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> >

> > My son (age 3/pdd-nos/dyspraxia) was recently diagnosed with fat and

> > sugar malabsorbtion.



> My son had fat malabsorption. It was caused by mitochondrial

> dysfunction. I wrote what he needed to correct this problem here


> http://www.danasview.net/mar05.htm


> Dana



can fat malabsorption lead to heartburn and gastritis?

My son seems to be having these 2 issues lately and has been having

yellowy fatty stools. His lipid peroxides are high and they suggested

Cq10. He also needs carnitine and b2. He is on hydroxy B12 shots. You

have said previously that B12 can knock down B2? Also I don't think my

son is tolerating his probiotics. Why is it that some kids can't

tolerate bifido species again? He seems to start being silly after

having them and won't eat and then starts a silly biting game. And he

knows he is not supposed to do it so he says " no " before he even does

it. We are supposed to redirect and ignore it but I have awful

bruises from it. He also bites himself once in a great while and I

got a note sent home about it at school. He is also on Nizoral for

yeast. He was on Pentasa (amino salicylate acid) for his gut

inflamation but that made his stools foamy and yeastier smelling. He

doesn't want to eat much of anything lately. He seems to have a lot

of gas. I am so upset that we spent so much money on his

colonoscopy/endoscopy and nothing seems to help him. He won't eat in

the am either. I think I am going to try just a hypoallergenic type

of acidolphilus. His inflamation is in the terminal illeum. With

some showing up in stomach and esophogus. Could lack of folic acid

cause decrease in appetite? Thanks for any info- I am about ready to

throw in the towel. I don't even know what diet he should be on

anymore. Wanda

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> Dana,

> can fat malabsorption lead to heartburn and gastritis?

Yes, altho so can other things.

> My son seems to be having these 2 issues lately and has been having

> yellowy fatty stools.

Also try adding a high lipase enzyme.

>> His lipid peroxides are high and they suggested

> Cq10. He also needs carnitine and b2.

CoQ10 and Carnitine are part of mito cocktail. You can read the other

ingredients here


>> He is on hydroxy B12 shots. You

> have said previously that B12 can knock down B2?

I remember someone else saying that, not me. My kids needed carnitine

and folic acid with B12.

>> Also I don't think my

> son is tolerating his probiotics. Why is it that some kids can't

> tolerate bifido species again?

My son also did not tolerate probiotics. I don't really know why. I

gave him biotin instead, which worked very well.

>>Could lack of folic acid

> cause decrease in appetite?

I don't know, it caused other issues for my kids. I know zinc

deficiency can cause lack of appetite. So can taking B vitamins and

EFAs without mito cocktail.


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  • 3 weeks later...

> Dana,

> if you check out my last reply to you - I just had a thought that this

> must be a corn allergy my son is having.

Enzymes did not help my son with corn, only ALA chelation and a few

supplements eliminated that problem.

> stuffy nose,

This was food intolerance for me.

>> his nizoral contains zanthan gum which I now know peope

> with corn sensitivity have. His juice has citric acid (is this

> different from ascorbic acid?)

Most commercial citric acid is made from corn.

>>I need to find a complete list of things that

> contain corn so we can try to avoid them but I don't know a good

> source do you?

Try this site


>> Does this sound like corn allergy to you?

Very possibly.

>>Did corn make your

> children have fermented smelling BM's?

Not that I recall. It affected them only mentally/behaviorally, not

so much physically.

>>Also after giving the

> nizoral my son does a lot of hand waving in front of eyes. Did corn do

> this to your kids?

Yep, but then so did a few other things.


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In a message dated 04/10/2007 03:55:58 GMT Standard Time,

dalywanda@... writes:

Thank you for telling me about the folic acid. His lips have been

cracked and burning.

>>>In this house that responds quickly to high dose vitamin B2. I use NOW

brand 100mg


Mandi in UK

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--- In , " danasview "



> Thank you for telling me about the folic acid. His lips have been

cracked and burning. Rubbing them on things. I have noticed hangnails

and nails that rip off easily. And a biting thing lately. possibly

burning in feet and hands because he is stomping alot. The Gastro

said his folate was fine but that may be because he had some recently

but other tests have said his figlu was high meaning the need for

folic acid and also genetic testing has suggested using

methyltetrahydrofolate or something like that. 5 MTHF. I will look

into that too. Thanks for the corn allergy web site. I think my son

is experiencing heartburn. We talked to our first gastro today and he

wants him on zantac and mesamalanine (but personally I don't think

this will work on him) Then our second opinion said to put him on the

Creon 20 enzymes and try to use benefiber with him. What do you think

about the 2nd opinion? Just out of curiosity. I'm scared the

benefiber might not work with him but it sure beats using miralax or

something like that. That stuff is so bad for you and some of the

stuff in it I think also contains corn from reading the corn allergy

website. Thank you so much.


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> > Thank you for telling me about the folic acid. His lips have been

> cracked and burning. Rubbing them on things. I have noticed hangnails

> and nails that rip off easily.

Folic definitely helped at my house for those issues. Hangnails were

also vitamin C deficiency.

>>We talked to our first gastro today and he

> wants him on zantac and mesamalanine (but personally I don't think

> this will work on him) Then our second opinion said to put him on the

> Creon 20 enzymes and try to use benefiber with him. What do you think

> about the 2nd opinion?

I would definitely go toward the naturals before I would try the

medications. So I like the second opinion.


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--- In @....

