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Re: Porphyrins Urine Test for detection of toxic metals Poisoning

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In furtherance to my prior post below...

For those that think heavy metals don't wreak havic on our health

and rule out the possibility that heavy metals can cause conditions

such as Autism, think twice! Heavy metals wreak havic on our health

especially our endocrine system which is the foundation of our life.

I currently have several health issues and doctors are now testing

me for heavy metals as a possible cause. Here is an interesting link

for anyone experiencing trouble with reproduction, menopause,

andropause which once again just drives home the point:


Also, in contrast to what several are ignorantly saying here, the

Porphyrin test is a strong argument against heavy metals poisoning

if Coproporphyrin III (4-carboxylporphines), and

Pentacarboxylporphyrins (5-carboxylporphyrins), and pre-

coproporphyrin levels are not elevated.

Unlike many of the useless tests for metals poisoning presented by

many of the unscrupulous holistic practitioners and labs, the

Porphyrin test (see my prior post below) generally works for past

exposure as well. Although, if the above levels are elevated

doctor's would probably have to rule out Porphyrin disorders first

before concluding metals poisoning and proceeding with more

extensive testing to pinpoint the specific metal. The only thing

better would be an invasive test such as a rather simple liver or

colon biopsy (which would leave no questions) and doctor's would be

more willing to perform such a biopsy if the Porphyrin tests were


Other " tests thought to indicate a high potential for heavy metal

poisoning (including Mercury) include the following:

1. On the CBC - elevated MCH and MCV

2. Immune tests - low CD8 cells, elevated CD4/CD8 ratio

3. Low absolute number of NK cells

4. Serum lgE elevated above normal range

5. Elevated urinary d-glucaric acid

6. Elevated urinary 3-methylhistidine

7. Elevated serum ALT and/or AST

8. Low serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) "

Conclusion, while their may not be conclusive evidence tying Autism

to Mercury poisoning, there is surely enough supporting data, as

evidenced by the link above, to show that heavy metals poisoning

wreaks havic on our health thereby, rendering the possibilty that

Autism and many other health complications may be a result of such


It surely can't hurt to get PROPERLY tested by a REPUATABLE, HONEST,

expert in the field. I emphasise this as, IMHO, there are many more

health practitioners that are concerned about the size of their bank

account and not your health! In fact, if you want to bypass them for

the initial testing phase and save alot of money, I tell you how to

do this in my prior post below.



> To my knowledge there has not been a clear explanation of the

> different names associated with the Porphyrins Urine Test leading


> much confusion about the appropriate test offered by various labs.


> Therefore, after much research, I am starting this subject in


> of making life easier for those who do not understand the


> medical terminology associated with the aforementioned test.


> First, I direct you to the heart of why this test is important:


> http://www.beatcfsandfms.org/references/refs1x.html#ref5


> After reading reference #5 in the link above, you will note... " In

> rats, exposure for a prolonged period to mercury as methyl mercury

> hydroxide was associated with urinary porphyrin changes, which


> uniquely characterized by highly elevated levels of 4- and 5-

> carboxyl porphyrins and by the expression of an atypical porphyrin

> ( " precoproporphyrin " ) not found in urine of unexposed animals. "


> Thus, one needs to determine if 4 and 5 carboxyl porphyrins are

> elevated and the existance of precoproporphyrin. Not as easy as it

> sounds for the layman as there are some different names associated

> with these two.


> I will therefore give a brief education on what I know to date:


> 7-carboxyl porphyrins = Heptacarboxl porphyrins

> 6-carboxyl porphyrins = Hexacarboxyl porphyrins

> 5-carboxyl porphyrins = Pentacarboxyl porphyrins (look for



> 4-carboxyl porphyrins = Tetracarboxyl porphyrins = III

> Coproporphyrins (look for elevation)


> A-typical porphyrin = pre-coproporphyrin (look for existance)


> Here is the link for above:

> q=cache:BZstzblGpTwJ:www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/inside.asp%


> 3D169%26UID%3D+5-carboxyl+porphyrin+6-carboxyl+porphyrin+7-

> carboxyl+porphyrin & hl=en & gl=us & ct=clnk & cd=2


> Now to clear up some more confusion. Since many refer to the test


> a " fractionated " test you might get confused as some of the


> labs don't use the word " fractionated " in the name of their test.

> Fractionated simply means to sperate results which means the

> majority of labs offer the fractionated test even though they


> have the word " fractionated " in the name of their test.


> Also, 24-hr urine vs random urine? In all my research the majority

> say that 24-hr is the best.


> Also, preservative or no preservative. Both are acceptable. If you

> desire a preservative method, the preferred preservative is sodium

> carbonate. However, if you choose the test with preservative then

> you cannot get the creatinine which some feel is important as a


> accurate gauge however, I'm not sure I agree, as the scientific

> studies to my knowledge did not gauge with creatinine as the


> of Porphyrins are rather consistant eliminating the need for such


> comparison.


> You may also be interested in knowing that you do not need a


> to get this test run. There is a company called www.directlabs.com

> who will issue a test requisition to Lab Corp, one of the largest

> most reputable labs in the USA. I recommend you contact Leigh

> Wilkerson at direct labs 1-800-908-0000 extension #206 or

> Leigh@...


> Lab Corps tests can be found at the following link:

> http://www.labcorp.com/datasets/labcorp/html/chapter/chap1.htm


> LabCorp's test is " Porphyrins, Qauntitative, 24-hr Urine " test

> #003194. Thier test comes with preservative and therefore, not


> creatinine. If you desire creatinine, you will have to also order

> LabCorp's test " Creatinine 24-hr, Urine " test #003012. If you

> ordered the Porphyrins and Creatinine, notify directlabs to make

> a " special instructions " notation on the requisition form that

> states... " No preservative, include Creatinine results, same

> specimen " .


> Also, many of the labs do not list the Coproporphyrins seperately

> and do not list the precoproporphyrin. Remember, Coproporphyrin


> is also the same as 4-carboxylporphyrin and


> You need to know Coproporphyrin III and Precoproporphyrin.

> Therefore, ask directlabs to make a " special instructions "


> on the requisition form that states... " Please list Coprophyrins I

> and III and their respective reference intervals seperately and


> Pre-coprophyrins. "


> I elected to go with the Porphyrins, Qauntitative, 24-hr Urine


> with preservative, not including the Creatinine and also a hair

> toxic metals analysis which I also ordered through directlabs.com.

> Again, I recommend you contact Leigh Wilkerson at direct labs 1-


> 908-0000 extension #206 or Leigh@... if you would like to

> have this test performed at a very reasonable cost without the


> of your doctor's prescription. LabCorp has more than 1,100 patient

> service centers around the nation thus, they are sure to have a

> location near you.


> Sincerely,




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