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Re: Depressed

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I know that you do Terry. Some marriages are just rock solid and good.. aren't we so lucky? More I think about it I know luck had little to do with it. It takes darn hard work and communication ability to forgive and a whole lot of respect. Not to mention you gots to love em. Fluffy [ ] Depressed Hey everyone how are ya?? I have been feeling pretty depressed lately..Don't even feel like getting out of bed most of the time..Don't know what's wrong..I hate feeling like this too...Maybe it's the hormone thing I don't know....Seems not too many people in here have gotten on today..Wonder where everyone is..Yall get in touch ok??

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You are a riot....!!!! A good marriage is a blessing like no other. Re: [ ] Depressed Well Terry we already knew you were in love with Suzy..Ya don't have to rub it in on how great a marriage you 2 have.....Hahahahaha...Not all of us are that fortunate...hahahaha..If my hubby could straighten out maybe I'd rather him than a book!!!

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I love him more than chocolate yes I do!!! HA Fluffy Re: [ ] Depressed Whoo Hoo Fluffy enjoys the hubby more than a Sundae!!! I'd rather a good book than mine.....LOL

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Jan I didn't mean to rub it in. I know from what you have said, your's is not the best marriage. I pray that things get better for you. You deserve all the happiness.


Jannewilms42@... wrote: Well Terry we already knew you were in love with Suzy..Ya don't have to rub it in on how great a marriage you 2 have.....Hahahahaha...Not all of us are that fortunate...hahahaha..If my hubby could straighten out maybe I'd rather him than a book!!!

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I have prayed for that marriage to. And you in it Jan. Re: [ ] Depressed Jan I didn't mean to rub it in. I know from what you have said, your's is not the best marriage. I pray that things get better for you. You deserve all the happiness. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Well Terry we already knew you were in love with Suzy..Ya don't have to rub it in on how great a marriage you 2 have.....Hahahahaha...Not all of us are that fortunate...hahahaha..If my hubby could straighten out maybe I'd rather him than a book!!!

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I love blue gills, they are some of the tastiest fish out there! I usually go out for the panfish or bass. I don't have the patience to fish muskies. I like to throw my bobber out there, lean back in the boat and dream a little, watch the sun reflect off the ripples in the lake and I'm TRIPPING!! -dz-

WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

Oh that sounds good..... Its always murder for us to even take a few days. We thought being self employed would be the ticket. HA..... no paid vacations there. LOL.... Mostly I see Bill work 6 days or more a week to keep up with keeping everthing flowing and happy. Somedays I wish hed just go get a job.. You just enjoy that time to the max. Catch a big old fish.... I got a story for you on that. I have caught a few nice ones. Well we were out one evening and the wind was picking up al of a sudden my pole bent and I was fighting to get what I thought might be a Wiper on my line. I am like come on baby show me what you got. I reeled it in and finally got it up on shore. It was an over grown blue gill and I was the laughing stock for weeks on end. So catch a big un...... LOL

Re: [ ] Depressed

Hey no fever for a while now..Usually by the end of the day I am getting a little sore but other than that physically I feel pretty good..Thanks Fluffy..Glad to know ya had fun playing with the hubby!!Keep on playin girl!!

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Yes but have you ever planted your feets and told em to give let you see what they got? How embarassing. LOL Re: [ ] Depressed Hey no fever for a while now..Usually by the end of the day I am getting a little sore but other than that physically I feel pretty good..Thanks Fluffy..Glad to know ya had fun playing with the hubby!!Keep on playin girl!!

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Hi Jan -- so sorry you've been depressed- hope

it's gone now!!!! I tend to be away from PC on nice weather days

as we don't have that many & have been trying to spend more time with

Ken & my dogs..... Sam had to have some surgery done on her teeth-

she had some tumors in gums & had to have one tooth extracted due to

there being no bone attached to her tooth... so she was heavily sedated

& was @ the vets all day long with these problems to the tune of about

$400-- but she is like a child to me (a brat most times)<g> And

Ginger is always trying to be the most favored one!!!!! she

had been badly mistreated as a pup(we didn't get her til she was about

8 mos old...the people that had her used to let the kids play tug of war

with her & the father used to beat her all the time kick her &

just generall abuse the dogs - which weren't considered 'show' quality..

