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Re: Desperately need ideas for our in between situation

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Oh Ruth....my son is in the same exact boat! He has an IEP which is a legal document which must be followed. I can make a big stink as they are not completely following it! I think this is the case in most schools. Teachers just don't want to do it...too much work! And sometimes they think our kids can do it on their own or that they are "too lazy" or too defiant etc. etc. They (teachers) really don't understand our kids or take the time to learn. I have written an article on AS and what it is all about plus two pages introducing my son and he ways. But, I really don't think they read it.


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: r_woman2 <me2ruth@...>Subject: ( ) Desperately need ideas for our in between situation Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009, 12:28 PM

I hope I can make sense here, I'm rather confused myself. My 14yo, 8grAsperger son has the following 504 Plan.-----504 Plan-----The physical or mental impairment is listed as academic functioning,with the impairment/conditio n being autism. No identified supportservices. No behavior intervention plan. All of the accommodationsare for all core classes, except the 3 writing prompts, which islanguage arts only.Adapt assignments by providing:- extra day to turn in assignments - redo on assignments where directions were not understood or printed - writing checklist for long writing assignments - chunking long assignments with staged due datesAdapt instructions by providing:- preferential seating in front of class - frequent checks for understanding - agenda checked by teacher/parent - choose from 3 different writing prompts (language arts only)Adapt

materials by providing:- hard copy of notes - use of graphic organizers - ability to use word processor on written assignmentsAdapt tests:- Allow more time for tests if student has not completed test by endof the class.------------ ------This 504 Plan is not working. For one thing, either the teachers can'tor won't follow it. It appears they pick and choose what works for them. He is doingbetter in class, so I think they may be doing the things that apply toin-class. But they aren't doing any of the things that would help him workoutside of class. They don't have him write down enough detail for hisassignments so he can tell what to do, don't make sure he has hismaterials and written directions (or not in enough detail), no writingchecklists for long assignments, aren't helping him stay organized,don't chunk things for him. They let him hand things in

more than oneday late but don't communicate when the new due date is and he getsvery confused. All the other kids are told they can't hand in lateassignments at all. It took half the year for me to convince him that"he" could hand his assignments in late and still get credit since theteachers don't know how to communicate with him.They don't understand why I can't just "make" him do his homework likea normal kid. They don't understand why we can't just sit down anddiscuss the school day and do whatever needs to be done. In otherwords--they don't know much about autism and don't seem to have anyinclination to try to learn. I'm sure they will accuse me of not doinganything, and I will come back with "there isn't anything I can dowith so little support from school." Which they will take ascriticism and decide not to listen to anything else I have to say.I really don't know what to do with

this. When the school districtrefused to do any serious evaluating, I had detailed neuropsych,occupational therapy, and speech evalulations done at very reputableplaces. The neuropsych eval in particular gave very detailedobservations and recommendations, along with some great readingsuggestions. It's really helped me at home. But, the school doesn't understand them and hasn't done much withthem. They took the recommendations and simplified them to the pointwhere they aren't the same recommendations. For example, theneuropsych report gives a long explanation on how simply giving my sona planner isn't enough--he needs everyday coaching long-term. Theytranslated this into "agenda checked by teacher/parent" , which in turnhas translated into teacher having student write down one or two wordsin the assignment columns and teacher and parent initial. Doesn't helpmy son at all!I'm sorry, this

is getting kind of rambling--I' ll try to wrap it up.I kept pushing them, he's getting worse and worse, they did anobservation, and they are finally letting him be evaluated by theschool district Autism Team. My issue--what to we do in the timeuntil whatever the Autism Team decides to do?I don't imagine anything different will happen until next year, andmeanwhile this 504 isn't working at all. I see my son's educationgoing down the drain. There is absolutely no reason for someone with a130 verbal IQ and a 125 non-verbal IQ to flunk 8th grade.I'd love to hear any ideas on how to present this. How can I makethem DO something instead of just shuffling him along until thisAutism Team takes over?Ruth

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I don't see anything in the 504 about adapting or modifying

assignments to suit his learning disabilities. The 504 is expected to

level the playing field to give him a fair shake, not to force him to

do the same things as everyone else, right?

What about adding a task to the 504 of adapting assignments or finding

alternative assignments for projects where his disability would

interfere with the completion of tasks. This isn't worded very well,

but the idea is that if he cannot complete a long written report on a

specific topic, then he should be allowed to present the information

in another format, such as a poster or oral presentation. And in phys

ed, maybe he can work on developing some basic coordination skills

rather than being expected to participate in the same activities as

everyone else.

Maybe also ask that he not be penalized for not being able to show his

work in math. Your child's brain works differently and chances are

that he can come up with the correct answer, but in a way that may not

make any sense to the teacher.

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