. These questions are worrying me as the pressure is mounting (husband would like to have another child asap and we are scheduled to move in less than 6 months). Enough worrying anyway that I am having trouble sleeping. Besides these few things...I need to remember I do have a truly blessed life. Thank you for listening and any support/advice you could provide would be appreciated.Sincerely,Cassandra

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Hi Cassandra,

I'm not sure what the weather is like in Kansas but in the Northeast is is

always changing, with sometimes 30 degree changes per day. It also gets

pretty cold here and in the summer quite humid. I know that in places like

Arizona where the weather is steady, people are supposed to feel improved.

I am pregnant now, but waited until my RA was at bay. I am not in perfect

health but my bloodwork is good. What meds do you take? I was advised to

stay on Humira through my pregnancy so hopefully I will be steady through

my pregnancy and after. Your RA is supposed to improve during you

pregnancy and get worse afterwards.

I waited a long time to try for a baby, I wanted to be as healthy as possible,


only you and your husband can decide what is right for you.

Good luck,


> Hello,


> I have been searching for a group that would be able to provide some

> support for people with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). I hope I have

> found the place. I was diagnosed with RA only 10 months ago at the

> age of 27. I have so many questions and yet I do not know anyone

> with the disease to ask advice to. Anyone that takes the time to

> read my message and respond...thank you!


> Dilema 1: My husband and I currently reside in Kansas but we had

> planned on relocating to New York before we found out about the RA.

> When I ask my doctor if I should still make the move, he really only

> tells me that I should not let the disease control my life. I agree

> with this perspective to a point but I do not want to move to a

> climate where I would truly suffer more. Any advice? Anyone live in

> NY with RA?


> Dilema 2: My husband and I have one child together. We had this

> beautiful boy before the onset of this disease. We would love to

> have more children but I worry what it will do to me. Will the

> disease get worse? My doctor again says if I want to have more

> children I should. I have been told my RA was brought out by having

> my son. Will I be putting myself at risk by having another child?


> I am sorry my message is so long. These questions are worrying me as

> the pressure is mounting (husband would like to have another child

> asap and we are scheduled to move in less than 6 months). Enough

> worrying anyway that I am having trouble sleeping.


> Besides these few things...I need to remember I do have a truly

> blessed life. Thank you for listening and any support/advice you

> could provide would be appreciated.


> Sincerely,

> Cassandra


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hey cassandra. you have found a terrific place for support and info! it would

be tough to

say about the move. i personally believe weather plays a big role. i have tons

of family

and friends in my location, and my husband owns a business here, so moving isn't


option for me, but if I had the choice, I guess I'd move to a climate that was

dry and warm,

but more importantly, steady. I think it's the changes in weather as much as

the humidity,

dewpoint, barometric pressure and temps. I don't know that NY would be any

easier on

you than Kansas. Anyway, good luck with your decision. I can't speak for

whether or not

you'll get worse by having another child, but I was diagnosed several years ago

and am

pregnant with my first child at age 38 (due sometime around labor day). i have


having TERRIBLE problems with pain and immobility in the last couple of months,

but I

always flare in nov./dec. and I stopped my plaquenil in sept. because i got off

the pill. i

have been taking prednisone and sulfasalazine, but my rheumy just took me off

the sulfa

yesterday and upped my prednisone to 10mg/day. i have heard of women taking up


20mg/day throughout pregnancy. my doc said 75% of women have remission when

pregnant so i'm hoping for the best. i don't know much about what's " supposed "


happen after the birth, but I figure the worst that can happen is that i get

worse and have

to forfeit breastfeeding in order to get back on the meds that work for me.

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Oh, one more thing i thought of to share.......

I met my husband in august of 2004 so this is only our second fall/winter

together. Our

first fall/winter together, I was on plaquenil and had no severe problems.

well, this time

around, since trying to get pregnant, i haven't been on my normal meds and he


experienced a whole different fall/winter with me and my RA. I think he was


shocked and disturbed by it. I have had to reassure him that it's the lack of

Plaquenil and

that once I give birth and stop breastfeeding, i won't be so messed up. also, I

tend to flare

when the weather changes (nov/dec here in central Alabama) so, in hindsight, we


picked the worst possible time for me to try to get pregnant. i just think it's

of the

uttmost importance for your husband to truly, truly understand your disease.