Ginger was a little too tall by an inch I felt very sorry for her

& the abuse I saw going on in that household....... I bought her mother

& kept HER for about 3years- & believe me she WAS a rotten little

dog... she'd ppop all over the house get into things & tear other things

up.... & Naturally we didn't know who was causing the problem...but

finally dicidied to get rid(give away)of hte mother dog--as I was tired

of both dogs getting the blame & fortunately I made the correct decision-

once she was gone & Ginger was able to accpt & put trust in me--she

was MY dog forever...yes she did get reprimanded for poopin' but

I worked with her on this problem...but -it turned out she was the 'destructive

one of the two' We've had her for about 8 years now & she still

the tendency to 'run & hide' whenever anyones raises their voices...so

now I've have some nice & mostly good

In case yould't we just l;over for

'for better or worse111

arlene hope this makes sme sa=ort of sense

Jan you keep up & bright........i'm

gonna have to close out this post--can't hardlyright now '''my ambien is

begiininn to kick in & my eye'can just barely--guess I'm getting somewhart


It's time for some needed--rest...hope

that some of you can reedthrough this'garglr......


nnewilms42@... wrote:


everyone how are ya?? I have been feeling pretty depressed lately..Don't

even feel like getting out of bed most of the time..Don't know what's wrong..I

hate feeling like this too...Maybe it's the hormone thing I don't know....Seems

not too many people in here have gotten on today..Wonder where everyone

is..Yall get in touch ok??

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We've had a rough week with our dog, too. She was so ill last week she couldn't make it up the stairs. They gave her an ekg and some blood tests. The next day we had to bring her back in, because the ekg reading showed arrythmia (sp) We thought we might lose her then. They kept her overnite on an iv drip to help keep the heartbeat steady and it went back to normal by the next day. She had a bad weekend though and is going back in today. She's 10 years old, so it's tough, like you said she's a member of the family, we're over $700 in vet bills already. How do you decide when enough is enough. She hasn't been eating, but this morning when I picked up her leash she started doing her little dance, so she still enjoys her walk, I guess as long as she can still enjoy that I won't consider euthanasia. I'm praying hard for her today.. -dz-

ACE <arken@...> wrote: Hi Jan -- so sorry you've been depressed- hope it's gone now!!!! I tendto be away from PC on nice weather days as we don't have that many & have been trying to spend more time with Ken & my dogs..... Sam had tohave some surgery done on her teeth- she had some tumors in gums & hadto have one tooth extracted due to there being no bone attached to hertooth... so she was heavily sedated & was @ the vets all day long withthese problems to the tune of about $400-- but she is like a child to me(a brat most times) And Ginger is always trying to be the mostfavored one!!!!! she had been badly mistreated as a pup(we didn't gether til she was about 8 mos old...the people that had her used to letthe kids play tug of war with her & the father used to beat her all thetime kick her & just generall abuse the dogs - which weren't considered'show' quality.. Ginger was a little too tall by an inch I felt verysorry for her & the abuse I saw going on in that household....... Ibought her mother & kept HER for about 3years- & believe me she WAS arotten little dog... she'd ppop all over the house get into things & tear other things up.... & Naturally we didn't know who was causing theproblem...but finally dicidied to get rid(give away)of hte motherdog--as I was tired of both dogs getting the blame & fortunately I madethe correct decision- once she was gone & Ginger was able to accpt & puttrust in me--she was MY dog forever...yes she did get reprimanded forpoopin' but I worked with her on this problem...but -it turned out shewas the 'destructive one of the two' We've had her for about 8 yearsnow & she still the tendency to 'run & hide' whenever anyones raisestheir voices...so now I've have some nice & mostly goodIn case yould't we just l;over for 'for better or worse111arlene hope this makes sme sa=ort of senseJan you keep up & bright........i'm gonna have to close out thispost--can't hardlyright now '''my ambien is begiininn to kick in & myeye'can just barely--guess I'm getting somewhart garglyIt's time for some needed--rest...hope that some of you can reedthroughthis'garglr......

