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Boyd Haley at Conference

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There's been a lot of talk about Boyd Haley and OSR on these boards lately

and I recently got notified about this conference, so I thought some of you

might be interested. (burg is in North Central Pennsylvania.) - paula

Here's the info:


* *

*Boyd Haley, PhD**: *

Emeritus Professor of Chemistry/Biochemistry in the Department of Chemistry

at the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center, is an international

speaker and world expert on mercury toxicity and neurological diseases. He

was a founder and is the scientific advisor of ALT Biosciences, Inc. His

research in the biochemical aberrancies in Alzheimer’s disease also lead to

his identifying mercury toxicity as a major exacerbating factor, perhaps

even a causal factor for this disease. He was one of the first to propose

that the organic-mercury preservative (thimerosal) in vaccines was the most

likely toxic agent involved in Gulf War Syndrome and autism related

disorders. Further, in collaboration with others he has shown using mercury

analysis of birth-hair that autistics represent a subset of the population

that cannot excrete mercury effectively.

In the recent past, Dr. Haley has testified on the effects of mercury

toxicity from dental amalgams and vaccines before the Congressional

Committee on Government Reform, the Pentagon to Surgeon Generals, the

Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and to numerous

legislative committees at the State level that were considering bills to

remove thimerosal and mercury from dental and vaccines products. He

has alsotestified before the FDA committee for Review and Analysis of

the Literature

on the Health Effects of Dental Amalgams and before the Institute of

Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences regarding vaccines and autism.

* Moulden,* *MD, PhD**:* (Brain Specialist)

holds degrees in Biological Psychology (Bachelors), Child Development

(Masters) with thesis in developmental neuropsychology and language

development in children. His PhD is in Clinical and Experimental

Neuropsychology, with a sub specialty in Cognitive Neuroscience. His

doctoral thesis was in neuro-electrophysiology and Functional Brain Imaging.

He has received over 27 scholarships and awards for academic and research

excellence in the brain and behavioral sciences. He is the developer of the

BrainGuard, non-invasive neurovascular imaging protocol, enhanced

measurement, imaging and diagnostic tools for neurologists and


Dr. Moulden’s view is that neurological, hematological, and

immunological evidence

exists and supports the conclusion that all vaccines carry the risk of

major injury leading to chronic diseases and disorders including, but not

limited to Autism. The forensic evidence, as he states, is now as easy as

" come see for yourself. " http://www.brainguardmd.com/ - Tolerance

Lost. *T**here

are answers **AND** solutions for the vaccine injured, neurodevelopment

disorders population, **and public health departments.*

Dr. Moulden, continues to expand his work helping individuals with

autism through

affiliations with Brightsteps & Therapy4Kids in addition to successfully

testifying in vaccine exemption / injury cases.

* *


*8:30am to 9**:00am*: Registration

* *

*9**:00am-**9:15**am*: K.Dunkelberger; Opening

*9:15**am-**10:15**am*: Dr. Boyd Haley

Mercury Toxicity & Disease Connection

(Autism, Alzheimer’s, Gulf War Syn., etc)

Answers and Treatment Options including “OSR”, a new antioxidant supplement

to treat oxidative stress and toxicity.

*10:15am-**1**0:30**am**: **Break*

*10**:30am-1**1**:**15am**:* Dr. Boyd Haley

Conclusion and Q & A

*1**1**:**15a**m – 1**1**:**30am*: Bret Dunkelberger

Bret’s Picks: Embracing Diversity Awards

*11**:**30am** – 1**2**:**00**pm*: Networking

*12:00n-1:00pm: Lunch*

* *

*1:00pm-2**:00**pm**: *Dr. Moulden

Vaccine induced " MASS " ischemic/hypoxic disorders - autism, sudden infant

death, learning disabilities, ADHD, gardasil adversity, death, paralysis,

autoimmunity: Addressing coincidence with cause and

MASS solutions. Answers, hope and solutions for those with vaccine injury

and neurodevelopmental disorders!

* *

*2:00pm** -**2:15pm**: Break*

* *

*2:15pm**-**3**:**00**pm**:* Dr. Moulden

Conclusion: Treatment Options and Q & A

*3:00pm-3:15pm**: *Closing

Kathleen Dunkelberger RNC,CLNC-MOM!

