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Re: Depressed

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In a message dated 8/22/99 10:46:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mellillo1@... writes:

<< this. I know it is right for

her but I am so upset. I know the Lyme makes me emotional but I feel like

I'm dying inside. Isn't this stupid! I am also sending Mike off to college

the Monday after her and am so scared he will not be OK now that they are

putting him back on abx. I still have my 15 year old here to care for.

What the heck is wrong with me, why can't I get a hold of myself and deal

with this like an adult. It is embarrassing! Hav >>


I don't know if this will make you feel better but I will try. I also was

diagnosed with lyme in 1989. I was 16. After a long struggle and missed

years of high school I went to communtiy college. Then at age 20 I

transfered to a 4 year college and planned to live on campus. My mom was

also a wreck, but I was also determined like your daughter and I did it!!!!

I went to Stockton State about an hour and a half away from home. Mom was

still upset and so was I. I was very scared. Esp since having lyme I had

learning diasbilitys that made college a battle and a half. I did make it.

I had to take extra good care of myself. I partyed about 5% of the time my

friends and roomates did, but in the end it was worth it. Tell your son and

daughter that they need extra sleep and good nurtin more so then healthy

college students. I was also studying all the time since Lyme did give me

trouble with school. I saw a wonderful nueroligists that put me on ritilain

for the two and a half years in college. Some might say this is not the

answer but I went from failing my first semester (despite always studying) to

getting A's and B's. YES I had to work much harder than my roomates.

Manynights my friends were going dancing and I stayed behind to study. BUT


ollege knew my sitiution and altough wanting to take me out they respected me

for my hard work. Good luck to your daughter. SHE CAN DO IT!!! I was such

a sick teen with lyme and I did it. Make sure if she lives in a dorm room

esp to take lots of vitamins. Dorms have small rooms and if someone is sick

it's easy to get sick. So give her lots of vitamins. ALso make sure she

eats!!!!!! College food is gross, but tell her to take advantage of salad

bars, bagels, sandwiches and other healthy things that they can't screw up.

Good luck to her. I hope she has a fun experience She deserves it!!!!!!

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In a message dated 8/22/99 10:46:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mellillo1@... writes:

<< Please advise me on how to keep from

crying all the time. What am I afraid of, I keep asking myself?

Sorry, to unburden but the unknown face factor here let's me be myself.

Just imagine it tearstained. PS-Christie still has lyme also.

Sharon NJ >>

Hi Sharon: The empty nest syndrome? More so in your case because you didn't

have to go through the " teen years arguments " with your daughter that I'm

sure most Mom's dealt with. You are perfectly normal in your reaction. You

obviously love each other very much and parting is never easy. I don't

believe the Lyme you both have to deal with is making it worse. I just

believe the separation is the problem you both have to face. You both sound

intelligent and you both sound like you'll make it through. Stop expecting to

make it through without crying. Crying is healthy and shows the true emotions

that you will both miss each other. But you and your daughter will survive.

Hang in there. I know this is tough but you two are tougher!

, New Bedford, MA.

Monday, August 23, 1999

You'll find a support chat room: <A

HREF= " http://members.tripod.com/LymeDizzez/ " >Lyme Disease and Me</A>

ICQ # 47191294

Need a new FREE E-mail Address: <A

HREF= " http://phreemail.phlexgrams.com/email/scripts/loginuser.pl " >PhlexGrams

Phree E-Mail</A>

Get Paid to surf the net: <A

HREF= " http://www.gotoworld.com/getpaid/default.asp?rid=1019160708 " >GoToWorld:

Get Paid</A>

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Hi Sharon,

My heart goes out to you, I don't know how I would be able to bear having

my children suffer with this disease, let alone send them off to college

while they were ill. I am embarrassed to say when my son finally moved out

at age 21, I was grateful because I had lots less laundry....! And I was

well at the time! I love him to death, don't get me wrong, but he was

wasting his money on CD's and Lord knows what else, so I thought it was time

for him to move. He wouldn't go to college, regrets it now of course, and

so do I. You are of course extra emotional due to your Lyme disease, and

your worry about how they will do. I am sure after a period of adjustment

they will both do well, are they both still on meds? I wish I knew the

magic words to make your depression and fears disappear, but the passing of

time will be the only remedy I am afraid. Good luck with the trip to VA,

take your time and stop often, let us know how you do, as well as the kids,


Marta NJ

>From: " melillo " <mellillo1@...>


>Hey all,

>Well, I always try to be positive but I am so down right now. I haven't

>gotten out of bed for 2 days for any amount of time. Just asking for your

>thoughts and prayers in this upcoming week.


