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Re: Homework Oh Homework Article

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That was GREAT! Wow ...thanks!!! I am going to copy this and bring with me to the next IEP meeting!!! Thanks!!! Thanks!!!!!


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs@...>Subject: ( ) Homework Oh Homework Article"Aspergers Treatment" <Aspergers Treatment >Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 11:11 PM

I got this through our local group and thought some of you may enjoy.


FDL County & Beyond - Autism Support Group ~

Here's an article that recently appeared in the ASFV newletter (I've also copied below in case you can't open the WORD document). I asked Peggy's permission to forward to our group ( & she said yes). Hopefully there's something in the article that may work for you & your child or student.




Homework, Oh Homework!

Homework, Oh Homework I hate you. You stink! The opening lines of Jack Prelutsky’s poem about homework hold true for many children on the spectrum.

Homework can be a cause of great anxiety for children as well as family members. Assignments that should take 15 minutes may result in hours of refusals, crying or even aggressive behaviors. Ideas for homework completion can be addressed in the IEP as well as through structuring time at home. If you and your child are having problems completing homework, check out the ideas below and be sure to talk with your child’s teachers about any problems. Guidelines for the frequency, amount and complexity of homework can be written into the IEP.

IEP Ideas:

The following list can help teams guide their decisions about homework. The child’s overall anxiety level about school: (Does the child worry excessively about going to school? Do they need to have long periods of solitary time when they return home? Do they have meltdowns when they get in the car or shortly after they come home? )

· Differences and difficulties in auditory processing and communication abilities: Because of brain differences that cause problems with language and organization, school staff cannot rely on students with autism to relay information home. Often parents do not have enough information to assist with homework effectively.

· Difficulties with memory, prioritizing, time management and problem solving: Children often do not remember what their assignments were and do not bring home the appropriate materials to complete them. Many students do not generalize learning between school and home and truly cannot remember how to complete the task.

· The child’s motivation to complete homework. Many students on the spectrum do not see the need for repetition – thinking that if they answer (the same type of question) once, that should be good enough. Other students do not see the need to gather knowledge that is not in their area of high interest.

The following are a few ideas for managing homework that can be discussed with the IEP team and added to the IEP:

· Modifications in length and/or complexity of assignments

· Breakdown of longer assignments to specifics of which part should be done each day

· At least one study hall daily for middle and high school students preferably with a special education professional aware of your child’s needs

· Improve home/school communication through additional written information, e-mail, organizational strategies, additional adult assistance for check-in/check- out:

· Check with the special education teacher to find out what should be coming home (e-mail is usually effective for this or the school may have a website that can help with homework)

· Written instructions and specific examples of how tasks should be done (very often students do not remember how to do the assignment once they are at home)

· Due date of the assignment

· Can there be a peer homework buddy that your family can call to help understand what needs to be done and how to do it?

· Adult assigned to check out student at end of day (have homework and materials necessary to complete tasks placed in backpack)

· Alternative to the Agenda or Planner (for Upper Elementary, Middle and High Students)

· Organizational sheet for gathering materials for homework

· List approximate times it should take the child to complete each task

· Homework folder: procedures for turning in completed homework

· Think about using alternatives for children with writing and fine motor issues such as:

· Label makers – for fill in the blank, lists, short answers

· Keyboarding

· Scribe, dictation

Home Ideas: Create a time and place at home to do homework so that the routine is scheduled and predictable. Many children benefit from having a positive incentive program – working for a favored item or activity.

· Designated homework spot (quiet, away from TV, computer)

· Designated homework time (not during favorite TV shows) – schedule according to child’s needs

· Visual schedule so that child can see when homework time is going to happen and when it will be over

· Divide work into segments – possibly giving small sections, followed by short breaks

· Use a timer to help the child understand how much time is remaining (this may increase anxiety in some children)

· Adult available to assist with problem solving and modeling staying calm

Everyone wants your child to succeed with schoolwork. Continue to talk about successes and challenges with your child’s educational team.

Peggy Bartman, Autism Consultant, CESA 6, peggybartman1@ gmail.com

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Thank you so much for sharing this. It may help me with discussing why the

current 504 plan

my son has is not helping much. I don't think they really understand the

problems these kids

have with communicating at home about what they need to have done for school. I

know it is

a big issue in my house.


