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Hi ,

Your blood work shows elevated SGOT and low

pletelets.This alone is insufficient, if you want

me to comment on the present of your disease.Both

however are altered as a result of cirrhosis but

are not of concern at this point.

I need to know the following for overall


HCV-RNA viral load



Serum Proteins, albumin

Prothrombin time

US/CT appearence of liver

Liver biopsy

Treatment taken , if any and results thereof

Endoscopy does show small varices which are the

result of portal hypertension developing from

early cirrhosis.

Nodalol is fine to take but if your pressure does

drop with it then propranolol is the right drug.

These drugs lower the pressure in these veins or

varices as they are called and prevents the

occurence of the first bleeding episode from


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

You know what I think??

Go !!!!

I don't even know the thread you're referring to...but it is a simple

guideline on here to respect everyone's right to their opinions. If you

disagree, make a clear, calm rebuttal, not a personal attack.

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In a message dated 5/8/01 2:18:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

irish_p_butter@... writes:

> So why is everyone on Rose's case? I read all of the messages, some

> of you who replied were more harsh than what Rose was trying to say.

> Gosh some people try to voice their opinion then get repremanded for

> doing so. This is a place to say how one feels and everyone has a

> right to disagree but not a right to be rude in doing so. Have some of

> you regulars thought that some people may be afraid to say anything

> because of how some of you may respond here. Rose shouldn't have to

> apologize for anything what so ever, that is HER opinion.

> So what do you think of that!

> -




Everyone is not on Rose's case as you put it. I don't believe you throughly

read everything. I can't speak for anyone else, but people were just

expressing their opinion too which as far as someone mentioning the word

prick is mild and the person who wrote that was expressing how little people

are treated at times.

Also some shouldn't be going around pointing the finger at others when they

in turn didn't ahere to wha the rules are in the first place.


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This e-mail arrived just as I was typing up my 'WHY?' e-mail... hmmmm-is there a

pattern here?????

........ HIGH^5 to you Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again I repeat... if you can't say anything nice then... go watch tv. &

stay away from the keyboard!!!


So why is everyone on Rose's case? I read all of the messages, some

of you who replied were more harsh than what Rose was trying to say.

Gosh some people try to voice their opinion then get repremanded for

doing so. This is a place to say how one feels and everyone has a

right to disagree but not a right to be rude in doing so. Have some of

you regulars thought that some people may be afraid to say anything

because of how some of you may respond here. Rose shouldn't have to

apologize for anything what so ever, that is HER opinion.

So what do you think of that!


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my delete finger is beginning to hurt, could we please move on here!


>From: HelenJW@...

> In a message dated 5/8/01 2:18:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> irish_p_butter@... writes:

So why is everyone on Rose's case? I read all of the messages, some


Everyone is not on Rose's case as you put it. I don't believe you


> Helen

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" So what do you think of that! "

Not not all that much, . I found Roses original post to be

offensive to the author as well as being rather personal.

" Is it just me or should we not be receiving language like this on


list from the President of LPA? I think the actions of the president

should be above reproach and to me this does bode well on the office

or the organization. "

I turns out the LPA prez didn't even write the note in question. A point

Rose clarifies in a later post saying she knew that all along and never

said it was him that she was referring too. I'm quite confused because I

don't see another way to read the above post.

Rose made no reference to the topic of the note, which was clear, to the

point and powerful, but was offended by a single word in it. That being

a rather mild affront that most of us hear daily when used in regards to

your average everyday run-of-the-mill jerk.

I had no problem with the spirit of the original authors post or the

words used to make the point so I voiced my opinion and stand behind it.

Rose certainly has her right to voice her opinion even if it is a bit

puritanical. However, those of us aren't as puritanical and who don't

mind the use of slightly more colorful and realistic terms or phrases

and who feel that those terms or phrases sometimes lend more meaning and

emotion to posts dealing with more provocative topics have our right to

disagree as well.


irish_p_butter@... wrote:

> So why is everyone on Rose's case? I read all of the messages, some

> of you who replied were more harsh than what Rose was trying to say.

