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GIVE Lesson Plan

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Interpersonal Effectiveness Lesson Plan

Title of Lesson: GIVE

Prepared By: Wade Gauthier

Subject: Social Skills (COMUNICATION)

Grade: 7-12

Description or Outcome Statement:

3.1 use language to interact effectively and responsibly with others

3.3 seek agreement and solutions through discussion

Objectives: TSWBAT

1. Identify the GIVE skill.

2. Use the GIVE skill when prompted and coached

Materials / Resources:

· Overhead Projector

· White Board

· A piece of large blank paper (one per student)

· Markers, Colored Pencils, or Crayons

· Candy or some kind of reward

Motivation or Anticipatory Set: Many relationships in our lives are ones we either want to or need to keep. (Go over different relationships: mother, father, teacher, friends) Number one rule of relationships is

1. It never helps you to purposefully anger a person in authority above you.

2. Relationships are all about how the other person feels when they walk away.

Statement of Purpose: To help the students learn a more socially acceptable method of asserting themselves and to teach the students to respect their own boundaries and the boundaries of others.

Teacher Modeling / Demonstration: On the white board or overhead write the acronym GIVE. Go through Gentle Interested Validate Easy manner

· Gentle (speaks to your tone of voice)

· Interested (act interested, sometimes you are not interested but you need to maintain the relationship)

· Validate (earns you the right to be heard and makes people feel good when they are around you 2nd rule)

· Easy Manner (speaks to your body posture, make sure it is congruent)

Guided Practice or Activity: Go through the acronym, have the students discuss each part and tell what it means as well as what it would look like.

Check for Understanding: While doing guided practice ask questions of students and clarify any misinterpretations.

Independent Practice Activity: Have the students write the acronym on a poster and come up with a situation where they could use it in the future or should have used it in the past.

Discussion: Why do you think it would be important to use this skill.

Closure: For bonus points have one or two of the students come up and role-play the skill.

Assessment: During skills group the next day have the students pull out a blank piece of paper and write the acronym and its meaning.

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