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dz... as a pet owner not to mention a member of breed specific resuce, Shih Tzu; and an animal rights activist. You will know when its time. They communicate with you. When my Penny was ready to go to the rainbow bridge I was well aware the time was nearing. That day before her eyes told me the rest of everything I needed to know it was like Mommy help me please . So I set the appointment.. hardest thing I ever had to do... but you will know. You won't know a moment to soon or delay longer than you should.... she will let you know. Re: [ ] Depressed We've had a rough week with our dog, too. She was so ill last week she couldn't make it up the stairs. They gave her an ekg and some blood tests. The next day we had to bring her back in, because the ekg reading showed arrythmia (sp) We thought we might lose her then. They kept her overnite on an iv drip to help keep the heartbeat steady and it went back to normal by the next day. She had a bad weekend though and is going back in today. She's 10 years old, so it's tough, like you said she's a member of the family, we're over $700 in vet bills already. How do you decide when enough is enough. She hasn't been eating, but this morning when I picked up her leash she started doing her little dance, so she still enjoys her walk, I guess as long as she can still enjoy that I won't consider euthanasia. I'm praying hard for her today.. -dz- ACE <arken@...> wrote: Hi Jan -- so sorry you've been depressed- hope it's gone now!!!! I tendto be away from PC on nice weather days as we don't have that many & have been trying to spend more time with Ken & my dogs..... Sam had tohave some surgery done on her teeth- she had some tumors in gums & hadto have one tooth extracted due to there being no bone attached to hertooth... so she was heavily sedated & was @ the vets all day long withthese problems to the tune of about $400-- but she is like a child to me(a brat most times) And Ginger is always trying to be the mostfavored one!!!!! she had been badly mistreated as a pup(we didn't gether til she was about 8 mos old...the people that had her used to letthe kids play tug of war with her & the father used to beat her all thetime kick her & just generall abuse the dogs - which weren't considered'show' quality.. Ginger was a little too tall by an inch I felt verysorry for her & the abuse I saw going on in that household....... Ibought her mother & kept HER for about 3years- & believe me she WAS arotten little dog... she'd ppop all over the house get into things & tear other things up.... & Naturally we didn't know who was causing theproblem...but finally dicidied to get rid(give away)of hte motherdog--as I was tired of both dogs getting the blame & fortunately I madethe correct decision- once she was gone & Ginger was able to accpt & puttrust in me--she was MY dog forever...yes she did get reprimanded forpoopin' but I worked with her on this problem...but -it turned out shewas the 'destructive one of the two' We've had her for about 8 yearsnow & she still the tendency to 'run & hide' whenever anyones raisestheir voices...so now I've have some nice & mostly goodIn case yould't we just l;over for 'for better or worse111arlene hope this makes sme sa=ort of senseJan you keep up & bright........i'm gonna have to close out thispost--can't hardlyright now '''my ambien is begiininn to kick in & myeye'can just barely--guess I'm getting somewhart garglyIt's time for some needed--rest...hope that some of you can reedthroughthis'garglr......

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I once put a $1000 cap on a dog's vet bills. When you

reach that you start thinking what's another few

hundred for ny best friend. I lost that dog about 14

years ago, but he lived an extra 2 years and I don't

want to think what I spent on him. He was a black lab

and one of the best dogs I ever had. Good luck, I hope

she get's better. I'm fighting an auto-immune disease

with my beagle but she's doing good. She and I are on

a BUNCH of pills. I'll be praying for your dog too.


--- imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:


> We've had a rough week with our dog, too. She was so

> ill last week she couldn't make it up the stairs.

> They gave her an ekg and some blood tests. The next

> day we had to bring her back in, because the ekg

> reading showed arrythmia (sp) We thought we might

> lose her then. They kept her overnite on an iv drip

> to help keep the heartbeat steady and it went back

> to normal by the next day. She had a bad weekend

> though and is going back in today. She's 10 years

> old, so it's tough, like you said she's a member of

> the family, we're over $700 in vet bills already.

> How do you decide when enough is enough. She hasn't

> been eating, but this morning when I picked up her

> leash she started doing her little dance, so she

> still enjoys her walk, I guess as long as she can

> still enjoy that I won't consider euthanasia. I'm

> praying hard for her today.. -dz-


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Thanks, the tests came back yesterday ok, and the dog seems much better. I was sure I was spending my last day with her on Sunday. They are just like family members, I didn't know I would be that upset. Her being 10, any illness now could be it, but she seems to have dodged the bullet this time. -dz-

Jannewilms42@... wrote: dz my thoughts are with you and your dog..I hope she is doing better..They can be very precious to us..

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I know what you mean, when I grabbed the leash and her eyes lit up, I knew she wasn't ready to hang it up yet. She's doing much better today. -dz-

WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

dz... as a pet owner not to mention a member of breed specific resuce, Shih Tzu; and an animal rights activist. You will know when its time. They communicate with you. When my Penny was ready to go to the rainbow bridge I was well aware the time was nearing. That day before her eyes told me the rest of everything I needed to know it was like Mommy help me please . So I set the appointment.. hardest thing I ever had to do... but you will know. You won't know a moment to soon or delay longer than you should.... she will let you know.

Re: [ ] Depressed

We've had a rough week with our dog, too. She was so ill last week she couldn't make it up the stairs. They gave her an ekg and some blood tests. The next day we had to bring her back in, because the ekg reading showed arrythmia (sp) We thought we might lose her then. They kept her overnite on an iv drip to help keep the heartbeat steady and it went back to normal by the next day. She had a bad weekend though and is going back in today. She's 10 years old, so it's tough, like you said she's a member of the family, we're over $700 in vet bills already. How do you decide when enough is enough. She hasn't been eating, but this morning when I picked up her leash she started doing her little dance, so she still enjoys her walk, I guess as long as she can still enjoy that I won't consider euthanasia. I'm praying hard for her today.. -dz- ACE <arken@...> wrote: Hi Jan -- so sorry you've been depressed- hope it's gone now!!!! I tendto be away from PC on nice weather days as we don't have that many & have been trying to spend more time with Ken & my dogs..... Sam had tohave some surgery done on her teeth- she had some tumors in gums & hadto have one tooth extracted due to there being no bone attached to hertooth... so she was heavily sedated & was @ the vets all day long withthese problems to the tune of about $400-- but she is like a child to me(a brat most times) And Ginger is always trying to be the mostfavored one!!!!! she had been badly mistreated as a pup(we didn't gether til she was about 8 mos old...the people that had her used to letthe kids play tug of war with her & the father used to beat her all thetime kick her & just generall abuse the dogs - which weren't considered'show' quality.. Ginger was a little too tall by an inch I felt verysorry for her & the abuse I saw going on in that household....... Ibought her mother & kept HER for about 3years- & believe me she WAS arotten little dog... she'd ppop all over the house get into things & tear other things up.... & Naturally we didn't know who was causing theproblem...but finally dicidied to get rid(give away)of hte motherdog--as I was tired of both dogs getting the blame & fortunately I madethe correct decision- once she was gone & Ginger was able to accpt & puttrust in me--she was MY dog forever...yes she did get reprimanded forpoopin' but I worked with her on this problem...but -it turned out shewas the 'destructive one of the two' We've had her for about 8 yearsnow & she still the tendency to 'run & hide' whenever anyones raisestheir voices...so now I've have some nice & mostly goodIn case yould't we just l;over for 'for better or worse111arlene hope this makes sme sa=ort of senseJan you keep up & bright........i'm gonna have to close out thispost--can't hardlyright now '''my ambien is begiininn to kick in & myeye'can just barely--guess I'm getting somewhart garglyIt's time for some needed--rest...hope that some of you can reedthroughthis'garglr......

