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RE: Re: starting enzymes for food allergies

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Dani – Yeah, it totally sucks! My attitude is not the best either! I hear


I do plan on doing all three. I think I’ll just add the AFP last, start

with zyme then no-fenol? He’s such a trooper. He’ll swallow a capsule, no

problem. My 8 year old PDD-NOS still insists on chewables.

Gurrrrrrr…….just tries to chew on capsules! So feel like I pay out the nose

for the Houston chewables. At least my 5 year old can take the capsules I

purchased and won’t be money wasted.

I had him on the Zyme for a couple weeks and I don’t think he felt any

different. He didn’t comment anyway. My 8 year old PDD-NOS will tell you

he feels better on enzymes but also whines to stop because he feels better.

Funny story. I told you he had a nasty yeast/bacteria in his tummy, hence

the probiotic and staying with enzymes and probiotic was something we needed

to do to continue to feel good and get better. Then told him we had to get

rid of those nasty bugs. He looked at me so sweetly and asked “I have bugs

in my stomach?” We both laughed so hard. Was way cute, you had to be there

to see his face too!


Re: starting enzymes for food allergies

Oh Tammy,

I'm cheering you and your son on over here! I hope he can get over some of

these allergies

as well. We live in a prison of food " allergies " , it's exhausting and really

makes socializing

difficult. The no fenol helps some what with fruit at our house, our son can


tolerate a green apple now and then. Whoo Hoo??!! (sorry, my attitude is not

the best some

days) Why not do all 3 houston enzymes, they still help with over all

digestion even if your

on a restricted diet.

Since your 5 year old is NT, let us know what he tells you on how he is

feeling with the

enzymes, if he has a tummy ache or feels great, ect.. My friend felt great

on Houstons for

weeks until she started having heartburn and stomach aches, so she stopped.

I don't want

my two year old to be feeling that way but it still seems enzymes help him a

lot, so I'd be

curious to know how your son feels, I hope it will make him feel great as


Good luck!



> Ok, started my nt 5 year old on enzymes and then stopped for Great Plains

> testing. Will start up again. I saw no difference but we didn't get that

> far either.




> I'm going to start with Zyme. Next progression I would say is the AFP but

> he isn't doing any dairy, soy or wheat so will do No-Fenol. Agree?? He's

> got major fruit issues!




> He's basically allergic to almost everything. Milk, soy, wheat, gluten,

> oats, peanuts, peas, all legumes, eggs, bananas, strawberries, peaches,

> apples. I'm guessing almost any fruit. We eat them in rotation. He also

> just tested positive to rice, but he still wants his rice milk and his


> free staples is rice based, been that way for the past 4 ½ years so…..I'm

> doing to keep going! Also pork, which he only eats now and again. His skin

> looks great, no asthma issues so I'm going on health. This has been his

> healthiest year, knock on wood!!!! I've started kirkman Vit C and their

> multi vitamin and he does take singular and flovent. I don't want to take

> him off meds because I do think it " controls " any small allergic symptoms.

> Basically there isn't much he doesn't test allergic too and I'm sure there

> is more if we just testing, like potatoes, which he loves. So I'm going to

> bury my head in the sand now! I've started him on a probiotic too and

> anxiously await our results from GP.




> So basically it is all autoimmune system problem with foods but thankfully

> he is now a pretty healthy kid. I guess I'm going to do enzymes and

> probiotics and see if we can get some other foods into him.




> My first test will be dairy. He's class 1 to dairy, he's drinking rice now

> and class 2, so what the heck!




> Guys, I've lived like this for 5 years, I'm so sick of it! Not feeding him

> is allergens and figuring him out since this all hit a 9 months of age,

> well, I'll start my own little science experiment and see if this works.

> Kindergarten starts for him next fall and would really like a family

> vacation where my entire thoughts don't encompass the thoughts full time


> meals and preparation 24/7!!!!




> Thanks




> Tammy







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This is my first post, but I wanted to chime in and tell you that you're not

alone in this food allergy/intolerance thing! My husband and I, and our two

sons (5 and 2) are all on enzymes. My husband just takes Digest Gold by

Enzymedica. I take Digest Gold as well, but I add in a Peptizyde if I'm

eating gluten/casein/eggs. For my boys I make a mixture of DG and Peptizyde

in barely-melted Enjoy Life soy-free chocolate chips and make little

chocolate enzyme wafers, which they LOVE. I keep them in the freezer. We all

started the enzymes a few weeks ago. A little before that we got our IgG

test results back. My husband is just allergic to blueberries and pineapple.

My 5-y-o is blueberry, pineapple, sesame, soy and kidney bean. My 2-y-o is

just soy and peanuts.

