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Re: E. , Sr. Was: Child with Autism Arrested-- and all

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I know my advocates who are great ...do not charge a darn cent! I did donate some money for her business cards and bought them lunch one time.


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: r_woman2 <me2ruth@...>Subject: ( ) E. , Sr. Was: Child with Autism Arrested-- and all Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009, 11:05 AM

>> Well, today at 3:15pm I got the call I had been dreading since thelast IEP. (or anyone else), do you know the E. , Sr.from the post below? This is from the ! groupTexas-Autism- Advocacy. He keeps offering free advocating. He seemssincere, but kind of pushy. I'm wondering if he is for real or is anygood at advocating. You and anybody else who know him are welcome tocontact me privately if you don't want to comment publicly. If he isfor real and any good, he might be a good resource for those of uswith limited budgets.me2ruth (DOT) comHope you're having a better weekend than the past few days!Ruth-----from

Texas-Autism- Advocacy- ----This story ..is very skewed. http://www.msnbc. msn.com/id/ 29188424/I'll comment on it more at a later time. But know this, it took 14hours of IEP's to come up with Nothing at all but tons of threats toarrest this kid.. all he needed was the prescribed service dog that hehas with him all the time.. except for at school where they don'tallow it.. " I am not a representative of the district, but as far asthe dog goes.. NO " -marti mesch, school prinicpal that set this wholearrest up.. at Ft. Myers Floriday..Gulf Elementary. So.. since whenis a principal not a rep. of the district ? " I dont care what any of you say, I'm going to have him arrested " -Marti Mesch.. early Jan.. in a recorded IEP. He also told me on thephone multiple times he would do so. I find it very strange that hewas actually found in

the Principals office..and NOT in that teachersclassroom. Very strange indeed. The teacher herself is also aculprit in constant restraint vs. educate.This kid never had a chance.. another choice quote " He Almost hit mewith a 2x4 "- Marti Mesch.. My response " WHY is there a 2x4 oncampus near the Autism Class.. is it used for special education or areyou inable to provide a safe atmosphere ?"On at least 5 occassons this Mr. Mesch threatened to have this boyarrested. It's sickening what some of these Administrators have intheir mind. Our kids.. are kids. They would never do this to kidsin reg. Ed. Just as I am working in AZ. and PA. , flying in and out,I will go anywhere that there are active time out rooms that are notmonitored or where restraint is being used instead of educating andactually using what California does...other states too.. a " BSP"Beahavior SUPPORT plan....makes alot of

sense. Maybe TX can adoptthis too. If you're having a prob go to one of those links below andmy contact info is on them.. Let's stop this as a union.. a communitythat isn't split.. on one accord. We have to stop this.. I knowwhat's going on in TX and that state is definitely on my 'Target'List. we are growing in affiliate advocates by the day and arecommitted to stopping this from happening to our kids..... we also doteleconference consults, IEP's, and Due process initiation.. at NO COST.Don't ask me how.... but we continue to manage through the help ofotheres. Take care and have a nice sunday. E. , Sr. http://www.officeof autismadvocacy. comCan you believe this... click below: The ARA .. Click below: http://www.pusdincr isis.com/ index.html http://autismreform 2009.spaces. live.com" Our Children are our future - we are just vessels here to createtheir path to it " M.

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> I know my advocates who are great ...do not charge a darn cent!� I

did donate some money for her business cards and bought them lunch one


I'm going to be the devil's advocate here. :) If they are so great,

why is your son in such a bad place? Personally, I can't see that the

" free " advocates can do anything I can't, maybe less. And being a

working mom with two fairly severely disabled people in the family, I

really don't have the time to waste. I'm not convinced!


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I like having an advocate as they can keep a cool head and say what I mean. Sometimes as parents we get too emotionally involved. In some states advocates can be of great use to help navigate mediation and file in due process, except for the state that do not allow it like Florida. It also depends on your school and school district. Some want to provide FAPE while others fight every step of the way. It is great if you know IDEA inside and out, but I do not. I need someone who can help when in the meeting and say " no, thats not right "

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 11:43 AM, r_woman2 <me2ruth@...> wrote:


> I know my advocates who are great ...do not charge a darn cent!� I

did donate some money for her business cards and bought them lunch one


I'm going to be the devil's advocate here. :) If they are so great,

why is your son in such a bad place? Personally, I can't see that the

" free " advocates can do anything I can't, maybe less. And being a

working mom with two fairly severely disabled people in the family, I

really don't have the time to waste. I'm not convinced!


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I will tell you ....because I didn't use them all the time...thought I could do it on my on. And, when I think about it....I have gotten a lot done for him. They don't move quickly but things have changed.

I got him tested, I got him the wrap around program, started a soial skills class, got his Art Therapy. He has also been tested for the wilson Reading Program, and Speech. We have a meeting coming up to go over the results. He is also to receive OT.

I found out so many things that were done wrong but I would never have known this if it hadn't been for the advocate. Another thing they have done is support me and when you go to a meeting and there are 9 of them in the room....Jan

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: r_woman2 <me2ruth@...>Subject: Re: ( ) E. , Sr. Was: Child with Autism Arrested-- and all Date: Monday, February 16, 2009, 11:43 AM

>> I know my advocates who are great ...do not charge a darn cent!� Idid donate some money for her business cards and bought them lunch onetime. I'm going to be the devil's advocate here. :) If they are so great,why is your son in such a bad place? Personally, I can't see that the"free" advocates can do anything I can't, maybe less. And being aworking mom with two fairly severely disabled people in the family, Ireally don't have the time to waste. I'm not convinced!Ruth

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Also, it is another person on the child's side at the IEP meeting. Sometimes school staff will discount the parents view because they think you can't see your childs faults. It helps to have someone who isn't related stating what he needs to have for accomodations etc.

On 2/16/09, Hawk <hjhawk@...> wrote:

I like having an advocate as they can keep a cool head and say what I mean.

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lol, I just said the same basic thing - you have really been working hard on this stuff, I know. But it does take effort and time. Plus I think it's hard to change a bureaucratic system where the "it's always done this way" mentally is there. It is easier if they have programming in place already that you can ease your kid into vs. having to force them to start new programs/services.

RoxannaYou're UniqueJust like everyone else...

Re: ( ) E. , Sr. Was: Child with Autism Arrested-- and all Date: Monday, February 16, 2009, 11:43 AM

>> I know my advocates who are great ...do not charge a darn cent!� Idid donate some money for her business cards and bought them lunch onetime. I'm going to be the devil's advocate here. :) If they are so great,why is your son in such a bad place? Personally, I can't see that the"free" advocates can do anything I can't, maybe less. And being aworking mom with two fairly severely disabled people in the family, Ireally don't have the time to waste. I'm not convinced!Ruth

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