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Well, we passed our $1000 yesterday.. She seems to be improving though. She has low platelets, which they think could be caused by some autoimmune thing. I hope to get at least a couple of more good years together. We'll take it day by day. Thanks everybody for your support, I know we have many other things going on in our lives. -dz-

Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: I once put a $1000 cap on a dog's vet bills. When youreach that you start thinking what's another fewhundred for ny best friend. I lost that dog about 14years ago, but he lived an extra 2 years and I don'twant to think what I spent on him. He was a black laband one of the best dogs I ever had. Good luck, I hopeshe get's better. I'm fighting an auto-immune diseasewith my beagle but she's doing good. She and I are ona BUNCH of pills. I'll be praying for your dog too. Sharon--- imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:> > We've had a rough week with our dog, too. She was so> ill last week she couldn't make it up the stairs.> They gave her an ekg and some blood tests. The next> day we had to bring her back in, because the ekg> reading showed arrythmia (sp) We thought we might> lose her then. They kept her overnite on an iv drip> to help keep the heartbeat steady and it went back> to normal by the next day. She had a bad weekend> though and is going back in today. She's 10 years> old, so it's tough, like you said she's a member of> the family, we're over $700 in vet bills already.> How do you decide when enough is enough. She hasn't> been eating, but this morning when I picked up her> leash she started doing her little dance, so she> still enjoys her walk, I guess as long as she can> still enjoy that I won't consider euthanasia. I'm> praying hard for her today.. -dz- __________________________________________________

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Glad to hear she is doing better today.. Re: [ ] Depressed We've had a rough week with our dog, too. She was so ill last week she couldn't make it up the stairs. They gave her an ekg and some blood tests. The next day we had to bring her back in, because the ekg reading showed arrythmia (sp) We thought we might lose her then. They kept her overnite on an iv drip to help keep the heartbeat steady and it went back to normal by the next day. She had a bad weekend though and is going back in today. She's 10 years old, so it's tough, like you said she's a member of the family, we're over $700 in vet bills already. How do you decide when enough is enough. She hasn't been eating, but this morning when I picked up her leash she started doing her little dance, so she still enjoys her walk, I guess as long as she can still enjoy that I won't consider euthanasia. I'm praying hard for her today.. -dz- ACE <arken@...> wrote: Hi Jan -- so sorry you've been depressed- hope it's gone now!!!! I tendto be away from PC on nice weather days as we don't have that many & have been trying to spend more time with Ken & my dogs..... Sam had tohave some surgery done on her teeth- she had some tumors in gums & hadto have one tooth extracted due to there being no bone attached to hertooth... so she was heavily sedated & was @ the vets all day long withthese problems to the tune of about $400-- but she is like a child to me(a brat most times) And Ginger is always trying to be the mostfavored one!!!!! she had been badly mistreated as a pup(we didn't gether til she was about 8 mos old...the people that had her used to letthe kids play tug of war with her & the father used to beat her all thetime kick her & just generall abuse the dogs - which weren't considered'show' quality.. Ginger was a little too tall by an inch I felt verysorry for her & the abuse I saw going on in that household....... Ibought her mother & kept HER for about 3years- & believe me she WAS arotten little dog... she'd ppop all over the house get into things & tear other things up.... & Naturally we didn't know who was causing theproblem...but finally dicidied to get rid(give away)of hte motherdog--as I was tired of both dogs getting the blame & fortunately I madethe correct decision- once she was gone & Ginger was able to accpt & puttrust in me--she was MY dog forever...yes she did get reprimanded forpoopin' but I worked with her on this problem...but -it turned out shewas the 'destructive one of the two' We've had her for about 8 yearsnow & she still the tendency to 'run & hide' whenever anyones raisestheir voices...so now I've have some nice & mostly goodIn case yould't we just l;over for 'for better or worse111arlene hope this makes sme sa=ort of senseJan you keep up & bright........i'm gonna have to close out thispost--can't hardlyright now '''my ambien is begiininn to kick in & myeye'can just barely--guess I'm getting somewhart garglyIt's time for some needed--rest...hope that some of you can reedthroughthis'garglr......