> Gosh some people try to voice their opinion then get repremanded for

> doing so. This is a place to say how one feels and everyone has a

> right to disagree but not a right to be rude in doing so. Have some of


> you regulars thought that some people may be afraid to say anything

> because of how some of you may respond here. Rose shouldn't have to

> apologize for anything what so ever, that is HER opinion.

> So what do you think of that!

> -

irish_p_butter@... wrote:

> So why is everyone on Rose's case? I read all of the messages, some

> of you who replied were more harsh than what Rose was trying to say.

> Gosh some people try to voice their opinion then get repremanded for

> doing so. This is a place to say how one feels and everyone has a

> right to disagree but not a right to be rude in doing so. Have some of


> you regulars thought that some people may be afraid to say anything

> because of how some of you may respond here. Rose shouldn't have to

> apologize for anything what so ever, that is HER opinion.

> So what do you think of that!

> -




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I am not caught between directly opposing points of views. This is Leann

and Leroy's day to be leaders and positive examples. These two people are

holding respectable offices within LPA. They are in a terrific position to

inspire others to go beyond their own abilities and reach new levels of

achievement. People are expecting them to meet their voluntary obligations

in a highly professional manner.

Regardless of all the talking that's going on, words can and will damage the

credibility of this organization if they continue to be publicly thrown

about without regard to the feelings of others -- all 8,000 plus members.

We know this to be true.

Extremely bright and courageous people like Rose Justice sparks us to think

about things from new perspectives, enabling us to discover solutions to

seemingly intractable problems. Rose's ambition is admirable and her

commitment to holding those in office accountable for their words is

commendable. Rose's actions are not an escape from responsibility; it's her

commitment to being a truly caring person.


PS. Officers, silently moving on without an apology doesn't do any good if

you leave a mess behind you.


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For the self righteous few who responded to MY opinion, allow me to

apologize! I will simply use the other 9 DELETE fingers and 10 delete toes,

if necessary. No problem! ;-)

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hahaa I think you misunderstood,I was not being self righteous, just being

my usual joking self, I meant don't point your delete finger at me as I

don't want to be deleted,chill

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  • 2 years later...

Well, I am sorry. I read things and store the information in my

brain. I do NOT have the time to do an online research everytime I am

gonna answer a post. Heck, neither do most of us.

If everything I am gonna post needs to be backed up with the specific

link so that copyright law is not infringed, and does not come from

things I have learned, then I cannot post at all.

I never told anybody to just go and take more medicine either.

I was cursed with this memory. I read things and then store them in

my brain. Not so much these days, with the brain fog, but still

happens a little.

Sorry to be sarcastic, Tina, but while I love that you have the time

to do lots of online research, if that is a requirement for posting,

I don't belong in this group at all.


> My thought was that Chuck was disputing the amount of drug vs. body

> weight. And I totally enjoyed reading and hearing everyone's


> and opinions. I really don't know what is the right amount as I see

> this illness with no right answers, it's mostly what works and is

> right for you.


> But I do believe Chuck's point was of one of caution, you never


> to take in too much medicine espeically with this illness-too much

> could give you a heart attack for goodness sakes--so he was just

> stating as he does a very detailed explanation, which I do love to

> read!!! I enjoy the way he thinks!!!


> The problem with stating something is trying to back it up and that

> is difficult if you copy something especially with figures and then

> try and reword it--better to copy the link to prove your point.


> way you also protect yourself from copy infringement as well.


> Just my thoughts--I would hate to see anyone else leave!!! tina

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Jeanetta,

I agree with you one-hundred percent!

I read this posting from PTCB and wanted to respond to it in the

respect that I do not consider PTCB to be the " standard " for education

of the Pharmacy Technician. I do consider it to be a start of

hopefully something of more value in the educational sense.

An exam that can be taken by anyone with or without stepping foot in

the Pharmacy setting is hardly a criterion for one to achieve. Should

PTCB begin a condition of formal education or at the minimal

employment experience; a practical aspect to their exam and more

specific assessments, then maybe we can consider this exam to be the

" standard " , but then and only then.

