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Re: Re: IEP Dx Problem, finding advocate

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I called the State Disability office and they gave me the # for them. It's in your phone book but can't remember what I looked under. It's in the Government's/State section if I remember correctly.

Or do a Google search, with "your state" " disability advocate"


In a message dated 12/16/2008 8:11:26 A.M. Central Standard Time, sue@... writes:

, where do you find an advocate, or how do you locate advocate'soffice? Are they in all states?Sue in Tn> > We got the advocate, called the State's Disability office, and letme tell > you,that school straightened up QUICK. It was amazing all thethings we > requested suddenly were doable...go figure: another class (I HATEDhis > teacher..and still do, she was EVIL and did NOTHING the IEP told herto), the > behavorial specialist from the state came in and told the schoolyes, the parents are > correct, you have the dr. dx, why aren't you doing special needs forhim? > Jake got speech, OT, modified tests, and a whole lot better teacher.> > The ball finally started rolling the last semester of school.....ourfault > we didn't call the advocates office earlier. DO NOT WAIT...callthem NOW!> > Jake is in a new school now and the difference is incredible. Fantastic > school with an awesome IEP team and even better teachers. Jake's whole attitude > has changed and we have had zero problems. He got suspended 3times last > year...in 2nd grade, at the last school.> > The first IEP meeting at this new school, I was terrified. I cameout of > that meeting in tears...of joy. I asked about getting an aid...something the > last school literally laughed at as it was "all Jake's fault and heneeded a > good spanking." The Principal was at this meeting too and shesaid, "okay > momma wants an aid, let's see what we can do." I about fell over!I was > acknowledged as having a real concern.....WOW!!!!> > I am amazed at the difference in schools here, both public schools.This > school now has taught me what the last school did was criminal. Doyou know > the HEAD of the Special Needs for the COUNTY at the last school toldme, " what > happens here stays here", when I wanted a daily report sent home. Oh yeah, > she's a winner.> > I cannot stress enough, CALL THE ADVOCATE'S OFFICE NOW!> > Tracey > > > > > > In a message dated 12/15/2008 7:24:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, > jrushen@... writes:> > > > > First...who did the evaluation? The school? Go get another evaluation.. > Can your advocate go with you to the IEP tomorrow? If not go...butdon't > sign the paperwork yet...tell them you need to take it home toreview it..I > think you have 10 days. Here in the state of PA, it is called aNOREP (notice of > _________educationa If not go...but don't sign the paperworkyet...tell them > you need to take it home to review it..I think you have 10 days.Here in> > And, like everyone tells me....you are part of the IEP team can request a > team meeting anytime you want. And, if it is in his IEP and theyare not > following it ...then they are in the WRONG. The IEP is a fedearlregulation which > MUST be followed. Get a book on IEP's and get your AdvocateASAP.....it > will help so much. > > Go to the meeting but don't let them bully you. Take information with you > and write down whta you want to discuss and what you want them toprovide your > child and why and back it up with information.Go to the meeting butdon't let > them bul They will try to ride you..that is why you need anadvocate.... > They will try to ride you..that is why you need an ad They willtry to ride > you..that is why you need an advocate....<WBR>but the main thing isthat the > meeting is tommorrow...<WBR>go...bu They will try to ride you..thatis why you > need an advocate....<WBR>but the main thing is that the meeting is > tommorrow...<WBR>go...but don't sign anything...tell them you needto review it ...tell > them you are getting > > Jan> > > Janice Rushen> > "I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"> > > > > From: Sandy <xo_sandy@..._>> Subject: ( ) IEP Dx Problem> @AspergerTo:> Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 4:52 PM> > > > History:> > I adopted my son 1 1/2 years ago...at age 7 he received his first IEP> under the dx of Emotional Disturbance. He lived in 8 different foster> homes before being placed with us...and we adopted.> > His dx through DSM IV is Reactive attachment Disorder; Depressive> Disorder; Academic Problems; Sexual Abuse Victim; Loss of bio home;> foster placement; social skills difficulties; atypical behaviors; and> communication problems.> > Recently, he received a Dx of Aspergers...> > He has been to children's hosp. and tested for chromosomal> abnormalities (fragile X) and came back normal. He is being referred> to neurology to be tested for other problems such as fetal development> disorders... he has very simple palmar creases as well as mild> dysmorphic facial features. Overall his appearance and actions are> very apparent that he is special needs.> > He tests low normal IQ as low as 79 and as high as 88. He is in> special ed as well as mainstreamed. He lacks fine motor skills and> social skills. His work is modified due to lack of concentration and> effort; however, he tests academically within normal of his peers.> > Present:> > I requested IEP reassessment because my son cannot get OT or tested> for learning disabilities under dx of emotional disturbance.> > I feel like his dx can be changed to Autism due to his AS diagnosis;> however, I was just informed that his reevaluation was conducted and> he is going to remain with Dx of Emotional Disturbance because he does> not fall under Autism.> > I feel an injustice is being done to my child and his educational> needs are not being met. Every IEP...it is said that teachers will> inform parents of child's assignments. ..and it's never done. He seems> to go to class and wave in and out of attention... not do any work and> keep getting passed to next grade level.> > I have signed up for an IEP Workshop and will meet with an advocate. > but his IEP is tomorrow and nothing is going to get changed. What do> I need to overrule the assessment?> > Also, has anyone noticed that Asperger's Disorder under the> Educational Guidelines holds the same Behaviors as Emotional> Disturbance? I am at a loss...any help is appreciated. Thank you.> > > > > > > > > > **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just2 easy > steps! >(http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1215195222x1200993641/aol?redir=http://www.freecreditreport.com/pm/default.aspx?sc=668072%26hmpgID=82%26bcd=De> cemailfooterNO82)> A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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Sue in TN you would contact:

Diehl, Director Support and Training for Exceptional Parents (STEP) 424 East Bernard Avenue, Suite 3 Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 639-0125; (800) 280-7837 (Toll-free in TN only) (423) 639-2464 (TTY) E-mail: tnstep@... URL: http://www.tnstep.org Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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