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Re: OCD, GI tract, PANDAS Valtrex and GSE

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I should have added that they are also taking Vit C and Lysine, and as

well are using digestive enzymes at meals again. We had such great

improvement that I had slacked off on this for a while. After almost 3

yrs of this I was so excited when I saw no reaction to gluten anymore,

and my dau being able to use dairy in very small amts w no discernable

effect. But maybe it was too soon.

I also think that there is a factor of exercise involved here.

Basketball, soccer and swimteam are over and they have become

increasingly sedentary the last month.

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How long did you give the Lysine and Vit. C???

Did you give it for a reason? What possitives did you see?

On Dec 3, 2008, at 11:29 AM, alyricss wrote:

> I should have added that they are also taking Vit C and Lysine, and as

> well are using digestive enzymes at meals again. We had such great

> improvement that I had slacked off on this for a while. After almost 3

> yrs of this I was so excited when I saw no reaction to gluten anymore,

> and my dau being able to use dairy in very small amts w no discernable

> effect. But maybe it was too soon.


> I also think that there is a factor of exercise involved here.

> Basketball, soccer and swimteam are over and they have become

> increasingly sedentary the last month.





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, I give lots of water soluble vitamins because my kids GI

tracts were a wreck from h. Pylori and yeast, and my assumption was

that they wouldn't absorb it on their own from food nutrition. The

lysine is for herpes virus that causes cold sores and Vit C is for

same, plus immune system.

What has happened in 24 hrs is the Valtrex suppressed the heck out of

everything and she has been just fine w no behaviors since she got up

this morning. She slept 14 hrs straight - a record. I don't prefer to

give Valtrex indefinitely so I hope someone has some insights here.

The benefit tho was that it shows me that viruses are prob the culprit.


How long did you give the Lysine and Vit. C???

Did you give it for a reason? What possitives did you see?

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I don't prefer to

give Valtrex indefinitely so I hope someone has some insights here.

The benefit tho was that it shows me that viruses are prob the culprit.


There was a webinar not long ago regarding viruses and ASD. The protocol

they were suggesting re Valtrex was 250mg x 3 times / day for a trial of 6 -

8 weeks.

They noted that you should see a regression / agitation period within 3-4

weeks if the treatment is working. Fever / runny nose common; rash

especially on trunk is common; yeast flare usual (use Diflucan 3mg/kg to

control); sometimes need to increase dose.

Also, the presenter strongly suggested that you wash off the blue color

coating of the tablet as it contains aluminium.

Good luck


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I hope someone else can respond on this question.  I reported yesterday that 2

doses of Valtrex stopped the OCD behaviors and she really calmed down.Then by

last night she was coughing and had a runny nose like a faucet - but just clear

running, not colored, so there is no infection.  This afternoon she had a bm

that she said was bright lemon yellow.  I thought she meant tan colored, but she

said no, and went and got a yellow sucker and showed me that it was the same

bright yellow color as the sucker. ( these are organic suckers w no artificial

food coloring - we don't use artificial food colors)


What the heck is that?  I never heard of such a thing in a 10 yr old. I just

talked to the pediatrician's nurse and she'd never heard of yellow poo except in


I 'think'  it has to be some kind of viral die off. She had 3 days in a row of 5

drops of GSE, then the Valtrex, then these new symptoms.  If it is die off then

I suppose I should be ecstatic.   


If anybody has any ideas about what this is I would be so grateful

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>>I am now dealing w a crabby, back-talking kid who wanders around

dropping things everywhere w no purposeful activity.

I would first consider yeast overgrowth.

>>Since then, she is having very foul gas, very hard time sleeping,

the purple allergy looking rings under her eyes returned even tho I'm

using No-Fenol which has always helped in the past, and her behavior

has deteriorated. Her stools are large, well formed and med brown.

They are so solid sometimes they don't go down the toilet.

This can also mean yeast.

> Over the years I have finally noticed seasonal cycling of behaviors

- esp in late fall leading up to holidays - irritability, moodiness,

disorganized, weepy, clingy, and she always gets cold sores and

impetigo outbreaks on her face.

Cold sores can mean food intolerance [caused by thyroid issues here,

selenium eliminated them] and herpes virus [lysine eliminated that here].

> I started 5 drops of GSE 3 days ago just as an immune system booster

and immediately she began to revive a sore throat that has been

lingering for weeks. Is this die off of something?

Yeast might be coming out thru the throat. Try adding some biotin,

with magnesium.

>>Her brother took 5 drops of GSE last night before dinner and within

20 minutes was holding his face which had turned red and hot, his ears

were fire engine red and he said the left side of his face and the

back of his neck hurt badly.

GSE is high phenol, and the red face and ears are phenol symptoms.

>>Now I'm wondering if its possible to give Valtrex while you are

fighting viruses w biomeds and enzymes? Does the Valtrex suppression

help kill the virus or does it force it back into dormancy where the

biomeds can't reach it?

I don't know. I know it is supposed to " suppress " the virus.

I used OLE, Virastop, vitamin C, and lysine [and high dose vitamin A

protocol for measles virus] to eliminate viruses here. Viral die off

caused a LOT of yeast.


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> I hope someone else can respond on this question. I reported

yesterday that 2 doses of Valtrex stopped the OCD behaviors and she

really calmed down.Then by last night she was coughing and had a runny

nose like a faucet - but just clear running, not colored, so there is

no infection.

Increase the yeast protocol. Addressing viruses causes LOTS of yeast

overgrowth, which caused these symtoms here [as well as other

symptoms]. I used lots of biotin here with much success at

controlling yeast.

Yellow bm can be many things, including liver stress.


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