I am not against PTCB as it has allowed changes in our profession in a

positive sense. I am against its marketing and consideration of being

the " standard " our profession should achieve. If our profession is

to grow, much more is needed.

Joe Medina, CPhT


Dear All,

While I believe PTCB is the current standard of testing for CPhT, I do

NOT believe that this is equivalent to a standard in EDUCATION of

pharmacy technicians. And when and if a standard is created and MET by

all states we will have to change the testing methods and contents to

the current PTCB exam to reflect a standard of education.

We NEED a national minimum standard of EDUCATION so that what is

taught and therefore learned by every tech in every state IS the same,

with the exception of some variance in state law.

When and only when this is achieved will taking a certification exam

and 'carrying it with you' from state to state actaully mean the same

as having reciprocity.

Until then we have the PTCB exam as it is. And it is better than

having nothing. It is a start. But this start is now TEN YEARS old. We

need MORE. I believe that the founders of PTCB are working on getting

evry state to require education, but to date thre are only two states

that require techs to go to school: Utah and Washington. At one time

we could include California (however it is the prefered way in


This in itself is a disgrace! We will never achieve the recognition

that we deserve or the pay to reflect our responsibilities until we

are all educated to the SAME level. And that level MUST be ABOVE

diploma mill minimum.

Asking for a minimum standard does not imply asking for minimal

education. It means not putting a 'cap' on what is taught. But it also

means getting teaching professionals together with tech supervisors,

pharmacy directors and deciding upon what MUST be taught as an

absolute or NOTHING less than to make a good technician or a student

ready to extern. Externship MUST be part of the minimum requirement to

graduate from a tech program. ASHP has a great curriculum already

developed. I would up the anty on the number of hours of study to a

minimum of 1000.

This is NOT the first time that I have posted my thoughts in

education. But it may be the first on my site and the first in over 2 yrs.

But I just had to comment after seeing the email from PTCB that I

posted just before this.

Thank you for your time and consideration,


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS

Pharm Tech Educator


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I too agree with you too! Thank you for your input.

Glad to hear that you too believe that PTCB can be contributed with

the many changes that have occured over the last decade and mainly in

the last 5 yrs with its persistence to getstate pharmacy boards to

require this exam. It may be the standard in testing or certification

but in no way can we allow it to be the standard for " education " .

YET we must all admit it does NOT say this. " It " (the press release

or flyer) says it is the Standard for national certification exams

for pharma cy techniicans. I think they did this because there is

another 'entity' that may be trying to market itself as another

alternative to PTCB national certification for pharmacy technicians.

I forgot the name of it, but it boasts that it has helped EMTs, LVNs,

dental assistants and many other health care professionals and

technicians become certified in their field of practice, etc with

national certifications. And IF I knew the name I would not advertise

it, as I would rather have PTCB than a 'rogue' entity try to pick up

where PTCB has perfected the art of 'dealing with' and negotiating

with state bords of pharmacy effectively to get them to require this

exam. PTCB is still functioning to do so and with great success.

As you, I and many other 'dinasaurs' to this topic know and have

discussed " the cart was put before the horse " . We would all have

preferred standardized education implemented LONG BEFORE testing and

standardized testing to come later or AFTER. Unfortunately the state

boards of pharmacy would not hear of it. Many pharmacists of that

time period were afraid of loosing their jobs, yet we suffer from a

RPh shortage! Go figure! PTCB founders were savvy enough to

understand that the only other alternative was to require a test.

This would at least ensure some 'study' before the exam and improve

patient care and perhaps lower medication error. I believe with all

my heart that your work and my work and that of many pharmacy and

tech associations contributed positively to this cause as well.

However it is NOW time to up the anty! We once asked this

nation: " Where's the beef? " and I am asking " Where's

the " EDUCATION!??

I also agree that a requirement for 'sitting for the exam' must be in

place. So if and when an educational standard is madea nd required

then that must be met befor you can sit for the exam. END of STORY.


