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Asperger's and Sports

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I am new to the group and so glad I found it! Our son, , is 10

years old and was diagnosed at age 7 with Asperger's and OCD--

interest in one topic. He was just diagnosed with ADHD. That was a

Godsend because his IQ is very high and he aces everything in school

but wasn't able to focus. Getting him to DO the schoolwork involved

HOURS at home sitting with him to get it done. Not anymore! His

teacher said he is like a different child since he started the ADHD


Sorry, just wanted to give some background info. Here's my question.

The only sport remotely likes playing is basketball. This is his

3rd year playing. His motor skills are delayed so he looks more like

a 7 year old playing basketball. He enjoys it but the other kids

don't really give him much of a chance to handle the ball. He is

better this year at staying focused on the game at hand but he still

drifts off sometimes. His psychiatrist and therapist say that he

needs to be involved in a group activity to help with his social

skills. I agree. Am I doing the right thing for him to have him on

this team? I can tell the other kids think he is " strange " and last

year adults from opposing teams actually laughed at him (he didn't

know it, thank God)!! I feel like wearing the large pin on button I

have that says " I Love Someone With Autism " so people won't laugh.

I am helping Coach the team so I can be out there keeping

focused. I'd love any advice or similar experiences anyone has had.

Thank you so much!


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