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The Link Between Autism and Low Levels of Vitamin D

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Life Extension Magazine April 2009 [image: Reports] The Link Between

Autism and Low Levels of Vitamin DBy Julius Goepp, MD [image: The Link

Between Autism and Low Levels of Vitamin D]

An epidemic of autism appears to be underway in the United States. According

to several respected leaders in child and adult nutrition from across the

United States, the current meteoric rise in autism and autism spectrum

disorders (ASD) may well be a direct consequence of significant vitamin D

deficiencies in pregnant women and their infants.1-6 And evidence points to

vitamin D deficiency as the cause of other debilitating brain conditions as

well.5,7-10 This insidious deficiency is readily remedied—yet tragically

often missed.

For years, Life Extension has been exploring the potentially devastating

consequences of vitamin D deficiency, ranging from cardiovascular disease to

cancer. Now in this report, Life Extension magazine examines the link

between low levels of plasma vitamin D and autism. At the forefront of this

research is Dr. J. Cannell, executive director of the Vitamin D Council

and a forensic psychiatrist at Atascadero State Hospital in California. The

stunning findings suggest that rampant vitamin D deficiency is causally

related to brain dysfunction, and may be readily preventable by adequate


Autism—What’s Known, What’s Guessed, and What’s Still to be Learned

Autism, or the Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), involves poor social and

verbal functioning accompanied by repetitive or “stereotyped”

behaviors.12Symptoms begin sometime in early childhood. Just what the

deficits are, when

they first become evident, and what causes them are still unknown, though

both genetic and environmental factors seem to play major

roles.12-14Similarly, it seems apparent that there are many different


conditions that meet at least some of the definitions of autism or ASD.12

[image: Autism—What’s Known, What’s Guessed, and What’s Still to be


In fact, scientists agree that we actually know very little about this

puzzling, multi-faceted, and tragic condition, which ranges in severity from

very subtle alterations in social behavior to full-blown developmental

delays that may result in placement in long-term care facilities.15-17

What is undeniable is that there has been a marked increase in the number of

children being diagnosed with autism over the past two decades, not just in

the US but in most industrialized nations.18-21 Some experts argue that this

rise is due to increased detection by parents and physicians, as well as

changing criteria and diagnostic categories.22-25 By now, however, most

agree that the increase is real, and probably represents an interaction of

basic genetic tendencies with something new and different in our current

turn-of-the-century world.3,19-21 One report showed the incidence of autism

rose 30-fold in just seven years.25 This 2006 British study estimated that

one in every 86 children met criteria for autism or ASD20—a shocking figure

that alone justifies use of the term “epidemic.”3

What is causing this apparent dramatic rise in autism cases? The answer or

answers have been elusive, generating heated controversy among (and between)

physician groups, other scientists, and many parent groups. Considerable

attention has been given to mercury and other environmental toxins that

cause oxidative stress,26,27 and scientists are conducting further studies

to determine if mercury in the environment and mercury preservatives in

vaccines are casually linked to autism. Genetic factors are also important,

as demonstrated by high rates of occurrence in other family members,

particularly in twin studies.28,29 Today’s consensus identifies both genetic

and environmental factors as being relevant to the causes of autism.14,30

The “Vitamin D Deficiency Theory” of Autism

What possible factors involving both genetics and environment could account

for the dramatic change in autism rates in just 20 years? Our genes surely

aren’t changing that fast, and while our environment is clearly being

altered, no serious scientist suggests that anything radical enough to cause

an epidemic of brain dysfunction has taken place in the past two decades.

That’s correct, argues Dr. Cannell, but in fact our behavior with

regard to our environment has indeed undergone significant changes—changes

that, because of their effects on the vitamin D neurosteroid system, can and

do account for many of the observed facts about the autism epidemic.

[image: The “Vitamin D Deficiency Theory” of Autism]

Dr. Cannell, a widely-published expert on vitamin D’s many-faceted effects,

4,31-33 believes that these facts line up in a compelling fashion to

implicate vitamin D deficiency and support the “vitamin D deficiency theory”

of autism.3 Let’s follow Dr. Cannell’s line of thinking as he lines up the

extraordinary evidence that we may be able to stop the autism epidemic in

its tracks with simple vitamin D supplementation.

