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Ruthie, I'm not a person to ever give up. I do believe there got to be a way to teach our kids. even to remember things they need to do. I just haven't found the thing that connected with my son yet, with this. (remembering). He also has short term memory loss. You don't need to tell me anything about our public schools. they think my son is the top roll model of his class. I would like to see his class!!! ***you wrote: I am waiting for his curriculum to arrive, so I am creating his work right now, anyway, he didn't do anything the directions said (which included checking off each step, so he would not miss any) This is so very new to you both. Our kids learn through repetition, I bet in time, he would understand and check things off that he does. I know, it would help you out lots if he did. That is my problem too. I had other

things to do that have to get done, but instead, I had to re-drive again 30 minutes as soon as we got home, back to get his back pack and 30 minutes back home. 2 hrs of driving because I had to do it twice... LOL I wish we used that 2 hour of driving for a weekend vacation...hahaha Hugs Rose RUTHIE BRYAN DOLEZAL <DOLEZAL123@...> wrote: PS, Rose: If we write him a note or directions or

something, he does not look at it or use it, so that method does not work; I wrote directions today for his homeschooling material, as we are waiting on the curriculum to arrive, so I am creating his work right now---anyway, he did not do anything they directions said (which included checking off each step, so he would not miss any)---and he might have done HALF of what I gave him (which will help me to know where he really is---especially since our school was telling us there was nothing wrong and he was totally 'normal'-----in our dreams (and his!!!!))......That would be wonderful, but not our or his reality. He struggles, and we do all we can. Ruthie ( ) Roxanna Hello Roxanna,I wrote you before about our organization concerns. I have the laminated cards at home with items my 10 yr. AS son needs to do for mornings. I have a bunch of cards attached to his schoolbag to remind him of the books, homework assignments, etc... needed to take home from school. I have the other cards attached to his sports pack for reminders too. and a list on the front door that he has to see when he opens the door reminding him to take his bags and other needed items.after writing many letters to his team/teachers that

works with him in school. they finally agreed its a Hugh concern and made a reminder list for him in school as well and an adult that will check his list and school bag to see if its completed & he has everything.All this is working for my son and he is trying harder than I "ever can" to make this work. He still might forget one thing once in a while, but who wouldn't.His social skills teacher (not from school) told me never to punish him for forgetting his items because he needs to learn to get into a habit of (organization) after he has a strategy. Punishment won't work, but a strategy will. (I agree) He is doing much better with all these prompts & reminders.Here is my problem. When my son is away from 'school & home' its like starting from the beginning. He doesn't remember any of his belongings. If at the boys & girls club, he will forget his schoolbag, when at soccer or other sports, and he

is handed a note or sticker (reward) he will forget to bring it home, or even tell me if a game was canceled or the location was changed. He can't remember anything. My question is: What do I do for him to help him remember his personal belongings when away from home or school? I can't give him laminated cards because I don't know what the changes would be. Nor would I know if he received a letter to bring to me. so, outside the home or school is very hard. and it gets expensive. I'm on a tight budget and when he leaves his cleats or warm hat & gloves or even winter boots. I'm having a hard time replacing them. How can I help him remember???? Last year, I bought him a really good pair of winter boots. He wore it to school, went to the boys & girls club, and I didn't know he didn't bring his winter boots home until the next day for school. Of course they weren't there when I went back. and you know how hard

it is to get winter boots once they sell all they winter items. Next year is middle school and I'm sure things are going to get harder. What should we do?thanks for any advice.Rose __________________________________________________

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Roxanna, I have laminated cards in my sons school bag and sports bag, listing of all the things he needs to put back into the bag. He did that. the problem is.. He forgot the whole bag....with the reminder cards in it......He has cards in his coat, reminding him to put his gloves in his pockets, hat in his sleeve and he'll forget the whole coat....the hat & gloves are in the coat, but he forgot the coat..When we got into the car, I asked, did you put all your books in your school bag - YES- did you put all your sports stuff in your sports bag - YES- I even named each thing, cleats, water bottle, etc... YES, YES, YES we get home, MOM, I FORGET THE BAG!!! well what was he thinking when I asked if he had everything in the bag. HE SAID, you didn't ask if I had the bag....Roxanna, he wasn't being sarcastic either, but the

