Guest guest Posted March 8, 2009 Report Share Posted March 8, 2009 After living with an " he has ADHD, go home and deal with it " comment, and then a " delayed impulse control " suggestion, and then an official ADHD - primary hyperactive impulsive diagnosis, and never quite believing that that was ALL we were dealing with, I have come to believe that Asperger's is the answer. We are currently awaiting an appointment with the Child Development section of the local Children's Hospital, where our DR has, after my insistence, referred us for an " ASOD " test (I'm not even sure what this stands for, but I know it's an assessment for ASD's). I have the book " Parenting Your Asperger Child " , and after reading most of it, I think it screams my . From the time he was young, here's some things I've noted that have led me to this place in my thinking... 1. PETRIFIED of swings at the playground, didn't swing on his own on a swing until he was 7yrs old, and loved it at that time, BUT only when you were " super gentle " and allowed him to just slightly swing himself. 2. Over the top emotional reactions to just about everything. eg: stubbing his toe is the END of the world as we know it. 3. We've always viewed him as " very sensitive " 4. Sensitive to loud noises since he was young. Most recently, his grade 3 class took a trip to a piano museum. The tour guide played a theatre organ (was incredible !!). The rest of the class was so pumped up by the sheer VOLUME of this thing (it was LOUD!). I had goosebumps it was so amazing. But, there was my sweet boy, hands cupped tightly over his ears, rocking back and forth and fighting off tears. This has *always* been the case. 5. Has NEVER liked crowds of any kind, or an over abundance of people/talking/noise in confined spaces. One year, at Christmas time, we had my family, plus my sister's fiances family for dinner. 16 of us in our basement, around two 8' long tables to enjoy our meal. After we all got seated, and everyone was chatting, passing the food around, I could see that he was agitated. We dished up his plate, and he was hiding under the table. He crawled under and came up into my lap and said " It's too loud, too many people, can I go upstairs and play? " and off he went. I took his supper upstairs to him a little bit after that, and he ate upstairs by himself happily while we all finished up downstairs. 6. Him and his brother fight NON STOP. His younger brother adores him, wants to BE him, wants to play with him ALL the time, but they couldn't be more different in play styles. If Caleb (younger) is in a good mood, and in the mood for saying " Yes, " and going along with everything his big brother suggests, then life is good. But the second Caleb wants to " change it up " , all hell breaks loose. wants to be in control of their play AT ALL TIMES. If they're playing cars, and Caleb tries to make some other cars his, or change to decide that they're going to go THIS way instead of THAT way... gets angry, and will often lash out. Before he started taking Concerta for ADHD, this would QUICKLY escalate to punching, hitting, kicking, etc... and then would typically burst into tears and run off to his room to cry and scream and have an absolute temper tantrum that would carry on for who knows how long. ***the relationship between my boys is a REAL problem for us, and honestly a driving force behind knowing that SOMETHING more was going on, because this goes WAY WAY WAY beyond normal " sibling rivalry " Further to this " control the play " thing, ha... I remember my older sister babysitting him one night, and we came home long after he'd gone to bed, and she told us they did ok. But that at one point, they were playing lego in his room. They were both making something, and were digging through the bin of lego to find the pieces they wanted to use for their creations. Each and EVERY time my sister would find a cool piece she wanted to use, would reach over and take it. She said it was cute the first few times, and became incredibly annoying after a while. This is NOT unusual for , as it's something he tries all the time. 7. ANXIETY!! Oh my gosh. The problem here is that his fear, or anxiety, paralyzes him from doing things. Examples? A little while ago, his school had a primary dance. K-grade 3, from 3-4pm, right after school. It was COMPLETELY organized, they played dancing " games " with the kids (Freeze dance, dance to the YMCA, etc). It wasn't a leave everyone to their own devices to dance with other people kind of dance at all. He was SO SO SO excited about this dance. Talked about it for a week leading up to it, even paid the $2 fee out of his own money. The day of the dance comes, and 3:05pm I get a phone call from the school, from . All he was saying was " Mom, you have to come and get me. " I could tell he was upset, and was trying hard not to cry. I asked what was wrong, and he repeated " You have to come and get me. " I am mere moments away from the school, so I drove over and before I had even stopped my car in the parking lot, he was running out the front door of the school, coat and hat on, backpack on. He was OUT of there. I took him back inside, thinking we at LEAST had to let someone know we were leaving, and tried to talk to him about why he had changed his mind, and didn't want to go to the dance. He couldn't tell me. He said he didn't know how to tell me, he was just scared. A boy from his class came out and tried to convince him to come, his teacher tried to ask if we wanted to come in together and just sit and watch, but nope - he'd already made up his mind. So we left. Worst fault, he was upset that he missed out on it This happens a lot. Where he WANTS to do something, and will get excited about doing it, but then the anxiety will stop him, and he won't want to do it anymore. Once, we were going to head in to the cabin with some of my husbands family, and apparently had it in his head that we'd go in on our skidoo (which, by the way, took me jumping up and down in our yard with encouragement, surely looked at by the neighbors as a complete loon lol, to even get him to sit on and go for a short ride with his Dad!). Well when we got to my husband's cousins shed, where we were all meeting to go, he realized that our skidoo was broken and therefore we'd have to go on something else. He LOST it, and didn't want to go. He ended up riding in on a quad, just like ours, but NOT ours, and almost didn't come. I had to pick him up and sit him on the back, using the strategies I always have to help him calm down and overcome his anxiety, in order for us to have him join us. At the end of it all, he really enjoyed himself. But he DOES miss out on a lot of things I think he'd REALLY enjoy, if he'd allow himself to. If that makes sense? This anxiety has also crossed over into his nut allergy. Something he's grown up with, and has always known how to keep himself safe, etc... is now a point of anxiety for him... to the point that he now questions if the food WE give him is safe, and " can I see the ingredients? " 8. Rigid would be an understatement. HATES transitions of any kind. HATES change. The other day, his brother finished his breakfast first, and went into the bathroom to wash up/brush his teeth before he went to get dressed for school. I suggested that while he waited, could go upstairs and get dressed and by the time he got back, Caleb would be out of the bathroom, and then could go in and wash up/brush his teeth. He looked at me like I had two heads and said " But every morning I always wash up and brush my teeth after breakfast and BEFORE I go get dressed. I can't go upstairs yet! " In school, 99.9% of the " behavior " they dealt with was a transition of some kind. This could've been from the music room back to the classroom, or something " simple " like a change from one activity to another. When he was 2... i had him in mom and tot swim lessons. The 30min session was split up between two pools. 15mins in the " big pool " , and 15mins in the kiddie pool. would SCREAM for the first, oh, 14mins... and once he was warmed up to the big pool, we'd have to get out. I stopped going to this with him after about 3wks, as it wasn't fun for him OR me 9. " OCD " type behaviors... we've always noted things like, he HATED having his hands dirty, even when he was little, and would want them washed immediately, or as he got older and more independent, would run directly to the bathroom to wash his hands after EVERY time he ate, no matter what. Still does this. Each night at bedtime, he has to have me fix his blankets " just so " . Daddy tries, but doesn't do it right. If his blankets aren't " just so " , he gets upset and WILL NOT go to sleep. When he was a toddler, he'd spend 30mins at a time picking up " lint " off the living room floor. 10. He's 8.5yrs old and can't tie his shoes. Further to this, he's so " awkward " when it comes to motor stuff. Running he's awkward, has never even come close to " matching up " with peers his age. Riding a bike is something that's always, and continues to be, a struggle for him. Throwing a ball is something that his father has worked with him on a lot, but he's still pretty awkward with it. Handwriting is another one. He received OT on this in grade 1, ONLY because the teacher at the school we moved into was FLOORED by how awful it was, and there was already a boy receiving some OT for his handwriting, so she had sit in, and implemented the same techniques with both boys. 11. Narrow minded interests. I may end up lumping a couple different things into one here, but he really loves art (drawing especially). He ADORES Lego (and is INCREDIBLY good at it. He has, from the time he was VERY young, completely blown us away on the things he creates. It's ALWAYS 100% symmetrical!!). He really enjoys space (his entire room is covered in all things space), computers/video games (another thing he's VERY VERY good at) and he is *OBSESSED* with stuffed dogs. He has a stuffed dog that he's had since the Christmas he turned a year old, and that thing goes with us everywhere. I finally had to enforce a rule that he can carry it around the house, but it doesn't leave the house with us anymore. He has since collected tons of Webkinz, all dogs, and a couple other dog " stuffies " , as he calls them. He still plays with them like a young child would (as in, they need hugs and kisses at bedtime, they want to come with us to the grocery store, " Puppy says that you should do this " , etc.). This is about it. We've tried to get him involved in other things, but he just isn't interested. I don't know if it's partly because he's really not interested, partly because he knows that he is awkward when it comes to sports things, or partly anxiety based fears. My thinking is that it's all of the above. 12. Personal space continues to be an issue for him, however he has come a REALLY long way in the last few years. Kindergarten was awful for this, and his teacher spent A LOT of time working with him on teaching him where his " personal bubble " was. We often need to remind him, but he's come a long way. 13. He often has a blank look on his face, and i sometimes worry he's sad. But when I ask him what's the matter, he says " Nothing. I'm smiling on the inside. " 14. Impulsive actions... this has ALWAYS been perceived as ADHD, and who knows? Maybe he has Asperger's AND Adhd??? But reading about Asperger's could give some of these impulsive actions a whole new light. When he was a toddler, this manifested itself as him randomly shoving a young child at the playground. Or purposely knocking over a glass of red wine at my parents house. In preschool, it was perceived as " totally random acts " , as they always figured it was unprovoked, as would walk across the room and shove a child. This led to preschool being spent playing computer by himself, and the preschool teacher telling the other kids to " leave alone " (sigh). It was often noted that it was as though was trying to " initiate some sort of social interaction " with the kids by hitting or shoving. In elementary school, it was OFTEN during transitional times (between classes, between activities, etc), and again, I believe, another way for him to " strike up " a social interaction. Poking a girl with a pencil, throwing a block at a child's head, etc. And when you'd ask him about those children, he'd tell you he liked them. He has always struggled with understanding the effects of his choices on other people's feelings, and, sadly, at his last school, was all but written off as the " bratty kid who never learned from his mistakes " . Despite my constant battles, and almost a trip to the superintendant had we not moved (for issues with the resource teacher turned resource teacher/vice principal, who was making inappropriate comments towards , and had completely shattered his self esteem), they wasted so much time going over the rules with him, and telling him the difference between right and wrong. TOTAL waste of time. Interestingly enough for , when he saw the psychologist at age 4.5, he told us had a " delay in impulse control " , but that he had a STUNNING knowledge of the differences between right and wrong for a child his age. Again, I always viewed this as yes, can RECITE them to you, but applying them in the moment is something all together different. There were so many heartbreaking moments for me... the day he choked a boy at school transitioning from music class back to the classroom, he came home and COLLAPSED in my lap in tears, and said " Mommy, I try so hard to be a good boy, but I just can't help it " . He often felt remorse after something happened, and it was always viewed as " him just being worried about getting into trouble. " To me? It was that he just didn't GET it. 15. Sharing isn't in his vocabulary. Especially with his brother, or younger children, I find... but even when a friend will come over, he REALLY struggles to " let go " and let them have turns with things. I have always had to keep a CLOSE watch over the boys while they play together, and really truly encourage sharing. is VERY possessive of his things, and even of things that aren't his... if he likes it and it fits into something he's doing, he's been known to hide things that aren't his under the bed. And when you ask him about it, he really has no explanation of why he's done it. Again, so many times this was viewed as " selfish " . But now, I see it all together differently !!! 