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ot/crpost: 16 y/o typical son/horrible behavior!

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Hi friends,

We are having boatloads of trouble with my sophomore, soon to be 16 y/o son. He

got an amalgam filling as a 3 or 4 y/o, which at the time I had no clue was

WRONG. Shortly thereafter he started to suffer from constipation, which lead to

encopresis. He started to decline in school around 3rd to 4th grade

behaviorally. He has been on soccer, basketball and baseball teams, and it has

become somewhat of a joke amongst high school teammates how angry he can be on

the field, wanting to fight, getting " carded " in soccer, or thrown out of a

basketball game. His grades are terrible, basically failing out of high school,

and he is only a sophomore. He is extremely bright, so I know he is ABLE to to

the work, he chooses NOT to do the work. He is a middle child, my oldest (a

daughter) is a super athlete, very popular (hs junior) and my youngest (8th

grader) is my autistic child. Max is also very popular, but making such poor

choices that he " enjoys " being set up by

" friends " to do stupid things like post things on Facebook to incite some sort

of riot.

He no longer has his amalgam tooth (lost that maybe 4 years ago), but I believe

he harbors a host of nasties... could be yeast, bacteria or parasites.

Please suggest something to start him on...perhaps that will address more than 1

thing. We are at our wits end and basically scared he will end up as a dropout!


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