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Re: help! school wants son to have more vaccines Digest Number 8567

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Dear Diane,

Tell them you are a Christian Scientist. They do not do vaccines, and that would

qualify you for the religious exemption. Although legally they are not allowed

to ask you beyond you signing the wavier on the back of the form. They do try,

so there is one answer. Alison F.

I was not vaccinated as a child due to family being Christian Scientists. I had

to get vaccines on my own in one day in the worst time in history as an adult

(1997) and then give them to my son. : (

The good news is I am alive, as well as my son, and God is carrying us through

this whole mess. Well God and Andy. : )

The vaccines for me were on top of 14 amalgams for over 30 years, 4 Rhogam

shots, multiple flu shots, sushi/tunafish, and saline contact lense solution for

at least 20 years.

Still here!!!!!

Ready for congress any day now. : 0 Chelating with TD-DMPS about 20 or so rounds

now. Great gains each time, every 8 hours, for about 7 days on then off. Adults

can heal. Just watch me. : )

Peace in all things. Vengence is mine says the Lord.

14c. Re: help! school wants son to have more vaccines

Posted by: " Jen West " jenn97420@... jenn97420

Date: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:05 pm (PDT)

Tell them you want a religious exemtion. If they harass you and try to ask you

what religion you are tell them, I promised God my kids weren't going to


any more avaccines and that is my religion. They can't tell you it's not

If they threaten get nasty with them , but it worked like a charm at my


school. They just said Oh, OK..........

Diane <deedybug@...> wrote:

My son, 11, dx'd with Asperger's, is now in 5th grade. I just got a

letter from school saying he needs the MMR2, Polio, and DTaP by Oct

17th or he will be excluded from school. He has been chelating heavy

metals for 19 months and doing well. Terror is what I feel thinking of

injecting him again.

Suggestions and advice please


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