16. Inability to pretend, etc. I always have to constantly supervise play with his peers, UNLESS it was his friend in Calgary (who we miss already) who would come over and play a video game with him for hours on end and they could just lose themselves in that. Here? Life is different here. Kids here don't WANT to spend all day every day in the house playing video games. They want to go outside and play! This leads me to another topic which is of course - imagination. Nope, nathan's no good at it. His younger brother can go outside by himself and play in the land out back for hours, pretending he's this, or pretending to be doing that. Even playing in the sandbox for endless hours with scoop trucks, etc. But not . He'd rather stay inside and play his DS, or draw, or build with lego. Those are the things he can control, and doesn't have anxiety about having anyone " break the rules " or having something go wrong. Control. Always gotta be in control. This also goes into playing a game, etc... he ALWAYS has to win. His stuff HAS to be the best. We've been trying to encourage some " game words " , as in things like " Great job " or " good try " or even if he does win, things like " That was a lot of fun! Wanna play again? " ... but you can tell it's forced for him. I'm ok with that... I've started to see already a few times where he's said " Good job " to his brother, and you can tell that it didn't come naturally to him, but at least he's thinking about saying it?? 17. Conversation skills... hehe. Yes, he uses language to share information with us, and not to talk about feelings. If you start talking to him about feelings, you lose him. You can see it in his face. Again with the never knowing how his actions make someone else feel... he just doesn't get it. He misses non verbal cues in peer situations a lot, he doesn't know how to hold a " back and forth " conversation, we have to SCRIPT him through phone conversations with everyone (friends, grandparents, etc). He doesn't think about the fact that not everyone wants to do what HE wants to do all the time. When a friend will come over and say " wanna go outside and play? " it's as though is SHOCKED because quite frankly, he'd rather go upstairs and play lego, or " link up " on DS. He has been taking his DS to school, and plays that at lunch time. I asked his teacher if he was playing it WITH other kids, and he said sometimes... but mostly alone. Probably so he doesn't have to interact with other kids and can avoid the hassle. When conversations don't go his way, or when someone picks on him in class, he's been known to hide under his desk and cry, or his newest thing, go out into the hallway, and turn his back to the class so they can't see that he's crying. Poor thing. Ok I'll stop, cause I think I could go on and on all day. I filled in the checklist in the back of this book, and you'd be SHOCKED at how many checkmarks there are. Am I on the right track? Is it possible for a child to have Asperger's AND ADHD? OR is it possible that 's issues are ALL related to Asperger's? Is Concerta something that's ever prescribed for Asperger's, and dealing with the " ADHD " type symptoms that go along with it, so we can better deal with the rest of things? Cause I can notice a HUGE HUGE difference in when he doesn't take the medication. Enough questions/comments for now. Thanks in advance for all your help/insight =) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 8, 2009 Report Share Posted March 8, 2009 Hi! Your son sounds just like son was dx with ADHD in 3rd grade but then in 6th grade the psychiatrist changed it to Asperger's. My son use to take concerta but now he takes Adderall.... But all the symptoms you wrote your son does my son...he seems to outgrown some of these but he still displays a lot of the same things. I think it is possible to have both ...or maybe it is part of AS....but I don't really care about the DX ...just as long as he gets the help he needs. Your son sure does sound like he has AS...... Jan Janice Rushen "I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope" From: O'Brien <nicole.obrienY@...>Subject: ( ) Am I on the right track? Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 1:46 PM After living with an "he has ADHD, go home and deal with it" comment, and then a "delayed impulse control" suggestion, and then an official ADHD - primary hyperactive impulsive diagnosis, and never quite believing that that was ALL we were dealing with, I have come to believe that Asperger's is the answer. We are currently awaiting an appointment with the Child Development section of the local Children's Hospital, where our DR has, after my insistence, referred us for an "ASOD" test (I'm not even sure what this stands for, but I know it's an assessment for ASD's).I have the book "Parenting Your Asperger Child", and after reading most of it, I think it screams my .From the time he was young, here's some things I've noted that have led me to this place in my thinking...1. PETRIFIED of swings at the playground, didn't swing on his own on a swing until he was 7yrs old, and loved it at that time, BUT only when you were "super gentle" and allowed him to just slightly swing himself.2. Over the top emotional reactions to just about everything. eg: stubbing his toe is the END of the world as we know it.3. We've always viewed him as "very sensitive"4. Sensitive to loud noises since he was young. Most recently, his grade 3 class took a trip to a piano museum. The tour guide played a theatre organ (was incredible !!). The rest of the class was so pumped up by the sheer VOLUME of this thing (it was LOUD!). I had goosebumps it was so amazing. But, there was my sweet boy, hands cupped tightly over his ears, rocking back and forth and fighting off tears. This has *always* been the case.5. Has NEVER liked crowds of any kind, or an over abundance of people/talking/ noise in confined spaces. One year, at Christmas time, we had my family, plus my sister's fiances family for dinner. 16 of us in our basement, around two 8' long tables to enjoy our meal. After we all got seated, and everyone was chatting, passing the food around, I could see that he was agitated. We dished up his plate, and he was hiding under the table. He crawled under and came up into my lap and said "It's too loud, too many people, can I go upstairs and play?" and off he went. I took his supper upstairs to him a little bit after that, and he ate upstairs by himself happily while we all finished up downstairs.6. Him and his brother fight NON STOP. His younger brother adores him, wants to BE him, wants to play with him ALL the time, but they couldn't be more different in play styles. If Caleb (younger) is in a good mood, and in the mood for saying "Yes, " and going along with everything his big brother suggests, then life is good. But the second Caleb wants to "change it up", all hell breaks loose. wants to be in control of their play AT ALL TIMES. If they're playing cars, and Caleb tries to make some other cars his, or change to decide that they're going to go THIS way instead of THAT way... gets angry, and will often lash out. Before he started taking Concerta for ADHD, this would QUICKLY escalate to punching, hitting, kicking, etc... and then would typically burst into tears and run off to his room to cry and scream and have an absolute temper tantrum that would carry on for who knows how long.***the relationship between my boys is a REAL problem for us, and honestly a driving force behind knowing that SOMETHING more was going on, because this goes WAY WAY WAY beyond normal "sibling rivalry"Further to this "control the play" thing, ha... I remember my older sister babysitting him one night, and we came home long after he'd gone to bed, and she told us they did ok. But that at one point, they were playing lego in his room. They were both making something, and were digging through the bin of lego to find the pieces they wanted to use for their creations. Each and EVERY time my sister would find a cool piece she wanted to use, would reach over and take it. She said it was cute the first few times, and became incredibly annoying after a while. This is NOT unusual for , as it's something he tries all the time.7. ANXIETY!! Oh my gosh. The problem here is that his fear, or anxiety, paralyzes him from doing things. Examples? A little while ago, his school had a primary dance. K-grade 3, from 3-4pm, right after school. It was COMPLETELY organized, they played dancing "games" with the kids (Freeze dance, dance to the YMCA, etc). It wasn't a leave everyone to their own devices to dance with other people kind of dance at all. He was SO SO SO excited about this dance. Talked about it for a week leading up to it, even paid the $2 fee out of his own money. The day of the dance comes, and 3:05pm I get a phone call from the school, from . All he was saying was "Mom, you have to come and get me." I could tell he was upset, and was trying hard not to cry. I asked what was wrong, and he repeated "You have to come and get me." I am mere moments away from the school, so I drove over and before I had even stopped my car in the parking lot, he was running out the front door of the school, coat and hat on, backpack on. He was OUT of there. I took him back inside, thinking we at LEAST had to let someone know we were leaving, and tried to talk to him about why he had changed his mind, and didn't want to go to the dance. He couldn't tell me. He said he didn't know how to tell me, he was just scared. A boy from his class came out and tried to convince him to come, his teacher tried to ask if we wanted to come in together and just sit and watch, but nope - he'd already made up his mind. So we left. Worst fault, he was upset that he missed out on it This happens a lot. Where he WANTS to do something, and will get excited about doing it, but then the anxiety will stop him, and he won't want to do it anymore. Once, we were going to head in to the cabin with some of my husbands family, and apparently had it in his head that we'd go in on our skidoo (which, by the way, took me jumping up and down in our yard with encouragement, surely looked at by the neighbors as a complete loon lol, to even get him to sit on and go for a short ride with his Dad!). Well when we got to my husband's cousins shed, where we were all meeting to go, he realized that our skidoo was broken and therefore we'd have to go on something else. He LOST it, and didn't want to go. He ended up riding in on a quad, just like ours, but NOT ours, and almost didn't come. I had to pick him up and sit him on the back, using the strategies I always have to help him calm down and overcome his anxiety, in order for us to have him join us. At the end of it all, he really enjoyed himself. But he DOES miss out on a lot of things I think he'd REALLY enjoy, if he'd allow himself to. If that makes sense?This anxiety has also crossed over into his nut allergy. Something he's grown up with, and has always known how to keep himself safe, etc... is now a point of anxiety for him... to the point that he now questions if the food WE give him is safe, and "can I see the ingredients? "8. Rigid would be an understatement. HATES transitions of any kind. HATES change. The other day, his brother finished his breakfast first, and went into the bathroom to wash up/brush his teeth before he went to get dressed for school. I suggested that while he waited, could go upstairs and get dressed and by the time he got back, Caleb would be out of the bathroom, and then could go in and wash up/brush his teeth. He looked at me like I had two heads and said "But every morning I always wash up and brush my teeth after breakfast and BEFORE I go get dressed. I can't go upstairs yet!" In school, 99.9% of the "behavior" they dealt with was a transition of some kind. This could've been from the music room back to the classroom, or something "simple" like a change from one activity to another.When he was 2... i had him in mom and tot swim lessons. The 30min session was split up between two pools. 