Guest guest Posted June 2, 2009 Report Share Posted June 2, 2009 Hello everyone. I have been posting to a discussion on the GAPSHelp list that is primarily about the introduction of Enzymes, so I have captured the important notes from my postings from there and am posting a new topic here to see if I can get some help or ideas. We are into week 2 of our Enzyme therapy. We have just introduced proteases (GlutenEase added to the original Lacto). 1 cap of Lacto per meal plus increasing-to-1-cap of GlutenEase per meal. We will stay on this regimen until our son is stable (1 month ?) and then we will begin with a strict pre-gaps diet. We have been slowly shifting across to a wholoe-foods diet in anticipation. So, for example, full-fat cooking and home made kefir and so forth. We have not yet begun any fruits. When should we go for a therapeutic (10-20 caps daily) dose ? Our son has 'mild' ASD. He has poor language, significant echololia and scripting, and physically stims with tippy-toes, and hand waving. But he is generally well behaved, has become very social, has quite goodeye contact, is no longer afraid of groups and enjoys kinder. He lovesgoing out for rides on the bus, for example. He has language,pyschological and behavioural support. He has never had any motorskills problems, and in fact is quite active with the bike and scooterand soccer ball. The only 'self-harm' I have observed in him is bitinghis finger when angry or frustrated. He is not aggressive. But, he doesstill have a separation-from-mummy issue. What struck me asinteresting with the Enzyme Introduction was the significantly greenmotion. Our boy has had maybe half a dozen solid poos in his life;rarely diarrea, but always that mucky khaki colored thing that lookslike thick and heavy cream. Always with partially digested foods. And,accompanying the stool color change was a distinct reduction in odor.He generally has somewhat fould smelling motions, but the foul smellappears to now be diminished. Can anyone offer an opinion or insight into the stool changes ? We have not yet started the BioKult. Some people at the Bournemouthconference in March (where NCM was a speaker) also found someimprovements after switching to a different probiotic. We will startwith BioKult and see where that goes. The other supplements we have purcahsed are FCLO and High Vitamin Butter Oil (both from Green Pastures). I am not sure when to begin these. Does anybody have a suggestion when to introduce these ? We will also now begin the Epsom salt baths. Daily ? Ihave no intention (yet) of introducing and specific Vitamin or Mineraladdition ... although I have read about great results with Mg additionto the diet. What do you think about Magnsium ? The onlyother thing which is on my short-term-to-try list is Artemisia. I haveheard that it can be very effective at stopping Scripting. Any body have experience with Artemisia ? Best Regards n Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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