> Hi Dana,

We are trying the creon enzymes with him. Somewhere I thought I read

that phenol sensative people may have a problem with pork derived

enzymes or secretin. Is this true? Is there a sulfer component to

this type of enzyme? He is acting sillier than normal with the

enzymes. I don't know if they are just creating more die off or if he

isn't tolerating them. He has a big red circular rash around his anus

now too. But, his BM is a little darker in color. I don't know if

that means anything. If you have any answers or know where I can find

them let me know.

Thanks, Wanda

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


> My son is 3 years old and we are trying the gfcf diet... the problem

> is that he doesnt like any of the food. Before we started the diet

> the only thing he would eat is chicken nuggets and pot pies and

> sometimes a pancake. So once we started the diet he was down to only

> eating the chicken nuggets. I have read online somewhere that enzymes

> do the same thing as the diet. Does anyone know any helpful

> information on this. My child is starving himself.

My son left gfcf with HNI enzymes


This is a good site on enzymes



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  • 1 month later...

www.enzymestuff.com is a great site for getting started.


> I am new here and also to the world of enzymes. I have 4 boys

ranging in

> ages twenty two to four yrs old, none of whom are autistic,except

we suspect

> aspergers in my twenty yr old second son. I believe my oldest has

always had

> yeast issues, I just didn't know what it was called or what to do

about it. He

> is a very picky eater and only likes most of the yeast ridden foods


> butter,bread,fast food, etc) My two youngest are not autistic but

seem to be

> abnormally aggressive and irritable. My question is how do I know

what to do for

> each of them. Also,the oldest is away at college so I don't have

control over

> his diet. Any ideas there would be appreciated. TIA.




> susan




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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest


> Hallo All

> I am fairly new to Enzymes but have been giving my 5yr old ASD son

> kids digest from enzymedica.

> Is this a reasonable produst to start with?

> We have also been giving him an Ultradophilus probiotic.

> He is casien free but I would like to get him back on casien if

> possible.

> The choice of enzymes seems to be a bit bewildering for me at the

> moment.

> I would be grateful for any advice.


> Kenny


Sorry I posted this before on a heading already in circulation.

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Hi Kenny

Kid's Digest is a good place to start off with. Obviously the best

treatment for gluten or casein intolerance is to remove the offending

foods from the person's diet. But if you do not want to do this, you

can try taking an enzyme formula that contains DPP-IV along with other

proteases. This will digest and assimilate the offending proteins. It

also heals the gut, reduces inflammation, allows the proteins to be

properly absorbed in their digested state, and broadens the amount of

food a person may eat. Enzymedica makes a great product called

GlutenEase. It has Enzymedica is the same company that makes Kid's

Digest. If you would like any samples of this product or if you have

ANY questions, please let me know.


Enzymedica's Education Department


> >

> > Hallo All

> > I am fairly new to Enzymes but have been giving my 5yr old ASD son

> > kids digest from enzymedica.

> > Is this a reasonable produst to start with?

> > We have also been giving him an Ultradophilus probiotic.

> > He is casien free but I would like to get him back on casien if

> > possible.

> > The choice of enzymes seems to be a bit bewildering for me at the

> > moment.

> > I would be grateful for any advice.

> >

> > Kenny

> >

> Sorry I posted this before on a heading already in circulation.


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  • 5 months later...

Most of the adjustments, I think, have been from the probiotics. We

started both at the same time and I think most of what we have seen

is yeast related. I started the boys (3 and 4yrs) out with 1/2

Trienza at each meal, none yet at snacks. 1/2 kids chewable probiotic

from Houston. I was also giving them 1/2 OLE first thing in the

morning, but cut that out. The week we started, one son was just

about over a virus and then the other one suddenly got it (or else it

was made worse with the yeast die-off and OLE trying to fight the

virus). He got pretty sick, so I cut back on everything for him for a

bit. Now they are taking 1 Trienza prior to beginning each meal

(mixed in juice). Then a full kids probiotic after the meal.

The boys are taking Yummi Bears multi vitamins and I've been giving

them a liquid magnesium citrate, calcium citrate, Vitamin D mixture.

I think I will be replacing that with Natural Calm (w or w/o calcium

not sure yet). I think they need more magnesium, especially to help

with the BMs. My oldest is pretty bad about taking new foods, but so

far all the vitamins/supplements we have tried, he's done okay with.


> Thank you for sharing your view. My son is already on probiotics,


> its the Nature's Plus Kidz AcidophiKidz, and Im not sure if there


> better ones he could be taking??? With the Trienza, have you


> any of the adjustment side effects in Defelice's book? How

low of

> a dose did you start with, and was it once a day or each meal. Im


> to reread her book about the yeast issues, thanks for brining that


> Also, what other vitamins & supplements do you add? takes

> Flintstones Chewable w/ extra C, which I know arent the best, but


> only ones he will take willingly. Thanks for your help!! Robin



> > I'm only on week2 of enzymes, but I can give you a beginner's


> > My son is very similar about not eating much, mainly processed


> > mainly starches. We also have a problem with constipation (or


> > like he's constipated even when he goes), gas, bloating, etc.


> > you looked into or read about yeast issues? I would say to think

> > about adding probiotics as well. I read Enzymes for Autism and


> > Neurological Conditions by DeFelice for most starting out


> > I went with a broad enzyme (Trienza) to start and probiotics. We


> > starting low, decreasing and increasing doses as needed and


> > vitamins or other supplements as I see the need.


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> Hello! I am so thankful I found this group, as I have just started

> looking into enzymes. Ive tried to post this a couple days ago, but it

> never showed up on the posts. I really want to try my 10 yo old AS son

> on Enzymes, but have no idea where to start! Is there any specific ones

> that have worked well for any of you?

I used HNI with much success



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