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Re: Depressed

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Hi ,

You might want to see your own doctor for depression. Sometimes getting your

own act together can help improve things all around.

Tell the teacher you prefer to discuss his medication issues with a real doctor.

They have no business telling you to medicate him. They need to discuss his

NEEDS in class. That's it.

Hang in there!


( ) Depressed

Hi, I haven't been on in a while. Life has been so busy w/back to school,

having 4 kids, a

traveling husband, dying pets, new kittens, a new dog, finding out about a sex


across the street whom my children play w/the children that live in his house,

(my kids are

fine though, thank God!), and everything (my AS child) throws at me at

any given day.

We discovered in mid June that he probably had AS, went to a psychologist, got

the ball

rolling, but since it was summer vacation, we had to wait til school was about

to start to get

the teacher to fill out all the paperwork, long story short, Monday Sept 11 th

is our " official

diagnosis " day. I spoke w/his teacher on the phone this morning for the first

time and she

actually asked me if I was planning on medicating him and was VERY

disappointed when I

said no! has gotten 100% worse since June. He is completely out of

control. I think I

have to pull him from the regular bus (throwing things out the window, foul


unusual- and other things that other children request of him that he does to

make them

happy even if it's wrong) to one of the mini buses. We've had some really

really bad days

here. I've never been one to drink, but I find myself having a Mikearita every

evening. I had

lost 35 pounds over the summer w/about 10-15 more to go and have been eating


lately like crazy. It's my comfort food. I've been avoiding all of my friends

cuz they don't

understand or even want to talk about my issues w/. I am feeling so

isolated in this

whole situation. Just very bummed. Thanks for listening.


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  • 3 months later...

Yes, if I don't eat beforehand before going to someone's house, I

won't get to eat at all. And they know I'm on this diet and offer me

the same stuff they are eating and when I say " I can't " they tend to

shrug. So I go hungry.

It's my responsibility I guess. People don't tend to get this diet

or the way we need to stick to it strictly.

On top of this, relatives that know I'm ill and cannot eat sugar,

have been getting me chocolates and fruitcake and things.....and I

start to actually think it's deliberate as they are WELL AWARE and my

father ends up eating it, but this makes it very ahrd because I know

it was given to me and I sit there while he eats it. I just get up

and leave the room.

I have cheated because of this a few times, as birthday etc, once

again I get chocolate, but I have had to realise that I cannot use

them as an excuse for to cheat. It's very hard. And yeah you're

pretty much on your own with this, it's like some kind of " lepor

diet " (It's not it's a very healthy good diet) but to others? They

tend to treat it as though it's abnormal and they don't want to know.




I am felling a little depressed. Every time I have family or

> friends over I ask before what they " like " (not do to health

> reasons), so I end up fixing several things to make everyone


> Well, since I started this diet and especially now around the

> holidays there hasn't been one person fix ME anything according to

> my diet. If I did not eat before I went or took my own food, I

> would go several hours without eating anything and no one would


> say I am sorry what can I fix you. I guess I just don't get it.


> people think this is some sort of a game that it really doesn't

> matter? I have even had my sister say " just try a little piece it

> won't hurt you " .


> I am trying very hard to get well here and I just wish there were

> more friends and family that would want the same.


> Has anyone else had this experience?


> Thanks for listening.

> Deb


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Here's what I do with this situation. If I'm given a

gift of food I can't eat, I have a really hard time

wasting food being brought up as a member of the clean

plate club.

So what I do is bring the goodies to work, including

party left overs etc. and leave it in the kitchen for

my co-workers. I also have a co-worker I often give

stuff directly to as he always seems to appreciate it.



San , CA

--- fats_malone2002 <signposts8@...> wrote:

> On top of this, relatives that know I'm ill and

> cannot eat sugar,

> have been getting me chocolates and fruitcake and

> things.....and I

> start to actually think it's deliberate as they are

> WELL AWARE and my

> father ends up eating it, but this makes it very

> ahrd because I know

> it was given to me and I sit there while he eats it.

> I just get up

> and leave the room.


Become a mentor. Nothing will reveal your weaknesses faster. Nothing will better

motivate you to overcome your weaknesses.

My son Hunter Hudson (10/11/04) http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/

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>What I do is bring the goodies to work, including

> party left overs etc. and leave it in the kitchen for

> my co-workers. I also have a co-worker I often give

> stuff directly to as he always seems to appreciate it.


> Luv,

> Debby

> San , CA

HI debby,

Good idea, but I do not work, so I give it to my father, or let him

give it to people he knows.

I'm almost tempted sometimes to re-wrap it and use it as a Christmas

gift to someone else.

I know they're not doing it on purpose, they sincerely seem to think

that surely " one cheat " or a little loosening on Christmas won't kill

me. They don't seem to understand how serious it really is and

almost feel obliged that part of Christmas is giving

sweets/chocolate. It is something i " ve had to learn how to be strong

with and simply not use that as an excuse to fall off the wagon, but

it's very difficult, as it's right there, you know it was given to

you and you feel like screaming. The temptation almost tears me up.

But of course, that indicates how bad my yeast condition is


Thanks for your input on that though.




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