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Hi! I just wanted to add that I live on the southern shore of Lake Ontario, in western New York State. and the weather is anything but stable. our friends to the north (Canada) are always sending down such cold air and the jet stream wavers constantly. Winters can be very nasty, and the summers are humid. also, we have little sunshine. I am not sure if that is polution from Eastman Kodak and Xerox plants here, or just the locale = it is usually gray and overcast 25 days out of any month. gentle hugs! Marcia" R. Peek" <wendyhollander@...> wrote: hey cassandra. you have found a terrific place for support and info! it would be tough to say about the move. i personally believe weather plays a big role. i have tons of family and friends in my

location, and my husband owns a business here, so moving isn't an option for me, but if I had the choice, I guess I'd move to a climate that was dry and warm, but more importantly, steady. I think it's the changes in weather as much as the humidity, dewpoint, barometric pressure and temps. I don't know that NY would be any easier on you than Kansas. Anyway, good luck with your decision. I can't speak for whether or not you'll get worse by having another child, but I was diagnosed several years ago and am pregnant with my first child at age 38 (due sometime around labor day). i have been having TERRIBLE problems with pain and immobility in the last couple of months, but I always flare in nov./dec. and I stopped my plaquenil in sept. because i got off the pill. i have been taking prednisone and sulfasalazine, but my rheumy just took me off the sulfa yesterday and upped my prednisone to 10mg/day. i have

heard of women taking up to 20mg/day throughout pregnancy. my doc said 75% of women have remission when pregnant so i'm hoping for the best. i don't know much about what's "supposed" to happen after the birth, but I figure the worst that can happen is that i get worse and have to forfeit breastfeeding in order to get back on the meds that work for me.

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hi, Cassandra, and welcome! I live in western New York State, right on the southern shore of Lake Ontario. our weather fluctuates, and they call it "lake effect", because the jet stream brings us Canada's cold at times. no tornados here. just four seasons and a lot of gray days. don't worry too much, cause you cannot control the weather. gentle hugs! Marciatoddandcassandra <toddandcassandra@...> wrote: Hello,I have been searching for a group that would be able to provide some support for people with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). I hope I have found the place. I was diagnosed with RA only 10 months ago at the age of 27. I have so many questions and yet I do not know anyone with the disease to ask advice to. Anyone that takes the time to

read my message and respond...thank you!Dilema 1: My husband and I currently reside in Kansas but we had planned on relocating to New York before we found out about the RA. When I ask my doctor if I should still make the move, he really only tells me that I should not let the disease control my life. I agree with this perspective to a point but I do not want to move to a climate where I would truly suffer more. Any advice? Anyone live in NY with RA?Dilema 2: My husband and I have one child together. We had this beautiful boy before the onset of this disease. We would love to have more children but I worry what it will do to me. Will the disease get worse? My doctor again says if I want to have more children I should. I have been told my RA was brought out by having my son. Will I be putting myself at risk by having another child?I am sorry

my message is so long. These questions are worrying me as the pressure is mounting (husband would like to have another child asap and we are scheduled to move in less than 6 months). Enough worrying anyway that I am having trouble sleeping. Besides these few things...I need to remember I do have a truly blessed life. Thank you for listening and any support/advice you could provide would be appreciated.Sincerely,Cassandra

Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover Photo Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

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Hello Cassandra , Well 27 thats a young age to have to face this but it's a real good time seeing all the new meds out now , well realalisticly this diease doesn't get better you'er you and I agree with your Dr. now is the time for you to have a family if thats what you want and on the move I think depending on the location in New York there bond to be great Rhemys there near the city or coast any way , The climate well it does bother me I'm in Ky but it doesn't hurt as bad as an all out flair unless I stay out and get chilled deeply then the pain is much worse so ithink that is a big differance to point out between hurting some in a weather change for me and getting very cold ? I do not know about others but thats how it is for me so it would be better to stay strong and dont let the diease controll you . I do hope the others can tell you more and you find what you need here thanks

for coming by toddandcassandra <toddandcassandra@...> wrote: Hello,I have been searching for a group that would be able to provide

some support for people with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). I hope I have found the place. I was diagnosed with RA only 10 months ago at the age of 27. I have so many questions and yet I do not know anyone with the disease to ask advice to. Anyone that takes the time to read my message and respond...thank you!Dilema 1: My husband and I currently reside in Kansas but we had planned on relocating to New York before we found out about the RA. When I ask my doctor if I should still make the move, he really only tells me that I should not let the disease control my life. I agree with this perspective to a point but I do not want to move to a climate where I would truly suffer more. Any advice? Anyone live in NY with RA?Dilema 2: My husband and I have one child together. We had this beautiful boy before the onset of this disease. We would love to have

more children but I worry what it will do to me. Will the disease get worse? My doctor again says if I want to have more children I should. I have been told my RA was brought out by having my son. Will I be putting myself at risk by having another child?I am sorry my message is so long. These questions are worrying me as the pressure is mounting (husband would like to have another child asap and we are scheduled to move in less than 6 months). Enough worrying anyway that I am having trouble sleeping. Besides these few things...I need to remember I do have a truly blessed life. Thank you for listening and any support/advice you could provide would be appreciated.Sincerely,Cassandra Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcoverPhoto Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover Photo Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

