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Re: please help, son having horrible aggression - Dana, Andy?

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> I need some help deciphering what is going on with our 4 year old

> ASD son. We began DAN protocol in August, and I did one DMPS/EDTA

> challenge test(not knowing the dangers), then in October he had a

> DMPS/EDTA IV done. Basically the last month has been nothing but

> pure hell.

First, what does his yeast protocol look like?

> His speech, hyperactiving and social awareness has greatly improved

> since August, but his agression ( I can't leave him alone with my 21

> month old daughter) is horrible!

> Supplements since August -

> GAba - 150 mg 3 x per day

> acetyl l carnitine - 500 mg 2x daily

> cod liver oil - 1 - 2 t daily

CLO and any other Omega 3 would cause my son to be severely mean and

aggressive, until I added mito cocktail and amino acids, and preloaded

with Omega 6.

> calcium/magnesium 1000/500mg daily

My son was calcium toxic. Giving calcium caused severe hyper and

other issues.

> melatonin 1-3 mg daily


Do you give soy, corn, or high phenol foods? Those can cause

aggressive behaviors.


> changes in October-

> added nystatin 4 t daily (500,000 units per t)

> zinc 20-30mg daily

> vitamin c 850 mg daily

> spectrum complete

Spectrum Complete can cause problems for kids with phenol issues.

> taurine 325 mg 2 x daily

> pro bio gold 3 x daily ( I have switched to culturelle seeing

> people weren't found of pro bio gold)

> pantothenic acid b5 - 125 mg daily


> sugar free

The IV chelation might be causing the problem.

> Now, do you all think it is the DMPS IV or the high dose of DMSA

> that is causing the horrible agression?

It can be, and continuing the chelation with orals can be helpful.

Definitely consider increasing the yeast protocol, see if that helps.

>>since there are soooo many things

> going in and out of his body, how can I possibly know what is

> causing the problems.

You can drop everything for a week, then add back one at a time.

> He also started taking valtrex-500mg 3 times per day and when I went

> to get the rx refilled the pharmacist said that was too much and he

> should of been taking 250mg 3 x per day. (no time to check with

> physician since yesterday).

Valtrex can also cause yeast overgrowth.


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> Jana -

My daughter also had a regression after an NCD challenge test and a

DMSA challenge test. Both were too high a dose, the DMSA was dosed way

too infrequently. The good news is, now that we are dosing with DMSA

every 4 hours, much lower dose, she has not only gotten back what she

lost, she has also shown improvements. She had a lot of crying with

the ALA, so I've decided to wait a few more rounds before we add that

in. In between DMSA rounds we are using NCD - low dose. Now she is

much less aggressive and is showing growth in language - expressive

and receptive - and is much more connected. Also her psychosis

symptoms- dellusions and hallucinations - have become less frequent

and " milder " .

Hang in there! It's very hard, I know. My little girl had to be

hospitalized this summer, she was sooo aggressive it was dangerous.

It IS depressing, anyone in the same situation would feel depressed

about it. Just keep learning, and there is hope for improvement. You

can't beat yourself up for doing what you thought was right at the


I pray for you that your son will feel calmer this holiday season, and

your family will experience some peace.



> Jana







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Thanks so much!

I forgot a few things. For his yeast protocol, I have been giving the

nystatin 4 t daily, but just on Friday bought the GSE at the local health food

store. I saw that you recommend Candidase, but wasn't sure where to purchase so

I'll search for that this coming up week.

Should I try giving a mito cocktail ( I think I remember reading that on your

website what is is), which amino acids?

How do I know if he is calcium toxic? When Dr. data gave me all of the

results of stool, blood, etc should they have tested for minerals?

I " ll check out the high phenol foods. The poor thing is already on such a

limited diet!

Thanks so much. You deserve some sort of huge award Dana!

Merry Christmas.


danasview <danasview@...> wrote:

> I need some help deciphering what is going on with our 4 year old

> ASD son. We began DAN protocol in August, and I did one DMPS/EDTA

> challenge test(not knowing the dangers), then in October he had a

> DMPS/EDTA IV done. Basically the last month has been nothing but

> pure hell.

First, what does his yeast protocol look like?

> His speech, hyperactiving and social awareness has greatly improved

> since August, but his agression ( I can't leave him alone with my 21

> month old daughter) is horrible!

> Supplements since August -

> GAba - 150 mg 3 x per day

> acetyl l carnitine - 500 mg 2x daily

> cod liver oil - 1 - 2 t daily

CLO and any other Omega 3 would cause my son to be severely mean and

aggressive, until I added mito cocktail and amino acids, and preloaded

with Omega 6.