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Hi Jan --hope this finds your little poochie- doing A-OK!!!!!!

I was back down again this past week so I haven't been online in about


But today I'm feeling pretty good except for my liver & back pains(as

usual--par for the course)

I seem to feel OK whenever the sun shines & damn it that's not

very often up here!!!

It's 'supposed' to get up to 80 tomorrow warmest day we've had since

last August!

Take Care


imaganeer wrote:

We've had a rough week with our dog, too. She was so ill last week she

couldn't make it up the stairs. They gave her an ekg and some blood tests.

The next day we had to bring her back in, because the ekg reading showed

arrythmia (sp) We thought we might lose her then. They kept her overnite

on an iv drip to help keep the heartbeat steady and it went back to normal

by the next day. She had a bad weekend though and is going back in today.

She's 10 years old, so it's tough, like you said she's a member of the

family, we're over $700 in vet bills already. How do you decide when enough

is enough. She hasn't been eating, but this morning when I picked

up her leash she started doing her little dance, so she still enjoys her

walk, I guess as long as she can still enjoy that I won't consider euthanasia.

I'm praying hard for her today.. -dz-

ACE <arken@...> wrote:


Jan -- so sorry you've been depressed- hope it's gone now!!!! I tend

to be away from PC on nice weather days as we don't have that many


have been trying to spend more time with Ken & my dogs..... Sam

had to

have some surgery done on her teeth- she had some tumors in gums &


to have one tooth extracted due to there being no bone attached to


tooth... so she was heavily sedated & was @ the vets all day long


these problems to the tune of about $400-- but she is like a child

to me

(a brat most times) And Ginger is always trying to be the most

favored one!!!!! she had been badly mistreated as a pup(we didn't get

her til she was about 8 mos old...the people that had her used to let

the kids play tug of war with her & the father used to beat her

all the

time kick her & just generall abuse the dogs - which weren't considered

'show' quality.. Ginger was a little too tall by an inch I felt very

sorry for her & the abuse I saw going on in that household.......


bought her mother & kept HER for about 3years- & believe me

she WAS a

rotten little dog... she'd ppop all over the house get into things


tear other things up.... & Naturally we didn't know who was causing


problem...but finally dicidied to get rid(give away)of hte mother

dog--as I was tired of both dogs getting the blame & fortunately

I made

the correct decision- once she was gone & Ginger was able to accpt

& put

trust in me--she was MY dog forever...yes she did get reprimanded for

poopin' but I worked with her on this problem...but -it turned out


was the 'destructive one of the two' We've had her for about 8 years

now & she still the tendency to 'run & hide' whenever anyones


their voices...so now I've have some nice & mostly good

In case yould't we just l;over for 'for better or worse111

arlene hope this makes sme sa=ort of sense

Jan you keep up & bright........i'm gonna have to close out this

post--can't hardlyright now '''my ambien is begiininn to kick in &


eye'can just barely--guess I'm getting somewhart gargly

It's time for some needed--rest...hope that some of you can reedthrough


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Hi Jan --hope this finds your little poochie- doing A-OK!!!!!!

