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advise please

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The tincture has alcohol in it so he is probably better off taking the hulls.

If you can get a copy of her books that is your best bet; you'll get a lot more

information there. You can get them at www.store.com.

You can also get a lot of information from her books at www.drhuldaclark.org.

ruth_rosita <ruth_rosita@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have been following this group for several months. Does Dr.

offer advice about Thyroid problems?

Also, I would like to know which parasite programme she recommends

one should start with just for general cleanse.

For example, my fiancee has been suffering from a stomach problem for

several weeks.

I read that the black Walnut tinture is not the best to use....


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  • 3 years later...

Yeah im sorta new to this thought that my child may possibly have

asperger. I had to bring it up to his Dr. because we were noticing odd

behavior. To me he seemed like the average 2yr old but then he would

do these unusuall things. Before he was one he lined up cars which he

still does, but if they are not face all one way one in front of the

other, he freaks. Then the whole time he plays with them he is

oblivious to his surroundings.

Then he also does this weird thing with his sippy cup. When i put in

his pediasure he likes helping pour the last bit in but he HAS to dip

his finger in the sippy cup when its all in. I never told my mom he

started to do this and she called me when she had him one day. She

asked if there was something wrong because he didnt stop crying, he

was in full out fit mode kicking, hitting, throwing. I asked her what

happened and she said nothing i gave him his sippy about 20 mins. I

asked what she put in it, she said pediasure. I told her to take the

lid off and when she did he dipped his finger in and then he was fine.

The odd thing is it only happens when he has his pediasure.

All i did was ask the doctor about this behavior he said he has never

seen this behavior in a 2 yr old, usually more often when they are 4

yrs old and older. He said make an appointment so he can start him on

meds. I asked him for an alternative way cause my point of view is why

should he be put on meds for something that is abnormal?

I decided to take him over to BHR and make an appointment for him to

be evaluated first before meds are even discussed. I know a couple of

other older kids who have aspergers and they only got meds when they

were about 7 yrs old to help with the hyperness.

Was it wrong for the doctor to just want my son to be thrown on meds

before hand? Even though i've had 2 doctors plus what i read think it

is asperger's, will my son be as normal as the average child? I know 2

other kids with this, one is smart and hyper, and the other is smart

but so far off in his own world.

Im so confused.


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, I think your question with meds has to be a personal choice. You will find many people on this site that have many opinions about meds. Some, thank God for Meds, helped the behaviors, some are so against them, while some are too quick to try meds. then there are some that tried meds and their child's behaviors got worse - because of the wrong dose or wrong meds. When my son was younger, he was very aggressive, I was the parent that doesn't like the psych meds so instead (he was already DXed) I got a private therapist, and lots of interventions. I was consistent with working with improving his aggressive behaviors. this was a very slow process. I explained my concerns to his ped. Dr. and he said he can write a prescription without even offering strategies. Amazing ! I said I thought you would suggest some type of social skills or something else. The doctor said, when you had

enough, give me a call and I'll write the prescription. instead, I continued therapy and being consistent with working with his anger & aggression. when his speech got better, his aggression and anger got less. Now, with all that said: I don't know if I were to give him the psych Meds if things would of got to that 'better' point - faster? but we did get there without meds. IMO - your son is 2, and at 2 years old, you got the wanting to be"Independent" the lack of being able to explain/ask for things or help, exploring and being told no, (for safety) etc... and you got the terrible 2's. Which all together can have an impact on him..and with all this, that's when you get those behaviors. I think you have a great idea to take him for that appointment and see what they have to say to you. ask for strategies to help him along. well, that's my opinion, we

were there too. best wishes for you and your child. Please keep us posted. Hugs Rose noilef2000 <noilef2000@...> wrote: Yeah im sorta new to this thought that my child may possibly haveasperger. I had to bring it up to his Dr. because we were noticing oddbehavior. To me he seemed like the average 2yr old but then he woulddo these unusuall things. Before he was one he lined up cars which hestill does, but if they are not face all one way one in front of

theother, he freaks. Then the whole time he plays with them he isoblivious to his surroundings. Then he also does this weird thing with his sippy cup. When i put inhis pediasure he likes helping pour the last bit in but he HAS to diphis finger in the sippy cup when its all in. I never told my mom hestarted to do this and she called me when she had him one day. Sheasked if there was something wrong because he didnt stop crying, hewas in full out fit mode kicking, hitting, throwing. I asked her whathappened and she said nothing i gave him his sippy about 20 mins. Iasked what she put in it, she said pediasure. I told her to take thelid off and when she did he dipped his finger in and then he was fine.The odd thing is it only happens when he has his pediasure.All i did was ask the doctor about this behavior he said he has neverseen this behavior in a 2 yr old, usually more often when they are 4yrs old and older. He

said make an appointment so he can start him onmeds. I asked him for an alternative way cause my point of view is whyshould he be put on meds for something that is abnormal?I decided to take him over to BHR and make an appointment for him tobe evaluated first before meds are even discussed. I know a couple ofother older kids who have aspergers and they only got meds when theywere about 7 yrs old to help with the hyperness.Was it wrong for the doctor to just want my son to be thrown on medsbefore hand? Even though i've had 2 doctors plus what i read think itis asperger's, will my son be as normal as the average child? I know 2other kids with this, one is smart and hyper, and the other is smartbut so far off in his own world.Im so confused.~maria

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  • 5 months later...
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Could your adrenal dip be from the heat ? I have been three days in bed and I think this may be the reason for me, not sure.

I would not assume you need something stronger because it may be that your body was stressed? It is normal for the adrenals to need more support if that was the case, temporarily, as they would normally produce a higher amount of cortisol to respond to any extra burden on them.

Mo----Original Message----From: jphenderson@...Date: 31/07/2008 11:55 <thyroid treatment >Subj: advise please

i have been taking armour and nae since april and everything has beengoing well. however this weekend i have crashed and have become veryweak and tired.my thinking is that the adrenals are no longer working properly and soi need to try something stronger. on my saliva test results it shows the cortisol is in range but theDHEA falls below range at noon and 4pm. do i then take DHEA tabletsor go for the cortisol. i dont want to go on the isocort as i see itis a bit like the nae tablets.another question is, since the adrenals are not working do i stoptaking my armour temporarily?Thanks ps. i have emailed and left a message for dr p. but no reply yet.__________________________________________________________Get up to 33% off Norton Security only from Tiscali - http://www.tiscali.co.uk/securepc__________________________________________________________

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i could be the heat Mo.

i do stress my body a lot and that is through sport as i play a lot of

football / squash / cycle / swim. i mean if i go swimming i do a mile

front crawl in 30 mins. so this is hard exercise.

what i think could be happening to me is this amount of exercise is

stopping my adrenals from recovering because i am doing this stuff 3/4

times a week. and yes i have been doing all this exercise while ill

for 16 yrs!!

does anyone have any idea on this amount of exericise stressing the



> Could your adrenal dip be from the heat ? I have been three days

in bed and I think this may be the reason for me, not sure.


> I would not assume you need something stronger because it may be

that your body was stressed? It is normal for the adrenals to need

more support if that was the case, temporarily, as they would normally

produce a higher amount of cortisol to respond to any extra burden on






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