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Re: RE:maintenance doses

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Hi ,

If you are getting relief at 1.7mg and it is making your life better, then yes please stay there. If you feel later that you are in a position to play around just a bit with upping the dosage (little by little) and you do not get an adverse effect when doing so, then I would try that as well. But only when you feel emotionally and physically ready to try it. You are right that just because it works for most people at 3 to 4.5 dose not mean it is definitely what works for everyone. The thing is that Dr. Bihari theorizes (and believes) that one must be between 3 to 4.5 for lack of progression. Or at least that is how I understand it.

I am so glad to hear you are doing so well.

My best


[low dose naltrexone] RE:maintenance doses

Hi Aletha,Thanks for your informative letter. I also know of people who are taking LDNfor better general health.I wonder if I'm an unusual case as far as dosage, because at 1.7 mg (10 mgdissolved in water and divided in 6 doses) I'm experiencing symptom relieffrom 4 different autoimmune problems: the hypothyroid stage of Graves'disease, cold phase thyroid eye disease, eczema, and arthritis. I will testthe thyroid autoantibodies in a few months, after the pretreatmentantibodies have left my bloodstream, to better understand the impact. But Ithink I'll stay at the current dose.I realize that's simply what's working for me and may not apply to others,especially given your experience thus far. But since my liver has beenstressed in the past, by hepatitis B and then by taking antithyroid meds,I'm happy to go with the low dose. Do you see any drawbacks with myapproach?Best wishes, B. ________________________________From: low dose naltrexone [mailto:low dose naltrexone ] On Behalf Of Aletha WittmannSent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:10 AMlow dose naltrexone Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: EczemaLDN does not work like that. It has been pretty well documented that the goal is to take between 3 to4.5mg which inadvertently gets your immune system back up and going so itcan fight these diseases off. You don't alter the amount of drug as towhich auto-immune disease you have or how serious you may call thatparticular disease because it will not work correctly below 3mg. The ideais to have enough to block your endorphins (inadvertently) and then whenyour body sees that you have no endorphins then it will produce more. But itis true that different people do better on different dosages between 3 to4.5mg and we don't know why. SammieJo took a poll about 1.5 years ago fordosages and it turned out that weight and sex did not matter as to whichdose worked best for each individual. Although MS seems to have far more difficult symptoms to live with thaneczema, I would still say that they are both auto-immune related and inorder to get the best benefit and to attack the main problem (the immunesystem is not working) you need to take between 3 to 4.5mg. Try and thinkof any auto-immune disease as just that. All the different types are justdifferent ways that an auto-immune problem manifest themselves. Many peopleeven take LDN just as a preventative. It does not seem to hurt to take iteven if you don't need it. I am going to get a lot of flack for sayingthis, but there you are. Every doctor I have gotten to know that is veryfamiliar with LDN and knows its benefits and has researched it well tries toget all of their family members and friends to get on it as a preventative.I am not saying that is what everyone should do, but I am saying they seemto feel it is that safe. I have something similar to eczema and although it is not as serious as MS,it certainly has made my life miserable in many aspects. I will be tryingLDN myself soon to see if it will help. I will be trying to work my way upto between 3 to 4.5mg. All my bestAletha

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