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Bad night

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I have one for everyone...... my husband had a meeting with the principal at school today, he was told not to bring me, there are issues, apparently I have the entire school staff scared to death of me, hahahahahahaha because at church two weeks ago I said quietly to two separate little kids who know me, we are their neighbours, not to stand on the kneeling bench, and then the next thing was I wasnt home for the school bus, that comes at 345pm but I was home at that time the bus was way early so I called the bus co and said it was Avery's mom where is my son, and made the pick up place etc, get to the pick up he isnt there, and then I had already called the school and then I called them back and she the principal told me I was to pick my child up at the bus depot but I wasnt and |I said dont take this to heart or personally but I am getting pissed off, so I get ahold of the bus co and they said come to the depot where is it, and get directions, get there at 415pm and the last stop for the bus is at a friends home at 438pm hummmmmmmm


another day later, my child gets off bus frantic he will be having his recess taken away if hi homework isnt done nor the agenda signed, terribly upset he is, I called principal and ask what the form letter was all about and I said verbatim, my child is my child and I as his parental will make these decisions he will not have his recess taken from him, he is severly add and mild autism, so I will make these decisions.

two days later, child has school calling home he is not well, ok I go to get him, he comes to me and states I sneeze in my hands and Sara told me to use hand sanitizer, who is Sara I ask, a kid, ok, the sanitizer made his skin red and itchy and his eyes all red, he says but I am fine now, and I washed with soap and water and had my recess I want to go back to class.


Now remember it has been a full month and this is a kid who refused to go to grade 4 because the climber and swings are for the little kids, but he is a little kid.


so I have him going to school, and the bullying wont stop and I have sent three paper notes and two phone calls, my spouse called this monday past and the principal said it was the first she heard of it, BS. But the kids have taken an all day inschool suspension at the cost of our child, and now the bullies will be more agressive I bet. since Monday our kid didnt go to school, apparently becasue I am a stay at home mom and receive the baby bonus, I have custodial responsibility even though dad couldnt get him on the bus nor drive him to school tiday, it is my fault.


get this on rememberance day we are all invited, it is open to go to the towns legion for a service, my kids class went and he had a winter coat on indoors for almost an hour, I quietly walked over to the teacher befor the service started and as could you have Avery take his winter coat off please, apparently my spouse is told today that I upset this teacher so badly she cried all afternoon.????


So this meeting was to be with the principal and the dad, and about the kids Iprc IEP etc..... there were at least 8 people there and the dad, and the discussion was to file tress pass papers on me,


yah ok, I havent even done anything, I was anxious about the kid and the bus, I was adamant my child would not lose his recess, and I was worried about the kid being over heated at the legion.


How does this add up to scarring all the teachers they are afraid of me?


The kid has been at that school for 5 years and never an issue befor this one?

Anyone have any thing to tell me please, I would really apppreciate positive or negative, however it is you see this , I am ashamed that me a person with a child with issues, has apparently frightened all the staff etc... I really cannot get it.


Never have I had this befor and he is the youngest of 4 so what do I do.......

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 2:19 PM, AG <mom2cyandmark@...> wrote:


We have tried a few different ones. Most of them either don't help or make matters worse. Off Meds though he is extremely violent, can't sleep, cries all the time and can't sit still. I could barely get him to leave the house before. We have since been doing therapy once a week and trying different meds. He was on Risperadol (sp?) for awhile and gained 40 lbs in 2 months but still wasn't sleeping. Abilify made him suicidal. Adderall made him even more violent especially when crashing. Everything seems to make his ticks and twitches more noticeable. Was doing melatonin but it didn't seem to help the sleeping thats why we turned to the Dr for help. He wouldn't go to sleep until 2-3 am usually (without meds) and then would be awake again around 6 am in a very horrible violent mood. For the safety of his brother we decided on looking into meds and anger therapy to see if anything could help. We also try to avoid artifical food colors, caffeine, to much sugary stuff and watch for other triggers that cause us problems. He goes back to the Dr in Jan but I get the feeling he will be going back sooner if he keeps up like he did last night because the Dr said it could be a reaction to the meds making him get worse again. He has nightterrors and nightmares all night sometimes even with meds but without he just never stops screaming.

