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I'm back in school to earn my MBA, but I go to class twice a week in the evenings while my parents watch my kids. It's HARD, but I realized if I'm always going to be single, I've got to figure out a way to earn what two people could earn. We'll see if I'm successful! I've been sick twice in 2 months (H1N1, then a week later, a cold) so my body seems to be in revolt from the stress and work =) But I just made a 100 on my Economics test, a true miracle, so we'll see how it goes.

The way I see it...we're used to the challenges of going out of our comfort zones and trying to learn more about something to make the lives of our family members better so going back to school fits into that mold just fine. Theoretically, at least

"Over-optimism is waiting for you ship to come in when you haven't sent one out."

From: Lorraine son <lorrainedavidson12@...> Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 3:51:22 AMSubject: Re: ( ) Re: meltdowns

Cricky, I never realised there were so many of us doing this, I am home studying for a science degree, once my son is in bed, assuming he stays there, I get a bit of time to sqeeze in some studying, should finish next tear all going well.

Lor B

From: kell_corg1 <kell_corg1 (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Re: meltdowns Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 9:15 AM

I am trying to get all my ducks in a row with the younger in preschool, but they are dragging their feet. He will difinitely need an FBA done, but I could already tell them a lot of things that will set him off. Lunchtime, substitutes, bathroom time, not sitting in the exact spot everytime at every activity. I don't understand why they won't just listen a little better...they act like I don't kow this child at all sometimes. This is bizarre. I ran into the feet draggin with the older, but couldn't even get any diagnostics done. They just felt like he was alright, and now here I am trying to homeschool a highschooler with aspergers(undiagnos ed but obvious as all get out)while I take care of a 5yo with asperger's and a 2 yo that is most definitely in her terrible 2's. I hope the preschool starts moving things along as I am worried about the younger still being out of school. He needs to be in and learning about social interactions and behavior. I am

very leery of meds, but wow when he asks for it...you have to take it into consideration I guess. The school systems are ill-equipped for high-functioning autistics and they are not really sure what to do with them I suppose. Maybe when I do get the opportunity to finish college I need to find a way to take care of this problem in the schools.Thanks for your encouragement and advice.Kelley> > > >> > > >> > > > From: missjen0124@ ... <missjen0124@ ...>> > > > Subject: Re: ( ) Re: meltdowns> > > > > > > > Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 9:17 AM> > > >> > > >> > > > Â > > >

>> > > >> > > >> > > > With my son, I usually know how to calm his rages because I know > hi> s triggers. He never has the meltdowns he has at school at home, he's > very oppositional, but he wouldn't ever hit me or throw things at home. > I tell the teachers the triggers, but they don't have the resources to > give him the attention he needs all day. My son's biggest thing is > 'everyone hates me' or 'everyone wants to kill me' when he says that > the teachers don't understand, they don't catch the small things other > students do to pick at my son, they just assume he's being dramatic. > Its like pulling teeth to get them to listen to me.> > > > Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry> > > >> > > >> > > > From: Roxanna> > > >

Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 09:02:10 -0400> > > > < >> > > > Subject: Re: ( ) Re: meltdowns> > > >> > > > Â > > > >> > > >> > > > Request a "FBA" (Functional Behavior Assessment). This will figure > out> > > > why he is raging and hitting and figure out a Behavior plan to deal> > > > with each reason.> > > >> > > > Â Roxanna> > > >> > > > "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men > to do> > > > nothing." E. Burke> > > >> > > > ( ) Re: meltdowns=0> D> > > >> > > > Hi! I have a 6 year old boy who we found out last year has AS. We > have> > > > been doing ok but we have had major problems recently with his > rages in> > > > school. He has been back to school for 1 month now but last week he > got> > > > into his rages 3 times and hit 2 different kids. Does anyone have > any> > > > suggests to help with his meltdowns at school?> > > >> > > > 0D> > > >> > >>____________ _________ _________

_________ _________ __

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  • 3 months later...

, have you brought this up with his psychiatrist or prescribing

dr? As I posted earlier, Buspar worked wonders with my then 19 yo

daughter, and has helped my friend's 18 yo daughter's meltdowns.

It has been around awhile, so sometimes dr's don't want to use

the " oldies " , but all I know is that I sure liked my daughter's

behavior better on it. LJ


> Hi, I'm new to this site, my stepson is 17, and is having some bad meltdowns

these days...Right now he just started Strattera and Prozac, but does anyone

know what might work acutely to calm him down? Like Ativan? He's too big to

wrestle with...

> Thanks for your suggestions.



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Seroquel helps to keep my daughter calm. Different drugs will work for different

kids and unfortunatly you may have to go through a few drugs to find the right

one. You'll know when it's working and you'll know when it's not. Good luck,


> >

> > Hi, I'm new to this site, my stepson is 17, and is having some bad meltdowns

these days...Right now he just started Strattera and Prozac, but does anyone

know what might work acutely to calm him down? Like Ativan? He's too big to

wrestle with...

