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Re: Insominia

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In a message dated 00-02-17 03:05:43 EST, you write:

<< Hi Everyone,

Its in the middle of the night.......well really about 3 am. I am awake

night after night. It is so hard to function as a teacher the next day.

Is there anyone else out here tonight. Connie nwnj


Dear Connie,

Sorry I'm a few hrs late for the " party " - are you still up?

It is VERY hard to function without sleep...

We've been trying different things over the past 6 wks or so & have found a

combination of a few flower essences, a Kava Kava blend & melatonin has

helped daughter sleep. (Flower essences are mugwort, angelica, macartney

rose, and yerba mate (the last 2 we've only found available from Pegasus

Products in CO - if interested.)

Blessings & velcros,


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There's a new drug out called Sonata (sheesh, the names these drugs get!).

Anyway, it's expensive and sometimes insurance will balk but it's

non-narcotic, very effective, and has few if any side effects. I tried a

sample and was impressed. Sleep is so critical to healing and functioning.

Ask your doctor,


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Hi ,

I have taken sonata, ambien, restoril, doral, and others. They all work

the first or second time I use them. Last night I took two sonata, before

bed. It worked for about two hours. Then at 2:00am I took another one. It

did nothing.... Tonight I am going to try tuna fish. Hey, I've tried every

suggestion everyone has made to me about getting a good nights sleep. I

even tried a shot of whisky once. Whew....eeeeee.....never again....Connie

Today, at work someone asked me if I had pink eye.....my response was no, I

have insominia.

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  • 8 years later...

We just got back from the psychiatrist with both my sons. He talked with about the options regarding his sleep problems. We are going to try the Melatonin too. Pam :)It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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Can you buy melatonin over-the-counter? I have SEVER insominia a "run" on about 2 hrs of sleep I have tried EVERY medicine for sleeping but nothing works... They did give my a RX for Oxycotton but I really don't want to resort to that extrem I took Oxycotton for 6 months after a really bad car accident( I was in a wheelchair/walker/crutchs for almost 2 years) and it did help me sleep but I also could not do anything on my own;which is what they gave it to me for becasue I wanted to get on with my life and kept reinjurying my self; but I need to function!

( ) Insominia

My son Gage also has some of the same issues such as being afraid of bad guys coming in, battling with me every night about him sleeping in his own room as he is afraid that the bad guys are going to steal me. He also has a lit aquarium, a nightlight, a small lamp and the regular light on plus the tv on. It would drive me crazy but that is what he needs in order for him to lay in his own bed. Now he gets up every single night around 3:00 and climbs into bed with me. After reading the earlier posts about the melatonin, we talked to our pharmacist and we are starting Gage on it tonight. He said to start out with 1 mg 1/2 hour before we want him to go to sleep and if that doesn't work, we can increase it to 2 mg plus it won't interfer with the Risperdol. We will have to crush it up and mix it with applesauce but I don't mind doing that at all if he will stay asleep all night.I just wanted to

share with you guys after reading the earlier posts. Sue

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I hope it works, Sue! Let us know!

RoxannaYou're UniqueJust like everyone else...

( ) Insominia

My son Gage also has some of the same issues such as being afraid of bad guys coming in, battling with me every night about him sleeping in his own room as he is afraid that the bad guys are going to steal me. He also has a lit aquarium, a nightlight, a small lamp and the regular light on plus the tv on. It would drive me crazy but that is what he needs in order for him to lay in his own bed. Now he gets up every single night around 3:00 and climbs into bed with me. After reading the earlier posts about the melatonin, we talked to our pharmacist and we are starting Gage on it tonight. He said to start out with 1 mg 1/2 hour before we want him to go to sleep and if that doesn't work, we can increase it to 2 mg plus it won't interfer with the Risperdol. We will have to crush it up and mix it with applesauce but I don't mind doing that at all if he will stay asleep all night.I just wanted to share with you guys after reading the earlier posts. SueNo virus found in this incoming message.

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Oxycotton...isn't that for pain??? That is what they gave my boss when she broke her hip. I don't know why they gave you that when there is so much out there to help you sleep.

I will get the 3 names of medicine I know of. The doctor prescribed something for my son...it calms him and helps him relax and it is not addicting and that is why he doesn't mind prescribing it. And, it seems to help...because he actually came to bed on his own when he normally would never do that....and he fell asleep right away.

Another thing...take a warm shower or bath before bedtime. Get enough exercise during the day so you are phsyically worn out....and stay away from caffine products and tv or xbox or any games like that...you need to give your mind time to unwind..another thing you might try is to listen to relaxing soothing music...just some thoughts...my mom always swore by warm milk...but I am not sure about that one.