>When I got Lyme 10 years ago I was not only housebound but catatonic for 3

>months. It was a very hard time for our family and my daughter, who was 8

>at the time grew up and took over many of my jobs. My mom moved in and

>helped but Christie really became an adult much too young. She and I


>a relationship over the past 10 years that is the so fulfilling for us


>We are good friends and she has been the joy of my life. When she came


>with Lyme a year after Mike, my 20 year old, she was home from school for

>half a year and we really loved it, despite the sickness. Well, to make a

>long story short, she leaves Wednesday for college. I thought I would deal

>well with this but I am a wreck. I am taking her down to VA by myself and

>my husband is going down when I come back to try to make the transition

>easier for her. But going alone and leaving her has me a basketcase. She

>is crying alot and scared but determined to do this. I know it is right


>her but I am so upset. I know the Lyme makes me emotional but I feel like

>I'm dying inside. Isn't this stupid! I am also sending Mike off to


>the Monday after her and am so scared he will not be OK now that they are

>putting him back on abx. I still have my 15 year old here to care for.

>What the heck is wrong with me, why can't I get a hold of myself and deal

>with this like an adult. It is embarrassing! Have any of you older moms

>gone through this separation anxiety? Please advise me on how to keep from

>crying all the time. What am I afraid of, I keep asking myself?

>Sorry, to unburden but the unknown face factor here let's me be myself.

>Just imagine it tearstained. PS-Christie still has lyme also.

>Sharon NJ

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Sharon - its hard enough to send your kids off to school when we are well - but

adding this sickness that

messes with our emotions makes it almost impossible. My baby boy went off to

college last week - his second

year. Last year before the lyme i was able to drive the 11 hours down to the

southern part of N.C. and it was

hard but i am all for kids growing up and I was looking forward to my next stage

in life. But this year - i

feel just like you - I couldn't drive down thanks to the lyme - so his

girlfriend and her mom came up from

land and drove him down. I cant tell you how much this hurt and i miss him

so much. I am divorced so now i

just feel so alone. But i know i have to go on. i hate this disease and what

it dose to us. I just want you

to know you are not alone - our emotions are hightened and depression is part of

this illness.


melillo wrote:

> From: " melillo " <mellillo1@...>


> Hey all,

> Well, I always try to be positive but I am so down right now. I haven't

> gotten out of bed for 2 days for any amount of time. Just asking for your

> thoughts and prayers in this upcoming week.


> When I got Lyme 10 years ago I was not only housebound but catatonic for 3

> months. It was a very hard time for our family and my daughter, who was 8

> at the time grew up and took over many of my jobs. My mom moved in and

> helped but Christie really became an adult much too young. She and I forged

> a relationship over the past 10 years that is the so fulfilling for us both.

> We are good friends and she has been the joy of my life. When she came down

> with Lyme a year after Mike, my 20 year old, she was home from school for

> half a year and we really loved it, despite the sickness. Well, to make a

> long story short, she leaves Wednesday for college. I thought I would deal

> well with this but I am a wreck. I am taking her down to VA by myself and

> my husband is going down when I come back to try to make the transition

> easier for her. But going alone and leaving her has me a basketcase. She

> is crying alot and scared but determined to do this. I know it is right for

> her but I am so upset. I know the Lyme makes me emotional but I feel like

> I'm dying inside. Isn't this stupid! I am also sending Mike off to college

> the Monday after her and am so scared he will not be OK now that they are

> putting him back on abx. I still have my 15 year old here to care for.

> What the heck is wrong with me, why can't I get a hold of myself and deal

> with this like an adult. It is embarrassing! Have any of you older moms

> gone through this separation anxiety? Please advise me on how to keep from

> crying all the time. What am I afraid of, I keep asking myself?

> Sorry, to unburden but the unknown face factor here let's me be myself.

> Just imagine it tearstained. PS-Christie still has lyme also.

> Sharon NJ


> ---------------------------

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Sharon - I take antidepressants - - but if i didnt - I am not sure I would have

the strength to get through

this - if you are on them now, maybe they need to be changed - the depression is

real Sharon and mine is worse

during PMS or during my lyme time of the month - the cycle thing - Tell your Dr.

