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Re: OGE & Pau D'Arco...(Yeast & Bacteria)

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> and yes both need to be kept in check. IMO bacteria are more

>tenacious and harder to keep

> in balance than yeast.

Thanks Sierra for the info!! Do you know why bacteria and yeast are

running so ramped in these kids?? I mean why do they have such a hard

time keeping yeast and bacteria in check? Is it because the immune

system isn't working as it should?

I know what can cause yeast overgrowth but what is causing bacteria


And are the sniffles part of die off symptoms? I've never heard that

to be a die off symptom...maybe its just a coincidence DS has the

sniffles (runny & stuffed up nose)??

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Yes I think the sniffles can be a die-off reaction, I've heard other

people report it. I think there are probably a lot of reasons why our

kids have such issues with bacteria and yeast- in the recent past

we've seen the diet change drastically to processed and refined foods,

we've seen the widespread overuse of antibiotics (and other meds like

The Pill also cause yeast to flourish), environmental toxicity is

rising exponentially, the increase in vaccinations, rise in formula

feeding, overuse of cleaning products, etc.

The book Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Natasha -McBride

explains the problem very well (the best I've come across). She

points out that imbalances of gut flora get passed through the

generations (you get your initial gut population from your mom at

birth, unless you got born via c-section, in which case you get yours

from whomever is around), so the damage is cumulative. So the fact

that ASD kids so often come from families with autoimmune diseases,

asthma, allergies, depression, anxiety, digestive problems, ADD/ADHD,

dyslexia, diabetes, celiac, mental health issues, etc may not be

entirely about genetics- we also pas along our gut flora. The good

news is that gut flora is easier to get back in balance then our

genes. I highly recommend the book.

Oh, and bacterial overgrowth is part of the same dysbiosos issue. The

flora in the gut is an extremely complex ecosystem. When one part

gets out of whack it can effect the whole system. Apparently, in many

cases, the " friendly " version of a microbe keeps the " unfriendly "

version in check (there are many kinds of strep in our bodies, and the

good ones keep the bad ones in check for example. This happens with

yeasts too). So, if you don't have the friendly strep to keep the

unfriendly at bay you get problems. Viruses are another big player in

this ecosystem and there seem to be new ones now and others that have

mutated to become more virulent. Viruses can shut down specific

immune functions of cells, also throwing the system more out of whack.

It's crazy!



> > and yes both need to be kept in check. IMO bacteria are more

> >tenacious and harder to keep

> > in balance than yeast.



> Thanks Sierra for the info!! Do you know why bacteria and yeast are

> running so ramped in these kids?? I mean why do they have such a hard

> time keeping yeast and bacteria in check? Is it because the immune

> system isn't working as it should?


> I know what can cause yeast overgrowth but what is causing bacteria

> overgrowth?


> And are the sniffles part of die off symptoms? I've never heard that

> to be a die off symptom...maybe its just a coincidence DS has the

> sniffles (runny & stuffed up nose)??




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