Cannell starts with the incredible increase in our understanding of vitamin

D’s fundamental contri-butions to human health. Though most people (sadly

including many physicians) still associate it only with bone mineralization,

we now understand that the active form of vitamin D, called calcitriol,

plays an equally important role as a neurosteroid hormone, directly

responsible for many elements in brain development and behavior34 (other

examples of neurosteroids include the sex hormones estrogen and

testosterone, which have effects on the full spectrum of human behaviors).

Vitamin D obtained from supplements or sunshine must undergo two biochemical

processes before it becomes active. First, it is metabolized by the liver to

25-hydroxyvitamin D, the main circulating form of vitamin D and the only

vitamin D metabolite that should be measured to assess vitamin D status.

Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D then undergoes a final biochemical step to

form calcitriol, a potent neurosteroid that controls brain cell growth, and

acts on receptor molecules found in brain cells from the first days of

embryo formation.35 Because of these potent effects, researchers in 2001

labeled vitamin D the “neglected neurosteroid” and concluded that vitamin D

deficiency “should be examined in more detail as a candidate risk factor”

for neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.36 More recently,

researchers have suggested that vitamin D, acting as a neurosteroid, offers

“neuroprotection, antiepileptic effects, immunomodulation, [impact on]

several brain neurotransmitter systems and hormones, as well as regulation

of behaviors,”37 stressing the importance of prenatal, neonatal, and

postnatal vitamin D supplementation for normal brain functioning.38

[image: Calcitriol—Nutrient and Neurohormone of Brain Development]

But what has happened in the past 20 years that could affect the

neurosteroid function of vitamin D and relate it to the explosion of autism

cases? Plenty, argues Cannell: put very simply, we have become excessively

“sun-phobic” in our efforts to reduce the very real risk of skin cancers.

3,39 Couple this with our decreasing natural exposure to sunlight as we’ve

moved from agricultural to manufacturing to service-based activities, and

you have the “perfect storm” for vitamin D deficiency.1,11 Vitamin D levels

in industrialized countries are known to be much lower than those of fully

sun-exposed individuals.40 Thus, our behavior has had the paradoxical and

unintended consequence of limiting our blood levels of the only known

precursor of a vital neurohormone that, in turn, can influence the very

organ of behavior itself, the brain.3

What is the evidence to support the vitamin D deficiency theory of autism? A

recent review by Dr. Cannell provides a substantial and cogent evidence

base,3 starting with the characteristics of the vitamin D neurosteroid

system itself. Calcitriol acts as a “molecular switch” in brain tissue,

turning on powerful genes that influence brain development. There are about

1,000 genes already known to be targets of calcitriol activity, and that

number is growing fast.37,41

But unlike any other vitamin system, the bulk of human vitamin D stores come

not from oral intake but from skin production under the influence of

sunlight.42,43 As Dr. Cannell notes in his review, “Large populations of

pregnant women putting small amounts [of vitamin D] in their mouths—in the

form of prenatal vitamins—instead of generating large amounts in their

skins, is novel to human brain development;”44 since we no longer get ample

sun exposure, we need to pay closer attention to how much vitamin D we do

get through our mouths.