While I have never gone to pharm school, I have much knowledge of

pharmacology and pharmacy. Most self taught,some formal and other

from CE's and experience. But by state and Federal LAW I can not sit

for any state pharmacist licensure exam. I do not qualify because I

do not have or rather I lack 'formal' standardized education form

THIS country to sit for the exam and to PRACTICE inthe SAME manner

as my 'colleagues' do. (This is a hypothetical scenario). I would

nver propose to be equivalent to a pharmacist until I have such

education of a 3.0 or better, in knowledge, inability to act and

react, to decipher, prescribe, counsel, advise, confer, compound etc.

This is what would qualify me to take the state board of pharmacy


Likewise ONE cannot take a RN statelicensure exam unless he or she

can prove graduation from an accredited nursing school/college

program, having met all criteria for graduation, including but not

limited to GPA, internship, practical and clinical experience etc

etc. And then and only then would I qualify to take the state board


Therefore it stands to reason that pharmacy technicians should also

have to go to a school that is accredited, which ensures that it

provides certain standards of education (once they are set, as it is

now there is no standard so accreditaion may vary from entity to

entity doing the accredition- a different story, and then following


When and only when we are all cut from the same cloth can we truly

call ourselves pharmacy technicians.

Combining the recent post from PTCB AND a comment from an 'excellent'

Apollo student regarding the differences of tates criteria for being

a tech etc, I got on my " bandwagon " again. This has really fired up

my 'donkey' once again...old feelings have once again surfaces.

Perhaps the last 2 years with my dad being ill I paid little

attention to the stagnation of our 'vocation'. The more things change

the more they staty the same has never rang(rung?Not an English major-

help here?) so true!

Okay I will shut up on this post for now....


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS

Pharm Tech Educator

Founder/Owner of this site.

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Dear All,

So sorry about all my typos. Damn long nails again!;)

actually the cleaning crew kicked me out of work so I

did not get a chance to edit.

I hope you can read between the lines and spell


Thanks a million for listening


--- Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry

<rxjm2002@...> wrote:

> Joe,


> I too agree with you too! Thank you for your input.


> Glad to hear that you too believe that PTCB can be

> contributed with

> the many changes that have occured over the last

> decade and mainly in

> the last 5 yrs with its persistence to getstate

> pharmacy boards to

> require this exam. It may be the standard in testing

> or certification

> but in no way can we allow it to be the standard for

> " education " .


> YET we must all admit it does NOT say this. " It "

> (the press release

> or flyer) says it is the Standard for national

> certification exams

> for pharma cy techniicans. I think they did this

> because there is

> another 'entity' that may be trying to market itself

> as another

> alternative to PTCB national certification for

> pharmacy technicians.

> I forgot the name of it, but it boasts that it has

> helped EMTs, LVNs,

> dental assistants and many other health care

> professionals and

> technicians become certified in their field of

> practice, etc with

> national certifications. And IF I knew the name I

> would not advertise

> it, as I would rather have PTCB than a 'rogue'

> entity try to pick up

> where PTCB has perfected the art of 'dealing with'

> and negotiating

> with state bords of pharmacy effectively to get them

> to require this

> exam. PTCB is still functioning to do so and with

> great success.


> As you, I and many other 'dinasaurs' to this topic

> know and have

> discussed " the cart was put before the horse " . We

> would all have

> preferred standardized education implemented LONG

> BEFORE testing and

> standardized testing to come later or AFTER.

> Unfortunately the state

> boards of pharmacy would not hear of it. Many

> pharmacists of that

> time period were afraid of loosing their jobs, yet

> we suffer from a

> RPh shortage! Go figure! PTCB founders were savvy

> enough to

> understand that the only other alternative was to

> require a test.

> This would at least ensure some 'study' before the

> exam and improve

> patient care and perhaps lower medication error. I

> believe with all

> my heart that your work and my work and that of many

> pharmacy and

> tech associations contributed positively to this

> cause as well.


> However it is NOW time to up the anty! We once asked

> this

> nation: " Where's the beef? " and I am asking

> " Where's

> the " EDUCATION!??


