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Re: obessions

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Sorry about this one. I was clearing out some old drafts and hit the wrong




From: <anne_white53@ sbcglobal. net>

Subject: Re: obessions

Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 7:01 AM


Question; what acitivity has your son's dad put in place of the hand held gaming

device; which he obvioulsy enjoys; for example; you take away the one thing the

kid enjoys; and then you give him no substiture! I do not view playing video

games as a compulsion; A compluslion is where the child does not productive

actions; example;

a. complusion; chedks the door knob 10 days a day; Obession; wears only green

clothes etc; I DO NOT THINK VIDEO GAMES IS OCD; however; if your husband does

not want your son playing hand held vidoes then your should not say; we stop

this becausse tis is ocd; this is not ocd; be like saying; I took a 10 m. bike

ride; does that mena I am obssess or complused to bike ride; NO! means i like

bike riding; so your son; like computer games; I do not see this as a bad


just my 2 c and ps I would keep doing the Sachromytes; incraase doaage


> Are you sure this is obsessive compulsive? At our house, this would be

" special interest " . My dd was dx'd and treated for ocd for years. It was Pandas.

Thanks to OLE and danasview, her ocd has been managed very well for 2 years now.

She still has " special interests " - right now it's anime on the computer. What

worked for one, did not work for the other.

> The computer is now a very helpful tool in my parenting bag. I offer more time

for cooperation, less for intentional misbehavior. Special interests can be put

to good use.

> If this issue is still unresolved, feel free to e me direct and I'll tell you

how I made it work for us.

> My daughter is very spiritual and would never show

aggression by choice, nor any other " bad " behavior. Regardless, being

interrupted when she is very tuned in to her interest tends to push her

" impulse-control " button and can result in an angry response. I found a way to

turn that into a positive as well. We are both very happy with what her " special

interest " brings to her life.

> She's 14, but I'm sure this approach would have worked at a much younger age.

> Darla

> p.s. I was an undiagnosed aspie who was denied special interests. I still (at

47) have overwhelming resentment towards those who denied simple pleasures

because they didn't understand my needs. It sounds like your husband is trying

to control your son, rather than understand him - no offense. Does your son have

a dx?





> obessions



> My son has become quite obsessed with convincing his father to rescind a

punishment of witholding my son's hand held gaming device. It has been a month,

and this is still all my son can talk about or think about. When he has the

device (a Nintendo DSI), playing it is his obsession. He becomes angry when

anyone interrupts him from using it, even just to ask him a question.

> The degree to which these obsessions own my son, makes me feel as if

behavioral techniques are not enough to free him from this. It has to be

biological. Any supplements that help repetitive interests and perseveration? We

are taking enhansa, GABA, glycine,

taurine, Niacin, Inositol, B-6, B-12, CLO, digestive enzymes, and Saccharomyces

Boulardii. I even bought an over the counter oxytocin spray, " Oxy Calm " .

> I am really worried because he has told me that he has thought of " shooting "

his father. Over a gaming device! Please, if anyone knows of something to free

him from this OCD and anger, let me know.



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