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our kids can know love, etc.

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I know there are so many worries that go a long with our aspie children. But they can feel love and give it back, my son is very loving. And is always telling me that he loves me, so much, that I get sick of hearing it. lol He repeats a lot of things that drive me out of my mind daily. Everyone needs to just try to do their best with their children, the more you put into them the more your going to get out, I think. We home schooled our son the last 2 1/2 yrs. because the public school did not know how to treat him nor the kids that were in class with him, it was awful. We put him into a private Christian school that taught the kids out of pace books. They worked at their own pace, and had to write a lot. But

because he had to write so much he can now write and I can read it. The public schools taught him how to be a bully, and all the other mean things that go on in the schools. He used to be such a happy child before school. Now he is bitter, and ready to fight at the least thing. He is loving to his family, but he doesn't trust others, and ready to hurt them before they have the chance to hurt him. And I hate that attitude and I am constantly working on this with him. I tell him not to let people change him, that they win when he acts the way they do.We can't even go to the Walmart here without one of the female workers tormenting him and making fun of him. I have never seen her do this as he likes to go check out the dvd's and movies and walk around by himself. He did turn her into the manager one time. But I don't know if it did any good. There are very cruel

people out there, we can just teach our kids that that is not the right way to treat people and hope that they learn the good stuff from us and make the right choice in their lives.But it is a constant. Everything we try to teach them. It is four times harder for us to teach our aspies I think than parents with the so called normal kids. But all our hard work is going to be worth it. The being clean part with our kiddos. Well from early on we taught our son he had to take a shower every day, and he still may not always wash his hair as well as we like, and sometimes we make him do it over, but he is finally getting the hang of it, now if he would only dry himself better. lol It's always something, but we just have to keep plugging a long, it take our kids longer to learn things I think, I have been trying to teach my son to make a bed for ten years, he has almost got the hang of it, and

one day who knows, he may get it done as well as I can do it.Point is, don't give up, and think that our kids can't do things, or can't feel love or give it. They can. My son watched a lot of the family shows on tv that showed love, and feelings, and every day events, I think those kind of shows helped him too. And he is going to take his driving test in about 2 wks and I believe he will pass it. He drives me around and he is doing great, and I'm loving that I don't have to drive. lol But even after he gets his license I will want to be with him until I feel his attention skills are good enough that he won't harm himself or anyone else. He doesn't like it, but I told him that is how it is going to be. I told him I have to make sure he is safe, that's my job. He is graduating from 12th grade in about 2 weeks, we are very proud, and yes, it was hard going, but hey we made

it. He now wants to go to college, so we will do our best to help him with that too.Don't believe everything you read that is negative when it comes to our kids, cuz they will surprise you, and make a liar out of the people that say they can't.Good luck to all!

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