The case for significant oral supplementation is made even clearer when one

considers that skin production of vitamin D is vastly more efficient than

oral intake.2 In fact, just 10-40 minutes of summer sunbathing by a

fair-skinned adult, notes Cannell, produces about 20,000 units of vitamin D

which is presented to the systemic circulation over the next 24 hours45—to

get the same amount orally a pregnant woman would have to drink 200 glasses

of milk (at 100 IU per glass) or take 50 standard prenatal multivitamins

(400 IU per tablet) to realize the same gains!3

But, as Cannell goes on to point out, we’ve been assiduously avoiding sun

exposure for the past 20 years, dutifully following AMA guidelines.39 It is

precisely during that same 20-year period that we’ve seen the rapid rise in

autism rates,14 though as Dr. Cannell acknowledges, “Thousands of other

environmental changes occurred during this same time and such associations,

on their own, mean little.”3

But there are plenty of additional persuasive arguments supporting the

theory. The calcitriol neurohormone system is different from all the body’s

other steroid hormone systems. While other steroids are produced directly

from the body’s natural store of cholesterol “precursor” compounds, the

amount of calcitriol produced is completely dependent on having enough

precursor 25-hydroxyvitamin D present in the first place. And brain levels

of activated vitamin D, as Cannell observes, “directly depend on the amount

of vitamin D the mother makes in her skin or puts in her mouth.”3

Cannell’s dramatic conclusion is that “Human behavior, be it the step into

the sun, the step to the supplements, the step into the shade, or the step

to the sunscreen, determine brain calcitriol levels.”3 In the case of the

human fetus, as we’re about to see, brain calcitriol levels are directly

linked to very early cognitive development, with tremendous implications for

the developing baby’s brain.

What You Need to Know: Autism and Vitamin D

- An epidemic of autism is sweeping the US and other industrialized


- Causes and cures for autism have long eluded researchers, with often

conflicting data making progress difficult.

- At the same time a less well-publicized but undeniable epidemic of

vitamin D deficiency has been underway as a result of diminished sun


- The inspired leadership of several forward-thinking experts has finally

tied the two epidemics together and may allow for the first real progress in

preventing and treating autism since the epidemic began.

- Since most Americans don’t get nearly enough sunlight to meet their

daily vitamin D needs, and since too much sun exposure can be dangerous,

experts now recommend oral supplementation of vitamin D far in excess of

standard government recommendations.

- Pregnant and nursing mothers as well as young infants need special

attention to vitamin D status, since vitamin D works as a neurohormone to

stimulate proper brain development and potentially reduce risk for autism.

Calcitriol—Nutrient and Neurohormone of Brain Development

A wealth of animal data has emerged demonstrating just how essential

calcitriol is in early fetal brain development. Offspring of vitamin

D-deficient rats, for example, have abnormal cell growth, structure, and

functions in their brains,46-48 excessive and undirected movements,49-52 and

subtle alterations in learning and memory.8 Even when the deficiencies occur

only late in gestation, they are capable of causing disruptions in adult

brain functioning,48 demonstrating the exquisite dependence of brain

development on this vital neurohormone.

A group of French researchers has in fact found 36 crucial brain proteins

that are disrupted when vitamin D is deficient during fetal

development,7,53and others have shown increased brain size and

enlargement of the

fluid-filled ventricles of the brain9—both abnormalities that are common in


Toxins and Oxidants—Another Important Role for Calcitriol in Autism?

What about the apparent importance of toxins and inflammation in autism?

Does the vitamin D deficiency theory of autism offer an explanation?

Resoundingly yes—for example, it is already known that autistic people have

abnormalities in immune functions similar to those that are affected by

vitamin D—including increased inflammatory cytokine levels.12,56,57 And we

know that much of the ongoing inflammation in autistic brains is the result

of oxidative stress12—just where vitamin D’s powerful anti-inflammatory

properties are most useful *(and most critical if missing)*.

[image: Toxins and Oxidants—Another Important Role for Calcitriol in


Calcitriol has nootropic properties—that is, it protects brain tissue by

reducing inflammatory cytokine levels which, when elevated, are strongly

associated with cognitive impairment.3,58 Calcitriol also protects brain

tissue by stimulating production of neuro-trophins, chemicals that combat

toxicity from a number of sources including toxic levels of intracellular

brain calcium.59 Calcitriol also increases brain levels of

glutathione,60,61a powerful natural antioxidant that is the body’s

most important tool for

detoxifying and excreting heavy metals and that is rapidly consumed during

oxidant stress from toxins and other sources.

Cannell argues convincingly that it is especially this calcitriol-induced

increase in glutathione levels that can explain the link between autism and

heavy metal toxicity.3,62 Heavy metals deplete intracellular

glutathione,63however, animals supplemented with calcitriol show a

reduction in iron- and

zinc-induced brain injury.64,65

A study by Dr. Jill sheds further light on the connection between

heavy metals, glutathione, and autism. Children with a variant of autism

called regressive autism demonstrated a severe imbalance in the ratio of

active to inactive glutathione, compared with healthy children. Regressive

autism occurs when previously healthy children lose acquired language or

behavioral skills and go on to develop autism. Children with regressive

autism displayed chronically elevated levels of oxidative stress, which

would make them more vulnerable to damaging neurotoxic agents such as heavy


Vitamin D Interactions—An Answer to the Gender Issue in Autism?

