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Therapy frustrations and questions

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My son was diagnosed when he was thirteen, he’s had problems all his

life, the speech delay, and the inattentiveness, the school frustrations that, hindsight

now has shown me were the hallmarks of Aspergers Syndrome. I have made the

obligatory appointments with the developmental pediatrician and have received the

lists of necessary appointments, the required readings, and the required guidance

on how to attempt to get services from his school. I was given lists of counseling

services and told to call, guess what, they no longer have the groups, the school

doesn’t feel my son qualifies, and after finally making a appointment, I make

the appointment after arguing with my son, that he really needs to go, babying my

old beater car all the way over to the counseling site, I arrive there, and see

the receptionist trying to hide behind the counter, then popping up to tell me that

she left a message on the answering machine to tell me that the appointment was

canceled, amazing, you see I don’t own a answering machine. I mention

that to the receptionist only to have her repeat that she called my machine, I guess

that was her story and she was sticking to it. I caught the group moderator

trying to go to her car, she mentioned that they were canceling the group anyway;

she offered a substitute, a anger management group. It’s ironic, my

son was calm during all this, I was feeling pretty darn angry.


mean is this just me, my side of Houston, Texas, or is this everywhere, they tell

us to get our children help, and it’s no where to be found, and when you do

find it, it’s a job just getting your child on the list. I’ve

never been a patient person, in fact, I believe that my nature is kindly described

as “I don’t suffer fools lightly”, for my son’s sake, I’ve

learned to smile now and scream later.

Any tips, groups,

or just plain idea’s, my son’s a good kid, and I don’t want to

mess up his chances later on in life by not finding him his help.



What we do in this life, echo's in Eternity

Maximus Decimus Baridius


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Liz Bohn

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008

7:35 PM


Subject: Re: ( )

College for the Barker Boys

Oh Toni,

I'm so glad to hear this! It's about time you got some good news! I hear your

relief, and I'm so so happy for you.


On Jan 4, 2008, at 5:49 PM, Toni wrote:

Kerry and I went to one of the local colleges and talked to the

disability director. I had their ( the boys') psychological reports ready, and

contact from Vocational Rehab and SAT scores etc. Long story short, we are

going to call Vocational Rehab Monday and get them involved, they had closed

their case because the kids weren't ready for college when they interviewed

them. The man, Mike, is going to be a sweetheart. He wants to meet with the

boys separately and get to know them and introduce them to all the professors

and they will also get to pick classes when the seniors do so they won't have

to take unneeded classes. He said that he doesn't take no for an answer and if

some of the professors won't accommodate, we will find another professor! I

wanted to hug the guy and shout with JOY.

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