15mins in the "big pool", and 15mins in the kiddie pool. would SCREAM for the first, oh, 14mins... and once he was warmed up to the big pool, we'd have to get out. I stopped going to this with him after about 3wks, as it wasn't fun for him OR me :(9. "OCD" type behaviors... we've always noted things like, he HATED having his hands dirty, even when he was little, and would want them washed immediately, or as he got older and more independent, would run directly to the bathroom to wash his hands after EVERY time he ate, no matter what. Still does this. Each night at bedtime, he has to have me fix his blankets "just so". Daddy tries, but doesn't do it right. If his blankets aren't "just so", he gets upset and WILL NOT go to sleep. When he was a toddler, he'd spend 30mins at a time picking up "lint" off the living room floor.10. He's 8.5yrs old and can't tie his shoes. Further to this, he's so "awkward" when it comes to motor stuff. Running he's awkward, has never even come close to "matching up" with peers his age. Riding a bike is something that's always, and continues to be, a struggle for him. Throwing a ball is something that his father has worked with him on a lot, but he's still pretty awkward with it. Handwriting is another one. He received OT on this in grade 1, ONLY because the teacher at the school we moved into was FLOORED by how awful it was, and there was already a boy receiving some OT for his handwriting, so she had sit in, and implemented the same techniques with both boys. 11. Narrow minded interests. I may end up lumping a couple different things into one here, but he really loves art (drawing especially). He ADORES Lego (and is INCREDIBLY good at it. He has, from the time he was VERY young, completely blown us away on the things he creates. It's ALWAYS 100% symmetrical! !). He really enjoys space (his entire room is covered in all things space), computers/video games (another thing he's VERY VERY good at) and he is *OBSESSED* with stuffed dogs. He has a stuffed dog that he's had since the Christmas he turned a year old, and that thing goes with us everywhere. I finally had to enforce a rule that he can carry it around the house, but it doesn't leave the house with us anymore. He has since collected tons of Webkinz, all dogs, and a couple other dog "stuffies", as he calls them. He still plays with them like a young child would (as in, they need hugs and kisses at bedtime, they want to come with us to the grocery store, "Puppy says that you should do this", etc.). This is about it. We've tried to get him involved in other things, but he just isn't interested. I don't know if it's partly because he's really not interested, partly because he knows that he is awkward when it comes to sports things, or partly anxiety based fears. My thinking is that it's all of the above.12. Personal space continues to be an issue for him, however he has come a REALLY long way in the last few years. Kindergarten was awful for this, and his teacher spent A LOT of time working with him on teaching him where his "personal bubble" was. We often need to remind him, but he's come a long way.13. He often has a blank look on his face, and i sometimes worry he's sad. But when I ask him what's the matter, he says "Nothing. I'm smiling on the inside."14. Impulsive actions... this has ALWAYS been perceived as ADHD, and who knows? Maybe he has Asperger's AND Adhd??? But reading about Asperger's could give some of these impulsive actions a whole new light. When he was a toddler, this manifested itself as him randomly shoving a young child at the playground. Or purposely knocking over a glass of red wine at my parents house. In preschool, it was perceived as "totally random acts", as they always figured it was unprovoked, as would walk across the room and shove a child. This led to preschool being spent playing computer by himself, and the preschool teacher telling the other kids to "leave alone" (sigh). It was often noted that it was as though was trying to "initiate some sort of social interaction" with the kids by hitting or shoving. In elementary school, it was OFTEN during transitional times (between classes, between activities, etc), and again, I believe, another way for him to "strike up" a social interaction. Poking a girl with a pencil, throwing a block at a child's head, etc. And when you'd ask him about those children, he'd tell you he liked them. He has always struggled with understanding the effects of his choices on other people's feelings, and, sadly, at his last school, was all but written off as the "bratty kid who never learned from his mistakes". Despite my constant battles, and almost a trip to the superintendant had we not moved (for issues with the resource teacher turned resource teacher/vice principal, who was making inappropriate comments towards , and had completely shattered his self esteem), they wasted so much time going over the rules with him, and telling him the difference between right and wrong. TOTAL waste of time. Interestingly enough for , when he saw the psychologist at age 4.5, he told us had a "delay in impulse control", but that he had a STUNNING knowledge of the differences between right and wrong for a child his age. Again, I always viewed this as yes, can RECITE them to you, but applying them in the moment is something all together different. There were so many heartbreaking moments for me... the day he choked a boy at school transitioning from music class back to the classroom, he came home and COLLAPSED in my lap in tears, and said "Mommy, I try so hard to be a good boy, but I just can't help it". He often felt remorse after something happened, and it was always viewed as "him just being worried about getting into trouble." To me? It was that he just didn't GET it.15. Sharing isn't in his vocabulary. Especially with his brother, or younger children, I find... but even when a friend will come over, he REALLY struggles to "let go" and let them have turns with things. I have always had to keep a CLOSE watch over the boys while they play together, and really truly encourage sharing. is VERY possessive of his things, and even of things that aren't his... if he likes it and it fits into something he's doing, he's been known to hide things that aren't his under the bed. And when you ask him about it, he really has no explanation of why he's done it. Again, so many times this was viewed as "selfish". But now, I see it all together differently !!!16. Inability to pretend, etc. I always have to constantly supervise play with his peers, UNLESS it was his friend in Calgary (who we miss already) who would come over and play a video game with him for hours on end and they could just lose themselves in that. Here? Life is different here. Kids here don't WANT to spend all day every day in the house playing video games. They want to go outside and play! This leads me to another topic which is of course - imagination. Nope, nathan's no good at it. His younger brother can go outside by himself and play in the land out back for hours, pretending he's this, or pretending to be doing that. Even playing in the sandbox for endless hours with scoop trucks, etc. But not . He'd rather stay inside and play his DS, or draw, or build with lego. Those are the things he can control, and doesn't have anxiety about having anyone "break the rules" or having something go wrong. Control. Always gotta be in control. This also goes into playing a game, etc... he ALWAYS has to win. His stuff HAS to be the best. We've been trying to encourage some "game words", as in things like "Great job" or "good try" or even if he does win, things like "That was a lot of fun! Wanna play again?"... but you can tell it's forced for him. I'm ok with that... I've started to see already a few times where he's said "Good job" to his brother, and you can tell that it didn't come naturally to him, but at least he's thinking about saying it??17. Conversation skills... hehe. Yes, he uses language to share information with us, and not to talk about feelings. If you start talking to him about feelings, you lose him. You can see it in his face. Again with the never knowing how his actions make someone else feel... he just doesn't get it. He misses non verbal cues in peer situations a lot, he doesn't know how to hold a "back and forth" conversation, we have to SCRIPT him through phone conversations with everyone (friends, grandparents, etc). He doesn't think about the fact that not everyone wants to do what HE wants to do all the time. When a friend will come over and say "wanna go outside and play?" it's as though is SHOCKED because quite frankly, he'd rather go upstairs and play lego, or "link up" on DS. He has been taking his DS to school, and plays that at lunch time. I asked his teacher if he was playing it WITH other kids, and he said sometimes... but mostly alone. Probably so he doesn't have to interact with other kids and can avoid the hassle. When conversations don't go his way, or when someone picks on him in class, he's been known to hide under his desk and cry, or his newest thing, go out into the hallway, and turn his back to the class so they can't see that he's crying. Poor thing. Ok I'll stop, cause I think I could go on and on all day. I filled in the checklist in the back of this book, and you'd be SHOCKED at how many checkmarks there are.Am I on the right track? Is it possible for a child to have Asperger's AND ADHD? OR is it possible that 's issues are ALL related to Asperger's? Is Concerta something that's ever prescribed for Asperger's, and dealing with the "ADHD" type symptoms that go along with it, so we can better deal with the rest of things? Cause I can notice a HUGE HUGE difference in when he doesn't take the medication.Enough questions/comments for now. Thanks in advance for all your help/insight =) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 9, 2009 Report Share Posted March 9, 2009 I too recognize a lot... Our son is 14 (as) and his brothers are 10 and 3. His 10 yo brother idolizes him but he doesn't get it. One second they play nicely and the next our oldest changes the rules and it turns into a screaming match. We do talk to our 10 yo and try to make him understand. Not that we want him to treat his brother special but to make him understand that it is not his fault. He is the middle child and we make a point of giving him attention. I think he is suffering because of his brother's autim. Why do you feel your son has ADHD? To me all these symptoms point to Asperger's. Petra > > After living with an " he has ADHD, go home and deal with it " comment, and then a " delayed impulse control " suggestion, and then an official ADHD - primary hyperactive impulsive diagnosis, and never quite believing that that was ALL we were dealing with, I have come to believe that Asperger's is the answer. We are currently awaiting an appointment with the Child Development section of the local Children's Hospital, where our DR has, after my insistence, referred us for an " ASOD " test (I'm not even sure what this stands for, but I know it's an assessment for ASD's). > > I have the book " Parenting Your Asperger Child " , and after reading most of it, I think it screams my . > > From the time he was young, here's some things I've noted that have led me to this place in my thinking... > > 1. PETRIFIED of swings at the playground, didn't swing on his own on a swing until he was 7yrs old, and loved it at that time, BUT only when you were " super gentle " and allowed him to just slightly swing himself. > > 2. Over the top emotional reactions to just about everything. eg: stubbing his toe is the END of the world as we know it. > > 3. We've always viewed him as " very sensitive " > > 4. Sensitive to loud noises since he was young. Most recently, his grade 3 class took a trip to a piano museum. The tour guide played a theatre organ (was incredible !!). The rest of the class was so pumped up by the sheer VOLUME of this thing (it was LOUD!). I had goosebumps it was so amazing. But, there was my sweet boy, hands cupped tightly over his ears, rocking back and forth and fighting off tears. This has *always* been the case. > > 5. Has NEVER liked crowds of any kind, or an over abundance of people/talking/noise in confined spaces. One year, at Christmas time, we had my family, plus my sister's fiances family for dinner. 16 of us in our basement, around two 8' long tables to enjoy our meal. After we all got seated, and everyone was chatting, passing the food around, I could see that he was agitated. We dished up his plate, and he was hiding under the table. He crawled under and came up into my lap and said " It's too loud, too many people, can I go upstairs and play? " and off he went. I took his supper upstairs to him a little bit after that, and he ate upstairs by himself happily while we all finished up downstairs. > > 6. Him and his brother fight NON STOP. His younger brother adores him, wants to BE him, wants to play with him ALL the time, but they couldn't be more different in play styles. If Caleb (younger) is in a good mood, and in the mood for saying " Yes, " and going along with everything his big brother suggests, then life is good. But the second Caleb wants to " change it up " , all hell breaks loose. wants to be in control of their play AT ALL TIMES. If they're playing cars, and Caleb tries to make some other cars his, or change to decide that they're going to go THIS way instead of THAT way... gets angry, and will often lash out. Before he started taking Concerta for ADHD, this would QUICKLY escalate to punching, hitting, kicking, etc... and then would typically burst into tears and run off to his room to cry and scream and have an absolute temper tantrum that would carry on for who knows how long. > > ***the relationship between my boys is a REAL problem for us, and honestly a driving force behind knowing that SOMETHING more was going on, because this goes WAY WAY WAY beyond normal " sibling rivalry " > > Further to this " control the play " thing, ha... I remember my older sister babysitting him one night, and we came home long after he'd gone to bed, and she told us they did ok. But that at one point, they were playing lego in his room. They were both making something, and were digging through the bin of lego to find the pieces they wanted to use for their creations. Each and EVERY time my sister would find a cool piece she wanted to use, would reach over and take it. She said it was cute the first few times, and became incredibly annoying after a while. This is NOT unusual for , as it's something he tries all the time. > > 7. ANXIETY!! Oh my gosh. The problem here is that his fear, or anxiety, paralyzes him from doing things. Examples? A little while ago, his school had a primary dance. K-grade 3, from 3-4pm, right after school. It was COMPLETELY organized, they played dancing " games " with the kids (Freeze dance, dance to the YMCA, etc). It wasn't a leave everyone to their own devices to dance with other people kind of dance at all. He was SO SO SO excited about this dance. Talked about it for a week leading up to it, even paid the $2 fee out of his own money. The day of the dance comes, and 3:05pm I get a phone call from the school, from . All he was saying was " Mom, you have to come and get me. " I could tell