The fact that vitamin D metabolism differs markedly under the effects of the

sex hormones may go a long way towards explaining yet another puzzling fact

about autism, namely its strong predilection for boys over girls.3 For

example, researchers in Sweden and in Utah have now shown that estrogen has

effects on developing brain tissue that serve to make it more responsive to

the neurohormonal growth-stimulating effects of calcitriol—results which

suggest that estrogen can enhance any beneficial effects of vitamin D on the

brain.67,68 It has been found that estrogen increases the activity of an

important vitamin-D-related calcium binding protein in neurons69,70 that

plays several important roles during central nervous system development.

Though complex, these studies do support the notion that the developing

brain of a female fetus, with its predominance of estrogen relative to

testosterone, could make more efficient use of available vitamin D than

would the brain of a male fetus. In a situation where there was plenty of

vitamin D present, such differences would go unnoticed—but introduce the

all-too-prevalent maternal vitamin D deficiency state, and the stage is set

for possible impairment in boys more commonly than in girls, which is of

course precisely the situation we see with autism’s gender discrimination.3

Continued on Page 2 of 2


Life Extension Magazine April 2009 [image: Reports] The Link Between

Autism and Low Levels of Vitamin DBy Julius Goepp, MD [image: Vitamin D

Intake and Cognitive Performance] Vitamin D Intake and Cognitive Performance

If even some of the damage done by vitamin D deficiency during fetal

development is reversible, we’d expect to find that vitamin D

supplementation would help reduce autistic symptoms at least to some extent.

There aren’t yet many good studies on this subject, but what we know is

encouraging. A multivitamin supplementation study of 20 autistic children in

2004 showed improvements in sleep and gastrointestinal problems that are

common in autism (that study only provided 150 units of vitamin D per day,

which as we’ll see is probably well below the minimum

requirement).71Similar multivitamin studies have shown improvements in

cognitive function

even in apparently normal schoolchildren, according to one review of 14

separate studies.72

What’s remarkable (and heartbreaking) is that while these studies show very

little effect on most of the children evaluated, about 20% of the children

had substantial gains in performance.72 This 20% might represent a vitamin

D-deficient subgroup of children—a tremendous number if these figures hold


We would also expect that consumption of vitamin D-rich foods by pregnant

women would improve cognitive performance in their infants, and indeed

Cannell provides evidence that high maternal consumption of fish, rich in

vitamin D, is associated with better cognitive outcomes in

infants.73,74Another recent study demonstrated that infants born to

mothers with very low

seafood intake had higher risks for having low verbal IQs, less

well-socialized behaviors, and poorer fine motor and communication

skills.75As Cannell persuasively argues, these deficiencies are

“eerily similar to

[those found in] autism.”3

A Word About Dosing

To reach the 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood levels that Life Extension recommends

for optimal health of 50-60 ng/mL, most typical Americans will need to use

dietary supplements, given the real risks ofprolonged exposure to sunlight

or UV tanning lights. But neither officially-recommended daily intakes of

vitamin D (400 IU/day) nor consumption of vitaminD-fortified foods can

effectively prevent vitamin D deficiency.4,85,86 As leading researcher Dr.

Cannell points out, “Adequate oral supplementation will require doses

that might make a practitioner initially uncomfortable, as physiological

doses of vitamin D, in the absence of sun exposure, probably range between

400 IU/day for premature infants to 10,000 IU/day for the morbidly

obese.”4Cannell goes on to cite another expert, Dr. P. Heaney

of Nebraska’s

Creighton University, who estimates that 3,000 IU/day is required to assure

that 97% of Americans obtain levels greater than 35 ng/mL.87 The Canadian

Pediatric Society recommends that pregnant women should take 2,000 IU

vitamin D daily to reduce the risk of autism and other adverse health

conditions in their children.88 In a recent comprehensive review, Dr.