> > Thanks for your suggestions.

> >

> >


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Activan does not work so well for me. My daughter is in Zolof and still she get meltdowns.

Things that are a kind of working are:

To calm her down:

1. Music therapy. She attends music class and when she get stress out she play her music instrument.

2. She attend yoga class at the Shriners.

3.I Let her play in the pc all day long, so she get distracted.

4. running instrumental music (her favorite) all day long in the house.

To Help me with anxiety caused by meltdown

3. Ear plug for me.

4. Clonazepan for me, so I do not have a heart attack or stroke.

5. Praying or meditation

6. Calling my best friend to complaint about life...LOL. I think that she uses an hear plug when I call her...LOL

No medicine is 100% effective, after a while the body get used to it, so I wonder if you guys can tell me another techniques

( ) Re: meltdownsSeroquel helps to keep my daughter calm. Different drugs will work for different kids and unfortunatly you may have to go through a few drugs to find the right one. You'll know when it's working and you'll know when it's not. Good luck, Betsy> >> > Hi, I'm new to this site, my stepson is 17, and is having some bad meltdowns these days...Right now he just started Strattera and Prozac, but does anyone know what might work acutely to calm him down? Like Ativan? He's too big to wrestle with...> > Thanks for your suggestions.> > > >>

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Oh thank you for talking about this. My daughter is having 1 to 2 hour screaming rages per day right now. I am totally exhausted but don't want to go on the med-go-round with her like we did my son. The meds never totally worked for him, and he outgrew a considerable amount. I don't think I am going to make it until she outgrows it. I am going to drop dead from stress and anxiety. We struggled so hard with my son through this phase. With my daughter, we just don't have the energy to do it again.....I feel like a walking zombie right now. We did the Abilify but she was gaining weight so rapidly we stopped it. Now, I see that it did help somewhat at low dose. We never even pushed it to a more reasonable dose. We talked to the expert at Stanford and he was suggesting Neurontin or Tenex. Both we can easily do, but I just don't have the energy to try something new and have it make things WORSE not better, like the Zoloft did for her a while back. I can't do worse right now..... I think I have autism burnout. :)

( ) Re: meltdownsSeroquel helps to keep my daughter calm. Different drugs will work for different kids and unfortunatly you may have to go through a few drugs to find the right one. You'll know when it's working and you'll know when it's not. Good luck, Betsy> >> > Hi, I'm new to this site, my stepson is 17, and is having some bad meltdowns these days...Right now he just started Strattera and Prozac, but does anyone know what might work acutely to calm him down? Like Ativan? He's too big to wrestle with...> > Thanks for your suggestions.> > > >>

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The medicine makes my girl to gain weight, as my last resource I emptied the refrigerator and I just keep fruits and vegetables on it. She sees a dietitian at the Shriners, it helps a little bit, but not so well because my girl hides the food on her bedroom.

Saturday is her birthday, but I am not going to buy a cake because she will find the cake and eat the entire cake herself.

I feel just like you, stress out, overwhelm, depress, so I am taking medication myself to deal with stress...

The screaming is very hard to deal with, you have to find a way to distract her. I know my daughter loves technology and stuff with light. I turned off the light and play laser storm gun by myself until she slow down and plays with me. I also keep classic calming music playing all the time at the house.

When you daughter gets older the scream will decrease, at the mean time get medication for yourself, get ear plug or get a beer whatever works...

Nothing works for me anymore, maybe I have autism burned out too!! LOL

( ) Re: meltdowns Seroquel helps to keep my daughter calm. Different drugs will work for different kids and unfortunatly you may have to go through a few drugs to find the right one. You'll know when it's working and you'll know when it's not. Good luck, Betsy > > > > Hi, I'm new to this site, my stepson is 17, and is having some bad meltdowns these days...Right now he just started Strattera and Prozac, but does anyone know what might work acutely to calm him down? Like Ativan? He's too big to wrestle with... > > Thanks for your suggestions. > > > > >

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My 13 yo is taking a low dose of Prozac. (2.5mg). this greatly

reduced her outbursts and took the edge off her anxiety. I would like to increase

the dose, but she gets intestinal cramping from more. perhaps with time her

body will get used to it.

I am wondering if some of the bad side effects you were

experiencing with your children was due to too high of a dose. our med story

began about one year ago with 10 mg paxil. This did not go well and we stopped

the meds after 5 weeks. after much reading, I learned that these kids can be

very sensitive to the meds and if so, a smaller than usually prescribed dose is

recommended. Took me about 6 months to be willing to try meds again, and found

Prozac in liquid form. So I started with barely any med and work up to what

she is presently taking. I believe others have done the same in this group.

Good luck. Meds can be really hard to work with, but have

made a big difference in the quality of my daughters life, as well as my own.

Regards, melody

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