Sharon - please get help for

the depression -


LymeDizzez@... wrote:

> From: LymeDizzez@...


> In a message dated 8/22/99 10:46:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> mellillo1@... writes:


> << Please advise me on how to keep from

> crying all the time. What am I afraid of, I keep asking myself?

> Sorry, to unburden but the unknown face factor here let's me be myself.

> Just imagine it tearstained. PS-Christie still has lyme also.

> Sharon NJ >>


> Hi Sharon: The empty nest syndrome? More so in your case because you didn't

> have to go through the " teen years arguments " with your daughter that I'm

> sure most Mom's dealt with. You are perfectly normal in your reaction. You

> obviously love each other very much and parting is never easy. I don't

> believe the Lyme you both have to deal with is making it worse. I just

> believe the separation is the problem you both have to face. You both sound

> intelligent and you both sound like you'll make it through. Stop expecting to

> make it through without crying. Crying is healthy and shows the true emotions

> that you will both miss each other. But you and your daughter will survive.

> Hang in there. I know this is tough but you two are tougher!


> , New Bedford, MA.

> Monday, August 23, 1999

> You'll find a support chat room: <A

> HREF= " http://members.tripod.com/LymeDizzez/ " >Lyme Disease and Me</A>

> ICQ # 47191294

> Need a new FREE E-mail Address: <A

> HREF= " http://phreemail.phlexgrams.com/email/scripts/loginuser.pl " >PhlexGrams

> Phree E-Mail</A>

> Get Paid to surf the net: <A

> HREF= " http://www.gotoworld.com/getpaid/default.asp?rid=1019160708 " >GoToWorld:

> Get Paid</A>


> ---------------------------

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In a message dated 8/23/99 8:09:58 AM EST, roe325@... writes:

<< the depression is real Sharon and mine is worse

during PMS or during my lyme time of the month - the cycle thig >>

Depression STINKS !!! Plain & Simple ! and just like you , I also get worse

around that time of the month .I have tried many antidepressants but are very

hypersensitive to most even at low doses. I hope you feel better Sharon . I'm

sure that everything will work out .

Praying for you


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  • 3 months later...

> From: DobeLovr1@...


> In a message dated 99-12-13 22:27:17 EST, you write:


> << Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am finding

> myself crying at the drop of a hat. I also feel so sensetive. >>


> Oops - sorry - hit wrong buttons & sent without sites...


> Also calcium / magnesium supplement is important to support nerves, which

> lyme likes to " disconnect. " Calcium controls hormone functions in body -

> which are related to chemical changes... Sorry I can't explain better -

> perhaps someone else on list can jump in & help out with better explanation.


> B vitamin complex also helps body to deal with stress of illness.


> EPA (fish oil with " GLAs " ) is also very helpful to nerves & heart. These are

> the things that I've mentioned that have made the biggest difference in my

> daughter's condition...


> Chris

Also try the herbs Kava Kava, Valerian Root and Passion Flower either in

combination or separately. I take at least one Kava Kava a day and

sometimes 1 Valerian Root Complex [Valerian Root, Kava Kava, Passion Flower]

at night. I have had less nightmares with this Valerian Root Complex

supplement too.

And of course St. 's Wort.




Pacific Northwest

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In a message dated 99-12-13 22:27:17 EST, you write:

<< Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am finding

myself crying at the drop of a hat. I also feel so sensetive. >>

Dear ,

From what I understand, this is typical for lyme! Especially when there is

ANY STRESS WHATSOEVER!!! Avoid stress at all costs - it causes a chemical

reaction (can't explain it - don't understand it), but this is what LLMD /

nurse & other lymies have told me.

Hang in there - you are NOT ALONE in this!

Have you tried flax oil & co-q-10 supplements? THese are used to treat

patients with depression (read in book at healthfood store) - as they

increase " frontal lobe activity " - something that is usually decreased in

depressed people.

Also, if you're up to it, do some research on alternative therapies - check

out these rife sites... This is working for us!

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In a message dated 99-12-13 22:27:17 EST, you write:

<< Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am finding

myself crying at the drop of a hat. I also feel so sensetive. >>

Oops - sorry - hit wrong buttons & sent without sites...

Also calcium / magnesium supplement is important to support nerves, which

lyme likes to " disconnect. " Calcium controls hormone functions in body -

which are related to chemical changes... Sorry I can't explain better -

perhaps someone else on list can jump in & help out with better explanation.