he was upset, and was trying hard not to cry. I asked what was wrong, and he repeated " You have to come and get me. " I am mere moments away from the school, so I drove over and before I had even stopped my car in the parking lot, he was running out the front door of the school, coat and hat on, backpack on. He was OUT of there. I took him back inside, thinking we at LEAST had to let someone know we were leaving, and tried to talk to him about why he had changed his mind, and didn't want to go to the dance. He couldn't tell me. He said he didn't know how to tell me, he was just scared. A boy from his class came out and tried to convince him to come, his teacher tried to ask if we wanted to come in together and just sit and watch, but nope - he'd already made up his mind. So we left. Worst fault, he was upset that he missed out on it This happens a lot. Where he WANTS to do something, and will get excited about doing it, but then the anxiety will stop him, and he won't want to do it anymore. Once, we were going to head in to the cabin with some of my husbands family, and apparently had it in his head that we'd go in on our skidoo (which, by the way, took me jumping up and down in our yard with encouragement, surely looked at by the neighbors as a complete loon lol, to even get him to sit on and go for a short ride with his Dad!). Well when we got to my husband's cousins shed, where we were all meeting to go, he realized that our skidoo was broken and therefore we'd have to go on something else. He LOST it, and didn't want to go. He ended up riding in on a quad, just like ours, but NOT ours, and almost didn't come. I had to pick him up and sit him on the back, using the strategies I always have to help him calm down and overcome his anxiety, in order for us to have him join us. At the end of it all, he really enjoyed himself. But he DOES miss out on a lot of things I think he'd REALLY enjoy, if he'd allow himself to. If that makes sense? > > This anxiety has also crossed over into his nut allergy. Something he's grown up with, and has always known how to keep himself safe, etc... is now a point of anxiety for him... to the point that he now questions if the food WE give him is safe, and " can I see the ingredients? " > > 8. Rigid would be an understatement. HATES transitions of any kind. HATES change. The other day, his brother finished his breakfast first, and went into the bathroom to wash up/brush his teeth before he went to get dressed for school. I suggested that while he waited, could go upstairs and get dressed and by the time he got back, Caleb would be out of the bathroom, and then could go in and wash up/brush his teeth. He looked at me like I had two heads and said " But every morning I always wash up and brush my teeth after breakfast and BEFORE I go get dressed. I can't go upstairs yet! " In school, 99.9% of the " behavior " they dealt with was a transition of some kind. This could've been from the music room back to the classroom, or something " simple " like a change from one activity to another. > > When he was 2... i had him in mom and tot swim lessons. The 30min session was split up between two pools. 15mins in the " big pool " , and 15mins in the kiddie pool. would SCREAM for the first, oh, 14mins... and once he was warmed up to the big pool, we'd have to get out. I stopped going to this with him after about 3wks, as it wasn't fun for him OR me > > 9. " OCD " type behaviors... we've always noted things like, he HATED having his hands dirty, even when he was little, and would want them washed immediately, or as he got older and more independent, would run directly to the bathroom to wash his hands after EVERY time he ate, no matter what. Still does this. Each night at bedtime, he has to have me fix his blankets " just so " . Daddy tries, but doesn't do it right. If his blankets aren't " just so " , he gets upset and WILL NOT go to sleep. When he was a toddler, he'd spend 30mins at a time picking up " lint " off the living room floor. > > 10. He's 8.5yrs old and can't tie his shoes. Further to this, he's so " awkward " when it comes to motor stuff. Running he's awkward, has never even come close to " matching up " with peers his age. Riding a bike is something that's always, and continues to be, a struggle for him. Throwing a ball is something that his father has worked with him on a lot, but he's still pretty awkward with it. Handwriting is another one. He received OT on this in grade 1, ONLY because the teacher at the school we moved into was FLOORED by how awful it was, and there was already a boy receiving some OT for his handwriting, so she had sit in, and implemented the same techniques with both boys. > > 11. Narrow minded interests. I may end up lumping a couple different things into one here, but he really loves art (drawing especially). He ADORES Lego (and is INCREDIBLY good at it. He has, from the time he was VERY young, completely blown us away on the things he creates. It's ALWAYS 100% symmetrical!!). He really enjoys space (his entire room is covered in all things space), computers/video games (another thing he's VERY VERY good at) and he is *OBSESSED* with stuffed dogs. He has a stuffed dog that he's had since the Christmas he turned a year old, and that thing goes with us everywhere. I finally had to enforce a rule that he can carry it around the house, but it doesn't leave the house with us anymore. He has since collected tons of Webkinz, all dogs, and a couple other dog " stuffies " , as he calls them. He still plays with them like a young child would (as in, they need hugs and kisses at bedtime, they want to come with us to the grocery store, " Puppy says that you should do this " , etc.). This is about it. We've tried to get him involved in other things, but he just isn't interested. I don't know if it's partly because he's really not interested, partly because he knows that he is awkward when it comes to sports things, or partly anxiety based fears. My thinking is that it's all of the above. > > 12. Personal space continues to be an issue for him, however he has come a REALLY long way in the last few years. Kindergarten was awful for this, and his teacher spent A LOT of time working with him on teaching him where his " personal bubble " was. We often need to remind him, but he's come a long way. > > 13. He often has a blank look on his face, and i sometimes worry he's sad. But when I ask him what's the matter, he says " Nothing. I'm smiling on the inside. " > > 14. Impulsive actions... this has ALWAYS been perceived as ADHD, and who knows? Maybe he has Asperger's AND Adhd??? But reading about Asperger's could give some of these impulsive actions a whole new light. When he was a toddler, this manifested itself as him randomly shoving a young child at the playground. Or purposely knocking over a glass of red wine at my parents house. In preschool, it was perceived as " totally random acts " , as they always figured it was unprovoked, as would walk across the room and shove a child. This led to preschool being spent playing computer by himself, and the preschool teacher telling the other kids to " leave alone " (sigh). It was often noted that it was as though was trying to " initiate some sort of social interaction " with the kids by hitting or shoving. In elementary school, it was OFTEN during transitional times (between classes, between activities, etc), and again, I believe, another way for him to " strike up " a social interaction. Poking a girl with a pencil, throwing a block at a child's head, etc. And when you'd ask him about those children, he'd tell you he liked them. He has always struggled with understanding the effects of his choices on other people's feelings, and, sadly, at his last school, was all but written off as the " bratty kid who never learned from his mistakes " . Despite my constant battles, and almost a trip to the superintendant had we not moved (for issues with the resource teacher turned resource teacher/vice principal, who was making inappropriate comments towards , and had completely shattered his self esteem), they wasted so much time going over the rules with him, and telling him the difference between right and wrong. TOTAL waste of time. Interestingly enough for , when he saw the psychologist at age 4.5, he told us had a " delay in impulse control " , but that he had a STUNNING knowledge of the differences between right and wrong for a child his age. Again, I always viewed this as yes, can RECITE them to you, but applying them in the moment is something all together different. There were so many heartbreaking moments for me... the day he choked a boy at school transitioning from music class back to the classroom, he came home and COLLAPSED in my lap in tears, and said " Mommy, I try so hard to be a good boy, but I just can't help it " . He often felt remorse after something happened, and it was always viewed as " him just being worried about getting into trouble. " To me? It was that he just didn't GET it. > > 15. Sharing isn't in his vocabulary. Especially with his brother, or younger children, I find... but even when a friend will come over, he REALLY struggles to " let go " and let them have turns with things. I have always had to keep a CLOSE watch over the boys while they play together, and really truly encourage sharing. is VERY possessive of his things, and even of things that aren't his... if he likes it and it fits into something he's doing, he's been known to hide things that aren't his under the bed. And when you ask him about it, he really has no explanation of why he's done it. Again, so many times this was viewed as " selfish " . But now, I see it all together differently !!! > > 16. Inability to pretend, etc. I always have to constantly supervise play with his peers, UNLESS it was his friend in Calgary (who we miss already) who would come over and play a video game with him for hours on end and they could just lose themselves in that. Here? Life is different here. Kids here don't WANT to spend all day every day in the house playing video games. They want to go outside and play! This leads me to another topic which is of course - imagination. Nope, nathan's no good at it. His younger brother can go outside by himself and play in the land out back for hours, pretending he's this, or pretending to be doing that. Even playing in the sandbox for endless hours with scoop trucks, etc. But not . He'd rather stay inside and play his DS, or draw, or build with lego. Those are the things he can control, and doesn't have anxiety about having anyone " break the rules " or having something go wrong. Control. Always gotta be in control. This also goes into playing a game, etc... he ALWAYS has to win. His stuff HAS to be the best. We've been trying to encourage some " game words " , as in things like " Great job " or " good try " or even if he does win, things like " That was a lot of fun! Wanna play again? " ... but you can tell it's forced for him. I'm ok with that... I've started to see already a few times where he's said " Good job " to his brother, and you can tell that it didn't come naturally to him, but at least he's thinking about saying it?? > > 17. Conversation skills... hehe. Yes, he uses language to share information with us, and not to talk about feelings. If you start talking to him about feelings, you lose him. You can see it in his face. Again with the never knowing how his actions make someone else feel... he just doesn't get it. He misses non verbal cues in peer situations a lot, he doesn't know how to hold a " back and forth " conversation, we have to SCRIPT him through phone conversations with everyone (friends, grandparents, etc). He doesn't think about the fact that not everyone wants to do what HE wants to do all the time. When a friend will come over and say " wanna go outside and play? " it's as though is SHOCKED because quite frankly, he'd rather go upstairs and play lego, or " link up " on DS. He has been taking his DS to school, and plays that at lunch time. I asked his teacher if he was playing it WITH other kids, and he said sometimes... but mostly alone. Probably so he doesn't have to interact with other kids and can avoid the hassle. When conversations don't go his way, or when someone picks on him in class, he's been known to hide under his desk and cry, or his newest thing, go out into the hallway, and turn his back to the class so they can't see that he's crying. Poor thing. > > Ok I'll stop, cause I think I could go on and on all day. I filled in the checklist in the back of this book, and you'd be SHOCKED at how many checkmarks there are. > > Am I on the right track? Is it possible for a child to have Asperger's AND ADHD? OR is it possible that 's issues are ALL related to Asperger's? Is Concerta something that's ever prescribed for Asperger's, and dealing with the " ADHD " type symptoms that go along with it, so we can better deal with the rest of things? Cause I can notice a HUGE HUGE difference in when he doesn't take the medication. > > Enough questions/comments for now. Thanks in advance for all your help/insight > > =) > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 10, 2009 Report Share Posted March 10, 2009 Hi Janice!! Thanks so much for the note. From your response, I have a couple of questions. First off, what led you to the initial ADHD diagnosis? And what prompted the switch to AS? Also, was the switch to Adderall a discussion that came when you changed his dx? And was there ever a time you considered taking him off medication all together? What other supports does he receive? As for not caring about the dx, as long as he gets the help he needs, I totally agree. HOWEVER... I have learned over the last few years, that esp. when it comes to school, where our kids spend a GOOD chunk of their time, the CORRECT dx will bring about the right kinds of assistance, supports and strategies that will truly allow our children to discover