> calcium/magnesium 1000/500mg daily

My son was calcium toxic. Giving calcium caused severe hyper and

other issues.

> melatonin 1-3 mg daily


Do you give soy, corn, or high phenol foods? Those can cause

aggressive behaviors.


> changes in October-

> added nystatin 4 t daily (500,000 units per t)

> zinc 20-30mg daily

> vitamin c 850 mg daily

> spectrum complete

Spectrum Complete can cause problems for kids with phenol issues.

> taurine 325 mg 2 x daily

> pro bio gold 3 x daily ( I have switched to culturelle seeing

> people weren't found of pro bio gold)

> pantothenic acid b5 - 125 mg daily


> sugar free

The IV chelation might be causing the problem.

> Now, do you all think it is the DMPS IV or the high dose of DMSA

> that is causing the horrible agression?

It can be, and continuing the chelation with orals can be helpful.

Definitely consider increasing the yeast protocol, see if that helps.

>>since there are soooo many things

> going in and out of his body, how can I possibly know what is

> causing the problems.

You can drop everything for a week, then add back one at a time.

> He also started taking valtrex-500mg 3 times per day and when I went

> to get the rx refilled the pharmacist said that was too much and he

> should of been taking 250mg 3 x per day. (no time to check with

> physician since yesterday).

Valtrex can also cause yeast overgrowth.



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I was in your shoes about 9 months ago. We actually stopped taking

eveything and slowly started adding things back in. I dont know if I

would do this if you are still trying to help him recuperate his

sotrage of the supplements back up from a IV.

I would probably lay off the IV's for a little while and I could not

tell fromyour email is it aggression or sensitivity he is experiencing?

YOu may want to consider doing an OAT test and checking his yeast

level or if you are really desparate start treating him for yeast.

Yeast increases hyperactivity in my daughter and can increase

aggression in some kids.

The only way we determined some of this was to slow down and watch

after one supplement at at time and then I had a better idea of what

yeast looked like in my daughter and clostridia (we struggle with some

gut bugs) etc.

I hope this is helpful.

p> I need some help deciphering what is going on with our 4 year old

> ASD son. We began DAN protocol in August, and I did one DMPS/EDTA

> challenge test(not knowing the dangers), then in October he had a

> DMPS/EDTA IV done. Basically the last month has been nothing but

> pure hell.


> His speech, hyperactiving and social awareness has greatly improved

> since August, but his agression ( I can't leave him alone with my 21

> month old daughter) is horrible! He will hardly allow me to change

> his clothes in the morning ( and this wasn't really much of a

> problem before). We tried taking Christmas pictures yesterday and

> he wouldn't sit where he was supposed to, yelled, cried, but then

> after we were done he went and sat there. It was almost as if he

> knew what he was doing.


> Supplements since August -

> GAba - 150 mg 3 x per day

> acetyl l carnitine - 500 mg 2x daily

> cod liver oil - 1 - 2 t daily

> calcium/magnesium 1000/500mg daily

> melatonin 1-3 mg daily




> changes in October-

> added nystatin 4 t daily (500,000 units per t)

> zinc 20-30mg daily

> vitamin c 850 mg daily

> spectrum complete

> taurine 325 mg 2 x daily

> pro bio gold 3 x daily ( I have switched to culturelle seeing

> people weren't found of pro bio gold)

> pantothenic acid b5 - 125 mg daily


> sugar free



> He got rid of 5 times more lead and alot of mercury from the IV, but

> I am reading and learning from you all that this is not safe.


> I got my dr. to prescribe him chemet. He prescribed 100mg 3 x daily

> and I did that a couple of weekends ago. Then I about DIED when I

> saw that Andy's dose is more like 10 - 12 mg every 3 hours for my

> son's weight 47.5 lbs.


> Last week I counted beads like Andy said and started the DMSA and am

> going to follow Andy's protocol, I'm sick of the DAN stuff hurting

> and causing regression.


> I am planning on adding ALA as soon as I get it from Kirkmans's.


> Now, do you all think it is the DMPS IV or the high dose of DMSA

> that is causing the horrible agression? My husband is about to give

> up on me. I am really trying to be our son's advocate, but I am

> trying to overcome depression myself and am trying to not loathe in

> self-pity as that is a HORRIBLE problem I have. I feel horribly

> scatter brained right now and since there are soooo many things

> going in and out of his body, how can I possibly know what is

> causing the problems.


> Thanks so much!

> Jana







> He also started taking valtrex-500mg 3 times per day and when I went

> to get the rx refilled the pharmacist said that was too much and he

> should of been taking 250mg 3 x per day. (no time to check with

> physician since yesterday).


