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Re: also losing services, please help

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Well if he's met all his speech goals, nothing left to work on, she

can dismiss him. If that is the only reason he has an IEP, then

he'll lose the IEP. As someone suggested, if you can get the

documentation for the Aspergers to them tomorrow, perhaps someone who

will be at the Wed. meeting will have had time to read it before you

meet. Or you can call his speech teacher, guidance counselor

(whoever you usually talk to) and let them know. Since she mentioned

the motor skills, if they haven't suggested it, request at the

meeting that you want him evaluated for occupational therapy, you

have concerns about his fine & gross motor skills.

Each of my 3 sons had speech therapy and were discharged from it when

they met all their goals. Let's see...one finished in 4th or 5th

grade; another in 6th grade; think the last was 7th grade.

Regarding the one discharged in 6th grade: At the start of 6th

grade, he began having obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) behaviors

really bad. Affected him badly at home and at school. So I had

called a meeting with the school, though he didn't yet have a

diagnosis for it. Hadn't yet had meeting when his speech teacher --

as your's did -- told me that she was discharging him from speech

therapy, she had no reason to keep him any longer and wanted to let

me know before the meeting. If I could have got the diagnosis before

the meeting, he might have kept the IEP. But couldn't yet get a

doctor appointment so IEP ended but we did end up getting him a 504

Plan (similar to IEP) for his OCD. --- Since you have a diagnosis

for the Aspergers already, hopefully they will add that to the IEP on

Wed. so you won't have to go through the process of getting " another "

IEP set up. That make any sense?? Just saying that our IEP ended

since didn't have anything to add once speech therapy stopped, so we

would have had to go through that " evaluation for an IEP " process

again. Hopefully this works out great that you won't have to, they

can just put the Aspergers on the current IEP on Wednesday.

And, of course, bring up at the meeting concerns about his not being

able to count and other things.

I know at meetings it has helped me to ask them first - before I

state what I want - what they would recommend? Like, his motor

skills seem behind, aren't good, what do you recommend? Then if they

don't suggest occupational therapy evaluation, I'd say " well I would

like him evaluated for OT. " Just found that asking for their

thoughts first keeps me from seeming so demanding.

Let us know how the meeting goes!


> I have done a ton of research and prepared for an Ard meeting for

our son that is this wed. 

> He is receiving services through the school for speech.  He was

recently diagnosed with Asperger's and I had planned on bringing all

of that documentation with me to the ARD and to ask for formal

testing on their parts and to officially enter the dr.s findings into

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> As someone suggested, if you can get the

> documentation for the Aspergers to them tomorrow, perhaps someone who

> will be at the Wed. meeting will have had time to read it before you

> meet.

This reminded me of something else. Make sure you include a

transmittal letter with the eval results and explicitly state that you

want them considered at the ARD. That way they can't overlook them.

I'm not sure if there are any time constraints on how far before an ARD

you need to submit stuff like this--you might want to ask about that.

Remember, you can call an ARD at any time if you need to.

If you run out of time and can't get copies to everybody before the

meeting--make sure you get a copy with the transmittal letter to

whoever is chairing the meeting.


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