Cannell recommends that “parents supplement breast-fed infants with at least

800 IU of vitamin D daily, while formula-fed infants need 400 IU per day.

Toddlers and young children who do not get regular sun exposure should take

1,000-2,000 IU daily year round, depending on body weight, keeping in mind

that current Food and Nutrition Board recommendations state doses up to

2,000 IU per day are safe for children over the age of one.”4 Dr. Cannell

and other experts believe that autistic children may require even higher

blood levels of vitamin D than other individuals, and should take enough

vitamin D to maintain serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of approximately 70


Exposure to UV Light—Another Clue?

We know that certain brain diseases such as multiple sclerosis are much more

common in high latitudes where sunlight is scarce, and many scientists

suspect that those conditions are directly related to chronic or seasonal

vitamin D deficiencies.1,2,76 A strong positive association between latitude

and the prevalence of autism has been reported for groups of children before

1985, which is what we’d expect if autism were related to vitamin D

deficiency.3,4 Additional support comes from recent data from the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which found the highest prevalence

of autism in New Jersey (the second most northern state in the survey), and

the lowest in Alabama.18

[image: Exposure to UV Light—Another Clue?]

One might expect that babies born in late winter would have higher rates of

autism if vitamin D deficiency were involved, since their mothers would have

spent most of their pregnancies in fairly low-sunlight settings. While one

report suggests that late winter birth dates are associated with higher

rates of autism,77 the literature isn’t consistent on this topic. Cannell

argues that in fact this would be expected if the critical time for the

deficiency to cause damage was not only during gestation, but also in early

childhood, and indeed animal studies suggest just that.46,50 Lower rates of

autism have been found in rural compared with urban areas, further

supporting the idea that low sunlight exposure may be a contributor.78 And a

fascinating study recently demonstrated that autism rates are substantially

higher in geographic areas where precipitation is highest79 (the implication

is that people in such areas spend less time outdoors, thereby reducing

their vitamin D-producing sun exposure).

Finally, air pollution is now known to reduce UV light exposure sufficiently

to lower vitamin D levels to the point at which experts are recommending

supplementation,80 and one recent study demonstrated an association between

air pollution and autism27 (of course this particular association could as

easily be due to toxins in the air—demonstrating how much we still have to

learn about this mysterious condition).

UV-Blocking Skin Pigment—Further Support for the Vitamin D Deficiency Theory

If fetal vitamin D deficiency is at the root of autism, we should expect to

find higher rates of autism among children born to dark-skinned mothers,

because melanin, the major skin pigment, is an extremely efficient blocker

of UV light.42 As Dr. Cannell points out in his review, studies of this

nature are difficult to perform and interpret, though there is limited

evidence of higher incidence of autism in American black children.81 Two

European studies published in 1995 also showed higher rates of autism among

children of dark-skinned immigrants (up to 200-fold higher in one study).

82,83 Since some studies suggest that darker-skinned individuals are more

likely to be deficient in vitamin D than those with lighter skin

tones,84this provides another compelling reason for those with darker

skin tones to

diligently monitor their vitamin D status.

Summary [image: UV-Blocking Skin Pigment—Further Support for the Vitamin D

Deficiency Theory] Click Here for Figure 1

There seems to be little doubt that a significant proportion of the epidemic

of autism is real, and not just a fluke of over-reporting and over-diagnosis

by anxious parents and physicians. As many Life Extension reports have

documented, there’s equal certainty that we also face an epidemic of vitamin

D deficiency as we steadily move away from old ways that exposed us to more

vitamin-D producing sunlight. The theory that the two epidemics are

inextricably linked is supported on myriad independent grounds, and as Dr.

Cannell himself points out, is readily susceptible to rigorous

testing.3While we are awaiting those results, however, it seems

prudent to maximize

vitamin D status in pregnant women, infants, and young children and infants,

aiming for levels found in humans living in a sun-rich environment, between

50-60 ng/mL (blood testing for 25-hydroxyvitamin is recommended as the only

way to make the diagnosis and to assure treatment is adequate and

safe).4One recent study noted, “Supplemental doses of vitamin D and

sensible sun

exposure could prevent deficiency in most of the general population.”2 Under

the leadership of brilliant scientists like Dr. Cannell, we may be

privileged to witness at least the beginning of the end of the scourge of

autism among our children.

If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please

call a Life Extension Health Advisor at 1-800-226-2370.


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Ormonde, L.Ac.


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