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> That was GREAT! Wow ...thanks!!! I am going to copy this and bring

with me to the next IEP meeting!!! Thanks!!! Thanks!!!!!

I really liked it too. One part of it doesn't ring true to me,

though. I'm curious what others have found.

> Home Ideas: Create a time and place at home to do homework so that

the routine is scheduled and predictable. Many children benefit from

having a positive incentive program � working for a favored item or


I have been told by professionals that this sort of attitude is out

the window with autistic kids, and it is certainly the case with my

son. He does much better doing homework on his own terms, as much as

is possible. Yes, he needs to be away from the TV if someone is

watching it and you can forget it if a favorite show is on. Yes, he

needs an adult available to model calmness and help with

problem-solving, hopefully as unobtrusively as possible, but other

than that one needs to get creative. Working for rewards is totally

ineffective with my son. Trying to apply a set time and place for

doing homework is totally ineffective.

But the rest of the article, I think, is wonderful. We will have to

be dealing with this issues at school soon too.


> �

> ��������� Designated homework spot (quiet, away from TV,


> �

> ��������� Designated homework time (not during favorite TV

shows) �

schedule according to child�s needs

> �

> ��������� �Visual schedule so that child can see when

homework time

is going to happen and when it will be over

> �

> ��������� Divide work into segments � possibly giving


sections, followed by short breaks

> �

> ��������� Use a timer to help the child understand how much

time is

remaining (this may increase anxiety in some children)

> �

> ��������� Adult available to assist with problem solving and

modeling staying calm

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I enjoyed the article too! Great suggestions! We have learned to say we are available to help during a specific time, say 4:30-5:30. After that, I will have dinner, etc to concentrate on, and will not be available. After a few months of working on this, learned to get her HW papers organized and started. She doesn't always finish but also goes to "check in"with the SP ED tcher first thing every am, to get specific help. And, I DVR her favorite shows (SaddleClub and Ace of Cakes!) so she can watch an episode or 2 when she actually completes that nights workwhich doesn'thappen often at all... Our goal is to eliminate the nightly struggles with hw, increase her responsiblilty ...so far so good.


From: r_woman2 <me2ruth@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Homework Oh Homework Article Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 1:36 PM

>> That was GREAT! Wow ...thanks!!! I am going to copy this and bringwith me to the next IEP meeting!!! Thanks!!! Thanks!!!!! I really liked it too. One part of it doesn't ring true to me,though. I'm curious what others have found.> Home Ideas: Create a time and place at home to do homework so thatthe routine is scheduled and predictable. Many children benefit fromhaving a positive incentive program � working for a favored item oractivity. I have been told by professionals that this sort of attitude is outthe window with autistic kids, and it is certainly the case with myson. He does much better doing homework on his own terms, as much asis possible. Yes, he needs to be away from the TV if someone

iswatching it and you can forget it if a favorite show is on. Yes, heneeds an adult available to model calmness and help withproblem-solving, hopefully as unobtrusively as possible, but otherthan that one needs to get creative. Working for rewards is totallyineffective with my son. Trying to apply a set time and place fordoing homework is totally ineffective. But the rest of the article, I think, is wonderful. We will have tobe dealing with this issues at school soon too.Ruth> �> ��������� Designated homework spot (quiet, away from TV, computer) > �> ��������� Designated homework time (not during favorite TV shows) �schedule according to child�s needs > �> ��������� �Visual schedule so that child

can see when homework timeis going to happen and when it will be over > �> ��������� Divide work into segments � possibly giving smallsections, followed by short breaks > �> ��������� Use a timer to help the child understand how much time isremaining (this may increase anxiety in some children) > �> ��������� Adult available to assist with problem solving andmodeling staying calm

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I've got to be right there....usually, like you said,,,,to be available to say, "It's ok" or, "Calm down"....or just to be there to help. And you're right, homework time isn't predictable here...........it happens when kids are calm enough to try......and there's no "timing" about it.

He he.