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Hello Cassandra,

I wouldn't be too concerned about moving/climate with RA, but I would

take my time to thoroughly consider having another child. Lots of

people with RA do it with success, and if it is something you feel

you have to do, by all means, you must follow your heart. However,

stress and sleep deprivation are not good for people with RA, and if

you do not have a strong support network of family and friends in

your new locale, it could be a heavy parenting load. It's realistic

to ask ourselves the " what if " questions, especially, " What if my RA

gets worse? " Don't feel rushed into making a decision that will have

a major impact on your life; take your time, talk to people you

trust, journal...the answer will come, as answers always do.



> Hello,


> I have been searching for a group that would be able to provide


> support for people with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). I hope I have

> found the place. I was diagnosed with RA only 10 months ago at the

> age of 27. I have so many questions and yet I do not know anyone

> with the disease to ask advice to. Anyone that takes the time to

> read my message and respond...thank you!


> Dilema 1: My husband and I currently reside in Kansas but we had

> planned on relocating to New York before we found out about the


> When I ask my doctor if I should still make the move, he really


> tells me that I should not let the disease control my life. I


> with this perspective to a point but I do not want to move to a

> climate where I would truly suffer more. Any advice? Anyone live


> NY with RA?


> Dilema 2: My husband and I have one child together. We had this

> beautiful boy before the onset of this disease. We would love to

> have more children but I worry what it will do to me. Will the

> disease get worse? My doctor again says if I want to have more

> children I should. I have been told my RA was brought out by


> my son. Will I be putting myself at risk by having another child?


> I am sorry my message is so long. These questions are worrying me


> the pressure is mounting (husband would like to have another child

> asap and we are scheduled to move in less than 6 months). Enough

> worrying anyway that I am having trouble sleeping.


> Besides these few things...I need to remember I do have a truly

> blessed life. Thank you for listening and any support/advice you

> could provide would be appreciated.


> Sincerely,

> Cassandra


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  • 2 years later...

may all misinterpretations now be resolved. My joke went in many wrong

directions. Compassion to all. Randy.

I know, I saw that.

Poor you, my brother, I tried to give a clever answer and it was just

superficially noticed, LOL

I will not fear that, HH family is an understanding one, but you have to

realize that as a word of spirit, it can be understood differently from

different people. You words resonated in each of them differently, and I am

here looking and saying ..huh?


I send you blessings and much love

.. me


Do you need me to go in and interfere?

Just say the word.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Randy <jqpublic_59@...> wrote:

> dear liane; i sit here laughing and crying at the same time. That

> crossdressing post got totally misunderstood and people now think i am gay

> and like dresses lol. In dharma we are and have always been karma in some

> sense. This time around i happen to be a human male. I sent that to a few

> dharma friends and they understood and laughed. I fear my hh family will

> start mailing me pink undies lol. Oh well. That post was a gamble and i

> lost. Namaste. Randy who is looking for a girlfriend. Not boyfriend. Lol.






" Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. "

Rabindranath Tagore

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I know, I saw that.Poor you, my brother, I tried to give a clever answer and it was just superficially noticed, LOL I will not fear that, HH family is an understanding one, but you have to realize that as a word of spirit, it can be understood differently from different people. You words resonated in each of them differently, and I am here looking and saying ..huh?

LOL. I send you blessings and much love .. meP.S: Do you need me to go in and interfere?Just say the word.On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Randy <jqpublic_59@...> wrote:

dear liane; i sit here laughing and crying at the same time. That crossdressing post got totally misunderstood and people now think i am gay and like dresses lol. In dharma we are and have always been karma in some sense. This time around i happen to be a human male. I sent that to a few dharma friends and they understood and laughed. I fear my hh family will start mailing me pink undies lol. Oh well. That post was a gamble and i lost. Namaste. Randy who is looking for a girlfriend. Not boyfriend. Lol.

-- " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. " Rabindranath TagoreDownload Our Toolbar:http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

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