Jan Rushen

Smile because it is contagious!!!!

From: Whiting <armymansfieldbrat@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Insominia Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 6:40 PM

Can you buy melatonin over-the-counter? I have SEVER insominia a "run" on about 2 hrs of sleep I have tried EVERY medicine for sleeping but nothing works... They did give my a RX for Oxycotton but I really don't want to resort to that extrem I took Oxycotton for 6 months after a really bad car accident( I was in a wheelchair/walker/ crutchs for almost 2 years) and it did help me sleep but I also could not do anything on my own;which is what they gave it to me for becasue I wanted to get on with my life and kept reinjurying my self; but I need to function!

( ) Insominia

My son Gage also has some of the same issues such as being afraid of bad guys coming in, battling with me every night about him sleeping in his own room as he is afraid that the bad guys are going to steal me. He also has a lit aquarium, a nightlight, a small lamp and the regular light on plus the tv on. It would drive me crazy but that is what he needs in order for him to lay in his own bed. Now he gets up every single night around 3:00 and climbs into bed with me. After reading the earlier posts about the melatonin, we talked to our pharmacist and we are starting Gage on it tonight. He said to start out with 1 mg 1/2 hour before we want him to go to sleep and if that doesn't work, we can increase it to 2 mg plus it won't interfer with the Risperdol. We will have to crush it up and mix it with applesauce but I don't mind doing that at all if he will stay asleep all night.I just wanted to

share with you guys after reading the earlier posts. Sue

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Oxycodone is a very strong narcotic (pain medication). It

is also extremely habit-forming and is only cautiously prescribed by most

doctors. I just had back surgery a week ago and the surgeon gave it to be

when I came home but only gave me 6 – I think I have only taken one or

two and used something milder instead. I am a nurse and this is not

something I would recommend to be used as a sleep aid. One of the things

that both my husband and I use as a sleep aid is Unisom which can be bought OTC

(over the counter); it works well and you don’t wake up with a hangover.


[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of rushen janice

Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 7:01 PM

Subject: Re: ( ) Insominia

Oxycotton...isn't that for pain??? That is what they gave

my boss when she broke her hip. I don't know why they gave you that

when there is so much out there to help you sleep.

I will get the 3 names of medicine I know of. The

doctor prescribed something for my son...it calms him and helps him relax and

it is not addicting and that is why he doesn't mind prescribing it. And, it

seems to help...because he actually came to bed on his own when he normally

would never do that....and he fell asleep right away.

Another thing...take a warm shower or bath before bedtime.

Get enough exercise during the day so you are phsyically worn out....and stay

away from caffine products and tv or xbox or any games like that...you need

to give your mind time to unwind..another thing you might try is to listen to

relaxing soothing music...just some thoughts...my mom always swore by warm

milk...but I am not sure about that one.


Jan Rushen


because it is contagious!!!!

From: Whiting <armymansfieldbrat@...>

Subject: Re: ( ) Insominia

Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 6:40 PM


you buy melatonin over-the-counter? I have SEVER insominia a " run "

on about 2 hrs of sleep I have tried EVERY medicine for sleeping but nothing

works... They did give my a RX for Oxycotton but I really don't want to

resort to that extrem I took Oxycotton for 6 months after a really bad car

accident( I was in a wheelchair/walker/ crutchs for almost 2 years) and it

did help me sleep but I also could not do anything on my own;which is what

they gave it to me for becasue I wanted to get on with my life and kept

reinjurying my self; but I need to function!

( ) Insominia

My son Gage also has some

of the same issues such as being afraid of bad guys coming in, battling

with me every night about him sleeping in his own room as he is afraid that

the bad guys are going to steal me. He also has a lit aquarium, a

nightlight, a small lamp and the regular light on plus the tv on. It

would drive me crazy but that is what he needs in order for him to lay in

his own bed. Now he gets up every single night around 3:00 and climbs

into bed with me.

After reading the earlier posts about the melatonin, we talked to our

pharmacist and we are starting Gage on it tonight. He said to start

out with 1 mg 1/2 hour before we want him to go to sleep and if that

doesn't work, we can increase it to 2 mg plus it won't interfer with the

Risperdol. We will have to crush it up and mix it with applesauce but

I don't mind doing that at all if he will stay asleep all night.

I just wanted to share with you guys after reading the earlier posts.