From: r_woman2 <me2ruth@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Homework Oh Homework Article Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 12:36 PM

>> That was GREAT! Wow ...thanks!!! I am going to copy this and bringwith me to the next IEP meeting!!! Thanks!!! Thanks!!!!! I really liked it too. One part of it doesn't ring true to me,though. I'm curious what others have found.> Home Ideas: Create a time and place at home to do homework so thatthe routine is scheduled and predictable. Many children benefit fromhaving a positive incentive program � working for a favored item oractivity. I have been told by professionals that this sort of attitude is outthe window with autistic kids, and it is certainly the case with myson. He does much better doing homework on his own terms, as much asis possible. Yes, he needs to be away from the TV if someone

iswatching it and you can forget it if a favorite show is on. Yes, heneeds an adult available to model calmness and help withproblem-solving, hopefully as unobtrusively as possible, but otherthan that one needs to get creative. Working for rewards is totallyineffective with my son. Trying to apply a set time and place fordoing homework is totally ineffective. But the rest of the article, I think, is wonderful. We will have tobe dealing with this issues at school soon too.Ruth> �> ��������� Designated homework spot (quiet, away from TV, computer) > �> ��������� Designated homework time (not during favorite TV shows) �schedule according to child�s needs > �> ��������� �Visual schedule so that child

can see when homework timeis going to happen and when it will be over > �> ��������� Divide work into segments � possibly giving smallsections, followed by short breaks > �> ��������� Use a timer to help the child understand how much time isremaining (this may increase anxiety in some children) > �> ��������� Adult available to assist with problem solving andmodeling staying calm

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What professionals said rewards are out for autistic kids? First, I doubt there is any standard way of doing anything for any one child since they are all different. You have to provide what motivates. Each child is motivated by different things so finding what works can be the bigger problem, not that "it" doesn't work. ABA is based on a system of rewards for correct responses and so are positive behavior supports. You reward what you want to see, ignore what you don't. I am sure ABA is not out of favor because it actually works.

Rewards do work. The thing is finding the specific kinds of rewards that appeal to a particular child. With autism, they do not have the internal reward system that people have - the social connections that make us want to please parents or teachers or just ourselves for doing a good job. If your ds does his homework without a reward system, then it makes your job easier. But I'm sure there are rewards for getting the homework done even if you don't use a specific "item" or "thing" to do that. It can really be a worthwhile thing to work on a positive behavior plan using rewards for the behaviors you want to see improved or used.

RoxannaYou're UniqueJust like everyone else...

Re: ( ) Homework Oh Homework Article

>> That was GREAT! Wow ...thanks!!! I am going to copy this and bringwith me to the next IEP meeting!!! Thanks!!! Thanks!!!!! I really liked it too. One part of it doesn't ring true to me,though. I'm curious what others have found.> Home Ideas: Create a time and place at home to do homework so thatthe routine is scheduled and predictable. Many children benefit fromhaving a positive incentive program � working for a favored item oractivity. I have been told by professionals that this sort of attitude is outthe window with autistic kids, and it is certainly the case with myson. He does much better doing homework on his own terms, as much asis possible. Yes, he needs to be away from the TV if someone iswatching it and you can forget it if a favorite show is on. Yes, heneeds an adult available to model calmness and help withproblem-solving, hopefully as unobtrusively as possible, but otherthan that one needs to get creative. Working for rewards is totallyineffective with my son. Trying to apply a set time and place fordoing homework is totally ineffective. But the rest of the article, I think, is wonderful. We will have tobe dealing with this issues at school soon too.Ruth> �> ��������� Designated homework spot (quiet, away from TV, computer) > �> ��������� Designated homework time (not during favorite TV shows) �schedule according to child�s needs > �> ��������� �Visual schedule so that child can see when homework timeis going to happen and when it will be over > �> ��������� Divide work into segments � possibly giving smallsections, followed by short breaks > �> ��������� Use a timer to help the child understand how much time isremaining (this may increase anxiety in some children) > �> ��������� Adult available to assist with problem solving andmodeling staying calm

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.0.237 / Virus Database: 270.10.25/1958 - Release Date: 02/18/09 08:57:00

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> What professionals said rewards are out for autistic kids?

Of course, I'm oversimplifying this to fit it into an e-mail. But,

for the autistic kids who don't learn from experience very well or

read the social pressure around them very well, rewards and

punishments don't work the same way. I'm talking about the standard

way rewards and punishments are used with NT kids. If you do

such-and-such, you get X, or if you don't do such-and-such, Y will

happen. This has never worked at all with my aspie, and teachers have

noted it too. I have to rephrase things more like " First, do X, then

you can do Y. " I can't make things a choice if there isn't supposed

to be a choice. He doesn't get it. It's a long story, but what I've

been taught (and figured out myself) is a collaborative form of

learning where the child doesn't have to learn things in a

hierarchical order as is the norm. You do things with him, he gets

used to doing things and starts doing pieces himself as he feels

comfortable. It's not that you don't have natural rewards and

punishments, but you set it up so they only have good choices. In

other words, you teach by modeling what is correct not by trial and

error. The book our neuropsych referred us to is " Everyday Positive

Routines " , in case anybody is interested. It really works for my son.