their full potential. I spent a year watching my son's self esteem be flushed down the toilet because the school was SO convinced he was an ADHD, defiant, brat... and wanted to blast him with the rules over and over, and figured he just couldn't learn from his mistakes when he couldn't apply what he'd learn to real life situations. Uh HELLO?! Isn't that what Asperger's is??? Anyway... off my soap box for now Thanks again SO much for your support. I truly appreciate it !!! Look forward to your responses to my few questions!! =) ps - how old is your son now? Re: ( ) Am I on the right track? > > Hi! >  > Your son sounds just like son was dx with ADHD in 3rd > grade but then in 6th grade the psychiatrist changed it to > Asperger's. My son use to take concerta but now he takes Adderall.... >  > But all the symptoms you wrote your son does my > son...he seems to outgrown some of these but he still displays a > lot of the same things. I think it is possible to have both ...or > maybe it is part of AS....but I don't really care about the DX > ...just as long as he gets the help he needs. >  > Your son sure does sound like he has AS...... >  > Jan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 10, 2009 Report Share Posted March 10, 2009 Hi Petra! Thanks for the response :-) I totally understand what you mean when you say you believe your younger son is suffering because of your older child's autism. I think our youngest suffers, too. We have payed CAREFUL attention and clearly, there's nothing " atypical " about our younger son. He does " act up " at times, but to me it all seems to stem from a desire to gain attention? We go over the top making sure he HAS enough attention, and at times this has been known to cause a real divide in our family. Our eldest, the one I am *convinced* has AS, is all about mama. He seems to be able to behave PERFECTLY with me, 99.9% of the time. I'm sure that's a Mom thing. And further to this, when he is upset, no one else will do but me. So that often leaves my husband picking up the pieces with our younger son. Ahh the juggling act can be exhausting sometimes As for your question, I don't believe he has ADHD, now that I know more about Asperger's (and I am far from an expert, trust me). For so long, this was the ONLY focus we ever received (adhd that is) from ANY professional we spoke to. It was PUSHED on us, and clear to me now that NONE of the people we dealt with had ANY idea about AS at all. The more I read our old papers, the more upset I get wondering how on earth this was missed for so long. But, to be honest... I didn't know anyone with Asperger's, and there was no point of comparison. I didn't know anything about AS, and why wouldn't I trust the people who were " helping " us? However clearly I never fully trusted them, as I've ALWAYS questioned this diagnosis I have another question (aren't I just FULL of questions lol). Is there anyone on this list that can tell me about medication and Asperger's? Is it common for a child to be on Concerta or the likes? What other medications are possible? Is it possible to effectively help them with their AS WITHOUT medications??? Thanks (again) in advance! I have SO much to learn !!! =) ( ) Re: Am I on the right track? > I too recognize a lot... Our son is 14 (as) and his brothers are 10 > and 3. His 10 yo brother idolizes him but he doesn't get it. One > second they play nicely and the next our oldest changes the rules > and it turns into a screaming match. We do talk to our 10 yo and > try to make him understand. Not that we want him to treat his > brother special but to make him understand that it is not his > fault. He is the middle child and we make a point of giving him > attention. I think he is suffering because of his brother's autim. > > Why do you feel your son has ADHD? To me all these symptoms point > to Asperger's. > > Petra Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 11, 2009 Report Share Posted March 11, 2009 Wow, . Definitely not just ADHD going on there, IMO. Hope you can see someone who specializes in autism/AS soon as it sounds like you are on the right track. Welcome to our group! Looks like you've found a place where you belong with these issues. :-) RoxannaYou're UniqueJust like everyone else... ( ) Am I on the right track? After living with an "he has ADHD, go home and deal with it" comment, and then a "delayed impulse control" suggestion, and then an official ADHD - primary hyperactive impulsive diagnosis, and never quite believing that that was ALL we were dealing with, I have come to believe that Asperger's is the answer. We are currently awaiting an appointment with the Child Development section of the local Children's Hospital, where our DR has, after my insistence, referred us for an "ASOD" test (I'm not even sure what this stands for, but I know it's an assessment for ASD's).I have the book "Parenting Your Asperger Child", and after reading most of it, I think it screams my .From the time he was young, here's some things I've noted that have led me to this place in my thinking...1. PETRIFIED of swings at the playground, didn't swing on his own on a swing until he was 7yrs old, and loved it at that time, BUT only when you were "super gentle" and allowed him to just slightly swing himself.2. Over the top emotional reactions to just about everything. eg: stubbing his toe is the END of the world as we know it.3. We've always viewed him as "very sensitive"4. Sensitive to loud noises since he was young. Most recently, his grade 3 class took a trip to a piano museum. The tour guide played a theatre organ (was incredible !!). The rest of the class was so pumped up by the sheer VOLUME of this thing (it was LOUD!). I had goosebumps it was so amazing. But, there was my sweet boy, hands cupped tightly over his ears, rocking back and forth and fighting off tears. This has *always* been the case.5. Has NEVER liked crowds of any kind, or an over abundance of people/talking/noise in confined spaces. One year, at Christmas time, we had my family, plus my sister's fiances family for dinner. 16 of us in our basement, around two 8' long tables to enjoy our meal. After we all got seated, and everyone was chatting, passing the food around, I could see that he was agitated. We dished up his plate, and he was hiding under the table. He crawled under and came up into my lap and said "It's too loud, too many people, can I go upstairs and play?" and off he went. I took his supper upstairs to him a little bit after that, and he ate upstairs by himself happily while we all finished up downstairs.6. Him and his brother fight NON STOP. His younger brother adores him, wants to BE him, wants to play with him ALL the time, but they couldn't be more different in play styles. If Caleb (younger) is in a good mood, and in the mood for saying "Yes, " and going along with everything his big brother suggests, then life is good. But the second Caleb wants to "change it up", all hell breaks loose. wants to be in control of their play AT ALL TIMES. If they're playing cars, and Caleb tries to make some other cars his, or change to decide that they're going to go THIS way instead of THAT way... gets angry, and will often lash out. Before he started taking Concerta for ADHD, this would QUICKLY escalate to punching, hitting, kicking, etc... and then would typically burst into tears and run off to his room to cry and scream and have an absolute temper tantrum that would carry on for who knows how long.***the relationship between my boys is a REAL problem for us, and honestly a driving force behind knowing that SOMETHING more was going on, because this goes WAY WAY WAY beyond normal "sibling rivalry"Further to this "control the play" thing, ha... I remember my older sister babysitting him one night, and we came home long after he'd gone to bed, and she told us they did ok. But that at one point, they were playing lego in his room. They were both making something, and were digging through the bin of lego to find the pieces they wanted to use for their creations. Each and EVERY time my sister would find a cool piece she wanted to use, would reach over and take it. She said it was cute the first few times, and became incredibly annoying after a while. This is NOT unusual for , as it's something he tries all the time.7. ANXIETY!! Oh my gosh. The problem here is that his fear, or anxiety, paralyzes him from doing things. Examples? A little while ago, his school had a primary dance. K-grade 3, from 3-4pm, right after school. It was COMPLETELY organized, they played dancing "games" with the kids (Freeze dance, dance to the YMCA, etc). It wasn't a leave everyone to their own devices to dance with other people kind of dance at all. He was SO SO SO excited about this dance. Talked about it for a week leading up to it, even paid the $2 fee out of his own money. The day of the dance comes, and 3:05pm I get a phone call from the school, from . All he was saying was "Mom, you have to come and get me." I could tell he was upset, and was trying hard not to cry. I asked what was wrong, and he repeated "You have to come and get me." I am mere moments away from the school, so I drove over and before I had even stopped my car in the parking lot, he was running out the front door of the school, coat and hat on, backpack on. He was OUT of there. I took him back inside, thinking we at LEAST had to let someone know we were leaving, and tried to talk to him about why he had changed his mind, and didn't want to go to the dance. He couldn't tell me. He said he didn't know how to tell me, he was just scared. A boy from his class came out and tried to convince him to come, his teacher tried to ask if we wanted to come in together and just sit and watch, but nope - he'd already made up his mind. So we left. Worst fault, he was upset that he missed out on it This happens a lot. Where he WANTS to do something, and will get excited about doing it, but then the anxiety will stop him, and he won't want to do it anymore. Once, we were going to head in to the cabin with some of my husbands family, and apparently had it in his head that we'd go in on our skidoo (which, by the way, took me jumping up and down in our yard with encouragement, surely looked at by the neighbors as a complete loon lol, to even get him to sit on and go for a short ride with his Dad!). Well when we got to my husband's cousins shed, where we were all meeting to go, he realized that our skidoo was broken and therefore we'd have to go on something else. He LOST it, and didn't want to go. He ended up riding in on a quad, just like ours, but NOT ours, and almost didn't come. I had to pick him up and sit him on the back, using the strategies I always have to help him calm down and overcome his anxiety, in order for us to have him join us. At the end of it all, he really enjoyed himself. But he DOES miss out on a lot of things I think he'd REALLY enjoy, if he'd allow himself to. If that makes sense?This anxiety has also crossed over into his nut allergy. Something he's grown up with, and has always known how to keep himself safe, etc... is now a point of anxiety for him... to the point that he now questions if the food WE give him is safe, and "can I see the ingredients?"8. Rigid would be an understatement. HATES transitions of any kind. HATES change. The other day, his brother finished his breakfast first, and went into the bathroom to wash up/brush his teeth before he went to get dressed for school. I suggested that while he waited, could go upstairs and get dressed and by the time he got back, Caleb would be out of the bathroom, and then could go in and wash up/brush his teeth. He looked at me like I had two heads and said "But every morning I always wash up and brush my teeth after breakfast and BEFORE I go get dressed. I can't go upstairs yet!" In school, 99.9% of the "behavior" they dealt with was a transition of some kind. This could've been from the music room back to the classroom, or something "simple" like a change from one activity to another.When he was 2... i had him in mom and tot swim lessons. The 30min session was split up between two pools. 