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For us Melatonin is a GODSEND! I wish I had thought to try it long

ago. My son was up for HOURS into the night. He started not sleeping

by 18 months after a bad surgical experience and he's 5.5 now, I

swear to you I have been exhausted for 4 solid years. Longer if you

had the newborn time and the pregnancy! I went to night school when

he was 3, and started a business when he was 4, and there were days I

was so exhausted I was afraid to drive for fear I would fall asleep,

and could not wait for my husband to get home from work, or I would

beg my mom, who has her own health issues, to watch my son for a bit,

just so I could nap for an hour. And then to top it all off, the

stress of it all was causing ME to be unable to FALL asleep. Then I

gave up coffee to do homeopathic treatments. HORROR!

So finally I researched melatonin. And just last week we started it.

It took about 3 nights for us to fully see/feel results. So give it

time if you aren't sure of efficacy.

My son, who was normally awake until 2:30-3am and awake no later than

8:30am, with NO naps, now gets his melatonin about 1/2 hour before

bedtime and now asks to go to bed. He falls asleep within 15 minutes,

around 8:30-9pm. It is soooo beautiful! He sleeps through the entire

night with NO sleep terrors and sleeps soundly. He wakes up around

8am on his own, refreshed and peaceful. He gets himself dressed and

makes his own bed, now. He is pleasant and happy and his skills are

making even more improvements now that he is well rested.

We got a liquid, and it tastes good too - Natrol liguid melatonin, 1

mg per dropperful.

I got the time release tabs 3 mg for me and my husband, which I tried

for us, after the liquid. (I never give my son anything w/o trying it

myself first.) I was unable to fall asleep after having to go and go

all day - often 20 hours a day, I couldn't shut down to fall asleep

and my husband woke in the middle of the night, unable to get back to

sleep. We both love it and are sleeping so fantastically, we all are

less irritable and calmer and happy.

Interesting point: I spoke with a ND who runs the natural health

pharmacy where I got the melatonin and learned a lot -

- melatonin is an antioxidant naturally produced by your body - so if

your body is not producing enough for good sleep, you suffer other

health consequences as well, not just from lack of sleep,

antioxidants are important for maintaining your health, especially

important for spectrum kids. And once you have a sleep pattern

established on melatonin, you can slowly wean off it and your body

should restart producing more and then you may need to simply use it

for a week or so here and there to nudge or " reset " your body's sleep

system as needed.

Let us know what your experience with it is, and I hope you see as

much success as we have.


> My son Gage also has some of the same issues such as being afraid

of bad guys coming in, battling with me every night about him

sleeping in his own room as he is afraid that the bad guys are going

to steal me.  He also has a lit aquarium, a nightlight, a small lamp

and the regular light on plus the tv on.  It would drive me crazy but

that is what he needs in order for him to lay in his own bed.  Now he

gets up every single night around 3:00 and climbs into bed with me. 


> After reading the earlier posts about the melatonin, we talked to

our pharmacist and we are starting Gage on it tonight.  He said to

start out with 1 mg 1/2 hour before we want him to go to sleep and if

that doesn't work, we can increase it to 2 mg plus it won't interfer

with the Risperdol.  We will have to crush it up and mix it with

applesauce but I don't mind doing that at all if he will stay asleep

all night.


> I just wanted to share with you guys after reading the earlier



> Sue


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that was very interesting information you gave us...Thanks!

Jan Rushen

Smile because it is contagious!!!!

From: <sunshine369@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Insominia Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 12:14 AM

Sue,For us Melatonin is a GODSEND! I wish I had thought to try it long ago. My son was up for HOURS into the night. He started not sleeping by 18 months after a bad surgical experience and he's 5.5 now, I swear to you I have been exhausted for 4 solid years. Longer if you had the newborn time and the pregnancy! I went to night school when he was 3, and started a business when he was 4, and there were days I was so exhausted I was afraid to drive for fear I would fall asleep, and could not wait for my husband to get home from work, or I would beg my mom, who has her own health issues, to watch my son for a bit, just so I could nap for an hour. And then to top it all off, the stress of it all was causing ME to be unable to FALL asleep. Then I gave up coffee to do homeopathic treatments. HORROR!So finally I researched melatonin. And just last week we started it. It took about 3 nights for us