Now here's the biggie - I am allergic to dairy/casein/whey, yeast, sugar

cane, eggs, garlic, sesame, most beans (not soy or peanuts thankfully),

pineapple, blueberries, white potatoes, amaranth, and a couple more things

that escape me. Gluten/wheat was negative, but I've bneen GF for 4 years and

it probably didn't come up because of that. I know I'm sensitive to gluten

as well. I tested positive for leaky gut syndrome, so my naturopath (who has

celiac and is very knowledgeable) has me on supplements to help that and I

was avoiding my bad foods completely for a couple of months. Now I take

enzymes and I don't seem to have any problems as long as I don't eat my bad

foods too often. I expect this to get better and better. One thing I can say

is that my hair is no longer falling out, and a psoriasis-like rash on my

scalp is going away, as is the eczema behind my ears. I am also no longer

anemic. My strength is coming back, and I feel pretty good!

My husband has IBS and the enzymes have helped him immensely. (His boss is

even on enzymes now because of us!) He hates taking things, but he takes

enzymes religiously because they help him so much.

My 5-y-o was borderline PDD when he was 2. I put him on the GFCF diet back

then and he did very well. He actually was never diagnosed with PDD because

it disappeared just by remoiving gluten. I also have an ASD sister and niece

(her daughter) so these issues seem to run in my family. I also believe that

my dad had ASD as well. I just have/had a slight case of ADD. Getting back

to my 5-y-o - he's doing very well! He's in mainstream kindergarten. He has

an IEP and gets speech and OT 2x a week, but that's it. I've noticed that

fish oil supplements seem to be helping him too. My 2-y-o was in EI for

delays, but was released after a year. He has been GFCF his whole life until

recently. I let him eat regular food now (except for soy and peanuts) with

enzymes. Bothboys now eat all foods other thanthose that they are allergic

to, since it's fairly easy to just avoid those 6 foods anyway.

I can honestly say that we are really surprised at how well we are doing on

enzymes. I am new to them and am very happy at our success. I wish you luck!

in NH

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Dani – Actually, no – I had NO gastro symptoms. I have an iron stomach, so I

had no idea. I did however have a lot of autoimmune things popping up and

went through 6 ½ years of infertility and some miscarriages. I also was

anemic all of the time and had weak teeth and bones, which I now know are

from malabsorption. I also remember being so weak. I really thought that I

would die young.

My sister had a daughter who is autistic and when I researched it for her I

found out about the GFCF diet. (She never implemented it unfortunately.)

Then when my son showed signs of ASD it hit me that there could be a big

family connection. Within 48 hours of going GF there was a huge change in

both of us. I thought we had celiac actually, but we don’t. The other

allergies were a big surprise. I thought I only had an issue with gluten.

The enzymes have been a godsend! It’s so neat to see my boys enjoying

‘normal’ foods. They are in heaven! They are also looking better. My 5-y-o

is putting on a little weight, and my 2-y-o is talking up a storm in full

sentences and his eczema is clearing a bit. I’m very happy.



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of rathmanmom

Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 9:40 PM

Subject: Re: starting enzymes for food allergies

Good for you , that's so great to hear. You must feel free as a

bird with enzymes.

Did you know you we're allergic to all those things?

Welcome to the group and thanks for the inspiration.


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Very interesting!! I had 2 kids and later suffered 3 miscarriages. The Drs could

not tell me why. I found an article regarding taking heparin shots and baby

aspirin for antibody problem. I found out that I was pregnant again and was in

panic mode. I made an appointment with the fertility Dr and showed him this

article. He prescribed the heparin shots. I saw him again 2 weeks later. My

hormone levels were high enough that I should see a heartbeat. Well we did an

ultrasound and no heartbeat. All I thought is I cannot go through this again. He

said lets wait another week and do another ultrasound. Well my levels were high

because I was having twins. So for the next 8 months I was scared. My twins were

born full term. No problems until they were a year old. Both girls have PDD NOS.

I got pregnant again before they were a year old. Again I did the shots. My only

boy was born healthy. The twins had all their shots except for the last set

because we saw regression when they had

them. The boy has not had his 1 year shots. I am not taking a chance with him.

He appears to be a typical toddler. I wish I knew more about the vaccines when

the twins were little. I can't complain because they are mild compared to some

other kids I have read about.

I am looking to start enzymes for them. They very picky eaters. I have

contacted Houstan to see if they have trial samples of the chewable enzymes

before I invest the money we do not have. I have a hard enough time trying to

hide the GFE and Lysine in food now without trying to add more stuff.

Hanisco <chanisco@...> wrote:

Dani – Actually, no – I had NO gastro symptoms. I have an iron

stomach, so I

had no idea. I did however have a lot of autoimmune things popping up and

went through 6 ½ years of infertility and some miscarriages. I also was

anemic all of the time and had weak teeth and bones, which I now know are

from malabsorption. I also remember being so weak. I really thought that I

would die young.