15mins in the "big pool", and 15mins in the kiddie pool. would SCREAM for the first, oh, 14mins... and once he was warmed up to the big pool, we'd have to get out. I stopped going to this with him after about 3wks, as it wasn't fun for him OR me :(9. "OCD" type behaviors... we've always noted things like, he HATED having his hands dirty, even when he was little, and would want them washed immediately, or as he got older and more independent, would run directly to the bathroom to wash his hands after EVERY time he ate, no matter what. Still does this. Each night at bedtime, he has to have me fix his blankets "just so". Daddy tries, but doesn't do it right. If his blankets aren't "just so", he gets upset and WILL NOT go to sleep. When he was a toddler, he'd spend 30mins at a time picking up "lint" off the living room floor.10. He's 8.5yrs old and can't tie his shoes. Further to this, he's so "awkward" when it comes to motor stuff. Running he's awkward, has never even come close to "matching up" with peers his age. Riding a bike is something that's always, and continues to be, a struggle for him. Throwing a ball is something that his father has worked with him on a lot, but he's still pretty awkward with it. Handwriting is another one. He received OT on this in grade 1, ONLY because the teacher at the school we moved into was FLOORED by how awful it was, and there was already a boy receiving some OT for his handwriting, so she had sit in, and implemented the same techniques with both boys. 11. Narrow minded interests. I may end up lumping a couple different things into one here, but he really loves art (drawing especially). He ADORES Lego (and is INCREDIBLY good at it. He has, from the time he was VERY young, completely blown us away on the things he creates. It's ALWAYS 100% symmetrical!!). He really enjoys space (his entire room is covered in all things space), computers/video games (another thing he's VERY VERY good at) and he is *OBSESSED* with stuffed dogs. He has a stuffed dog that he's had since the Christmas he turned a year old, and that thing goes with us everywhere. I finally had to enforce a rule that he can carry it around the house, but it doesn't leave the house with us anymore. He has since collected tons of Webkinz, all dogs, and a couple other dog "stuffies", as he calls them. He still plays with them like a young child would (as in, they need hugs and kisses at bedtime, they want to come with us to the grocery store, "Puppy says that you should do this", etc.). This is about it. We've tried to get him involved in other things, but he just isn't interested. I don't know if it's partly because he's really not interested, partly because he knows that he is awkward when it comes to sports things, or partly anxiety based fears. My thinking is that it's all of the above.12. Personal space continues to be an issue for him, however he has come a REALLY long way in the last few years. Kindergarten was awful for this, and his teacher spent A LOT of time working with him on teaching him where his "personal bubble" was. We often need to remind him, but he's come a long way.13. He often has a blank look on his face, and i sometimes worry he's sad. But when I ask him what's the matter, he says "Nothing. I'm smiling on the inside."14. Impulsive actions... this has ALWAYS been perceived as ADHD, and who knows? Maybe he has Asperger's AND Adhd??? But reading about Asperger's could give some of these impulsive actions a whole new light. When he was a toddler, this manifested itself as him randomly shoving a young child at the playground. Or purposely knocking over a glass of red wine at my parents house. In preschool, it was perceived as "totally random acts", as they always figured it was unprovoked, as would walk across the room and shove a child. This led to preschool being spent playing computer by himself, and the preschool teacher telling the other kids to "leave alone" (sigh). It was often noted that it was as though was trying to "initiate some sort of social interaction" with the kids by hitting or shoving. In elementary school, it was OFTEN during transitional times (between classes, between activities, etc), and again, I believe, another way for him to "strike up" a social interaction. Poking a girl with a pencil, throwing a block at a child's head, etc. And when you'd ask him about those children, he'd tell you he liked them. He has always struggled with understanding the effects of his choices on other people's feelings, and, sadly, at his last school, was all but written off as the "bratty kid who never learned from his mistakes". Despite my constant battles, and almost a trip to the superintendant had we not moved (for issues with the resource teacher turned resource teacher/vice principal, who was making inappropriate comments towards , and had completely shattered his self esteem), they wasted so much time going over the rules with him, and telling him the difference between right and wrong. TOTAL waste of time. Interestingly enough for , when he saw the psychologist at age 4.5, he told us had a "delay in impulse control", but that he had a STUNNING knowledge of the differences between right and wrong for a child his age. Again, I always viewed this as yes, can RECITE them to you, but applying them in the moment is something all together different. There were so many heartbreaking moments for me... the day he choked a boy at school transitioning from music class back to the classroom, he came home and COLLAPSED in my lap in tears, and said "Mommy, I try so hard to be a good boy, but I just can't help it". He often felt remorse after something happened, and it was always viewed as "him just being worried about getting into trouble." To me? It was that he just didn't GET it.15. Sharing isn't in his vocabulary. Especially with his brother, or younger children, I find... but even when a friend will come over, he REALLY struggles to "let go" and let them have turns with things. I have always had to keep a CLOSE watch over the boys while they play together, and really truly encourage sharing. is VERY possessive of his things, and even of things that aren't his... if he likes it and it fits into something he's doing, he's been known to hide things that aren't his under the bed. And when you ask him about it, he really has no explanation of why he's done it. Again, so many times this was viewed as "selfish". But now, I see it all together differently !!!16. Inability to pretend, etc. I always have to constantly supervise play with his peers, UNLESS it was his friend in Calgary (who we miss already) who would come over and play a video game with him for hours on end and they could just lose themselves in that. Here? Life is different here. Kids here don't WANT to spend all day every day in the house playing video games. They want to go outside and play! This leads me to another topic which is of course - imagination. Nope, nathan's no good at it. His younger brother can go outside by himself and play in the land out back for hours, pretending he's this, or pretending to be doing that. Even playing in the sandbox for endless hours with scoop trucks, etc. But not . He'd rather stay inside and play his DS, or draw, or build with lego. Those are the things he can control, and doesn't have anxiety about having anyone "break the rules" or having something go wrong. Control. Always gotta be in control. This also goes into playing a game, etc... he ALWAYS has to win. His stuff HAS to be the best. We've been trying to encourage some "game words", as in things like "Great job" or "good try" or even if he does win, things like "That was a lot of fun! Wanna play again?"... but you can tell it's forced for him. I'm ok with that... I've started to see already a few times where he's said "Good job" to his brother, and you can tell that it didn't come naturally to him, but at least he's thinking about saying it??17. Conversation skills... hehe. Yes, he uses language to share information with us, and not to talk about feelings. If you start talking to him about feelings, you lose him. You can see it in his face. Again with the never knowing how his actions make someone else feel... he just doesn't get it. He misses non verbal cues in peer situations a lot, he doesn't know how to hold a "back and forth" conversation, we have to SCRIPT him through phone conversations with everyone (friends, grandparents, etc). He doesn't think about the fact that not everyone wants to do what HE wants to do all the time. When a friend will come over and say "wanna go outside and play?" it's as though is SHOCKED because quite frankly, he'd rather go upstairs and play lego, or "link up" on DS. He has been taking his DS to school, and plays that at lunch time. I asked his teacher if he was playing it WITH other kids, and he said sometimes... but mostly alone. Probably so he doesn't have to interact with other kids and can avoid the hassle. When conversations don't go his way, or when someone picks on him in class, he's been known to hide under his desk and cry, or his newest thing, go out into the hallway, and turn his back to the class so they can't see that he's crying. Poor thing. Ok I'll stop, cause I think I could go on and on all day. I filled in the checklist in the back of this book, and you'd be SHOCKED at how many checkmarks there are.Am I on the right track? Is it possible for a child to have Asperger's AND ADHD? OR is it possible that 's issues are ALL related to Asperger's? Is Concerta something that's ever prescribed for Asperger's, and dealing with the "ADHD" type symptoms that go along with it, so we can better deal with the rest of things? Cause I can notice a HUGE HUGE difference in when he doesn't take the medication.Enough questions/comments for now. Thanks in advance for all your help/insight =) No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.237 / Virus Database: 270.11.9/1989 - Release Date: 03/07/09 18:43:00 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 11, 2009 Report Share Posted March 11, 2009 Kids with AS or HFA can be on various medications depending on the severity of their problems. Some do take meds for ADHD as well. And yes, sometimes you can help them without meds. It really depends on the severity and type of problem so you should find a good doc who knows meds and can help if you feel it is necessary. I would suggest that you take a look at each problem he is having and study what is causing the problem. Then you can figure out how to help him - meds or therapy or social stories or whatever applies to that situation. Sometimes several things are applied at once. There is no "rule book" to this so you get to make it up as you go along (joy, joy, lol) RoxannaYou're UniqueJust like everyone else... Re: ( ) Re: Am I on the right track? Hi Petra! Thanks for the response :-)I totally understand what you mean when you say you believe your younger son is suffering because of your older child's autism. I think our youngest suffers, too. We have payed CAREFUL attention and clearly, there's nothing "atypical" about our younger son. He does "act up" at times, but to me it all seems to stem from a desire to gain attention? We go over the top making sure he HAS enough attention, and at times this has been known to cause a real divide in our family. Our eldest, the one I am *convinced* has AS, is all about mama. He seems to be able to behave PERFECTLY with me, 99.9% of the time. I'm sure that's a Mom thing. And further to this, when he is upset, no one else will do but me. So that often leaves my husband picking up the pieces with our younger son. Ahh the juggling act can be exhausting sometimes :(As for your question, I don't believe he has ADHD, now that I know more about Asperger's (and I am far from an expert, trust me). For so long, this was the ONLY focus we ever received (adhd that is) from ANY professional we spoke to. It was PUSHED on us, and clear to me now that NONE of the people we dealt with had ANY idea about AS at all. The more I read our old papers, the more upset I get wondering how on earth this was missed for so long. But, to be honest... I didn't know anyone with Asperger's, and there was no point of comparison. I didn't know anything about AS, and why wouldn't I trust the people who were "helping" us? However clearly I never fully trusted them, as I've ALWAYS questioned this diagnosis :(I have another question (aren't I just FULL of questions lol). Is there anyone on this list that can tell me about medication and Asperger's? Is it common for a child to be on Concerta or the likes? What other medications are possible? Is it possible to effectively help them with their AS WITHOUT medications???Thanks (again) in advance! I have SO much to learn !!! =)----- No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.237 / Virus Database: 270.11.9/1993 - Release Date: 03/10/09 07:19:00 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 11, 2009 Report Share Posted March 11, 2009 As far as I know there is no medicine to treat Aspergers. What is done is medication for other symptoms. Concerta or other stimulant meds would be used to treat the ADHD type symptoms such as impulsivity, distractibility, problems transitioning, etc. My son is also on Zoloft for anxiety. It seems from reading on this forum and talking with other parents of kids on the spectrum that it is not uncommon for kids to be on some sort of anti-axiety or anti-depressant medication. These are the two types of medicine that I am familiar with since that is what my son is on. Vickie > > Hi Petra! Thanks for the response :-) > > I totally understand what you mean when you say you believe your younger son is suffering because of your older child's autism. I think our youngest suffers, too. We have payed CAREFUL attention and clearly, there's nothing " atypical " about our younger son. He does " act up " at times, but to me it all seems to stem from a desire to gain attention? We go over the top making sure he HAS enough attention, and at times this has been known to cause a real divide in our family. Our eldest, the one I am *convinced* has AS, is all about mama. He seems to be able to behave PERFECTLY with me, 99.9% of the time. I'm sure that's a Mom thing. And further to this, when he is upset, no one else will do but me. So that often leaves my husband picking up the pieces with our younger son. Ahh the juggling act can be exhausting sometimes > > As for your question, I don't believe he has ADHD, now that I know more about Asperger's (and I am far from an expert, trust me). For so long, this was the ONLY focus we ever received (adhd that is) from ANY professional we spoke to. It was PUSHED on us, and clear to me now that NONE of the people we dealt with had ANY idea about AS at all. The more I read our old papers, the more upset I get wondering how on earth this was missed for so long. But, to be honest... I didn't know anyone with Asperger's, and there was no point of comparison. I didn't know anything about AS, and why wouldn't I trust the people who were " helping " us? However clearly I never fully trusted them, as I've ALWAYS questioned this diagnosis > > I have another question (aren't I just FULL of questions lol). Is there anyone on this list that can tell me about medication and Asperger's? Is it common for a child to be on Concerta or the likes? What other medications are possible? Is it possible to effectively help them with their AS WITHOUT medications??? > > Thanks (again) in advance! I have SO much to learn !!! > > =) > > ( ) Re: Am I on the right track? > > > I too recognize a lot... Our son is 14 (as) and his brothers are 10 > > and 3. His 10 yo brother idolizes him but he doesn't get it. One > > second they play nicely and the next our oldest changes the rules > > and it turns into a screaming match. We do talk to our 10 yo and > > try to make him understand. Not that we want him to treat his > > brother special but to make him understand that it is not his > > fault. He is the middle child and we make a point of giving him > > attention. I think he is suffering because of his brother's autim. > > > > Why do you feel your son has ADHD? To me all these symptoms point > > to Asperger's. > > > > Petra > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 11, 2009 Report Share Posted March 11, 2009 Hi , I am new on the list too. My 9 y.o. son has been diagnosed with Asperger's recently, and he is now on medication for anxiety (Prozac). This has helped him a lot with his issues in the classroom. In his case, his problems with focusing in school were more due to all his anxieties distracting him. He is on a very low dose, but I am happy with the improvements he has made so far with a combination of the medication and counseling. Before he was on medication, the counseling alone was not working that well. He "knew" what he was supposed to do in certain situations, but his emotions just took over and he would have a blowup. I just talked to his teacher this morning, and she says she sees a big difference in his ability to accept criticism, and in being able to make a mistake without a major meltdown. I know every kid is different, but I would consider this as you try to help your son. And keep following your instincts, you do know him best. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suzanne suzmarkwood@... From: nicole.obrien@... <nicole.obrien@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Re: Am I on the right track? Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 2:00 PM Hi Petra! Thanks for the response :-)I totally understand what you mean when you say you believe your younger son is suffering because of your older child's autism. I think our youngest suffers, too. We have payed CAREFUL attention and clearly, there's nothing "atypical" about our younger son. He does "act up" at times, but to me it all seems to stem from a desire to gain attention? We go over the top making sure he HAS enough attention, and at times this has been known to cause a real divide in our family. Our eldest, the one I am *convinced* has AS, is all about mama. He seems to be able to behave PERFECTLY with me, 99.9% of the time. I'm sure that's a Mom thing. And further to this, when he is upset, no one else will do but me. So that often leaves my husband picking up the pieces with our younger son. Ahh the juggling act can be exhausting sometimes :(As for your question, I don't believe he has ADHD, now that I know more about Asperger's (and I am far from an expert, trust me). For so long, this was the ONLY focus we ever received (adhd that is) from ANY professional we spoke to. It was PUSHED on us, and clear to me now that NONE of the people we dealt with had ANY idea about AS at all. The more I read our old papers, the more upset I get wondering how on earth this was missed for so long. But, to be honest... I didn't know anyone with Asperger's, and there was no point of comparison. I didn't know anything about AS, and why wouldn't I trust the people who were "helping" us? However clearly I never fully trusted them, as I've ALWAYS questioned this diagnosis :(I have another question (aren't I just FULL of questions lol). Is there anyone on this list that can tell me about medication and Asperger's? Is it common for a child to be on Concerta or the likes? What other medications are possible? Is it possible to effectively help them with their AS WITHOUT medications? ??Thanks (again) in advance! I have SO much to learn !!! =) ( ) Re: Am I on the right track?> I too recognize a lot... Our son is 14 (as) and his brothers are 10 > and 3. His 10 yo brother idolizes him but he doesn't get it. One > second they play nicely and the next our oldest changes the rules > and it turns into a screaming match. We do talk to our 10 yo and > try to make him understand. Not that we want him to treat his > brother special but to make him understand that it is not his > fault. He is the middle child and we make a point of giving him > attention. I think he is suffering because of his brother's autim. > > Why do you feel your son has ADHD? To me all these symptoms point > to Asperger's. > > Petra Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2009 Report Share Posted March 15, 2009 I have to say I'm a bit fortunate in this area because as a child I had an almost aspie kind of fascination with disabilities so read everything I could. I read Son Rise at about age 12. Later I got a psych degree but before that I also remember reading about asperger syndrome in the Wall Street Journal of all places. One thing in the article said, " Asperger kids never feel love " . WHAT A LOAD OF BS!!! LOL. I thought it sounded very sad but also completely fascinating. I also wondered how anyone could get in their heads and KNOW they don't feel love. Maybe they just can't express it. I've found that my son certainly expresses it beautifully. Then I worked as an instructor to developmentally disabled adults and met some really interesting autistic people. This was all long before I had my son. Then when my son was 2 I heard Temple Grandin on the radio and thought she was the most fascinating person I'd ever heard of. So I bought Thinking In Pictures. I didn't buy it with the thought of diagnosis because we weren't there yet. I did, however, worry about his eye contact and repetitive behavior. By the time he was three I was thinking asperger syndrome though I started using ideas from Temple Grandin as soon as I read the book. I also had the book Raising Your Spirited Child which is really a book for all parents because ALL kids are sensitive about something or intense about something or different in some way. It's a great way to figure out what's going on and to do something practical about it. So I used that starting when was 16 months. So I guess I'm not exactly a lay person. I'm somewhere between lay person and professional. I want to become a professional who works with asperger families but I'm not really sure how to make that come about. I'm in the process of investigating it and working as a substitute paraprofessional with kids who need 1:1 support. I've helped friends whose kids had no dx and helped friends advocate for their kids because I have a memory for the type of information and language that works in an IEP. Anyway, I was very very fortunate because when someone was full of crap about AS I could tell pretty quickly and I was able to ignore all that well-meaning advice. And now that I have 12 years of intensive experience with my son... Well, my neighbor, whose son just got a dx of AS, goes around writing down what I say so she can use it in her IEP meetings. It surprises me because I don't really THINK about it much unless I'm chatting in here and it just occurs to me or when other parents tell me that I really seem to get it. Of course most parents with AS kids do get it or will eventually get it with hard experience. Sometimes the best way to let other people get it is to let them learn by natural consequences. If someone thinks they can do it better there are times when I'll say, " Okay, you give it a try. " I can do that with because he advocates for himself in his own special way. I'm usually assured that the adult will suffer a lot more than . As long as I feel the person won't hit I let them give it a go. I probably told the story of my chiropractor I had in TX who put my kids out of the exam room because she didn't like their behavior. It was AWFUL at the time but makes me laugh now because I just let her do it and the consequences of that were much more horrible for the chiropractor and her staff than for . He screamed and thrashed and went far beyond the typical kid tantrum meltdown in about 10 seconds. The chiropractor stepped aside and let me do my thing. I was in tears then because I can't not be affected by my children's distress. Rayleigh just cried. They were exceedingly disruptive to the whole huge practice. It could have gone either way but the chiro saw her mistake and let me handle things my way and it was fine after that. We didn't stop going there, though it crossed my mind. The fact that the chiro and staff learned what they needed to learn made it a very good experience. It made me feel good to see that my way really was better and to see people show me that respect because out of their own TERRIBLE experience they saw i really did know it. Anyway, sorry for the novel. I'm such a braggart. I figure I've earned the right and so has everyone else here. We know stuff that the rest of the world DOESN'T. We are smarter and quicker at least in one area. Now if we could get doctors to take us seriously. SHEESH. WE know more than they do. It's just a matter of shopping around. The best so far was a doctor associated with Dartmouth University Medical Center's developmental medicine department. So I'm thinking a teaching hospital with a developmental med department. We did have some very good doctors at Childrens Medical Center in Dallas but they just helped us when had a fractured skull. It was very scary but they were great with him. He became very attached to the neurologist there who kept overnight because he felt that he didn't want to risk sending home just yet. He said, " He is a great poet and we want to preserve that. " LOL. Which is very very true. Sorry, I'm going down memory lane. Miriam > community cannot agree, what are lay people to do??? > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2009 Report Share Posted March 15, 2009 It is great to have people like you around. Something of what you said reminds me when I asked my AS daughter- Why you cannot spell if you read so much?; she answered "I do not see the letters, I just see pictures in my mind".AnaSent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeedFrom: "Miriam" Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 16:24:20 -0000< >Subject: ( ) Re: Am I on the right track? I have to say I'm a bit fortunate in this area because as a child I had an almost aspie kind of fascination with disabilities so read everything I could. I read Son Rise at about age 12. Later I got a psych degree but before that I also remember reading about asperger syndrome in the Wall Street Journal of all places. One thing in the article said, " Asperger kids never feel love " . WHAT A LOAD OF BS!!! LOL. I thought it sounded very sad but also completely fascinating. I also wondered how anyone could get in their heads and KNOW they don't feel love. Maybe they just can't express it. I've found that my son certainly expresses it beautifully. Then I worked as an instructor to developmentally disabled adults and met some really interesting autistic people. This was all long before I had my son. Then when my son was 2 I heard Temple Grandin on the radio and thought she was the most fascinating person I'd ever heard of. So I bought Thinking In Pictures. I didn't buy it with the thought of diagnosis because we weren't there yet. I did, however, worry about his eye contact and repetitive behavior. By the time he was three I was thinking asperger syndrome though I started using ideas from Temple Grandin as soon as I read the book. I also had the book Raising Your Spirited Child which is really a book for all parents because ALL kids are sensitive about something or intense about something or different in some way. It's a great way to figure out what's going on and to do something practical about it. So I used that starting when was 16 months. So I guess I'm not exactly a lay person. I'm somewhere between lay person and professional. I want to become a professional who works with asperger families but I'm not really sure how to make that come about. I'm in the process of investigating it and working as a substitute paraprofessional with kids who need 1:1 support. I've helped friends whose kids had no dx and helped friends advocate for their kids because I have a memory for the type of information and language that works in an IEP. Anyway, I was very very fortunate because when someone was full of crap about AS I could tell pretty quickly and I was able to ignore all that well-meaning advice. And now that I have 12 years of intensive experience with my son... Well, my neighbor, whose son just got a dx of AS, goes around writing down what I say so she can use it in her IEP meetings. It surprises me because I don't really THINK about it much unless I'm chatting in here and it just occurs to me or when other parents tell me that I really seem to get it. Of course most parents with AS kids do get it or will eventually get it with hard experience. Sometimes the best way to let other people get it is to let them learn by natural consequences. If someone thinks they can do it better there are times when I'll say, " Okay, you give it a try. " I can do that with because he advocates for himself in his own special way. I'm usually assured that the adult will suffer a lot more than . As long as I feel the person won't hit I let them give it a go. I probably told the story of my chiropractor I had in TX who put my kids out of the exam room because she didn't like their behavior. It was AWFUL at the time but makes me laugh now because I just let her do it and the consequences of that were much more horrible for the chiropractor and her staff than for . He screamed and thrashed and went far beyond the typical kid tantrum meltdown in about 10 seconds. The chiropractor stepped aside and let me do my thing. I was in tears then because I can't not be affected by my children's distress. Rayleigh just cried. They were exceedingly disruptive to the whole huge practice. It could have gone either way but the chiro saw her mistake and let me handle things my way and it was