B vitamin complex also helps body to deal with stress of illness.

EPA (fish oil with " GLAs " ) is also very helpful to nerves & heart. These are

the things that I've mentioned that have made the biggest difference in my

daughter's condition...

Hope they help you!

<A HREF= " http://showcase.cnd.com/althealth/morfreqs.htm " >Looking At the MORs

of Rife-related Plasma Em...</A> <A

HREF= " http://www.rt66.com/~rifetech/freq.html " >freq.html at www.rt66.com</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.rt66.com/~rifetech/ " >Royal Rife Technologies</A>

The principal is that certain organisms cannot survive in the presence of

certain electrical frequencies.

Blessings & velcro hugs,


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Yeah, I've had many days like that. Even now, when I'm feeling a lot better

physically, I still go through it. I'm sure some its neurological and some

of its psychological, for me, anyway. Antidepressants have helped me climb

out of the worst pits of despair. Allowing myself to really let it rip

(sob), reaching out, lighting candles, listening to music, praying, reading

or watching funny stuff are my daily coping mechanisms. I'm not on

antidepressants now because they don't seem to mix w/ Flagyl (for me). One

thing I keep in mind is that these feelings pass. I try to breath deeply and

conjure the thought " this too shall pass. "

It really sucks to be trapped in sick body. Big, big hug to you and all you

other weepers,


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Hi ,

Yes, we all have had this at one time or another, much worse when it

coincides with our PMS....(the girls I mean). I found relief on Paxil, it

really helped me stop feeling bad for myself, and stopped the tears and the

anger. Sometimes I wonder if it is not such a good thing to be on such an even

keel, but then I think of the people around me and they would much prefer me on

Paxil, I am sure. Lyme affects the brain that's a given, so if you want to stop

feeling so bad, ask your doc for an anti-depressant. Other than Paxil, being

involved with Lyme-aid has really given me a lift too. Somehow my woes seem so

minor compared to others.


Marta NJ

-----Original Message-----

From: Girard <ranlin@...>

Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am finding

myself crying at the drop of a hat. I also feel so sensetive. I am the only

one who has lyme in my home soooooothat should tell you enough. My doctor wants

me to start a support group for this area, but I am just not up to it

yet,,,,,These crying jags I am having .........I don't even really know why I am

crying. Then when I try to figure out what it is all about..a hundred different

reasons blanket my shoulders and it make it worse. I mean by this time I do not

even kwow how it all got started. Round and round I go will it ever stop????

Only the spirochetes know!

''the blat baby''


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In a message dated 12/13/99 11:28:16 PM, you wrote:

<<Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am finding

myself crying at the drop of a hat. >>

G......you may just be having a bad day, BUT.....take a look at what

you are on for meds. Klonopin (Clonazepam) did this to me....took me a

couple of weeks to figure it out.....but slowly tapering off stopped the

overwhelming urge to cry. On the rare occaision I feel the need for a good

cry I always feel a ton better after.....the difference with the medication

was that I was weepy and never felt better until I got off it.

Good luck!


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nuero lyme can do that while i only crie from depression......a good lyme

friend of mine is unable to control emotins at all due to lyme ......he will

just start crying for no reason in particular.......or laughing ......or

getting violent tendancies......

many things happen to us .....and most can be attributed to lyme......


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In a message dated 99-12-14 08:32:27 EST, you write:

<< tlizzy@... >>

Dear Sue,

Just wanted to send you this link as you mentioned early eye problems

(glaucoma, I think)...

This is causing premature cataracts & BLINDNESS in people & pets. In MANY

products - spaghetti sauces, frozen veggies, chips, corn chips, etc., etc.,

etc. Read all my labels & took EVERYTHING back to store & told them why -

opened & unopened! (They probably think I'm nuts, but who cares - I'll keep

my vision, thanks anyway! LOL!)

Told my healthfood store about this & they immediately pulled every bottle

off shelf. Don't let anyone BS you that it depends upon how it's processed

either. Canola is canola!

Also, has exact OPPOSITE effect in body as does flax / olive oils -

constricts blood vessles, etc.

Hope this helps!

<A HREF= " http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2950/can-oil.htm " >Canola

oil: how toxic is it?</A>

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>Also try the herbs Kava Kava, Valerian Root and Passion Flower either in

>combination or separately.

