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Anita wrote:


> Sharon,


> We did sequential homeopathy for a year. We didn't seen any

> improvements that I could attribute to homeopathy. It was a great

> expense and quite a bit of effort. I continued to chelate against

> the wishes of my homeopath and I'm very glad I did, otherwise I'm

> afraid the year would have been a fairly complete waste.


> ----------------------


Hi Anita,

It is important to know that chelation, as discussed in a previous

email, can make prescribing more difficult as it alters the 'symptom

picture' upon which the homeopath needs to prescribe and in some

instances, the response to the prescribed remedy.

Sometimes homeopaths can work around that by using as guide-posts

remaining symptoms that are not necessarily central to the case but are

unchanged. Sometimes so much is altered that this is impossible.

It is also important to know that sequential homeopathy is an approach

to homeopathic treatment rather than homeopathy itself. To my way of

thinking it is a lot like 'paint by numbers " . It is helpful at times

when the child gets the remedy he or she needs. At other times it

misses the mark completely.

Kind regards,

Fran Sheffield

Homeopathy Plus! (Information - Remedies - Tutorials)


Do No Harm Initiative (Free Information on Homeopathic Immunisation)


Homeopathy for Autism (Guidelines for Treatment - Search for Practitioners)


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Not interested. A doc gave me one dose of a pellet version of a homeopathic

remedy which contained dairy without telling me that it contained dairy and

knowing I'm GFCF. It made me horribly sick. When I confronted her about it she

said she didn't think a little dairy would hurt. I was furious. Glad to know

there are GFCF options for those who choose to use them.


Posted by: " Fran Sheffield " FranSheffield@... fmsheffield

Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:49 am (PST)

Hi ,

Check with your supplier/homeopath regarding what the pilules and

liquids are made with as it is easy to avoid dairy and grain alcohol.


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Only if you don't know what your doing with it.

Taking large doses on a haphazard schedule can make you sick. Taking

it while having metal fillings in your mouth will further poison you.

Using it in small doses on it's half life will remove mercury from the


You only have to remove metals from the body before the brain if the

blood levels of mercury are high, such as occurs when amalgam fillings

are removed. In this case, you want to get blood levels of mercury low

enough. This can be done with dmsa or dmps or waiting a really long

time for those levels to drop (ie: three or more months).

Ala is an over the counter antioxidant supplement. Nothing more, it

just happens to have the affinity to bind mercury. Most doctors do not

use ala because it is not a prescription drug, they are not aware that

it binds mercury, nor do they know much about mercury toxicity.

I have not had any problems using it for myself or two children.

Again, used with thought and care in low doses as per AC protocol.

> >> > >

> >> > >

> >> > > ----- Original Message -----

> >> > > From: healthseeker888

> >> > >

> >> > > Might I respectfully suggest that it's not so much Homeopathy

that is

> >> > > a " mixed bag " as it is perhaps more the homeopaths - the

> >> practitioners?

> >> > > As evidenced amply by your next sentence " I was ready to turn


> >> > > until I found the sequential integrative method used by


> >> > > Center of Houston. "

> >> > >

> >> > > ===>The HHC of H doesn't cure every child either, I don't

know their

> >> > > track record but I have known of a number of kids who got no

> >> > > improvements from Homeopathy Center of Houston.

> >> > >

> >> > > So I agree with , it's a mixed bag.

> >> > >

> >> > >

> >> > >

> >> > > People tend to make the mistake of thinking that Homeopaths,

> >> > > Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Ayurvedic physicians and the

like are

> >> > > infallible. Not so at all. They are human, they have issues

and egos

> >> > > and any number of other obstacles that can get in the way of


> >> > > performance in their chosen area. They are also subject to

the same

> >> > > personal foibles and frailties as any other human. As such,

some of

> >> > > them will be more learned in and/or more dedicated to their

art than

> >> > > others. This, of course, applies to all physicians, allopathic or

> >> > > naturopathic. This is why it's important to understand that just

> >> > > because homeopathy (or any other treatment method) hasn't

worked for

> >> > > you yet, does not mean that it may not be the best possible


> >> > > for you out there. It's just a matter of finding the right


> >> > >

> >> > > I went through 3 homeopaths before finally finding the

current one I

> >> > > have been working with, who is awesome! Two of my previous


> >> > > are quite famous and highly regarded in their circles. One of


> >> > > has

> >> > > written quite a number of very well received books on

homeopathy. The

> >> > > other one writes articles about case studies and such all the


> >> > > Though with credentials like theirs, it would be hard to question

> >> > > their dedication or even their abilities, neither one of them

was a

> >> > > good match for me. So, I guess there is a personal factor to


> >> > > as well.