I was back down again this past week so I haven't been online in about


But today I'm feeling pretty good except for my liver & back pains(as

usual--par for the course)

I seem to feel OK whenever the sun shines & damn it that's not

very often up here!!!

It's 'supposed' to get up to 80 tomorrow warmest day we've had since

last August!

Take Care


imaganeer wrote:

We've had a rough week with our dog, too. She was so ill last week she

couldn't make it up the stairs. They gave her an ekg and some blood tests.

The next day we had to bring her back in, because the ekg reading showed

arrythmia (sp) We thought we might lose her then. They kept her overnite

on an iv drip to help keep the heartbeat steady and it went back to normal

by the next day. She had a bad weekend though and is going back in today.

She's 10 years old, so it's tough, like you said she's a member of the

family, we're over $700 in vet bills already. How do you decide when enough

is enough. She hasn't been eating, but this morning when I picked

up her leash she started doing her little dance, so she still enjoys her

walk, I guess as long as she can still enjoy that I won't consider euthanasia.

I'm praying hard for her today.. -dz-

ACE <arken@...> wrote:


Jan -- so sorry you've been depressed- hope it's gone now!!!! I tend

to be away from PC on nice weather days as we don't have that many


have been trying to spend more time with Ken & my dogs..... Sam

had to

have some surgery done on her teeth- she had some tumors in gums &


to have one tooth extracted due to there being no bone attached to


tooth... so she was heavily sedated & was @ the vets all day long


these problems to the tune of about $400-- but she is like a child

to me

(a brat most times) And Ginger is always trying to be the most

favored one!!!!! she had been badly mistreated as a pup(we didn't get

her til she was about 8 mos old...the people that had her used to let

the kids play tug of war with her & the father used to beat her

all the

time kick her & just generall abuse the dogs - which weren't considered

'show' quality.. Ginger was a little too tall by an inch I felt very

sorry for her & the abuse I saw going on in that household.......


bought her mother & kept HER for about 3years- & believe me

she WAS a

rotten little dog... she'd ppop all over the house get into things


tear other things up.... & Naturally we didn't know who was causing


problem...but finally dicidied to get rid(give away)of hte mother

dog--as I was tired of both dogs getting the blame & fortunately

I made

the correct decision- once she was gone & Ginger was able to accpt

& put

trust in me--she was MY dog forever...yes she did get reprimanded for

poopin' but I worked with her on this problem...but -it turned out


was the 'destructive one of the two' We've had her for about 8 years

now & she still the tendency to 'run & hide' whenever anyones


their voices...so now I've have some nice & mostly good

In case yould't we just l;over for 'for better or worse111

arlene hope this makes sme sa=ort of sense

Jan you keep up & bright........i'm gonna have to close out this

post--can't hardlyright now '''my ambien is begiininn to kick in &


eye'can just barely--guess I'm getting somewhart gargly

It's time for some needed--rest...hope that some of you can reedthrough


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  • 4 months later...

Hi, Marsha:

I had radiation all last winter by a Naturopathic Oncologist.

I understand your concerns because radiation is carcinogenic. I wouldn't have

had it, but I was bent over in pain.

It worked well for me and I only wish I had known about it when I had my first


I don't know what the long-term effects will be, but it worked well for me. I

wish I would have known about this group when I was first diagnosed, I may have

been saved from being disabled by the Allopathic doctors.

My story is at:

It is always best if we can face the truth of our feelings and then deal with

them. You are honest, that is a good start.

Take Care,


> I am so worried about my dad taking 28 days of radiation. It seems like no

> one I know can understand what I am going threw. I cry for no reason and I am

> called a baby. I forget to take meds or I screw them up so bad I scare my

> self. Sorry for rambling I have no one to talk to. Love Marsha

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  • 3 years later...

Hey ..congrats on the weight loss!!! Your life would be overwhelming


a special child thrown in the mix. I feel your pain, we are going to get an

official dx on Monday the 11th too. My ds is 5 and just started kindergarten

this week. He has the opposite problem though, he won't interact at all with

the other children and doesn't want to do the activities/assignments the teacher

gives him.

