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College for the Barker Boys

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Kerry and I went to one of the local colleges and talked to the disability director. I had their ( the boys') psychological reports ready, and contact from Vocational Rehab and SAT scores etc. Long story short, we are going to call Vocational Rehab Monday and get them involved, they had closed their case because the kids weren't ready for college when they interviewed them. The man, Mike, is going to be a sweetheart. He wants to meet with the boys separately and get to know them and introduce them to all the professors and they will also get to pick classes when the seniors do so they won't have to take unneeded classes. He said that he doesn't take no for an answer and if some of the professors won't accommodate, we will find another professor! I wanted to hug the guy and shout with JOY.

The only problem is the boys have said they don't want to disclose their diagnosis but I didn't want them not to and then run into problems and then have to say oh, by the way, now that they are failing they have aspergers and we need accommodations.So we are going to have to handle this delicately. Mike wants to spend time with them, he asked about transportation and I said neither drives and he said well, we will get someone to teach them the bus schedule. He asked if we wanted them to commute and live at home and I said no, they needed to grow up and be more independent, but that they won't share a bathroom with anyone else. He said no problem, Vocational rehab would probably pay for them to share a room and we would only be responsible for making up the difference! AND he used to work with VR and said oh, yeah ,they will get help. Because I said I didn't know if they would qualify for VR since they never called us back (VR) but he said he won't take no for an answer there either. I am SO PUMPED and told him that for the first time in a long time I feel hopeful about their education! anyway, didn't mean to write a book, but I have been spinning my wheels for so long that it feels SO GOOD to start making some progress! YIPPPPEEEE, Toni

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