> >> > >

> >> > > My current homeopath actually specializes in treating autistic

> >> > > children. So, if you would like to have her information,

please email

> >> > > me personally.

> >> > >

> >> > > In fairness, you should know that I am a lay homeopath myself.

> >> > > Self-taught over the last 16 years. I have achieved many

cures and

> >> > > remissions on both people and animals with homeopathy over

the years.

> >> > > Some of which bordered on the miraculous. So I guess I would

tend to

> >> > > defend the method more vehemently than others.

> >> > >

> >> > > Healthseeker

> >> > >

> >> > >

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  • 2 weeks later...


> Hi all,

> are there any homeopathy treatments that may help along with getting

> rid of the candida?

+++Hi Vida. Homeopathy can be helpful, however " proper nutrients " and

eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida are more important.

That is because candida is only cured by building up your immune

system, which takes time and patience. Only the body can heal itself

if it gets what it needs to do its job, which is mainly nutrients.

Luv, Bee

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  • 2 months later...
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My homeopath first gave Silicea I htink.

Right now it is

Carcinocinum 1 M weekly

Silicea Im daily once

Ars alb once daily for 3 days with a ten day gap

I'm also giving conium 6x on instructions from a kind person on the forum at

abchomeopathy.com...This person has been guiding me step by step with what I am

giving her-all the other things too...

I had found an old forum post about dog mammary tumour and posted my questions

there and am getting daily help...

There are many remedies for ears but it is better to go through a homeopath...

For any one condition there are thousands of remedies in homeopathy and only an

expert homeopath is able to select the right one...But you could join the forum

at abchomeopahty.com to get and idea-it is free...

I used to read materia medica a lot when I was younger and worked with two of my

homeopaths so at least for small things for the family I am able to heal.

What did you use for the cancer that was homeopathic.

Also..is there anything homeopathic for tinnitus?

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  • 7 months later...


We have used homeopathy with our son for the past 4 months. We used a remedy

called Carb Calc every 4 days and his overall demeanour improved

significantly - he was very oppositional and used to say 'No' to everything.

That changed very quickly and we were amazed by it. We then did a MMR

reversal over 4 weeks and again saw very good improvements in social

behaviour, overall happiness, language increased, etc. At the same time he

was taking Nystatin for yeast (for the first time) and using MB12 shots from

a different compounder than before so I cannot for sure say that his

improvements were all due to homeopathy. Post the MMR reversal process we

started AC chelation (round 4 only) and have hardly used the Calc Carb

remedy because he is such a changed child - so far.

We are going back to our homeopath next week to ask for a remedy that

supports chelation. We are very new to homeopathy but are really impressed

by it and plan on using only homeopathy to treat any illness in the family

from now on. By the way I am just reading the book Impossible Cure by Amy L

Lansky - she writes about how her son was cured from autism through

homeopathy. She also has a website - just google her name.

As with everything else, some people see no improvements at all but we have

been lucky that it has brought improvements to our son. Overall, there are

no risks associated with homeopathy, provided you seek medical attention for

serious medical issues, and it is comparably a very cheap intervention. The

remedies can be diluted in water and last a very long time.

All the best


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Nason <denisenason7@...>wrote:



> Andy and everyone else: What does everyone thimk about sequential

> homeopathy that is being used in Texas? I have heard some really good

> outcomes for autistic children.



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For others, this has good info:



Homeopathy, in general, is how I learned my daughter was not mentally retarded.

We *gasp* found out through Applied Kinesiology (muscle response testing) what

metals were where and what vaccines were causing the most issues. I took the

results from both the Naturopath and the (another gasp) electrodermal screener

to my medical doctor and said, " What's up doc? All her tests say she is fine,

but I keep hearing she isn't! " and from there, the MD found tests to either

validate or disprove the ND, and we were able to replicate the issues with the

right labs, metals after clathration. Even able to get live Measles and rubella

from the MMR cultured from her stools.

Getting Pertussis out of the way helped a great deal, and it took only a month

with a Pertussis homeopathic. We had some custom homeopathics made for metals,

yeast. We used homeopathics for a variety of other issues, and for me to

eliminate allergies to the cats - we adopted two himilayans and I was miserable.

One is on my lap right now, no issues for 4 years.