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Yes, I think the high dose and the IV caused the regression/agression.

You probably have metal poisoning yourself. How many mercury amalgam dental

fillings do you have? How recently did you get the flu shot? Consider doing a

DDI hair elements test for yourself and your child if you haven't already.


> I need some help deciphering what is going on with our 4 year old <br>

> ASD son. We began DAN protocol in August, and I did one DMPS/EDTA <br>

> challenge test(not knowing the dangers), then in October he had a <br>

> DMPS/EDTA IV done. Basically the last month has been nothing but <br>

> pure hell. <br>

> <br>

> His speech, hyperactiving and social awareness has greatly improved <br>

> since August, but his agression ( I can't leave him alone with my 21 <br>

> month old daughter) is horrible! He will hardly allow me to change <br>

> his clothes in the morning ( and this wasn't really much of a <br>

> problem before). We tried taking Christmas pictures yesterday and <br>

> he wouldn't sit where he was supposed to, yelled, cried, but then <br>

> after we were done he went and sat there. It was almost as if he <br>

> knew what he was doing. <br>

> <br>

> Supplements since August - <br>

> GAba - 150 mg 3 x per day<br>

> acetyl l carnitine - 500 mg 2x daily<br>

> cod liver oil - 1 - 2 t daily<br>

> calcium/magnesium 1000/500mg daily<br>

> melatonin 1-3 mg daily<br>

> GFCF<br>

> <br>

> <br>

> changes in October-<br>

> added nystatin 4 t daily (500,000 units per t)<br>

> zinc 20-30mg daily<br>

> vitamin c 850 mg daily<br>

> spectrum complete<br>

> taurine 325 mg 2 x daily<br>

> pro bio gold 3 x daily ( I have switched to culturelle seeing <br>

> people weren't found of pro bio gold)<br>

> pantothenic acid b5 - 125 mg daily<br>


> sugar free<br>

> <br>

> <br>

> He got rid of 5 times more lead and alot of mercury from the IV, but <br>

> I am reading and learning from you all that this is not safe. <br>

> <br>

> I got my dr. to prescribe him chemet. He prescribed 100mg 3 x daily <br>

> and I did that a couple of weekends ago. Then I about DIED when I <br>

> saw that Andy's dose is more like 10 - 12 mg every 3 hours for my <br>

> son's weight 47.5 lbs.<br>

> <br>

> Last week I counted beads like Andy said and started the DMSA and am <br>

> going to follow Andy's protocol, I'm sick of the DAN stuff hurting <br>

> and causing regression.<br>

> <br>

> I am planning on adding ALA as soon as I get it from Kirkmans's. <br>

> <br>

> Now, do you all think it is the DMPS IV or the high dose of DMSA <br>

> that is causing the horrible agression? My husband is about to give <br>

> up on me. I am really trying to be our son's advocate, but I am <br>

> trying to overcome depression myself and am trying to not loathe in <br>

> self-pity as that is a HORRIBLE problem I have. I feel horribly <br>

> scatter brained right now and since there are soooo many things <br>

> going in and out of his body, how can I possibly know what is <br>

> causing the problems.<br>

> <br>

> Thanks so much!<br>

> Jana<br>


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Aggression is sometimes adrenal, try some adrenal cortex and licorice.

You may also want to have the regular doc do an EEG and make sure the improper

chelatoin didn't mess up brain electrical activitiy regulation. If so,


stabilizing medications may be in order. Make SURE SURE SURE not to let the doc


TELL you that it is " OK, " but get the actual neurologist's interpretive report

on the EEG. It

can be quite abnormal but not have seizure activity, in which case most doctors

say it is

" OK. " It isn't in that case and the meds can help a lot - and you don't need as

much of


Tell your husband to get with the program and help you figure this stuff out -

try to make

him feel guilty he didn't help you and that led to you using bad protocols

before you got it

all figured out. Get him involved.


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>>I saw that you recommend Candidase, but wasn't sure where to

purchase so I'll search for that this coming up week.

I bought mine at my local health food store.

> Should I try giving a mito cocktail ( I think I remember reading

that on your website what is is), which amino acids?

You can try mito cocktail if you want.

Taurine was the most important amino for my son for this problem.

I wrote all the details here


> How do I know if he is calcium toxic?

For my son, every time I gave him a cal/mag supplement, no matter

which type of cal/mag, he got hyper and regressed. So I tried giving

him a demineralizer [iP6] and that caused nice improvements.

>> When Dr. data gave me all of the results of stool, blood, etc

should they have tested for minerals?

Depends on which test/s you ordered.


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