timing for that 'wasn't good'... Boy, I know how that woman felt when she got home and saw his feet... RoseRoxanna <madideas@...> wrote: Rose, I know you will appreciate a funny story that I just heard this week. I was over getting ready to tutor the 5 yo I

work with who has more severe autism. His grandma was in a state - she had taken him out for dinner at Pizza Hut and returned home without his shoes. lol. Seems he had slid them off during dinner and she never noticed until he got home without them. Of course, he doesn't talk so he wasn't telling. lol. She had to drive all the way back and then climb under the table (which had customers by then) to retrieve the shoes. LOL. In reading another of your emails, you suggested the same solution I would give for this situation - to make a list before going somewhere and then checking it when returning. You might even get a small dry erase board just for the car so you can make a list. Or buy a little sticky pad at the store and before he leaves for an outing, write down the important things and

stick it in his bag or in the car on the dash. I know it's not a perfect solutions and it requires another step/more work on our part. But then, it might save you a drive back to pick it up. You mention short term memory problems and my older ds, especially, has really poor short term memory. This is why we have to advocate to get them help at school to remember books and papers and assignments. This might be something that "always" causes them a problem throughout their lives. I think getting them into a habit of making lists is a good way of dealing with it. We all use lists at times - they might end up using more of them. But I would start by making the lists for him and

then lots of praise when he shows up with everything he is supposed to. You can hope this starts a habit he will take over eventually - making his own list. I think that is what we do when we go places - when we leave we make a mental list of what we need to leave (get our coats, don't forget any kids, lol, etc.) Since their mental list is not so great, they will need a physical one. Also about the notes from coaches and teachers - I always give people my email addy and I tell them if they don't email me, then I didn't get the message. I have even had teachers email me to tell me there is a note in the bookbag. That works too. Either way, they have to communicate directly with me to be sure I got the information. RoxannaAutism Happens ( ) Roxanna Hello Roxanna,I wrote you before about our organization concerns. I have the laminated cards

at home with items my 10 yr. AS son needs to do for mornings. I have a bunch of cards attached to his schoolbag to remind him of the books, homework assignments, etc... needed to take home from school. I have the other cards attached to his sports pack for reminders too. and a list on the front door that he has to see when he opens the door reminding him to take his bags and other needed items.after writing many letters to his team/teachers that works with him in school. they finally agreed its a Hugh concern and made a reminder list for him in school as well and an adult that will check his list and school bag to see if its completed & he has everything.All this is working for my son and he is trying harder than I "ever can" to make this work. He still might forget one thing once in a while, but who wouldn't.His social skills teacher (not from school) told me never to punish him for forgetting his items

because he needs to learn to get into a habit of (organization) after he has a strategy. Punishment won't work, but a strategy will. (I agree) He is doing much better with all these prompts & reminders.Here is my problem. When my son is away from 'school & home' its like starting from the beginning. He doesn't remember any of his belongings. If at the boys & girls club, he will forget his schoolbag, when at soccer or other sports, and he is handed a note or sticker (reward) he will forget to bring it home, or even tell me if a game was canceled or the location was changed. He can't remember anything. My question is: What do I do for him to help him remember his personal belongings when away from home or school? I can't give him laminated cards because I don't know what the changes would be. Nor would I know if he received a letter to bring to me. so, outside the home or school is very hard. and it gets

expensive. I'm on a tight budget and when he leaves his cleats or warm hat & gloves or even winter boots. I'm having a hard time replacing them. How can I help him remember???? Last year, I bought him a really good pair of winter boots. He wore it to school, went to the boys & girls club, and I didn't know he didn't bring his winter boots home until the next day for school. Of course they weren't there when I went back. and you know how hard it is to get winter boots once they sell all they winter items. Next year is middle school and I'm sure things are going to get harder. What should we do?thanks for any advice.Rose __________________________________________________

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  • 3 weeks later...


RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) Roxanna

I found a link I think may be helpful to some is it ok if I post it ??? hugs

Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

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Sure - madideas@... works.

RoxannaAutism Happens



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Sure - madideas@... works.

