Guest guest Posted February 19, 2008 Report Share Posted February 19, 2008 2/18/2008 Update Hello All, We have received great news in our recent lab results (2/8/2008) regarding my daughter's Hepatitis B. We have been using Antioxidants for 2 years, but added LDN in July 2007, which was the real bonus in fighting the virus! The great news is my 7 year old daughter's HBV DNA viral load is now undetectable, and her liver enzymes continue to be in the great range (they went into the normal range as soon as we started LDN in July 2007). Also, she has seroconverted the HBeAG (the Hepatitis B 'e' Antigen has gone from Positive to Negative). She has now gained the HBeAB (Hep B 'e' Antibody Positive). This is fantastic news and greatly reduces her chances of liver cancer and/or cirrhosis in the future. While LDN/CAM has worked so well for us, I have found that successful LDN/CAM treatments for Hepatitis in children (or adults) have not been well documented or tracked on an ongoing basis. Unfortunately, this means many people are unaware of the many different treatment alternatives (both with LDN/CAM solely or using CAM/Conventional protocols together). Therefore, I recently established a new Group -- it's called "Hepatitis_Children_and_CAM_Alternatives". I welcome those who are affected by Hepatitis (both children and adults) to also join another Group that is specifically targeted to tracking, discussing, and documenting successful LDN/CAM (and also Conventional) treatments protocols for all types of Hepatitis. For those interested, I have updated our results below to include the latest lab results / information (it's highlighted in blue font). We are truly Grateful, Appreciative, and Awestruck by this miracle and have been blessed by God's mercy in this welcome healing! Blessings of Healing, Peace, and Hope to you and your loved ones! ~~ Joyce 1. User Name: Hope4Joyce 2. Type of Hepatitis (B, C, D, etc.). Hepatitis B 3. How long you or your loved one had Hepatitis? My daughter was adopted from China. It is presumed that her mother had Hepatitis B and passed it to her during my daughter's birth. The assumption is she has had Hepatitis B seven (7) years. 4. Any other contributing illnesses (such as HIV/AIDS) None (other than Food Allergies / Eczema). Both of these have improved since starting the below treatments. 5. Your age when starting treatment Age when starting Secondary Treatments (Antioxidants, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc. noted above in Question #6 was 4 years old. Age when starting Primary Treatment (LDN) was 6 years old. 6. Explanation of Treatment Protocol a. Names of drug, herbs, or treatment Primary Treatment - Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Secondary Treatment – Antioxidants (Alpha Lipoic Acid, Glutathione precursor - N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E), Probiotics, liquid Vitamins/Minerals, Milk Thistle and rotations of Traditional Chinese Medicine, either Schizandra, Licorice Root, Cordyceps, or Astragulus b. Dosages of treatment – Low Dose Naltrexone – Initial dose of 1 mg (July –Nov 2007). Increased dose to 1.5 mg (Nov 2007 – current) nightly. c. How often treatment is taken (daily, weekly, etc.) Every evening, right before bed (Generally, LDN should be taken right before going to sleep to enhance its effectiveness). d. Date that treatment was first initiated July 2007 for LDN, Summer 2005 for Secondary Treatments (Antioxidants, Probiotics, etc.) 7. Have you ever used any other treatment protocols? No, only those treatments specified in Question/Response #6. 8. At least two sets (or more) of lab results prior to the start of the treatment. Please include ALT, AST, DNA Viral Loads, Antigen status, Antibody status, etc., as well as the dates of the lab results. 10/1/04 - ALT/AST 34/39- HBV DNA, BLD, QL, PCR - 317,000,000* /mL (Ref Range<100)- Virus DNA, SER, QN - 1,503,400,000* (Ref Range <160) - HBeAG - Positive (Reactive)- HBsAG - Positive (Reactive)- HBeAB (Antibody) -Non Reactive- HBsAB - Negative* Summer 2005 - Note: We started using supplements beginning in 2005 to help with my daughter's severe eczema and terrible food allergies. These supplements included probiotics, essential fatty acids (Omega 3/6/9 via Hemp Oil or Fish Oil), liquid vitamins and minerals, and a number of antioxidants (L-Glutamine & N-Acetyl Cysteine (both precursors to Glutathione), B-12, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Glutathione, and also various rotations of Milk Thistle, Schizandra, Licorice Root, Astragulus) .9/15/05 - ALT/AST 53/51- HBV DNA (PCR) - not taken12/21/06 - ALT/AST 136*/103*- HBV DNA, BLD, QL, PCR - 26,500,000* (26.5 Million) (Ref Range <100)- Virus DNA, SER, QN - 104,700,000 (Ref Range <160)2/7/07 - ALT/AST 124*/89*- HBV DNA, BLD, QL, PCR - 59,200,000* (59.2 Million) (Ref Range <100)- Virus DNA, SER, QN - 248,100,000 (Ref Range <160)5/11/07 - ALT/AST 196*/203*- HBV DNA (PCR) - not taken 9. Lab Results after beginning treatment. Please include ALT, AST, DNA Viral Loads, Antigen status, Antibody status, etc., as well as the date of the lab results. Providing both the before and after set of lab results helps to confirm the success of the protocol treatment. Low Dose Naltrexone Treatment began mid-July 2007 8/10/07 - ALT/AST 26/38- HBV DNA (PCR) - not takenNote: The doctor's can't believe the results and order more tests. Her liver enzymes have returned to the normal range - these are the lowest ALT/AST results we have seen since her diagnosis in 2001.8/17/07 - ALT/AST 29/39- HBV DNA, BLD, QL, PCR - 53,300* (Ref Range <100)- Virus DNA, SER, QN - 133,225* (Ref Range <160)(over 1000% decrease in viral load since Feb 2007.)9/21/07 - ALT/AST 25/36- HBV DNA, BLD, QL, PCR - 29,000* (Ref Range <100)- Virus DNA, SER, QN - 69,307* (Ref Range <160)- HBeAG - Positive (Reactive)- HBsAG - Positive (Reactive)- HBeAB (Antibody) -Non Reactive- HBsAB - Negative11/15/07 - - ALT/AST 22/31- HBV DNA, BLD, QL, PCR - 170,000* (Ref Range <100)- Virus DNA, SER, QN - 462,842* (Ref Range <160)- HBeAG - Positive (Reactive)- HBsAG - Positive (Reactive)- HBeAB (Antibody) -Non Reactive- HBsAB - Negative *Note Between the 9/21/07 and 11/15/07 lab results, we had stopped some of the Antioxidants we were previously using for food allergies and eczema (since those conditions had improved so significantly). That may account for the slight increase in Viral Load. Since 11/15/07, we have resumed those supplements, as well as increased the dosage of LDN to 1.5 mg nightly 2/18/2008 Update: ***Seroconversion Achieved according to 2/8/2008 Lab Results***** 2/8/2008 – ALT/AST 20/29 - HBV DNA, BLD, QL, PCR - 000,000 Undetectable <100 ( (Ref Range <100)- Virus DNA, SER, QN – 000,000 Undetectable <160 (Ref Range <160)- HBeAG – Negative (Non-Reactive) ****Seroconversion Achieved!!****- HBeAB (Antibody) – Positive (Reactive) ****Seroconversion Achieved!!****- HBsAG - Positive (Reactive)- HBsAB – Negative *We will continue with the above same protocol hoping to also obtain the HBsAG (surface Antigen seroconversion to HBsAB). While it is very rare (approximately only 5% of Hepatitis B carriers seroconvert to HBsAB), I believe that it can happen. It may take a few years to get there, but I believe in miracles!* 10. Your doctor's response to your treatment's success. I called my daughter's Pediatric Gastroenterologist when we first got her lab results in mid-August 07. I said to the doctor "Isn't this good news"...He responded back..."No...this is GREAT news!". We discussed that LDN appears to be having similar responses to other anti-viral drugs. He said that he had a teenager on Entecavir and this patient also saw dramatic results within the first month (similar to my daughter's 1000% viral load decrease). However, the advantage to LDN is that since this isn't an anti-viral Hep B drug, but rather her own immune system fighting the virus via the LDN, we don't have to worry about the anti-viral resistance that can be a problem with other anti-viral drugs. Also, if at any point the LDN does not appear to be working in the future, we always have the option of starting anti-viral drugs (without the worry of her already building up anti-viral drug resistance). The gastro doctor was not the prescribing doctor of the LDN, but he said to keep on doing what we are doing because it appears to be successfully working!The Advanced Practice Pediatric Nurse who prescribed the LDN is ecstatic with the results. Since LDN has had such good results with AIDS and other immune illnesses, she thought that maybe LDN would help prime my daughter's immune system. Her words were, there's virtually no risk (we didn't experience any of the sleep changes that a minority of people have), it's been so helpful for other illnesses, and it's so cheap (less than a $1 / day), then why not try it? She knows I now research everything relating to my daughter's medical conditions, so she left the decision to me...and I'm so glad we took an alternative approach with LDN. 11. Any other significant factors effecting the protocol treatment – In my daughter's case, we started on a very minimal dose (1 mg) and saw great results in her immune system fighting the virus. We increased the dosage to 1.5 mg when her viral load went up slightly in November 2007. For children, the maximum dosage is believed to be 3.0 mg per day (but may be lower, depending upon the child). At this point, we have achieved results below that 3.0 dosage level. *Note: For adults, the normal dosage is suggested to be 4.5 mg nightly to obtain the maximum benefit to the immune system. 12. Did you have a Liver Biopsy? If so, what where the results? 