I think imo, it's ok to have a couple drinks and some candy (give yourself a


I feel the same about my friends and coworkers....they don't get it. A very


friend of mine (or so I thought) said that was just spoiled that's why he

doesn't want to go to school.....very frustrating....as for the teacher maybe

with the

official dx and such he will have an aide or be moved to another class with a


understanding and knowledgable teacher....keep fighting the good fight and

remember you are not alone..


<randimarlene@...> wrote:

Hi, I haven't been on in a while. Life has been so busy w/back to

school, having 4 kids, a

traveling husband, dying pets, new kittens, a new dog, finding out about a sex


across the street whom my children play w/the children that live in his house,

(my kids are

fine though, thank God!), and everything (my AS child) throws at me at any

given day.

We discovered in mid June that he probably had AS, went to a psychologist, got

the ball

rolling, but since it was summer vacation, we had to wait til school was about

to start to get

the teacher to fill out all the paperwork, long story short, Monday Sept 11 th

is our " official

diagnosis " day. I spoke w/his teacher on the phone this morning for the first

time and she

actually asked me if I was planning on medicating him and was VERY disappointed

when I

said no! has gotten 100% worse since June. He is completely out of control.

I think I

have to pull him from the regular bus (throwing things out the window, foul


unusual- and other things that other children request of him that he does to

make them

happy even if it's wrong) to one of the mini buses. We've had some really really

bad days

here. I've never been one to drink, but I find myself having a Mikearita every

evening. I had

lost 35 pounds over the summer w/about 10-15 more to go and have been eating


lately like crazy. It's my comfort food. I've been avoiding all of my friends

cuz they don't

understand or even want to talk about my issues w/. I am feeling so isolated

in this

whole situation. Just very bummed. Thanks for listening.


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In a message dated 9/9/2006 8:42:09 AM Eastern Standard Time,

sandy1122@... writes:


I don't blame you! My son picks a fight with me in the doctors waiting room,

then tells the secretary to call the police on his mom, then after we leave he

demands I take him out to dinner (no way), then he has another fit, then he

wants me to forgive and forget and not tell his therapist if he can be good for

two days in a row. I have to go back there and now a I want to change

doctors, but I can't! we deserve a glass. just one though.


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I'm so thankful for my little bottle of tequila " mother's little

helper " . I sometimes hate my friends for enjoying their " normal "

kids. I am on the outside looking in on all my neighbors enjoying the

summer going to softball practice and ballet, while I drag my kids to

therapy!!! When anyone does listen, they are overwhelmed with my life

and wonder out loud if I drink a little, I have gained a few and it's

probably because of the drink that I can't lose this belly, Anyway, I

don't drink until it's dark and I'm done for the day and relax in front

of the TV while the kids are asleep. It's a wonderful vacation for

about an hour or two then it's back to reality.


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Be careful with that! I know too well how that " mother's little helper " can

help, which is how I ended up in Alcoholics Anonymous. There will always be

rationalizations for the alcoholic, like never doing it until the kids are in

bed. I'm not going to preach about it, but just please be careful. A child that

needs to be rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night can't be done by a

drunk (or even buzzed) mother.

Sandy <sandy1122@...> wrote: I'm so thankful for my little

bottle of tequila " mother's little

helper " . I sometimes hate my friends for enjoying their " normal "

kids. I am on the outside looking in on all my neighbors enjoying the

summer going to softball practice and ballet, while I drag my kids to

therapy!!! When anyone does listen, they are overwhelmed with my life

and wonder out loud if I drink a little, I have gained a few and it's

probably because of the drink that I can't lose this belly, Anyway, I

don't drink until it's dark and I'm done for the day and relax in front

of the TV while the kids are asleep. It's a wonderful vacation for

about an hour or two then it's back to reality.


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