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Re: Possible Zinc deficiency...

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Hi ,

I just had to reply to your post because your description below is a

carbon copy of my family! My husband is the same height as yours and

I am the same height as you, plus my son went from the 90th% down to

the 50th% and I was incredibly concerned. From the age of 3 to 4

years old my son didn't even grown a full inch, I expressed my concern

to his pediatrician (we no longer use him) and he gave me some lame

excuse that when his son was 4 years old he was in the 50th% but now

he's 6'2 " ...well my son's growth was clearly going on a downward path.

When my son was 4 1/2 (a year ago), I learned about biomed from a mom

of a recovered child and she told me about Bioset. I took my son for

his evaluation and one of the first things I was told was that his

body was not absorbing his foods/vitamins and that he had toxicitiy

and drainage issues. We started doing the treatments and within 2

weeks he had a huge growth spurt, I'm not saying this will work for

everyone but it was what happened for us and was observed by every

single one of his therapists. By the time he turned 5, he had grown

about 3 1/2 inches from when we first started the treatments.




> I have a concern and hope someone here can give some insight...my

son is 2 1/2 and was born in the 95% for height and I just noticed

he's in the 5th% in height and I'm a bit concerned.  I did some

research and it seems foods high in Zinc are wheat, eggs, dairy, all

foods he can't have.  I also found that Zinc deficiency can lead to

growth issues.  Does anyone have any advice for me?  He is also soy,

rice, some nuts, fish, corn, and a few others.  My husband is 6' 1 "

and I'm 5' 2 " so I'm expecting him to be in the middle of us...but

certainly not in the 5th%!  TIA!




> " God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

> courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "






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I wouldn't just be concerned about zinc. I'd also consider making

sure he is getting adequate vitamin A as well. If he can't have most

foods that are rich in zinc, why not consider a simple zinc

supplement? How about more meats, specifically beef?

Can he have liver (chicken or veal)?

Vitamin A: The Forgotten Bodybuilding Nutrient


The Liver Files



> I have a concern and hope someone here can give some insight...my

son is 2 1/2 and was born in the 95% for height and I just noticed

he's in the 5th% in height and I'm a bit concerned.  I did some

research and it seems foods high in Zinc are wheat, eggs, dairy, all

foods he can't have.  I also found that Zinc deficiency can lead to

growth issues.  Does anyone have any advice for me?  He is also soy,

rice, some nuts, fish, corn, and a few others.  My husband is 6' 1 "

and I'm 5' 2 " so I'm expecting him to be in the middle of us...but

certainly not in the 5th%!  TIA!




> " God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

> courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "






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