>> We all understand.  I, for sure, know the experience and that place of fear and frustration.

>  > The drugs are not cure-alls by any means.  So many times on lists I've read this.  Was your son's behavior worse than this without drugs?  >  > We just tried my daughter on something for the terrible anxiety.  It was the mildest, celexa I think it's called.  It was a nightmare.  It made her worse, and the only 'benefit' is that since we stopped it, she seems so much better by comparison!

>  > Here's something that really sets her off and it is cellphones and other wireless stuff.  May there be something in the environment?>  > Also lead in the system can cause violent behavior; most of the heavy metals do.  Has he been tested for them?  The autism treatment groups list is also very supportive and the parents very knowledgeable about both drug and non-drug aids, and experts on chelating. 

>  > I have read on the Low Oxyalates list that Alka Seltzer Gold can be helpful because it alkalinizes.  This is helpful for moods, body alkalinity.>   > Again, You have my sympathy and a hug,> Francine> > > Speak with Him Thou for He hearest.> Spirit with Spirit can speak.> Closer is Love than breathing,

> Nearer than hands and feet.> > (with appreciation for Tennyson)> > > Bad Night


>   Really just need to vent to those that understand. Had a bad night with my 8 year old tonight. I just don't think they have his meds right. He takes seroquel xr at 6 that is suppose to make him sleepy by 7 but no it just makes him frustrated and upset. He kept screaming and hitting me and his brothers tonight. Threw his homework and just got down right nasty. He couldn't sit still and his ticks and twitches are coming back. He just couldn't stop or didn't want to. I was afraid he was going to really hurt one of us and almost thought about calling for help but finally got him calmed down on my own. He is 100 lbs and when he gets angry that is a lot of force coming at me and really a lot going after a 40 lbs 5 year old and a 26 lb 2 year old. Just scares me when he gets like that. The Dr said the meds are making him anxious so they gave him another med to help with that which was appearing to work but no tonight he just seemed so out of control. We tried Ab ilify and he started talking of killing himself. He has been on Zyprexa for over a year and just gained weight with it. He was on Artane. He is on Concerta and tegretol as well during the day. I love my son but tonight was the first night I found myself so glad it was bed time, I just couldn't take much more I just wanted to cry and scream. Thank you for taking time to read this and let me vent.


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if you decide to try the melatonin give 1 mg late afternoon about 5 and

then start with 1mg at bedtime and if that doesn't work try 2 and go up a

bit to see if it works for you our nero behavior doc says you can do a

lot more than people thought before we have also used the delayed release

2.5mg from kirkmanslab for the night ones seems to help when he won't stay



The most beautiful things in the world

cannot be seen or even touched,

they must be felt with the heart....

Bad Night


> Â Really just need to vent to those that understand. Had a bad night with

> my 8 year old tonight. I just don't think they have his meds right. He

> takes seroquel xr at 6 that is suppose to make him sleepy by 7 but no it

> just makes him frustrated and upset. He kept screaming and hitting me and

> his brothers tonight. Threw his homework and just got down right nasty. He

> couldn't sit still and his ticks and twitches are coming back. He just

> couldn't stop or didn't want to. I was afraid he was going to really hurt

> one of us and almost thought about calling for help but finally got him

> calmed down on my own. He is 100 lbs and when he gets angry that is a lot

> of force coming at me and really a lot going after a 40 lbs 5 year old and

> a 26 lb 2 year old. Just scares me when he gets like that. The Dr said the

> meds are making him anxious so they gave him another med to help with that

> which was appearing to work but no tonight he just seemed so out of

> control. We tried Ab ilify and he started talking of killing himself. He

> has been on Zyprexa for over a year and just gained weight with it. He was

> on Artane. He is on Concerta and tegretol as well during the day. I love

> my son but tonight was the first night I found myself so glad it was bed

> time, I just couldn't take much more I just wanted to cry and scream.

> Thank you for taking time to read this and let me vent.



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