I use MRT to test what to give my kids on a regular basis. It isn't perfect all

the time, but nothing is, and it is better than just guessing. It has been spot

on for her issues 90% of the time, with the exception of the herbicide

poisoning. I dismissed the need to up doses -- MRT gave a dosage of several ml

of products and I thought something was wrong with me, turns out that I could

have saved us a lot of the hell we are going through right now if I would have


This is a great read in dealing with MRT



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  • 2 months later...
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He will be seven in a week!


From: hatteralice <hatteralice@...>

Sent: Sun, March 7, 2010 6:51:28 PM

Subject: [ ] Homeopathy


Hi Rose,

How old is your son?


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12 yaers


From: hatteralice <hatteralice@...>

Sent: Sun, March 7, 2010 4:51:28 PM

Subject: [ ] Homeopathy


Hi Rose,

How old is your son?


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Hi Cheryl,

I live in the DC area and am considering this. Would you mind telling me the

place? Thanks!

Cheleta's iPhone

On Mar 8, 2010, at 12:11 PM, cheryl urban <cjl_urban@...> wrote:

Homeopathy worked well for us too. We found a second generation Homeopath near

Washington DC and have been very happy. It is also a lot cheaper than some of

the other therapies. We see him once a month and pay $80 a visit. Not bad,



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would homeopathy work for seizures

On Mar 8, 2010, at 11:11 AM, cheryl urban wrote:

> Homeopathy worked well for us too. We found a second generation Homeopath

near Washington DC and have been very happy. It is also a lot cheaper than some

of the other therapies. We see him once a month and pay $80 a visit. Not bad,



> Cheryl



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Can you give name and coordinates of this homeopath? We are in NoVa and would

like to try homeopathy as well.


From: " diamond12345@... " <diamond12345@...>

Sent: Mon, March 8, 2010 12:16:40 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Homeopathy

would homeopathy work for seizures

On Mar 8, 2010, at 11:11 AM, cheryl urban wrote:

> Homeopathy worked well for us too. We found a second generation Homeopath

near Washington DC and have been very happy. It is also a lot cheaper than some

of the other therapies. We see him once a month and pay $80 a visit. Not bad,



> Cheryl



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  • 1 month later...
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>   A homeopath chooses a remedy based on the totality of your symptoms, not a

disease name.  You do not have to know for sure if you have Lyme or not.  Josie

yes, it is interesting that they don't see Lyme (Borrelia) as the direct cause

of the trouble. This fits with my scientific view on the issue, I think Lyme

disease is not JUST Bb infection. Maybe Bb is the 'trigger' that causes things

to spiral out of control.

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  • 6 months later...

We also started classical homeopathy about a month ago. Would you mind telling

me how often you give your constitutional remedy and what remedy you are using?

I have seen a lot more social behaviors in my son in the last month. He is also

a lot calmer at meal time and can sit with us and have a conversation. It's

very encouraging!!


From: cimna19

Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 11:53 AM

Subject: Re: never ending yeast

We started classical homeopathy a little over a month ago and for the first time

in 2 years, we've been able to remove all probiotics and antifungals and are

seeing firm poop. When we have a flare, his constitutional remedy is dosed more

frequently and takes care of it.


> What medicine/supplements do people feel are the best to treating yeast?


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Yes, Nux vomica, worked for us, children and adults....

Re: never ending yeast




>>We started classical homeopathy a little over a month ago and for the

>>first time in 2 years, we've been able to remove all probiotics and

>>antifungals and are seeing firm poop. When we have a flare, his

>>constitutional remedy is dosed more frequently and takes care of it.




>>> What medicine/supplements do people feel are the best to treating yeast?








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  • 2 months later...

I searched one time and found that 40% of medical doctors in Europe use


(google it, but it may be hard to find I looked it up about a year ago)

I do know I went into a pharmacy in France twice and they had many homeopathy

items in the ones I went into . (That being 2 in 2 different areas of France)

And in fact the pharmacist is the one that recommended the homeopathy products

for my ailment.

And I agree with Joe in that I have seen for many years how it works for myself

and others.

I do computer service and repair and was doing a service call on a place about

18years ago on a clinic that did Bio feedback or Bio energetic testing and uses

a lot of homeopathy products.

At the time I knew nothing about it but, a man was there and asked me what I was

being treated for. I said I was not , that I was working on their computer.

He said he was about to have open heart surgery two months previous to that


And he thought before they crack his check he wanted to give this a try.(6 weeks


And he said we had just gone back  to his heart Dr and they couldn't belive it

that his arteries were now almost completely open.

That got my attention! I have used what they recommended over the years and most

worked , some did not.

But It was pretty amazing for some of the things it did help , but then got away

from it over the years until I got cancer.

So don't be to eager to dismiss homeopathy.


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