RoxannaAutism Happens



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That sounds great. I wish I was having that now....LOL and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs@...> wrote: And I'm having a McD's Vanilla Iced Coffee.Roxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: Well, I had a frappucino today so I did my duty. lol RoxannaAutism Happens Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002> wrote: Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND

ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Rose, I don't see any of this stuff, my boyfriend is here too, he says we used to have it all and we had to update the computer to be able to have broadband internet thru the cable co, his nephew came over and did it but the problem now is alot of the things we had he erased says he didn't have a choice but we think he just did'nt know how to do it and so might not have been the best choice ,we don't know alot about the computer but we are trying to learn as we go.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, you will need to find it,

it's in a different spot on every computer. Look where you are typing your letter. the top bar with <ABC> and a check mark is the spell check. or look way up on top of your computer, the Icons there might read, bookmark, screen savers, cursor manis - to change your mouse pointer - look for ' ABC check'. that will also work. I use it all the time. Even to type important letters. Let me know if you can't find it. We can go back & forth explaining what you have on your computer to find it. But first, if OK with you, Look right above where you are now reading your e-mail. My ABC check is the first box on the left. yours might be in a different spot, but still on that line with all the symbols. Do you have a large A and a small a? that is to change the size of your letters. if you click on that, you will see numbers starting with 1 and they get larger the higher the number goes.

that's the size of you letters your typing. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: So are u now what is this about a spell check button is that on the computer? cuz i don't know if i have that and if i do i am alittle p'd right now, b/c all this time i have to keep erasing and going back put the right letter it can be very time consuming, anyway where would i find this button? and don't lol this time i am really serious!!!! but if u do have to ROFL that is ok. but really?? Sherry Sherry, you are so funny, My spelling is really bad and when I check the 'spell check' and it says no mis-spelled words, I'm shocked !!! LOL LOL LOL and excited too. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks , i really thought it would be easier to read for myself and everyone, i didn't know i was shouting at everyone, heck i have a hard enough time making sure i am spelling everything right. lol and my 10 yr old neice writes often to inform me i misspelled in her emails LOL oh well, i can't win them all,LOL Sherry Lowry <flyballmomhotmail> wrote: Sherry , I first found the internet about 10 yrs ago when my beautiful Border Collie puppy began having seizures and I so desperately needed help and I only wrote in caps for months because I was so new to the internet and everyone was patient with me....don't you worry, I was never offended by your

caps. Wags! Wags! Wags! Lowry "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." Author Ben From: superchick0770 Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 14:43:27 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone,

but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Well, we must enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really good strawberry smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy!

RoxannaAutism Happens


I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002> wrote:

Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote:


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Those sound fabulous,now i am gonna have to try that, thanks alot!!!! SherryRoxanna <madideas@...> wrote: Well, we must enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really good strawberry smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy! RoxannaAutism Happens Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose

<beachbodytan2002> wrote: Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Sherry can you ask your boyfriend if he can 'restore' your computer. to get the stuff back that was deleted? If you deleted it by accident. it wouldn't be deleted just because you changed internet providers. Are you using , to do your e-mail?sherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Rose, I don't see any of this stuff, my boyfriend is here too, he says we used to have it all and we had to update the computer to be able to have broadband internet thru the cable co, his nephew came over and did

it but the problem now is alot of the things we had he erased says he didn't have a choice but we think he just did'nt know how to do it and so might not have been the best choice ,we don't know alot about the computer but we are trying to learn as we go.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, you will need to find it, it's in a different spot on every computer. Look where you are typing your letter. the top bar with <ABC> and a check mark is the spell check. or look way up on top of your computer, the Icons there might read, bookmark, screen savers, cursor manis - to change your mouse pointer - look for ' ABC check'. that will also work. I use it all the time. Even to type important letters. Let me know if you can't find it. We can go back & forth explaining what you

have on your computer to find it. But first, if OK with you, Look right above where you are now reading your e-mail. My ABC check is the first box on the left. yours might be in a different spot, but still on that line with all the symbols. Do you have a large A and a small a? that is to change the size of your letters. if you click on that, you will see numbers starting with 1 and they get larger the higher the number goes. that's the size of you letters your typing. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: So are u now what is this about a spell check button is that on the computer? cuz i don't know if i have that and if i do i am alittle p'd right now, b/c all this time i have to keep erasing and going back put the right letter it can be very time consuming, anyway