> I also agree that a requirement for 'sitting for the

> exam' must be in

> place. So if and when an educational standard is

> madea nd required

> then that must be met befor you can sit for the

> exam. END of STORY.


> Example:


> While I have never gone to pharm school, I have much

> knowledge of

> pharmacology and pharmacy. Most self taught,some

> formal and other

> from CE's and experience. But by state and Federal

> LAW I can not sit

> for any state pharmacist licensure exam. I do not

> qualify because I

> do not have or rather I lack 'formal' standardized

> education form

> THIS country to sit for the exam and to PRACTICE

> inthe SAME manner

> as my 'colleagues' do. (This is a hypothetical

> scenario). I would

> nver propose to be equivalent to a pharmacist until

> I have such

> education of a 3.0 or better, in knowledge,

> inability to act and

> react, to decipher, prescribe, counsel, advise,

> confer, compound etc.

> This is what would qualify me to take the state

> board of pharmacy

> exam.


> Likewise ONE cannot take a RN statelicensure exam

> unless he or she

> can prove graduation from an accredited nursing

> school/college

> program, having met all criteria for graduation,

> including but not

> limited to GPA, internship, practical and clinical

> experience etc

> etc. And then and only then would I qualify to take

> the state board

> exam.


> Therefore it stands to reason that pharmacy

> technicians should also

> have to go to a school that is accredited, which

> ensures that it

> provides certain standards of education (once they

> are set, as it is

> now there is no standard so accreditaion may vary

> from entity to

> entity doing the accredition- a different story, and

> then following

> it).


> When and only when we are all cut from the same

> cloth can we truly

> call ourselves pharmacy technicians.


> Combining the recent post from PTCB AND a comment

> from an 'excellent'

> Apollo student regarding the differences of tates

> criteria for being

> a tech etc, I got on my " bandwagon " again. This has

> really fired up

> my 'donkey' once again...old feelings have once

> again surfaces.

> Perhaps the last 2 years with my dad being ill I

> paid little

> attention to the stagnation of our 'vocation'. The

> more things change

> the more they staty the same has never rang(rung?Not

> an English major-

> help here?) so true!


> Okay I will shut up on this post for now....


> Respectfully,

> Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS

> Pharm Tech Educator

> Founder/Owner of this site.







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  • 3 years later...


I have a 6 year old with PDD-NOS. He developmental ped is now

leaning towards a diagnosis of Asperger's even though he doesn't meet

the full criteria. We have also been concerned about our 4 year old

son for a little while, and we recently took him for a developmental

screening through a local children's hospital. He saw a nurse

practitioner there and she said that she feels that he has a lot

of " soft signs " for Asperger's. He reacts very strongly to things.

He does not like changes in his routine. He has a lot of separation

anxiety. He has some very mild sensory issues. They are not overly

concerning, but we did have an OT eval anyway. He was very

uncooperative, but the OT felt that it was not an OT issue as much as

it is a behavioral issue. He is not very social and when he tries to

be, he is often inappropriate. I think he feels more comfortable

with adults but even so he will often either say something unusual or

he will do something unusual like trying to lick them or fake

burping. Have any of you experienced anything like this? He doesn't

have a speech delay nor does he speak like a " little professor " . He

is pretty fixated on Star Wars though. He basically has some unusual

mannerisms. I am not sure what to make of it. I thought maybe he

was mimicking my older son, but although they have some

similiarities, they are also very different. I would appreciate any

opinions. The NP sent up an appt with the dev ped for May so we are

going to take him back at that time. I am just looking for some

opinions and wondering if anyone else is in my same situation.

Thank you.

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  • 6 months later...

'Wish I had some of your neat tag lines at my fingertips. They're great.


> Ahhh Virg, you always bring things into balance. ;)


> *---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

> Dilbert's Words of Wisdom: I don't have an attitude problem. You have a

> perception problem.

> & Dreamer Doll ke7nwn

> E-mail-

> rclark0276@...

> Home Page-

> http://webpages.charter.net/dog_guide/




> ------------------------------------



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