to fully see/feel results. So give it time if you aren't sure of efficacy.My son, who was normally awake until 2:30-3am and awake no later than 8:30am, with NO naps, now gets his melatonin about 1/2 hour before bedtime and now asks to go to bed. He falls asleep within 15 minutes, around 8:30-9pm. It is soooo beautiful! He sleeps through the entire night with NO sleep terrors and sleeps soundly. He wakes up around 8am on his own, refreshed and peaceful. He gets himself dressed and makes his own bed, now. He is pleasant and happy and his skills are making even more improvements now that he is well rested. We got a liquid, and it tastes good too - Natrol liguid melatonin, 1 mg per dropperful. I got the time release tabs 3 mg for me and my husband, which I tried for us, after the liquid. (I never give my son anything w/o trying it myself first.) I was unable to fall asleep after having to

go and go all day - often 20 hours a day, I couldn't shut down to fall asleep and my husband woke in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep. We both love it and are sleeping so fantastically, we all are less irritable and calmer and happy. Interesting point: I spoke with a ND who runs the natural health pharmacy where I got the melatonin and learned a lot -- melatonin is an antioxidant naturally produced by your body - so if your body is not producing enough for good sleep, you suffer other health consequences as well, not just from lack of sleep, antioxidants are important for maintaining your health, especially important for spectrum kids. And once you have a sleep pattern established on melatonin, you can slowly wean off it and your body should restart producing more and then you may need to simply use it for a week or so here and there to nudge or "reset" your body's sleep

system as needed. Let us know what your experience with it is, and I hope you see as much success as we have.>> My son Gage also has some of the same issues such as being afraid of bad guys coming in, battling with me every night about him sleeping in his own room as he is afraid that the bad guys are going to steal me. He also has a lit aquarium, a nightlight, a small lamp and the regular light on plus the tv on. It would drive me crazy but that is what he needs in order for him to lay in his own bed. Now he gets up every single night around 3:00 and climbs into bed with me. > > After reading the earlier posts about the melatonin, we talked to our pharmacist and we are

starting Gage on it tonight. He said to start out with 1 mg 1/2 hour before we want him to go to sleep and if that doesn't work, we can increase it to 2 mg plus it won't interfer with the Risperdol. We will have to crush it up and mix it with applesauce but I don't mind doing that at all if he will stay asleep all night.> > I just wanted to share with you guys after reading the earlier posts. > > Sue>

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I can't believe that I am actually saying these words......but Gage fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He even asked me to turn off the big light!!!! I can't believe it. He still ended up in bed with me but one step at a time. I'm just thrilled that he never mentioned the bad guys or how scared he was. WOW!!!!Sue

From: <sunshine369@ embarqmail. com>Subject: ( ) Re: Insominia Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 12:14 AM

Sue,For us Melatonin is a GODSEND! I wish I had thought to try it long ago. My son was up for HOURS into the night. He started not sleeping by 18 months after a bad surgical experience and he's 5.5 now, I swear to you I have been exhausted for 4 solid years. Longer if you had the newborn time and the pregnancy! I went to night school when he was 3, and started a business when he was 4, and there were days I was so exhausted I was afraid to drive for fear I would fall asleep, and could not wait for my husband to get home from work, or I would beg my mom, who has her own health issues, to watch my son for a bit, just so I could nap for an hour. And then to top it all off, the stress of it all was causing ME to be unable to FALL asleep. Then I gave up coffee to do homeopathic treatments. HORROR!So finally I researched melatonin. And just last week we started it. It took about 3 nights for us

to fully see/feel results. So give it time if you aren't sure of efficacy.My son, who was normally awake until 2:30-3am and awake no later than 8:30am, with NO naps, now gets his melatonin about 1/2 hour before bedtime and now asks to go to bed. He falls asleep within 15 minutes, around 8:30-9pm. It is soooo beautiful! He sleeps through the entire night with NO sleep terrors and sleeps soundly. He wakes up around 8am on his own, refreshed and peaceful. He gets himself dressed and makes his own bed, now. He is pleasant and happy and his skills are making even more improvements now that he is well rested. We got a liquid, and it tastes good too - Natrol liguid melatonin, 1 mg per dropperful. I got the time release tabs 3 mg for me and my husband, which I tried for us, after the liquid. (I never give my son anything w/o trying it myself first.) I was unable to fall asleep after having to

go and go all day - often 20 hours a day, I couldn't shut down to fall asleep and my husband woke in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep. We both love it and are sleeping so fantastically, we all are less irritable and calmer and happy. Interesting point: I spoke with a ND who runs the natural health pharmacy where I got the melatonin and learned a lot -- melatonin is an antioxidant naturally produced by your body - so if your body is not producing enough for good sleep, you suffer other health consequences as well, not just from lack of sleep, antioxidants are important for maintaining your health, especially important for spectrum kids. And once you have a sleep pattern established on melatonin, you can slowly wean off it and your body should restart producing more and then you may need to simply use it for a week or so here and there to nudge or "reset" your body's sleep

