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Yeast and cidin

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Okay, this stuff is causing some severe yeast in my son. I remember

this happened with Virastop in the beginning as well but when I added

Candidase it was eliminated. I just started the Lauricidin a few days

ago at 4 pellets 3x daily. The yeast began almost immediatly.

Here's what we're doing:

Vit C 10,000 mgs a day

OLE 2500 mgs a day

L-Lysine 1000 mgs a day

Virastop 9 caps a day

Yeast Cleanse by Soloray 6 caps a day

Candidase 3 a day (with the Virastop)

And other basic supps. Anyone have any ideas? I have used GSE and

biotin, but I like to rotate so the Yeast Cleanse is kinda new. Maybe

I should add the GSE and Biotin back in?

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