where would i find this button? and don't lol this time i am really serious!!!! but if u do have to ROFL that is ok. but really?? Sherry Sherry, you are so funny, My spelling is really bad and when I check the 'spell check' and it says no mis-spelled words, I'm shocked !!! LOL LOL LOL and excited too. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks , i really thought it would be easier to read for myself and everyone, i didn't know i was shouting at everyone, heck i have a hard enough time making sure i am spelling everything right. lol and my 10 yr old neice writes often to inform me i misspelled in her emails LOL oh well, i can't win them all,LOL Sherry

Lowry <flyballmomhotmail> wrote: Sherry , I first found the internet about 10 yrs ago when my beautiful Border Collie puppy began having seizures and I so desperately needed help and I only wrote in caps for months because I was so new to the internet and everyone was patient with me....don't you worry, I was never offended by your caps. Wags! Wags! Wags! Lowry "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your

face." Author Ben From: superchick0770 Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 14:43:27 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford

<superchick0770 > wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Thanks i didn't think of that we have Armstrong but i think they have the same kind of tech support as well. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, one more thing. if you have time Warner cable as your Internet provider. (road runner) they have computer technicians that can help you 24/7. give them a call, maybe they can walk you through it so you can find 'spell check' again. I think all computers come with it. Rosesherry burford

<superchick0770 > wrote: Rose, I don't see any of this stuff, my boyfriend is here too, he says we used to have it all and we had to update the computer to be able to have broadband internet thru the cable co, his nephew came over and did it but the problem now is alot of the things we had he erased says he didn't have a choice but we think he just did'nt know how to do it and so might not have been the best choice ,we don't know alot about the computer but we are trying to learn as we go.SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry, you will need to find it, it's in a different spot on every computer. Look where you are typing your letter. the top bar with <ABC> and a check mark is the spell

check. or look way up on top of your computer, the Icons there might read, bookmark, screen savers, cursor manis - to change your mouse pointer - look for ' ABC check'. that will also work. I use it all the time. Even to type important letters. Let me know if you can't find it. We can go back & forth explaining what you have on your computer to find it. But first, if OK with you, Look right above where you are now reading your e-mail. My ABC check is the first box on the left. yours might be in a different spot, but still on that line with all the symbols. Do you have a large A and a small a? that is to change the size of your letters. if you click on that, you will see numbers starting with 1 and they get larger the higher the number goes. that's the size of you letters your typing. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: So are u now what is this about a spell check button is that on the computer? cuz i don't know if i have that and if i do i am alittle p'd right now, b/c all this time i have to keep erasing and going back put the right letter it can be very time consuming, anyway where would i find this button? and don't lol this time i am really serious!!!! but if u do have to ROFL that is ok. but really?? Sherry Sherry, you are so funny, My spelling is really bad and when I check the 'spell check' and it says no mis-spelled words, I'm shocked !!! LOL LOL LOL and excited too. Rosesherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Thanks , i really thought it would be easier to read for myself and everyone, i didn't know i was shouting at everyone, heck i have a hard enough time making sure i am spelling everything right. lol and my 10 yr old neice writes often to inform me i misspelled in her emails LOL oh well, i can't win them all,LOL Sherry Lowry <flyballmomhotmail> wrote: Sherry , I first found the internet about 10 yrs ago when my beautiful Border Collie puppy began having seizures and I so desperately needed help and I only wrote in caps for months because I was so new to the internet and everyone was patient with me....don't you worry, I was never offended by your caps. Wags! Wags! Wags! Lowry "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." Author Ben From: superchick0770 Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 14:43:27 -0800Subject: Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so

sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find

them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I am so addicted to Starbucks.sherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Those sound fabulous,now i am gonna have to try that, thanks alot!!!! SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: Well, we must enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really good strawberry

smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy! RoxannaAutism Happens Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing

in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002> wrote: Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I’ll have a tall, ½ caff, non-fat, extra

hot, light foam, upside down caramel macchiato, please.


