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Zinc dosing questions

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I can't find information on zinc dosing. Anyone know how much to

give? How do I know when to back off? Also, what about zinc-

carnosine? I've read one research article that seemed to have good

results, but no long-term analysis of side-effects. I really want to

start giving her zinc in some form, but I'm not sure what a theraputic

dose is. The label on the bottle of New Chapter Organics I bought

today says 30mg 1x/day. Where can I find this information? What brands

do you use?

FYI: I am 30 yrsold and weigh 145 lbs. My 3yo daughter weighs roughly

40 lbs.


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> I can't find information on zinc dosing. Anyone know how much to

> give? How do I know when to back off?

I would start with 10-15mg and work up from there. Usually, the

recommended maximum is weight+20mg. What symptoms are you seeing,

that make you think it is zinc deficiency? You can increase the dose

until the symptoms are gone, depending on other factors.

>> Also, what about zinc-

> carnosine?

That combination was good for my son for about a month.

>>The label on the bottle of New Chapter Organics I bought

> today says 30mg 1x/day.

Try giving half that, see how things go. Zinc on an empty stomach can

cause nausea and vomiting, so give it with food, at least at first.


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I am seeing teeth grinding (mostly while he is sleeping). Also I did the DDI

hair test and his copper is super high, so I was going to try to get the copper

down. Is zinc something that they can overdose on?___


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Thanks SO MUCH for the info, Dana! THat really helps. As far as

symptoms...her's aren't neurological, just gastrointestinal (with

agression and moodiness when foods aren't broken down properly due to

lack of enzymes). I'm interested in supplementing with zinc because of

it's gut healing properties. We have obvious malabsorption and candida

problems. I think I'm going to get hair tests done on both of us so we

have a baseline to work with. Where do I go to find labs that do this?


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> I am seeing teeth grinding (mostly while he is sleeping). Also I

did the DDI hair test and his copper is super high, so I was going to

try to get the copper down. Is zinc something that they can overdose


Yes, you can give too much zinc. At my house, too much zinc cause

nosebleeds for one child and hand posturing for another.

Teeth grinding can be related to mineral deficiency, but not

necessarily just zinc. One of my kids was calcium deficient, and he

was also low on vitamin K, which is required [among other things] for

proper absorption of calcium. So once I gave him vitamin K and

calcium, the teeth grinding stopped.

Yeast overgrowth can also cause teeth grinding.


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