fine after that. We didn't stop going there, though it crossed my mind. The fact that the chiro and staff learned what they needed to learn made it a very good experience. It made me feel good to see that my way really was better and to see people show me that respect because out of their own TERRIBLE experience they saw i really did know it. Anyway, sorry for the novel. I'm such a braggart. I figure I've earned the right and so has everyone else here. We know stuff that the rest of the world DOESN'T. We are smarter and quicker at least in one area. Now if we could get doctors to take us seriously. SHEESH. WE know more than they do. It's just a matter of shopping around. The best so far was a doctor associated with Dartmouth University Medical Center's developmental medicine department. So I'm thinking a teaching hospital with a developmental med department. We did have some very good doctors at Childrens Medical Center in Dallas but they just helped us when had a fractured skull. It was very scary but they were great with him. He became very attached to the neurologist there who kept overnight because he felt that he didn't want to risk sending home just yet. He said, " He is a great poet and we want to preserve that. " LOL. Which is very very true. Sorry, I'm going down memory lane. Miriam > community cannot agree, what are lay people to do??? > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2009 Report Share Posted March 15, 2009 Thanks so much. It's amazing how many asperger things are like this. It seems like if they can read that should be able to comprehend. could read every word you put in front of him or sound out at least part of it by age 2. But his comprehension lagged behind because in some ways comprehension is a social skill. Sometimes he wouldn't read a whole text because his eyes would get tired due to eye muscle movement and eye teaming problems. Sometimes he'd refuse to accept what he comprehended because he didn't LIKE what happened to a character. I know in one instance 's answer to a question was " If the boys mother wanted to be a BIG FAT LIAR that was her own business. " ROFL. He understood enough to know he didn't LIKE it. I've had people say, " He's a smart boy so he should be able to understand the rules. " There are so many steps between knowing and actually following that people don't understand. might know a rule but not understand why it is important. Or he might know a rule and not be able to control his impulses. Sometimes in the past when he's hit someone he has said, " It was an accident " which to him meant not that he didn't intentionally hit them, but that he had no control over himself. He has gained a lot in the way of control, by the way. He hasn't had an aggressive incident this year at all. He still sometimes SAYS things that are aggressive like, " I have to kill you " or " You should commit suicide. " I can't help but laugh at the second one. It's a horrible thing to say but somehow it just strikes me as hilarious. He was on the bus and this little girl was getting into his face and it was upsetting him. Instead of hitting her he said, " I think you should commit suicide. " Of course he didn't really mean that, it was just the most awful thing he could think of to say to try to end this upsetting moment. I've told him many times, " you can think whatever you like in your head and nobody even has to know about it, but you have to say something nicer on the outside like, " Please don't talk to me right now. " When first really started to get the hang of this there was a terrible incident at a swimming pool. The kids were kind of playing " king of the mountain " on this little texas shaped island in the middle of the pool. We were in TX, you see. Anyway, was happy enough pushing but then someone pushed him in and he went berserk. He said, " I have to KILL her! " It took two of us to get him away from the situation and then I said to him, " you have two choices, you can calm down now and we'll stop at Mcs on the way home or you can keep behaving this way and I'll have to drag you to the car and we'll go straight home. " After a minute he said, " Oh very well, I'll just kill her in my head!! " It was a terrible, distressing moment with every parent from my son's school watching us. There was a special ed teacher helping me and we both did a little of the work and we both respected each others abilities and it turned out just great. Anyway, it was this, " Oh very well, I'll just kill her in my head " that I considered a wonderful breakthrough. He's starting to get that people don't know what he's thinking. Of course he's been experimenting with lying for a few years with only minimal success because he's just BAD at it. LOL. Oh one other great thing that happened as a result. The older sister of one of 's classmates was a college student studying to be a speech pathologist. She has worked with autistic kids before. She told her mom, " You don't know just how hard Miriam is working right now. " It's funny because I noticed the girl watching and I found it unnerving at the time because I couldn't figure out what she was thinking. It didn't seem judgemental at all but it was a frown. Her mom told me later about what she said. I'm so glad she did because it was the best kind of thing to hear after such an awful moment. Someone really did understand me in that crowd. She told her mom, " It may not look like she's doing much but she's working harder than ever right now. " Which was absolutely true. I keep telling people this quote because it is so true in the autism/asperger communities. It comes from a british science fiction TV series called Dr. Who. It's from an old Episode I think must have been done in the 70s. Anyway, there's this woman, she's primitive, tribal. She tells the Doctor, " When you are bleeding look for a man with scars. " Sorry to those of you who have heard it before. My apologies also for the sexism but it was a different time and I'm quoting verbatim. LOL. Yes, if you have scars you have survived. I have lots of scars but I have survived and I'm rather proud of that. Everyone here has scars of one sort or another and we all have something of value that we can teach each other so we all survive. Just think how sad the rest of the world is that they don't have this kind of resource. Miriam > > It is great to have people like you around. Something of what you said reminds me when I asked my AS daughter- Why you cannot spell if you read so much?; she answered " I do not see the letters, I just see pictures in my mind " . > Ana > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2009 Report Share Posted March 15, 2009 Miriam,,,, I gotta say that I love reading your "stuff". Robin From: Miriam <callis4773@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Am I on the right track? Date: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 1:54 PM Thanks so much. It's amazing how many asperger things are like this. It seems like if they can read that should be able to comprehend. could read every word you put in front of him or sound out at least part of it by age 2. But his comprehension lagged behind because in some ways comprehension is a social skill. Sometimes he wouldn't read a whole text because his eyes would get tired due to eye muscle movement and eye teaming problems. Sometimes he'd refuse to accept what he comprehended because he didn't LIKE what happened to a character. I know in one instance 's answer to a question was "If the boys mother wanted to be a BIG FAT LIAR that was her own business." ROFL. He understood enough to know he didn't LIKE it.I've had people say, "He's a smart boy so he should be able to understand the rules." There are so many steps between knowing and actually following that people don't understand. might know a rule but not understand why it is important. Or he might know a rule and not be able to control his impulses. Sometimes in the past when he's hit someone he has said, "It was an accident" which to him meant not that he didn't intentionally hit them, but that he had no control over himself. He has gained a lot in the way of control, by the way. He hasn't had an aggressive incident this year at all. He still sometimes SAYS things that are aggressive like, "I have to kill you" or "You should commit suicide." I can't help but laugh at the second one. It's a horrible thing to say but somehow it just strikes me as hilarious. He was on the bus and this little girl was getting into his face and it was upsetting him. Instead of hitting her he said, "I think you should commit suicide." Of course he didn't really mean that, it was just the most awful thing he could think of to say to try to end this upsetting moment. I've told him many times, " you can think whatever you like in your head and nobody even has to know about it, but you have to say something nicer on the outside like, "Please don't talk to me right now." When first really started to get the hang of this there was a terrible incident at a swimming pool. The kids were kind of playing "king of the mountain" on this little texas shaped island in the middle of the pool. We were in TX, you see. Anyway, was happy enough pushing but then someone pushed him in and he went berserk. He said, "I have to KILL her!" It took two of us to get him away from the situation and then I said to him, " you have two choices, you can calm down now and we'll stop at Mcs on the way home or you can keep behaving this way and I'll have to drag you to the car and we'll go straight home." After a minute he said, "Oh very well, I'll just kill her in my head!!" It was a terrible, distressing moment with every parent from my son's school watching us. There was a special ed teacher helping me and we both did a little of the work and we both respected each others abilities and it turned out just great.Anyway, it was this, "Oh very well, I'll just kill her in my head" that I considered a wonderful breakthrough. He's starting to get that people don't know what he's thinking. Of course he's been experimenting with lying for a few years with only minimal success because he's just BAD at it. LOL.Oh one other great thing that happened as a result. The older sister of one of 's classmates was a college student studying to be a speech pathologist. She has worked with autistic kids before. She told her mom, "You don't know just how hard Miriam is working right now." It's funny because I noticed the girl watching and I found it unnerving at the time because I couldn't figure out what she was thinking. It didn't seem judgemental at all but it was a frown. Her mom told me later about what she said. I'm so glad she did because it was the best kind of thing to hear after such an awful moment. Someone really did understand me in that crowd. She told her mom, "It may not look like she's doing much but she's working harder than ever right now." Which was absolutely true.I keep telling people this quote because it is so true in the autism/asperger communities. It comes from a british science fiction TV series called Dr. Who. It's from an old Episode I think must have been done in the 70s. Anyway, there's this woman, she's primitive, tribal. She tells the Doctor, "When you are bleeding look for a man with scars."Sorry to those of you who have heard it before. My apologies also for the sexism but it was a different time and I'm quoting verbatim. LOL. Yes, if you have scars you have survived. I have lots of scars but I have survived and I'm rather proud of that. Everyone here has scars of one sort or another and we all have something of value that we can teach each other so we all survive. Just think how sad the rest of the world is that they don't have this kind of resource.Miriam>> It is great to have people like you around. Something of what you said reminds me when I asked my AS daughter- Why you cannot spell if you read so much?; she answered "I do not see the letters, I just see pictures in my mind".> Ana> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2009 Report Share Posted March 16, 2009 Thanks. I should probably write an asperger blog or something. I just never seem to get around to it. I should use my old emails for it. LOL. I love to write, though. I'm not thrilled when I HAVE to write like when I was in college, but it wasn't the worst thing, either, and I always got good grades on my papers. It was a paper that brought me from a C to a B in one very difficult history class. My GPA was high enough that I'd graduate Magna Cum Laude as long as I did well in my history class. Getting a C would have ruined that. So when it came time to write a paper I worked very hard on it and got an A. That brought my grade for the class to a B and I got my Magna. Miriam > > Miriam,,,, > I gotta say that I love reading your " stuff " . > Robin > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 15, 2010 Report Share Posted January 15, 2010 On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:58:52 -0800 (PST), you wrote: >I think I know what is going on. I am doing 90 mg depo T every 7 days. The first 24 hours things work pretty good - erections and all then days 2-5 very bad ED and low libido. Then the final 2 days are great - multiple erectons at night and better libido. I am also taking 0.5 mg arimidex on the day of my shot. My guess is that my E2 climbs after the first 24 hours and when it gets low enough (around day 5) things get better. I am considering taking arimidex (0.5 mg) 3 times a week. > >Does it seem I am on the right track? > >Arkansas Are you only doing arimidex once a week? Most of us find good results on 1/4 tablet every other day. Doing .5 three times a week may be too much. Arimidex has a half life of 48 hours so accumulates over the week. Every few weeks I take three or four days off and let it climb and then start again. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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