Anyone planning to try herbs would hopefully do their homework on them,

first. I've researched & tried each of the above, and personally found only

passion flower to be effective for sleeplessness and some anxiety. Anxiety

can feed the depression cycle, so sometimes it can be helpful to try breaking

it there. But other times, anxiety meds (allopathic or otherwise) can

actually contribute to depression - each of us is different.

>And of course St. 's Wort.

I tried this during my depression, and for whatever reason, it made me

jittery. I would think anyone also on doxy would want to be extremely

careful in the sunlight if taking SJW, too. Also, since I tried it,

there's been the news of it contributing to glaucoma (and since my bro had

early-onset rare glaucoma, I'm kinda glad it didn't work for me - no use

taking needless risks;-))


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linda.....yes i agree when the going got tuff i found out who my true friends

were......i have very few left ....but i have met alot of new lyme friends

who truly understand my strugals with life on a daily basis...worked for the

same place for 18 years thought i had some good friends got sick and well

have not heard from them since these are people that are god parents to my

children an me to theirs.....out of site out of mind.....also i think they do

not want to face the fact that what happened to mer can also happen to

them........oh well i think i am better off with out them anyway.....thus the

term i guess " fair weather friends " funny thing is people that i was just

aquainted with some have turned out to be great....so one never knows.....


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linda......my wife and i are now going thru conselling she is finally

understanding some of what i go thru ......how i feel hjelpless......that i

am ashamed that she must take on so much and how that affects are

relationship in many ways,,,,,,this disease affects the whole family......in

many ways.......i have learned one thing ........theres only one person who

can make u unhappy and that is urself......so i try to no longer buy into

others problems.....even my wifes......as i haver no control over how she

feels only she does....


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Girard wrote:


> Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am

> finding myself crying at the drop of a hat. I also feel so

> sensetive. I am the only one who has lyme in my home soooooothat

> should tell you enough. My doctor wants me to start a support group

> for this area, but I am just not up to it yet,,,,,These crying jags I

> am having .........I don't even really know why I am crying. Then

> when I try to figure out what it is all about..a hundred different

> reasons blanket my shoulders and it make it worse. I mean by this

> time I do not even kwow how it all got started. Round and round I go

> will it ever stop???? Only the spirochetes know!

> ''the blat baby''

> G



Dear : Been there, done that! I am now on Zoloft because the

medications I took just made me an emotional roller coaster. Plus, I

have encephalopathy in my brain, and that is right where your emotions

are centered. Anti-depressants will help to normalize the situation. My

doc told me it wasn't for depression, it was for lyme! Whatever, it

works. Besides, you probably have reason enough to cry - you've got

this blasted disease and it is terrible to lose the health you used to



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You spoke the exact words that were spoken to me the other day, " this

too shall pass " . It was like confirmation to some things that were prayed

for me.....Thanks for the words of encouragement...

Re: [Lyme-aid] Depressed

>From: beth <elsbeth@...>




>Yeah, I've had many days like that. Even now, when I'm feeling a lot better

>physically, I still go through it. I'm sure some its neurological and some

>of its psychological, for me, anyway. Antidepressants have helped me climb

>out of the worst pits of despair. Allowing myself to really let it rip

>(sob), reaching out, lighting candles, listening to music, praying, reading

>or watching funny stuff are my daily coping mechanisms. I'm not on

>antidepressants now because they don't seem to mix w/ Flagyl (for me).


>thing I keep in mind is that these feelings pass. I try to breath deeply


>conjure the thought " this too shall pass. "


>It really sucks to be trapped in sick body. Big, big hug to you and all you

>other weepers,




>>Send to -Offtopiconelist messages unrelated to lyme, please.



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>the word " unsubscribe " ( " normal " is the opposite of " digest " ). Leave blank

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I know exactly how you feel toward your husband, I have said the same

thing to mine, go, live a full life, why be burdened with me, my SSDI will

keep me. But he just says, " Would you leave me, if I was sick? " and of

course the answer is no, but sometimes when I am feeling especially dark, I

tell him Yes. Actually, being sick has improved my marriage, I am more

aware of his needs, and try when able to fulfill them. I am not just

talking sex here, men like to be listened to, and I had a bad habit of

tuning him out, I now try to really listen and respond when he talks and I

see a big improvement in our relationship when I do that. I wish I could

hold your hand and tell you this is all going to be OK, but we don't know

what the future holds for any of us. Just try to take one day at a time and

try to be thankful for the little things.