My sister had a daughter who is autistic and when I researched it for her I

found out about the GFCF diet. (She never implemented it unfortunately.)

Then when my son showed signs of ASD it hit me that there could be a big

family connection. Within 48 hours of going GF there was a huge change in

both of us. I thought we had celiac actually, but we don’t. The other

allergies were a big surprise. I thought I only had an issue with gluten.

The enzymes have been a godsend! It’s so neat to see my boys enjoying

‘normal’ foods. They are in heaven! They are also looking better. My 5-y-o

is putting on a little weight, and my 2-y-o is talking up a storm in full

sentences and his eczema is clearing a bit. I’m very happy.



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of rathmanmom

Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 9:40 PM

Subject: Re: starting enzymes for food allergies

Good for you , that's so great to hear. You must feel free as a

bird with enzymes.

Did you know you we're allergic to all those things?

Welcome to the group and thanks for the inspiration.


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Thanks Dani!

Yeah I have and there is/was another person on this board from Iowa that was

seeing them. I understand they don’t do any chelation, which is fine, I’m

just doing the NCD drops anyway, and they aren’t into the testing like with

Great Plains, the “whole” autism type thing, if I’m not mistaken. I

actually lived in La Crosse unil 2004 and we saw Dr. Todd Mahr, allergist at

Gundersen. Good guy, support, mayo testing methods, so all good there.

We’ve been going for the “avoidance” and out grow mode. My son is 5, nt,

and I’m starting to get aggressive in my thinking. I would actually

consider Dr. Hong in IL before hitting Allergy Associates. I’ve heard AA

doing some good things and for others, not really working for others.

They’ve never taken our insurance and when we moved my son was only 18

months, so didn’t consider it then. Dr. Hong I think will be my choice for

my nt food allergy guy if enzymes, probiotics, don’t work. I’m still

waiting on his Great Plains testing too!


Re: starting enzymes for food allergies




> Oh Tammy,

> I'm cheering you and your son on over here! I hope he can get over some of

> these allergies

> as well. We live in a prison of food " allergies " , it's exhausting and


> makes socializing

> difficult. The no fenol helps some what with fruit at our house, our son


> actually

> tolerate a green apple now and then. Whoo Hoo??!! (sorry, my attitude is


> the best some

> days) Why not do all 3 houston enzymes, they still help with over all

> digestion even if your

> on a restricted diet.

> Since your 5 year old is NT, let us know what he tells you on how he is

> feeling with the

> enzymes, if he has a tummy ache or feels great, ect.. My friend felt great

> on Houstons for

> weeks until she started having heartburn and stomach aches, so she


> I don't want

> my two year old to be feeling that way but it still seems enzymes help him


> lot, so I'd be

> curious to know how your son feels, I hope it will make him feel great as

> well.

> Good luck!

> Dani



> >

> > Ok, started my nt 5 year old on enzymes and then stopped for Great


> > testing. Will start up again. I saw no difference but we didn't get that

> > far either.

> >

> >

> >

> > I'm going to start with Zyme. Next progression I would say is the AFP


> > he isn't doing any dairy, soy or wheat so will do No-Fenol. Agree?? He's

> > got major fruit issues!

> >

> >

> >

> > He's basically allergic to almost everything. Milk, soy, wheat, gluten,

> > oats, peanuts, peas, all legumes, eggs, bananas, strawberries, peaches,

> > apples. I'm guessing almost any fruit. We eat them in rotation. He also

> > just tested positive to rice, but he still wants his rice milk and his

> wheat

> > free staples is rice based, been that way for the past 4 ½ years


> > doing to keep going! Also pork, which he only eats now and again. His


> > looks great, no asthma issues so I'm going on health. This has been his

> > healthiest year, knock on wood!!!! I've started kirkman Vit C and their

> > multi vitamin and he does take singular and flovent. I don't want to


> > him off meds because I do think it " controls " any small allergic


> > Basically there isn't much he doesn't test allergic too and I'm sure


> > is more if we just testing, like potatoes, which he loves. So I'm going


> > bury my head in the sand now! I've started him on a probiotic too and

> > anxiously await our results from GP.

> >

> >

> >

> > So basically it is all autoimmune system problem with foods but


> > he is now a pretty healthy kid. I guess I'm going to do enzymes and

> > probiotics and see if we can get some other foods into him.

> >

> >

> >

> > My first test will be dairy. He's class 1 to dairy, he's drinking rice


> > and class 2, so what the heck!

> >

> >

> >

> > Guys, I've lived like this for 5 years, I'm so sick of it! Not feeding


> > is allergens and figuring him out since this all hit a 9 months of age,

> > well, I'll start my own little science experiment and see if this works.

> > Kindergarten starts for him next fall and would really like a family

> > vacation where my entire thoughts don't encompass the thoughts full time

> of

> > meals and preparation 24/7!!!!

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> >

> >

> > Tammy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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