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Rose

Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008

8:48 PM


Subject: Re: Re:


I am so

addicted to Starbucks

sherry burford

<superchick0770 > wrote:

Those sound fabulous,now i am gonna have to try that, thanks alot!!!!



<madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote:

Well, we must

enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from

Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really

good strawberry smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate

chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy!


Autism Happens


I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but

apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all

caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured

out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting

at them. Sherry


<beachbodytan2002> wrote:

Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...

sherry burford

<superchick0770> wrote:




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OK everybody, enough with the Starbucks. I'm so addicted to them all. When I lived in NYC, I lived in Starbucks or barns & Nobel with a latte. Now, I'm at least 1 hour away. and this is so tempting...I can taste each one that everyone posting. the instant ones in the supermarket just ain't the same... LOL....I also love the chocolate latte with chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top, with a sprinkle of nuts.. LOL OH, please... Elgamal <cindyelgamal@...> wrote: I’ll have a tall, ½ caff, non-fat, extra hot, light foam, upside down caramel macchiato, please. From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of RoseSent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 8:48 PM Subject: Re: Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am so addicted to Starbuckssherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Those sound fabulous,now i am

gonna have to try that, thanks alot!!!! SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: Well, we must enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really good strawberry smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy! RoxannaAutism

Happens Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been

emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002> wrote: Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY

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Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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– Where do you live?  I have

never heard of Tim Horton’s.

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Chris

Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008

11:23 AM

Subject: RE: Re:



VANILLA SMOOTHIE from Tim Hortons!

-- Re: Re:


I am so addicted to Starbucks

sherry burford

<superchick0770 > wrote:

Those sound fabulous,now i am gonna have to try

that, thanks alot!!!! Sherry


<madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote:

Well, we must

enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from

Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really

good strawberry smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate

chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy!


Autism Happens


I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude

to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i hav e

been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys

may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression

that i was yelling or shouting at them. Sherry

Rose <beachbodytan2002@

> wrote:

Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...

sherry burford

<superchick0770> wrote:




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push the tv/video button on the tv


I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote:

Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote:


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Sherry, on day, go to starbucks and treat yourself... *smile*.sherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Ok that's sounds good, I feel like a cavewoman I have never had any of these, I did try instant cappucino ididn't like that well not well enough to buy another can, however i have a couple of stepsons who love it. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: OK everybody,

enough with the Starbucks. I'm so addicted to them all. When I lived in NYC, I lived in Starbucks or barns & Nobel with a latte. Now, I'm at least 1 hour away. and this is so tempting...I can taste each one that everyone posting. the instant ones in the supermarket just ain't the same... LOL....I also love the chocolate latte with chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top, with a sprinkle of nuts.. LOL OH, please... Elgamal <cindyelgamalsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: I’ll have a tall, ½ caff, non-fat, extra hot, light foam, upside down caramel macchiato, please. From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of RoseSent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 8:48 PM Subject: Re: Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am so addicted to Starbuckssherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Those sound fabulous,now i am gonna have to try that, thanks alot!!!! SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: Well, we must enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really good strawberry smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy! RoxannaAutism Happens Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002> wrote:

Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend,

newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Mmmm, just had an almond-flavoured one yesterday, yummy! " Timmy's "

(aka: Tim Horton's) is BIG here in Canada (Alberta).









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anyone try a Chi Latte? love em too...tdhssp <johnvel@...> wrote: Mmmm, just had an almond-flavoured one yesterday, yummy! "Timmy's" (aka: Tim Horton's) is BIG here in Canada (Alberta). > HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU?> SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION> FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. > > > > Never mi ss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now. > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now. > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. > > > > Looking for last minute

shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now.> > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.>

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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OKAY now i am just getting jealous, this isn't fair to quote my 9 yr old AS ds or even better cruel and unusual punishment.LOL you guys are great, love ya! Sherrytdhssp <johnvel@...> wrote: Mmmm, just had an almond-flavoured one yesterday, yummy! "Timmy's" (aka: Tim Horton's) is BIG here in Canada (Alberta). > HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU?> SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION> FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. > > > > Never mi ss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now. > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now. > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals?