Marta NJ

>From: " Girard " <ranlin@...>



> I have neurological lyme. So, I think that has alot to do with it


>Plus I am married and unable to function fully as a wife. I am sick so


>tnat I could care less, but I take on such a burden for my husband. God, I

>tell him he does not have to stay but he says he is here to the end. In


>breath, I am thankfrl to have him and in another, I feel pressured...It is


>constant battle of the mind...I guess we are learning what " for better or

>worse " really means....Love,

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You should open a health food store! I wrote all the stuff

down...Thanks for the info...

Re: [Lyme-aid] Depressed

>From: " Kiana Rossi " <bornfree@...>


>> From: DobeLovr1@...


>> In a message dated 99-12-13 22:27:17 EST, you write:


>> << Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am


>> myself crying at the drop of a hat. I also feel so sensetive. >>


>> Oops - sorry - hit wrong buttons & sent without sites...


>> Also calcium / magnesium supplement is important to support nerves, which

>> lyme likes to " disconnect. " Calcium controls hormone functions in body -

>> which are related to chemical changes... Sorry I can't explain better -

>> perhaps someone else on list can jump in & help out with better



>> B vitamin complex also helps body to deal with stress of illness.


>> EPA (fish oil with " GLAs " ) is also very helpful to nerves & heart. These


>> the things that I've mentioned that have made the biggest difference in


>> daughter's condition...


>> Chris


>Also try the herbs Kava Kava, Valerian Root and Passion Flower either in

>combination or separately. I take at least one Kava Kava a day and

>sometimes 1 Valerian Root Complex [Valerian Root, Kava Kava, Passion


>at night. I have had less nightmares with this Valerian Root Complex

>supplement too.


>And of course St. 's Wort.





>Pacific Northwest


>>Send to -Offtopiconelist messages unrelated to lyme, please.



>To unsubscribe, send email to -unsubscribeonelist

>You may substitute " subscribe " , or " digest " or " normal " for

>the word " unsubscribe " ( " normal " is the opposite of " digest " ). Leave blank

both the message and subject header.


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I am taking 200mg. of Zoloft. I thought it was working fine. I do know I am

having a problem dealing with the holidays. I cry just talking about it. We

are supposed to visit my son in Columbus. It about a 10 hour drive. I have

that problem with burning in the uretha and it makes it so difficult for me to

ride. In fact it makes it difficult to do just about anything. And

Stress...that is a joke. I can not deal with even the simplest things....I

guess I need to try and relax and stop worrying....Thank for caring.Marta....

Re: [Lyme-aid] Depressed

Hi ,

Yes, we all have had this at one time or another, much worse when it

coincides with our PMS....(the girls I mean). I found relief on Paxil, it

really helped me stop feeling bad for myself, and stopped the tears and the

anger. Sometimes I wonder if it is not such a good thing to be on such an even

keel, but then I think of the people around me and they would much prefer me on

Paxil, I am sure. Lyme affects the brain that's a given, so if you want to stop

feeling so bad, ask your doc for an anti-depressant. Other than Paxil, being

involved with Lyme-aid has really given me a lift too. Somehow my woes seem so

minor compared to others.


Marta NJ

-----Original Message-----

From: Girard <ranlin@...>

Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am finding

myself crying at the drop of a hat. I also feel so sensetive. I am the only

one who has lyme in my home soooooothat should tell you enough. My doctor wants

me to start a support group for this area, but I am just not up to it

yet,,,,,These crying jags I am having .........I don't even really know why I am

crying. Then when I try to figure out what it is all about..a hundred different

reasons blanket my shoulders and it make it worse. I mean by this time I do not

even kwow how it all got started. Round and round I go will it ever stop????

Only the spirochetes know!

''the blat baby''


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Thanks Happy......

Re: [Lyme-aid] Depressed

>From: HapsQuilt@...



>In a message dated 12/13/99 11:28:16 PM, you wrote:


><<Has anyone ever had a day where a you did is cry? I mean I am finding

>myself crying at the drop of a hat. >>


> G......you may just be having a bad day, BUT.....take a look at what

>you are on for meds. Klonopin (Clonazepam) did this to me....took me a

>couple of weeks to figure it out.....but slowly tapering off stopped the

>overwhelming urge to cry. On the rare occaision I feel the need for a good

>cry I always feel a ton better after.....the difference with the medication

>was that I was weepy and never felt better until I got off it.

>Good luck!



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