4/23/07 - Liver Biopsy (Prior to initiating LDN treatment)Grade / Scale Based on 0-4 (0 being none / 4 being worst)- Scarring: 2- Inflammation: 2 13. Any other comments/information that would be helpful to other members. My 7 year old daughter has chronic active Hep B (we learned this after we got back from China and had all of her routine tests completed.) We have been monitoring her every year since 2001. Her liver enzymes and viral load started going up over the past year. I've included her lab results over the years above. Anyway, we did a liver biopsy in Spring 2007 and both her Inflammation and Scarring scores were 2 (with the scale 0-4). Based on her increasing lab results and the biopsy, my daughter's doctor said that we did need to start treatment in the near future. He contacted s Hopkins and we determined that my daughter would be a good candidate for the upcoming Entecavir Pediatric drug trial that's starting in the near future. My doctor (Gastroenterology) left the decision (Interferon versus Entecavir trial) up to me.While we were waiting during the summer of 2007 for the Entecavir trial to start, I spoke with an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse who has really helped me with my daughter's other medical conditions over the past two years (she has very bad food allergies and was having horrific eczema two years ago. We worked on healing her leaky gut with probiotics, Omega 3's, antioxidants with great success! You can not even tell she has eczema now). Anyway, she was excited about my daughter getting into the Entecavir drug trial, but I asked her if she could think of anything that would help boost her immune system (since that's somewhat how Interferon works). She thought about it and asked me to look into Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN - here's the website (http://www.low dose and determine if I was interested in trying it. Since LDN basically works to boost the immune system, has no side effects (except maybe sleep changes in the first few days of taking it), is being used in children by Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless and other doctors in treating Autism, and is really cheap (less than a $1 a day), I was eager to try this before the Entecavir study (to see if maybe the two together would help her). Well, the good news is....her liver enzymes have immediately returned to normal and her HBV Viral Load is now Undetectable. At this point, we don't even need the Entecavir- Yippee!My only regret is that I didn't get her blood work drawn immediately preceding the start of the LDN. Since she doesn't do well with getting her blood taken, I was trying to spare her an extra needle stick. While it could definitely have been a miracle of God (without the LDN) - I believe it was the miracle of God pointing us to use LDN. The only thing that changed in how we were handling her Hep B was the start of the LDN in July. We can not definitively say with 100% that it's the LDN. However, I believe that it is LDN (and God's mercy) in this great turnaround on the disease's progression. Anyway, there's our success story. Since we have only been on it a short time, I believe we will continue so see great results in restoring the liver to wholeness. I believe this could help others and may be a safe alternative to the current limited drugs that are available for children. It appears that my daughter's body may have entered into the "Immune Clearance" stage with the Secondary Treatments we did since 2005 (Antioxidants, Probiotics, Herbs, etc.) and LDN helped further stimulate her immune system to dramatic fight the virus. However, I believe that LDN might also help jump start the immune system and take a child from the "Immune Tolerant" stage to the "Immune Clearance" stage in a safe and effective way (without Interferons or Anti-Viral Drugs)! I know I'd rather have a child with great liver enzymes and a very load viral load! While I'm not pretending to be a doctor, LDN might be something you want to investigate and talk to your doctor about. I will warn you though, LDN is cutting edge treatment and most conventional doctors don't know about Len's use as an immune modulator. The LDN website (http://www.low dose is full of information that you can print out and give to your doctor. Also, the website has a link to one of the LDN where you can learn about other people's success with LDN. **2/18/2008 Update – The above protocol of LDN, antioxidants, and various rotations of Traditional Chinese Medicines were proven very successful in my daughter's 2/28/2008 seroconversion from HBeAG (e Antigen positive) to HBeAG (e Antigen negative). She has also obtained the HBeAB (e Antibody positive). These same treatment outcome results only happen in approximately 20-30% of children on Interferon treatments, so the above treatment may successfully compete with Interferon! Three Cheers for Answered Prayers & LDN! Joyce Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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