ABA has never been suggested for my son; I think ABA is more for kids

on the lower/middle part of the spectrum. I don't know much about the

spectrum other than Asperger/NLD though, so I should probably keep my

mouth shut before I misinform somebody.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I am learning all new things since reading more about RTI. I have gone along with it for two years now and some parts seem to be ok, I get that. But I'm to the point now where I am thinking, "Waaaaaaaaiiiiitttt a minute...." lol.

I LOL at this comment you made: "ITA with your comment that there is a problem with such people who don't comprehend the problems of those they are supposed to be helping outside of the fact that they obviously cannot do the work and need help. I would say such people being such a high percentage of the typical school's staff is a big part of why I have to spend so much time advocating for my son."

I wonder why that is though, seriously. I would think that people in education would be the most "available to learn." Now that I just used that phrase, "available to learn", I had to laugh. I picked up that phrase from a sped teacher on an internet board who argued with me over services for sped kids. She felt that we needed to send her kids who were "available to learn" or else it wasn't her fault when they didn't learn. lol....lol. And she was a sped teacher, not a regular teacher. When I tutored my friend with severe autism, it was my fault when he didn't learn something and I had to work to figure out different ways to teach things/concepts to him until I hit on one that clicked for him. He was not available to learn so I had to meet him where he was - he being the one with the learning disability, me being the one teaching him. I spent tons of time mulling over different ways to teach things or how to break down a concept into smaller bite sized pieces. But the point was, I had to constantly evaluate, "What am I teaching him? What is he learning from this? How can I present it differently so he learns it? Why isn't he getting it?" All sorts of questions would fly through my mind. I would think teaching sped kids would be like asking those questions because of the fact that they are not learning the typical way or through a variety of ways.

RoxannaYou're UniqueJust like everyone else...

Re: ( ) Homework Oh Homework Article

>> I get the point you were making with the example now except for the part that you can't/shouldn't use rewards with kids who have autism. I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to or how I worded it, but I imagine what I was talking about was how my son has never responded to typical reward/punishment techniques. I have had to come up with different ways of teaching him consequences. > I do see that the problem is common for kids with HFA/AS. I also saw on another post you were saying that the autism team would not know how to handle HF AS kids vs. LF autistic kids since their problems are different. I don't feel their problems are different. I'm not saying they necessarily won't, but that, going on others experiences, it is definitely a possibility. All I can say about this is about my own experience. Since the school has never provided interventions, I have had to hire my own therapists, so I have quite a bit experience with this. What I find is that many people who work with special ed kids don't know anything other than working with kids with low IQs. They can't begin to switch gears to someone with not even an average IQ but towards the gifted range. Because of my son's higher intellect, he can figure out most of the stuff they typically spend time teaching by himself. What he needs help with are the more abstract issues. And many of these SPED teachers/therapists really can't see these at all. I've had them tell me they can't tell anything is wrong. I have to talk to their directors and try to work something out. So far, this has never really worked. I really think it is just not in their skill set. You have to have a certain aptitude to effectively work with twice exceptional children because it is very complex and abstract; not everyone has that aptitude. Usually, if people are going to get it, they get it fairly quickly, often on their own observations and deductions. And I might add, I think someone has to have a pretty high aptitude to work effectively with ANY autistic child; it is a very complex disorder. ITA with your comment that there is a problem with such people who don't comprehend the problems of those they are supposed to be helping outside of the fact that they obviously cannot do the work and need help. I would say such people being such a high percentage of the typical school's staff is a big part of why I have to spend so much time advocating for my son.> If it's any consolation, I just requested an evaluation for my 9 yo and he is a smart kid who can chew gum and walk at the same time. I wish you luck! My son got "stuck" in RTI for I don't know how long. Our school district was doing RTI long before the federal government made it legal. They call it IAT (intervention assistance team). That was before I knew much about IDEA or advocating though, so I doubt your son will get stuck there like mine did.Ruth

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