Hope through Spirituality, Faith and Science

* ** *

*Registration Information*

*Date**:* October 2, 2009; Friday

*Time:* 8:00 am to 3:15 pm

*Location: *Country Cupboard Route 15 North

burg, Pa. 17837

*Ju**ne 2009** to **August 31**, 200**9**: *

*Pa**rents of children with autism/**individuals with **autism**/High* *

School** or College Students**: **$50**.00*

*Professionals or Other: $60**.00*

*Late Reg. **for all **after **September 18**,** 200**9**:** $**80**.00*

*(Additional fees apply for transferring registrations to a different name**


* *

*Fee **Includes** Conference**, Breakfast** and Lunch**!*

* *

*Make Check Payable to**:* Bret’s Adventure, Inc.

* *

*Mail Payment to:*

Kathleen Dunkelberger c/o

Bret’s Adventure, Inc.

1015 Cherry Street

Paxinos, Pa. 17860

*Contact Information:*

Kathleen Dunkelberger RNC,CLNC

570-286-4332 or KDCLNC@...

Registration, payment and signature REQUIRED.

No refunds or cancellations after July 31, 2009.

Full refund up to July 31, 2009 with written request only. Speakers/fees

/booth vendors subject to change due to unforeseen events or discretion of

the board.

Presenters and Vendors are independent from Bret’s Adventure, Inc. No

refunds for changes in event or if you do not show. Payment must accompany








* *

* *

*Booth Vendors & / or Materials:*


Bret’s Adventure, Inc.


Kathleen’s Nursing Consulting Services

Bureau of Autism Services

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Center for Independent Living

Connections Academy

Generation Rescue

Dr. Boyd Haley & OSR

Halifax Holistic Dentistry

Center for Special Education Excellence

K & S Music


Marshall, and Assoc.

Mona Vie Antioxidant Juice

Dr. Moulden


National Autism Assoc./ Pa. Chapter

Neurosensory Center of Eastern Pa.

Parent Education Network

Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania

PrePaid Legal Services



Wolfe’s Designs

ZPF Health Technologies

For more information on the speakers and booth vendors please contact

Kathleen at *KDCLNC@...* <KDCLNC@...>.

(Booth vendors/information and speakers are not associated with Bret’s

Adventure, Inc. and are provided for educational

and informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical or legal


The Always Question Authority

Autism Conference is organized by

*Bret’s Adventure, Inc.,*

*www.bretsadventure.com* <http://www.bretsadventure.com/>

A nonprofit organization committed to supporting people with autism

topursue their passions, manifest their destinies and promote their

healing as

they emerge into everything God Created them to be!


Our guests stay at the Hampton Inn,

recipient of *Bret’s Pick Embracing Diversity Award*!

*Hotel Accommodations:*

*Hampton Inn Shamokin Dam*

Rts. 11 and 15; Shamokin Dam, Pa.


(Approx. 10 minute drive from conference site.)

*Past **Recipients of Bret’s Pick:*

Dr. Bill

Brink, TSS

Coles Hardware, Sunbury

Knoebels Grove, Elysburg

Champion Shoe, burg

Hampton Inn, Shamokin Dam

Lynda Culver, District Manager

Pa. House of Representatives

Bob Restaurant, Shamokin Dam

It is time

That we first create,

Then set the standards,

In our Communities and Lives

Instead of complaining as others do so for us.


We must greet difference,

We must acknowledge difference,

Until difference,

Makes no difference,


A. Adele

* *

*Always Question Authority*

*Autism Conference*

A conference for PEOPLE

With autism, their families and professionals,

Affected by the systems.

* *

* *

*W**here*: Country Cupboard

Route 15 North

burg, Pa. 17837

* **When**:* Friday October 2, 2009

* **Time**:* 8:30am to 3:15pm

*Bret’s Adventure*

*Isn’t it time **for the** freedom *

*to **have choices and to **m**ake*

*INFORMED **decisions**?*

*For more information contact:*

*Kathleen Dunkelberger*



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