Find them fast with Search. > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now.> > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.>

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I just might have to do that< sounds wonderful,SherryRose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Sherry, on day, go to starbucks and treat yourself... *smile*.sherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Ok that's sounds good, I feel like a cavewoman I have never had any of these, I did try instant cappucino ididn't like that well not well enough to buy another can, however i have a couple of

stepsons who love it. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002 > wrote: OK everybody, enough with the Starbucks. I'm so addicted to them all. When I lived in NYC, I lived in Starbucks or barns & Nobel with a latte. Now, I'm at least 1 hour away. and this is so tempting...I can taste each one that everyone posting. the instant ones in the supermarket just ain't the same... LOL....I also love the chocolate latte with chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top, with a sprinkle of nuts.. LOL OH, please... Elgamal <cindyelgamalsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: I’ll have a tall, ½ caff, non-fat, extra hot, light foam, upside down caramel macchiato, please. From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of RoseSent: Sunday,

February 17, 2008 8:48 PM Subject: Re: Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am so addicted to Starbuckssherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote: Those sound fabulous,now i am gonna have to try that, thanks alot!!!! SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote: Well, we must enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really good strawberry smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy! RoxannaAutism Happens Re: ( ) ROXANNA I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i have been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them.

SherryRose <beachbodytan2002> wrote: Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote: HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU? SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Canada.. Ontario..


-- RE: Re: ( ) ROXANNA

I don't know what you just ordered ,naturally,LOL but i'll take one too as it sounds fabulous,Sherry Elgamal <cindyelgamalsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote:

I’ll have a tall, ½ caff, non-fat, extra hot, light foam, up side down caramel macchiato, please.

From: @y ahoogroups.com [mailto: ] On Behalf Of RoseSent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 8:48 PM Subject: Re: Re: ( ) ROXANNA

I am so addicted to Starbuckssherry burford <superchick0770 > wrote:

Those sound fabulous,now i am gonna have to try that, thanks alot!!!! SherryRoxanna <madideaszoominternet (DOT) net> wrote:

Well, we must enlighten you then! lol. It's a really good drink from Starbucks. I get the strawberry frappucino's and they are like a really good strawberry smoothie. There are different flavors - double chocolate chip, orange dreamcicle, etc. Yummmy!

RoxannaAutism Happens


I am sorry Rose i really didn't intend on being rude to anyone, but apparently i have been rude to u guys all along as i hav e been emailing in all caps, i don't know too much about computers as u guys may have already figured out, so sorry if anyone was under the impression that i was yelling or shouting at them. SherryRose <beachbodytan2002> wrote:

Sherry - How rude !! LOL - Just kidding...sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote:


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Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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In a message dated 2/17/2008 10:29:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, cindyelgamal@... writes:

’ll have a tall, ½ caff, non-fat, extra hot, light foam, upside down caramel macchiato, please.

LOL. I hate going to Starbucks because I'm always in back of the person with a complex order, and then I feel like a total clod ordering something simple, like a regular cup of coffee! Yesterday I was really tired and got a skinny latte, good but not worth the 4 bucks, IMHO.

Over the summer, when I was not only stressed but having some health problems, and just didn't have an appetite, I practically lived on Dunkin Donut coolatas. After a medical procedure that was all I could keep down, and I still love them, only now that it's winter cold drinks are not very appealing. And honestly, who needs to drink hundreds of calories of fat and sugar?

They are very good, I could go for one now...


"We learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school" -- Bruce Springsteen, No Surrender

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OH The almond one is awesome isn't it???? OH ya.. LOL

-- Re: ( ) ROXANNA

Mmmm, just had an almond-flavoured one yesterday, yummy! "Timmy's" (aka: Tim Horton's) is BIG here in Canada (Alberta). > HEY ROXANNA, CAN U SEND ME YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU?> SORRY LADIES I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT AFTER I GET SOME CLARIFICATION> FROM ROXANNA I'LL EXPLAIN FUTHER, THANKS! SHERRY > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. > > > > Never mi ss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now. > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now. > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it> now.> > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.>

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