system as needed. Let us know what your experience with it is, and I hope you see as much success as we have.>> My son Gage also has some of the same issues such as being afraid of bad guys coming in, battling with me every night about him sleeping in his own room as he is afraid that the bad guys are going to steal me. He also has a lit aquarium, a nightlight, a small lamp and the regular light on plus the tv on. It would drive me crazy but that is what he needs in order for him to lay in his own bed. Now he gets up every single night around 3:00 and climbs into bed with me. > > After reading the earlier posts about the melatonin, we talked to our pharmacist and we are

starting Gage on it tonight. He said to start out with 1 mg 1/2 hour before we want him to go to sleep and if that doesn't work, we can increase it to 2 mg plus it won't interfer with the Risperdol. We will have to crush it up and mix it with applesauce but I don't mind doing that at all if he will stay asleep all night.> > I just wanted to share with you guys after reading the earlier posts. > > Sue>

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Yes, melatonin is over the counter and very inexpensive.Sue From: Whiting <armymansfieldbrat>

Subject: Re: ( ) Insominia

Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 6:40 PM


you buy melatonin over-the-counter? I have SEVER insominia a "run"

on about 2 hrs of sleep I have tried EVERY medicine for sleeping but nothing

works... They did give my a RX for Oxycotton but I really don't want to

resort to that extrem I took Oxycotton for 6 months after a really bad car

accident( I was in a wheelchair/walker/ crutchs for almost 2 years) and it

did help me sleep but I also could not do anything on my own;which is what

they gave it to me for becasue I wanted to get on with my life and kept

reinjurying my self; but I need to function!

( ) Insominia

My son Gage also has some

of the same issues such as being afraid of bad guys coming in, battling

with me every night about him sleeping in his own room as he is afraid that

the bad guys are going to steal me. He also has a lit aquarium, a

nightlight, a small lamp and the regular light on plus the tv on. It

would drive me crazy but that is what he needs in order for him to lay in

his own bed. Now he gets up every single night around 3:00 and climbs

into bed with me.

After reading the earlier posts about the melatonin, we talked to our

pharmacist and we are starting Gage on it tonight. He said to start

out with 1 mg 1/2 hour before we want him to go to sleep and if that

doesn't work, we can increase it to 2 mg plus it won't interfer with the

Risperdol. We will have to crush it up and mix it with applesauce but

I don't mind doing that at all if he will stay asleep all night.

I just wanted to share with you guys after reading the earlier posts.


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Our strategy has been having a regular bed-time routine with nothing too exciting going on after 7:30 pm, warm tub bath at 8:15, chocolote after the bath, brush teeth, reading a sweet poem or singing a soft lulaby, the whole house going silent and lights dim, and telling him 'good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!' (and tickilng his tummy when I say '..the bed bugs bite'), and then light off. But we don't change the routine... every step is a clue to his body that it's time for bed. I agree that keeping them physically actuve helps a lot in going to sleep easier. My wife not very keen to the same routine at the beginning, but later learned to appreciate it. Sometimes he wants us to cuddle with him while he falls asleep, usually some 5 to 10 minutes. When there is thunder he will not sleep alone, but that's fine with us because it's only ocassional. Noises, TVs, or anything that adds excitement

actually takes our son away from the routine and interferes with his goign to sleep. When he was younger (now 8) we used very light aromotherapy as part of the routine putting 3 drops of lavender in a diffuser, not to close to his bed, but enoguht to perceive the light sent (any strong scent actually gets him excited... even lavender). We only use the lavender ocassionally now. A critical thing that has not been easy on our life as a couple has been... always going to bed at the same time every night regardeless of where we are. That limits our chances for going out, if we have visitors they have to help us keep the house quiet at his bedtime, but we sometimes get help from closed relatives - who already understood that the routine is what tells him is bed time - and get a chance to go out for the rest of the evening or get a little noisy at home. The best thing... he now says...

papa/mama, it's 8:15... time for my bath... And he sleeps between 9-10 hours. I'm convinced that his good sleep is huge help in the management of his AS. He's a lot fuzzier when we travel late during the day or something disrupts his good night sleep. So for all the limitations that the routine brings, we pretty much prefer it that way. Have a very nice weekend. F

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Yippeee! I'm so thrilled for you! Isn't it great!? Sweet, sweet

sleep - no longer a luxury!

> From: rushen janice <jrushen@...>

> Subject: Re: ( ) Re: Insominia


> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 12:33 AM












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